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Show -- BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1029 Prom Friday, march 22,1929 B.R.H.S. Junior Miss Mary Burns spent Monday in Ogden. Miss Esther Bingham and Walter Tremonton Locals Hogan of Ogden visited Saturday eveMr. and Mrs. Rudy Miller enter- ning with Mrs. Grace Anderson. Bert Burgess and Joe Burgess were tained a number, of friends at cards attending to business matters at Salt Saturday evening. L. Lew and Mrs. Rose Petersen of Lake City Monday and Tuesday. .Salt Lake City visited with Mrs. David Stander is improving after a severe case of blood poisoning, which Grace Anderson Sunday. Mrs. Mary Newman and Willard has confined him to his home the past ten days. Newman spent Tuesday in Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Capener and Mrs. O. P. Bates attended the funeral of Mrs. Oluf Petersen at Brig-ha- son of Salt Lake City spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Keller. Caty Saturday. Mrs. Harold Luke and children of Mrs. E. J. Winzeler entertained the Burley, Idaho, are guests at the home members of her Bridge club at her of Mrs. Helen T. Wilson. home Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Cornwall Clarence Vance arrived home Frivisited .with Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Corn- day from an extended visit with his wall Sunday. brother in Sacramento. Reed Petersen and Eldredge Roun-d- y Josiah Ogden of Peerless was a returned Tuesday, from Los Anbusiness visitor here Tuesday and geles. Miss Ruth Getz was hostess to the Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Beard and Peter Pan club Tuesday evening with Mrs. G. T. Hone an invited guest Re- family were guests at a dinner at freshments were served during the Brigham City Sunday inofhonor of the Mrs. Lena seventy-firs- t' birthday evening. Messrs. E. J. Winzeler. N. E. iShaw. Nelson, grandmother of Mrs. Beard. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pedersen had Otto Schenkel, H. C. Rohde and Elmer as guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. JosWinzeler attended a Masonic meeting Salt eph Schiessand son Kenneth ofMick-seat Brigham City Tuesday evening. 'Mr. and Mrs. Les Dr. and Mrs. 0. D. Luke, Mr. and Lake City, and daughter La Von of CaliMrs. W. E. Getz, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. fornia. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Ellenson Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Carr and Miss attended the funeral of Mr. Manning Thelma Iversoa of Salt Lake City at Hooper Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Thompson and were guests of Miss Alta Christensen daughter Lois and Mrs. B. F. Ellen-so- n Sunday. Colen Petersen, Spence Brown and were Ogden visitors Saturday. Dr. C. W. Hancher of Salt Lake Reuben Baer returned Friday from a visit in southern California. City held quarterly conference at the Mr. and Mrs. John Shuman enterMethodist church Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Strand were in tained at a chicken dinner Friday afThe guests were Rev. and Salt Lake City Tuesday and Wednes- ternoon. Dickson and Mr. and Mrs. A. Mrs. R. day, called there by the death of a W. P. Crozier. relative. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilson had as Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Conger entertained Mr. and Mrs. Buell Frazier guests at a turkey dinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert of Connne and Mr. and family at dinner Sunday. ' j Mrs. L. E. Allred and daughter,! and Mrs. W. P. Crozier. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Crozier, Mrs. Miss Rae Empey, and Mrs. S. L. Cox motored to Ogden Wednesday when ' Arthur Wilson and son Harold, and Mrs. Cox went to Lehi for a visit little Miss Gertrude Roberts spent Monday at Ogden. with relatives. Dr. and Mrs. E. H. White enter Mr. and Mrs. Londy Harris and tained the members of their dinner Mrs. Etta .Stanfill were in Brigham club Thursday evening. City Monday. Get ready for the spring showers Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Watland and Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Gephart motored with a Duart Permanent Wave for to Salt Lake City Monday. The two only $8.00. Myrtle Holmgren, GarAdv. land, Utah, Bell phone 132., men are on the grand jury. m 71 ll ! i Baby Chicks One of our customers at Gar land realized more in cash re turns during the month of January from 500 of our chicks than 1400 chicks from an outside hatchery. Ramshaw Hatchery Salt Lake City, Utah Geo. F. Sommers Local Agent Phone 59.a-- 2 Garland NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a meet ing of The Tremonton Gun Club will be held Friday, March 15, at 8 o'clock p. m., in Leland Crystal s Barber Shop, Tremonton, Utah, for the pur pose of deciding whether or not said Tremonton Gun Club shall be incor porated, and to transact such other business as might properly come before said meeting. (Signed) GERTRUDE SPANGLER, Secretary. NOTICE TO BEET GROWERS of the SUGAR Representatives will be at Tremonton COMPANY Banking Company on Wednesdays and Saturdays during March, 1929, for the purpose of making Beet Contracts with those farmers who find it convenient to be in town on those dates, and to give any information desired