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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY. of its ernmental income, or total health appropriation. There are 3,000,000 lepers in the world, 12,000 of whom are on the Philippine islands alone; and Culion, May 1, the anniversary of the battle an island 200 miles south of Manila of Manila, has been designated as has facilities for caring for 6,000 of Philippine Day by the trustees of the them. little attention was paid to the Very Leonard Wood Memorial four the be the eradication of leprosy, and every leprosy problem in the Philippines retown, city, and village in the United fore the United States assumed for its government. It States has been asked to join in this sponsibilityestimated that there were observance. On May 1, 1927, Major was then General Leonard A. Wood appealed to ten thousand lepers in the islands, the American nation for a fund of their existence comparable only to a $2,000,000 to eradicate leprosy in the living death. They were doubly af for besides suffering from Philippines, where the largest colony flicted, of these pitiful human beings found this dread disease, they were also and distressing anywhere, are living under the Stars subject to ostracism and Stripes. The response was in- privations due to extreme poverty. stantaneous, over $1,000,000 having However, for the past twenty years been contributed; and on May 1, 1929, the care and treatment of leprosy has an effort will be made to reach the been steadily carried on, and incrediobjective of the campaign complet- ble progress has been made, particu ing the memorial of this great sol- larly during the past few years, when dier's work among the lepers of the the work has been greatly intensified, Reports from Dr. H. Windsor Wade, Philippine islands. Culion, The construction of new buildings, the American leprologist at the use success in of entire new units, of one completely indicate increasing oil treatment, by new leprosarium has already begun at cf chaulmoogra has been possible to check Culion, whcih is the Philippine "Island which iteven in fairly advanced stages. leprosy of the Living Dead." The funds are experts in various parts of the being expended in erecting laboratory And are now experimenting on a buildings, living quarters for the world painful method of administering staff and receivnig stations on neigh- less cure. Dr. Wade states that 1700 boring islands, as well as increasing this have already been returned negatives the personnel for carrying on the work necesary to complete wiping to their home as cured, eighty cases out of the disease throughout the having left Culion in January and world. For the Culion colony is ac- February of this year. It is hoped completely to eradicate tually- a great experiment station, for the hundreds of leper camps and colo- this terrible scourge in ten years in nies in other lands. The actual main- the Philippines if the necessary funds tenance of the colony, the housing, are raised. If stations can be estab those suffering from lep feeding and clothing, is taken care of lishedinwhere the early stages of the disease by the Philippine government, which rosy and receive intensive treatgives two per cent of the total gov- - can come ment, the colony on Culion will be re served for the more advanced cases, In the present stage of development, Twin the prospect of cure is better the earlier the case is treated, though SOL generally, lepers are not discovered in the early stages. And some of the Oil Culion "colonists" must, unfortunate ly, be classified as hopeless. On this island, the lepers have built For Sale By up a real community, many of them leading surprisingly normal lives in spite of their physical condition. Some of them live inyirttle huts, made of J. L. WEIDMANN palm or grass, with thatched roofs Then there are steel reenforced con Phone 12.3-- 5 Tremonton, Utah James Brough Garland crete houses, long and low, each dwelling divided into several rooms, where groups of lepers live. They farm, have their own gardens, and sell merchandise to each other. They have organized their own orchestras and athletic associations; and they have an open-ai- r theatre, reading rooms, a hospital, schools for the children, and stores. They even cele brate various holidays and have fiestas. You can get all kinds of Fruit It is an outstanding fact that chil