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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1929 Elwood I - f f- Mrs. Hansen of Honeyville. mother of Mrs. Andersen, was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Elias Andersen last Sunday in honor of Mrs. Andersen's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Amos P. Hansen and family were among the guests of Mrs. Rosina Barkle, who gave a dinner d arty to relatives Sunday at the Mrs. Barkle and Mrs. hotel. Hansen are sisters. The Farm Bureau met last" Tuesday but owing to sickness in Mr. Stewart's family he did not come out. The subject was to be weed control. Another meeting was set for next week, but the time has not yet been determined. Miss Myrtle Davidson of the U. A. C. extension service, met with the Relief Society last Tuesday and gave some very valuable instruction in regard to coloring and dyeing. It was gTeatly appreciated by all present. Elwood sure has had its share of the mumps this winter. Over 50 per cent of the school children have had and stul have them. J. M. Mortensen and Walter E, Fridal have been very sick with mumps and are still in bed. The teachers, Mrs. Lottie Munns and Mrs. Rosa Christensen, treated the Gleaner Girls at the M. I. A. class last Tuesday evening. Popcorn and candy were enjoyed during thex social hour. Don Hunsaker gave r Scoutmaster the Scouts that came to Mutual Tuesday evening a real treat. After their priesthood meeting he took them to Tremonton to a picture show. The boys surely appreciate his kindness to them. Miss Dorotha Christensen has com- Mid-an- ; RADIO MAJESTIC and SPARTON Easy Terms SHAW & IVERSOJS pleted her college year and will spend the remainder of the winter at home. Pearl Mortensen spent the weekend at home from College. Lloyd Hunsaker was also home from the U. A. C. during the week-enWm. Bronson and C. M. Nikolaisen home from Lo spent the week-en- d gan. They returned Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Parley W. Christensen went to East Garland last Tuesday evening in the interest of the stake M. I. A. The annual 17th of March Relief Society social will be celebrated on Friday, the 15th, with a married folks' d. dance. The Sunday school parents class of ficers are planning a real big time for March 28. They, too, wanted to help swell the fund to get our new Committees have church completed. been assigned and there will be a big dance and picnic and other attrac tions. Everybody is invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Nielsen of Roy moved here last week. They will take charge of J. W. Francom s farm. Mr. and Mrs. Francom and children will move to their dry farm as soon as weather permits. John Stanley went to Logan Satur day to visit his parents. While he went by Beaver Dam, some of his relatives from Logan came by way of Bngham to visit him. Mrs. H. P. Rasmussen has been ill with flue the last two weeks. Methodist Church Notes Sunday school at 10 o'clock, Mrs. P. E. Ault, superintendent. Epworth League, 7 p. m., Anna Marie Brenk- man, leader. Evening service of wor ship at 8 o clock. Sermon topic, "Irre sistible Religion." At Corinne the Sun day school meets at 2 p. is. and the hour of worship at 3 p. m. The fourth series' of contests that the pastor has been conducting starts Sunday evening and closes Sunday, May 5. ' Bible Questions and An swers" is the name of the contest and all school children may enter. Three prizes will be given in cash. Your chance of winning a prize is greater if you do not miss a Sunday during the contest. Rules regulating the con test are posted in the church. Sentence Sermons Keep your temper no one else wants it. Money talks: What does it say to you? March Special Rugs At Tremendous . Savings Get your Rugs NOW at these Special Prices. A small deposit will hold any rug. Buy This Electric Washer NOW at $75.00 We have only one VOSS electric washer which we are offering at the above very special price. This washer is brand tub and swingNEW, has an ing wringer. It is mounted on a steel frame, which is very convenient and handy. SEE IT BEFORE YOU BUY AN ELECTRIC WASHER. all-copp- er v Raisers Poultry 'Are you to build t a BROODER going HOUSE this spring? We have the blue prints and specifications for the Brooder House designed by the New Jersey periment Station. It is a very good one and is used throughout the country. Call in and look it over, NOW. "Everything to Build Anything" Phone 11 Tremonton, Utah TREMONTON, UTAH aionaay, juarcn ii, ai iu o clock a. m., was the opening day of the March term of court. Hon. Melvin C. Harris, judge, ana rarreii Johnson, court reporter were present. In the case of the State of Utah against Joe Reed, the arraignment was had, and the defendant takes time to plead. On stipulation of counsel the time for taking plea was at 10 a. m. fixed for March 18, The hearing of the petition for nat uralization of Andreas Vaseleos Ntok-o- s was continued to May 13 upon motion of P. J. Phillips, chief naturali zation examiner of Salt Lake. The hearing of the petition for let ters of administration of the estate of Thomas R. Goodman, deceased, was continued to April s at 10 a. m. In the estate of John L. iStanfill. deceased, the Iinal account was allowed and distribution made and the ad ministratrix released and the bonds men discharged. In the estate of Henry