regarding the growing of the bet crop. UTAH-IDAH- O SUGAR CO., By John P. Holmgren. ANNOUNCING U.S. ROYAL CORDS Bothwell of that division and had to play the here Friday afternoon to hold a clinic children. Miss Peterson Davis High team, runners-u- p in our. for School Hivicinn nlaA in Via trtnrQ ' also visited the school Monday. af ment The Portage Dramatic company The Randolph boys lost to Davis, gave a pleasing production' of the As students of the High school we wish to make an appeal to the gen- their poor showing against Davis, ac-- 1 drama, "The Return of Ted," here - . . eral public of Bear River valley for cording to Mr. Law, was due to the' Friday evening. ac- fact that they only knew of the time better support of our Grant Clark of Tremonton came up when they shoudl play Davis the night on business Tuesday. tivities. and that made it necessary for Mrs. D. H. Johnston and Our basketball games drew large before journey the day of the Cloe returned to their homedaughter in Kelcrowds for which we are glad- - We an all day's like to have the people of the valley game.in This is borne out in the .fact logg, Idaho, Saturday after visiting meeting the fast Box Elder here for the past six weeks. here with us to share the thrills of that our athletic contests, but we should and Bear River fives in two exhibiMiss Mable Welling of Brigham games it was necessary to play spending the week also like to have them here In large tion at the T. R. Wellperiod In the Box Elder ing home. Mrs. Welling went to Salt numbers to see and enjoy our school an extra game, Box Elder winning by a single LaKe Saturday to remain with senator piay and in th with Bear Welling and to tnatL- - wt.v.Mrf,Pint- - tupv some of the soIt tnva rt;ta cial events givenenjoy in these entertainments are younger during the week for We think any team that can make the legislators. and less experienced than the actors in more nearly professional produc- such a showing against our boys is Lyle Lefler of Salt Lake spent a tions, but they are the boys and girls some team. Mr. Law states his boys, few days here wtih his father, Abe of our communities who are being with the exception of one, will be back Lefler. Several men from here attended trained as entertainers. They are next year and that they will be in the Lion club luncheon Wednesday trained under competent instructors the running good and strong. who spend much time and effort in evening at Garland. EVER TRY A CAT? Albert Tubbs of Holbrook, Idaho', the presentation of high grade performances. The entertainments givWanted An experienced maid for was visiting here during the week. Chester Meyers of the A. C. witt en are well worth the people's time general mouse-worSchnectady Gaand money We are sure that no high zette. give the second of a series of lectures on "The Drama" at the home school in this part of the state has of Mrs. J. H. Ward Thursday at ever given a better play than "Under HOLE IN ONE 3:30 p. m. Twenty," this year's play. "Have you heard that our friend Tonight and tomorrow nicht the Meyer has become rich at a single High school opera, "The Belle of Ha- - stroke!" "No. How did it come about?" yana, Dy cadman, will be given. Mr. Nye and his pupils have spent a great "His wealthy uncle had the stroke." deal of time and effort perfecting the -- Sydney Bulletin. at J. H. Brown's residence. rendition oi this very high class operetta. Special stage scenery has Phone or call. been built by our shop department Special scene painting' has been done E. H. JONES, JR. and special costumes ordered from Salt Lake. representative Mrs. Glen Walker and daughter The students taking part in the opACME eretta are well up in their parts. Betty have gone to Idaho to spend the There is some very good singing and next two weeks with Mr. Walker. some good dating. Carter Concert! T vis ting at the of company, assisted by the Hieh school I Wlllard. Mr. and W. J. Bowcutt Mrs. students, are furnishing the orchesJ. Y. Rich and Charles Clayton of tration. . Come to the High school auditorium Salt Lake were here on business last and enjoy an evening of very good Sunday. Miss Phyllis Woods of Fielding entertainment Thursday and Friday with Roma Tubbs, Servicers and RebuHders spent the week-en- d nights. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Udy went to of Brigham Saturday to see Mrs. Udy's Machines ' Sewing mother, Mrs. Pett. Mrs. Pett has been very ill but is reported to be Typewriters Speed better. Mrs. Udy remained with her Phonographs mother. Motors, Etc. R. D. Law, a former teacher at the The family of J. H. Ward were Bear River High school, paid The dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. ALL" WORK GUARANTEED Leader a pleasant call Tuesday after- Macfarlane .Sunday. noon. Mr. Law is now the principal Inspections and Estimates Ralph Richards spent last week at of the South Rich High school at Logan attending the club school at Free. Have that old Machine Randolph and incidentally is also the U. A. C. Mr. Richards reports made new. . coaching the basketball team of his having had a splendid time. school. His team were the winners Dr. Wilson and Miss Peterson were High Thursday the home management class of the Farm Bureau met at the home of Mrs. Ezra Harris. They studied color schemes for the home, after which dainty refreshments were served by the hostess. Those present besides the hostess were Mrs. Joseph Newman, Mrs. Leo Stokes, Mrs. John Anderson, Mrs. Eli Anderson, Mrs. Emil Kupfer and Mrs. Bert Hunsaker. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Summers and daughter Lu Gene were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Firth Sunday. Mrs. Edward Stark visited with Mrs. Emil Kupfer Tuesday. Eli Anderson was attending to business at Brigham City Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Christensen made a business trip to Ogden Saturday, returning home Sunday afternoon. Miss DeLora Rasmussen was called to her home in Brigham City Friday because of death in the family. Aisle Price and Wayne Hust motored to Brigham Sunday, Miss Rasmussen returning home with them. The Bothwell Relief Society will hold their annual 17th of March so cial Monday, March 18. A good pro gram will be rendered, after which a dance will be given in the Bothwell hall. An invitation is extended to all of the older people. , Mrs. Joseph Newman is reported on the sick list this week. Mrs. Margret Wilson and daughter Virginia of Tremonton were week-en- d guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bosley. Miss Gertrude Nichols accompanied Miss Ruby Anderson of Tremonton to bait L&ke City Saturday morning where they spent the week-en- d with relatives and friends. Miss Sophia Anderson returned home Sunday after spending a week at Preston, Idaho, with her daughter, Mrs. George Smith. Miss Edna Payne visited with her sister, Mrs. Thyres Sessions, Sunday. Miss Phyllis Diderickson of Thatch er was the guest of Miss Ella Stokes Monday evening. Miss Dorothy Anderson was the guest of Miss Verba Sessions Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy .Sessions motored to Ogden Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Hawkins and sons Frank and Grant of Logan were visiting with relatives and friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Peterson and family motored to Ogden Sunday. Thomas Forsgren, who has been stay ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rud-gForsgren, accompanied them to Layton and returned home with them. Notes non-athlet- pre-scho- ol I ic u itt vt k. NOW LOCATED Riverside tf Sewing Machine u"6 and Typewriter Exchange ' Randolph Five Shows in Final Games er -(- - Thatcher Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eggins left here Thursday by auto, enroute to California. Miss Ruhv W Rprcsfrnm rama nvar from Logan and spent the week-en- d witn ner parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bergstrom. Miss Mlidred Reeves of Centerville is visiting here with her grandmother, Mrs. Anton Anderson. Mrs. Louis Wight and children visited over the week-en- d with Mrs. Wight's mother, Mrs. D. E. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Christianson attended a birthday dinner in honor of Mrs. J. C. Christianson at Ogden Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Adams and family were Ogden visitors Sunday. Lyndon Barkle of Tremonton visited with friends here Saturday. Wednesday evening, March 13, the M. I. A. presented a four-ac- t drama, "A Prairie Rose." The cast included Lisle Adams, Vernon Peterson, Evard Johnson, Chris Christianson, Roy Anderson, Lois Watt, Mamie Adams, Leon Christianson, Vaudis Bergstrom, Stella Johnson and Leon Dunn. Sarah Peterson assisted as prompter. Friday evening the play will be presented at 7 a Per uhr Pal - . a ft . . Corinne. UPIi- r ...WANT COLUMN.. r Wmi MA DIAMOND CHICKS ARE CHICKS of quality at low cost. Wonderful new brooder, coal brooder, fountains, feeder, Diamond chick mash (the perfect feed) feeders all Poultry supplies. Two color book FREE come or write me. Ogden Hatchery, John Landvatter, Mgr., 2262 N. Washington St., Ogden, Utah Oil-OnSt- at LOST 1 bay riding pony, straight color, weight 1100, age 10, left two weeks ago. Call 5.y-Reward. 21tf 4. FOR RENT Furnished rooms. Call J. H. Brown, Tremonton, Utah. 21tf Bargain in an Edison phonograph and 61 records. This is a snap. Call at The Leader office. -- PLENTY OF MONEY to lend on the right kind of real estate. NORMAN LEE, Brigham City. 7tf FOR SALE Good building lime o $12.00 per ton. Sugar 18tfd Co., Garland, Utah. 4 Utah-Idah- NEW BROODER STOVE SPECIAL We are offering something entirely new in the line of Broder stoves this season, both Coal and Oil Burner. Come and see our new and We can get our special bargains. save you money in buying and make you money by furnishing the best Brooder Stoves that are made. We have a full line of Poultry Feeders, Fountains, Peat Litter, Chick Mash, Laying Mash and Cod Liver Oil. The best in supplies for the Poultryman. We will be mighty glad to meet you and show you our Electric Hatchery, producing Superior Pure Bred healthy baby chicks at reasonable prices. OGDEN HATCHERY John Landvatter, Manager. Oil-O-St- at 29x4.40 H.D.$9.95 Fronk Chevrolet Co. Tremonton, Utah Phone 20 Our New Grocery Department, where you may serve yourself or give your order to a clerk as you choose is a very busy place Come and See Why. SATURDAY SPECIALS Extra Large Package of logg's Corn Flakes Large Pail of Lard for ri.". Kel- - 1 f 1 J) 1-- Ap OA 17 1 49C Raisins, per package Good Corn per can "f "' 1 fV (r Fresh Vegetables and Fruits ! ' . |