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Show 19. 19 arsday. -- BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, the in-- I 1 h. and cabinet It is a afternoon mis. her Sunday .,4 JdSTthe were school Games play-nJ- .1,,r recovery'. j , Page Threa - and daughter Doris and T.im; nesdav with Mr. and Mrs. Ersol Leon Berchtold. Cpl. Grover is m Chr granddaughter Dixie Sue visited in Mrs. Newel Tohnsen and daugh- - Jensen and family. Corp. Blain arrived home from na. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Brenkman Ogden Friday with Mr. and Mrs. DiviV Rn. ar? visiting in Dew- - lensrn Jui Miss Geniel Allen visited two Glen Miller and family. and Mrs. Heppler of Tremonton eyville with her husbands parents, Europe were Sunday dinner guests of Mr J Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Johnsen. A Relief Society work meeting and days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kir. and Kirs. Ray South Her Shuman. Edmund held Tuesday at the home of parents, was and Mrs. J. B. Shuman. visited Sunday Mr .tnJ Mrg Umcs jenscn Df family of Ogden came Allen Roland Mrs. Joe Eggli. Delicious refreshBishop and Mrs. J. F. Petersen, Bricham and with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Eggli. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. daughters, Fred VV. Petersen, Mrs. Law- ments were served. e Their sons LaVor and Duain re- after her Wednesday. lor and Mr5. Cranfard itt T of Miller havPetersen and Mrs. J. B. Shu- Mr. and Mrs. James Ersol Berchtold took the Scouts jor visited Monday evening at the turned home with them after Mrs. with visited man were bait Lake visitors Tues- home of Mr and Mrs. Orson Jen- - ing spent the past week with their Brigham Monday and a group of Penrose people to Shu Sarah Mrs. Miller's mother, aay. sister and family. Crystal Springs Wednesday evensen. a Mrs. Bessie Miller visited at the was toiiowca Dy Mrs. Grant Grover and twin man. ing. Swimming Mr. and Mrs. Orsen Jensen and and son j weincr roast Miller nospud! witn Mrs. rrea mrrus. Wilford Mrs. J. c.... We all wisih Mrs. Barfus a speedy familv visited in Brigham PENROSE of the Tremonton, Utah in 1r ! tr j s Lev-Mr- s. , played and Tay-renc- j THnmoson of at the Bar-S- . visitor n was a home recently. Lish have and Mrs. Elmo make California nl to return totoDewey-Marions to their home. to make a Sunset service Sunday evening' of Mr. and home at the i Jj.u,(n,m,;,vAV S f 3 ld The speak- - sSentK.H.Fndal. (t and Mrs. James Ethenngton visited daughter of Ogden VI events here on Sunday. Thompson and La Ree were guests of Lois Fryer Colleen gait ww- -t Sljrsy Gene Schiebe and daugh-Bett- y are visiting at the home A. ill:, and Mrs. J. Fryer. and little Burbank Mrs Odell of Ogden spent Jarhter Jo An with Mr. and Mrs. A. Burbank. They returned home - -- i r -- """'i r""" V7 I J few days I f ' Sunday. Tuesday afternoon the following teachers met at the inner school of Mrs. Virginia' Black-Is- : im Watkins, Mrs. Mrs. Harland Kerr and Anderson, Mrs. Cliff been' ten has Giles. It jfc Mike Mrs. Lyde Sampson, Gerald they were all teaching afternoon was spent in The shool. luncheon was served. and visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Burbank vears since j with a chicken dinner on Sunday, honoring their nephew who Parley Burbank of the navy, his while leave short ship on a s being repaired. Other guests Victor were Mr. and Mrs. Miss Phylis Burbank of Og-,Mrs. two grandmothers, Harry Cook of Ogden, Mrs. B. S. Burbank of Brigham City; Mart Burbank of Mapleton and Mr. and Mrs. Alvero Burbank of Preston, AT entertained is Bur-ban- TRVAIR 'RWFTR k. CITY """""" l,,,w,8 Idaho. and Mrs. Mr. Walter Sudbury entertained the following relatives at dinner Sunday, honoring their Cpl. Walter Frearson: Mrs. William Frcarson and children of Ogden, Mrs. Lilly Pearson, and daughter Doris of nerhew Mr. ' and California. Mrs. Roma 1 Perry and little hter Kathryn, Mrs. M. G. Perry, Mrs, Margaret Perry and daugh ter Maty visited Wednesday at J,jinijj.l...jj home of Mrs. Oliver Peterson and family at Petersboro. Sharon King of West Point spent a few days with her cousin the Ann Lish. Mrs. Lilly Frearson and daugh Doris returned from California ter Thursday to be with their son and Cpl. Walter Frearson, who returned home Friday night on a brother furlough from Burma. Mrs. A. R. Burbank received a letter from their son who has been promoted to a T5. He is on Cebu Island, and was v.el! and wanted to be remembered Mr. and to all. Chilled Eggs with three, times the normal number of chromosomes in their ells were reported by Dr. Raymond B. Griffiths of Princeton university to theAmerican Association of Anatomists. The animals were newts, Mck are tailed rela-tivof frogs and to?ds. Dr. Griffiths was able to produce specimens ith the triple chromosome count by chilling their eggs at tempera-tore- s a few degrees above freezing. & also obtained newts with half tte normal chromosome number by the same chilling technique. Animals es long-bodie- S. NORMAN LEE ABSTRACTOR Established 40 Years BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH WHEN IN NEED OF THESE ITEMS Fire Insurance Automobile Coverage Public Liability Property Damage Comprehensive Collision All types of Surety Bonds Crop Insurance Hai! and Fire Auto Medical Real Estate Loans Automobile Loans Quick 1.69 1.89 y daug- and Reliable Service JAMES BROUGH RE ALT OR TREMONTON UTAH lnnro xx99lmjiSWSXMSSSf"'m - Special Appearance or - tieri f " D K Best Bare Back Rider Rider $50.00 Bronk Saddle Best $75.00 $50.00 Best Calf Roper Horse Pullin s..(Lontest 4Weig ht Groups Under 2600 lbs. lbs. Under 2 1n Cash Prizes 85.00 $1 Under 3000 lbs. Over 3000 lbs. TEAMS ENTRIES LIMITED. TO BOX ELDER COUNTY IEas Something Doing All Day OS 183 Iffl Plenty of Prizes |