M. Figgins, deceased, an order was made appoint ing Ora H. .biggins, administratrix, upon giving a bond in the sum of $3200 if personal and $2000 if surety and taking the oath ot office as re quired by law. In the estate and guardianship of bdith Uustaveson and hlwin Gustave son, minors, the final account of the guardian was allowed. In the estate of Ethel G. Brook, de ceased, an order was made admitting the will to probate and appointing Norman Lee administrator with the will annexed, his bond being fixed in the sum of $2000. In the estate of Vinson F. Davis, deceased, an order was made author izing the administratrix, Melissa E. Davis, to sell at private sale the real and personal property belonging to the estate of said deceased. No additional bond need be given. In the estate of Frank H. Myers, deceased, an order was made confirming the sale of the north half of the north half of the southeast quarter of Section 9, Township 10 North, Range 3 West, to H. E. Berchtold for the sum of $475. In the matter of the estate of Rob ert E. Pett, deceased, an order was made settling the final account of the administratrix and distributing the residue of the estate to Sarah O. Pett, widow of the deceased. In the estate of Charles W. Knud- son, deceased, an order was made settling and fixing the inheritance tax on said estate in the sum of $22.55. In the matter of the estate of Mike Riney, deceased, an order was made appointing Mary Deegan and Ellen Riney, executrices, without bond, upon their taking the oath as subscribed New Vol. ues Make Shopping a Pleasure Here The Nation-Wid- e Distribution Service of the J. C. Penney Company Assures a Steady Supply of Merchandise Always in Season and Always in Sound Important in Style! Important in Thrift! A Group of Charming New Easter Frocks high point of the Spring fashion season is Easter Sundaywhen thg whW world parades smartly. Here are frocks, that will take their place with absoltfS confidence in their style correctness as economical as they are authcad fhe ... Flat Crepe Satin Crepe Georgette 14 75 Pot Women For Misses For Junior and releasing the United States Fi delity and Guaranty company as sure ty on the bond of S2000. In the estate of James F. Kelly deceased, the will was admitted to probate and Oleta K. Bryan was ap pointed executrix in accordance with the terms of the will, to act without bond. In the case of Mrs. Vira McLean against S. Slater et al, the plaintiff's motion for a new trial was denied In the case of the Federal Land Bank of Berkeley, plaintiff, against Carl J. Petersen, and others, the demurrer of the defendants to plaintiff's complaint was overruled and ten days given within which to answer. In the case of Seth Wheatley, plam tiff, against Milton Wheatley and E U. Wheatley, the motion of plaintiff to reopen the case was granted, and further evidence was taken and the matter taken under advisement by the court. In the case of J. D. Callabressi vs. William F. House, the defendant was given to April 1 to file counter affi davits on motion for a new trial. In the case of The First National Bank of Brigham City, plaintiff, vs Samuel Jeppson and Ella Jeppson, de fendants, the motion of defendant to dissolve attachment heretofore issued was granted. Six cases having been placed on the trial calendar three times and con tinued without request for setting by eitner party, are called and passed and ordered stricken, to be reinstated on the trial calendar upon reouest by eitner party. Light cases on the trial calendar were continued for the term, there being no request for a setting at this term. Eleven cases were set for trial com mencing March 15, to and including April o. In the case of Jessie Luke Sorajrue against Edwin Elmer Sprague, an order was made dismissing th Art.inn and quashing the restraining oritur i nereioiore issued. NOTICE OF ESTRAY I have in mv nossession tha fllnw. ing estray animal: One bav marc. 2 vpnra nA UmAA E on left shoulder. If not claimed on or before March 20 will be sold at puonc auction at my corrall at 1 p. m. at Portage. LORENZO HOSKINS, City Marshal. CARD OF THANKS V We Pxnrpsa nnr onnroniit;. kind friends who helped us so much durinET the sirlrnoea anA An. vitani jl UUi dear husband - and father. Dustin iamuy. 0 Wilson Lumber Co. j.cpenn: Opening Day of March Court Term a Busy One by law. In the case of Cecilia Thorsen, de ceased, an order was made discharg ing William E. Davis as administrator Axminster (Seamless) 9x12 $26.75 Regular $40.00 Axminster (Seamless) 9xl2......$53.50 Regular $70.00 Linoleum (Felt Base) 9x12 $ 6.50 Regular $ 8.50 24x57......$ 1.35 Regular $ 1.75 Napara Rug Felt Base Floor Covering 37 2c square yard Special Some men whistle as thpv wnrV others just whistle. He is a wise man who knows 'what not to say provided he does not say it. Come to church Sunday we invite you. ALVIN R. WCKSON, Pastor. ;: Dairy Hints Oats straw la a very poor feed for dairy cows. If you can cut the corn foddrr It will be eaten better by the cows tl.nn oats straw. Charming Coats styled to take important places in the Easter promenade Coats appropriate for every occasion with scarf collars, throw effects, capes and . . . with capelets stitching, tucks and fancy collars and cuffs of self material fur . . . each one is new, distinctive and an appealing economy! v j Sizes for Women, Misses and Juniors $14.75 |