Trees, Vines, Shade Trees, dren of leprous parents are born Roses and Shrubbery from us clean, for leprosy is not hereditary. at lower prices for high grade Yet there are at Culion today hun dreds of unfortunate boys and girls, stock. as yet untouched by the dread dis ease, but destined to live in a leper Write us your wants and we colony and finally themselves to be will be glad to quote you come victims, for the present chil dren's home is too small to accomprices. modate another child. To spare the children of lepers this monstrous fate, $100,000 of the amount raised will be Co. expended m erecting a new and more adequate building. Dr. Wade, who has not been away Brigham, Utah from the burning heat of the tropics for twelve years, and a group of phy sicians trained in the Philippines have col buried themselves m this far-oony, devoting their lives to free these outcasts of huntanity from the ravages of leprosy. A prominent citizen in every town and city in the United States has been asked to appoint a committee of local business men who will become responsible for the raising of a certain sum of money in each locality to help rid the world of leprosy. The trustees of the Leonard Wood Memorial, which FAMOUS is making this plan operative, are as follows: General James G. Harbord, chairman, General Samuel McRoberts, Robert L. Bacon, Eversly Childs. Robert W. deForest, Dr. John H. Finley, Charles E. Hughes, Arthur W. Page, Kermit Roosevelt, Colonel Henry L. NOODLES Stimson, and Owen D. Young. The headquarters are in the Metroptlitan Tower, New York City. Wood Memorial for Leprosy Eradication one-thi- -- Float HOT Burning Brooder Raises More Chicks Bear River Valley Poultry Ass'n. fRUIT TREES Anderson Produce ff WE ARE NOW READY to serve our friends and patrons those CHINESE CHICKEN every Saturday from till 8 p.m. 3 p.m. Otto's Cafe The Place with a Personality k PRACTICALLY AN EPIDEMIC Although there are many diseases prevalent in the country, by far the commonest is high blonde pressure. Jack o'Lantern. ' . MEN'S RIGHTS "Should a husband keep anything from his wife?"" asks a writer. Enough for lunch and carfare, we should say. Boston Transcript. .. II vwy 1 1 v 30x3' CI. O. S 31x4 ....... 32x4 33x4 32x4 33x4 34x4 30x5 80x5 33x5 34x5 35x5 32x6 32x6 36x6 .... V4 .... 1 ly ly .. , ly 10-P- ly ......... ..$11.10 . $14.40 ..$15.20 ..$15.75 ..$21.05 $21.75 $22.50 $20.30 $26.55 ...$29.25 $31.35 $32.05 .....$33.40 $43.45 $47.60 $1.75 $2.25 $2.50 $2.55 $2.85 $2.95 $3.00 $3.50 $3.50 $3.70 $3.80 $3.90 $6.00 $6.00 $6.45 BALLOON TIRES AT NEW LOW PRICES EXIDE BATTERIES IVlcGomb Tire & Battery Shop Tremonton Phone 104 f?JZ Man So Nervous Feels His Stomach Jump "I got 60 nervous my stomach felt like it was jumping. Vinol entirely ana relieved Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johnson assistant, I feel better first the trouble. Johnson, Henry as their week-en- d guest their sister, George second assistant; than in years." J. C. Duke. Gardner, Miss Josephine Johnson, of Ogden. Vinol is a compound of iron, phosThese brothers have been working in Mr. and Mrs. Roland Reese of Lo- these offices for the past seven and cod liver peptone, etc. The phates, gan visited Mr. and Mrs. Horace Tur- a half years and the following will very FIRST bottle makes you sleep ner and family Saturday and Sunday. take their places: Lorin Christensen, better and have a BIG appetite. NervMrs. A. B. Dickinson visited rela- superintendent, and Melvm Johnson, easily tired people are surprised second as- ous, the iron, phosphates, etc., tives at Garland during the week. first assistant, with the We how QUICK all wish new life and pep. Vinol tastes Mrs. Leo Lund recently spent sev- sistant yet to be chosen. give wtih these new officers good luck delicious. Scott Drug Co. Adv. eral days with friends in Ogden. work. their . C. G. Adney attended the Rotary who attending is Subscribe for The Leader. Ralph Jensen, Jr., Only dinner at Brigham Friday. school at Salt Lake City, spent the $2.00 a year. ana Miss Mary Anderson, teacher in the week-en- d with his parents, Mr. public school, who was operated Ai Mrs. Ralph Jensen. for appendicitis, is reported as recovMrs. Reuben Holmgren was taken When You Think ering nicely. During her illness Mrs. to the hospital in Tremonton, suffer-nn'- i. . atttiolr nf nneumonia. Josephson of Brigham is in charge of her grades. . Saturday evennig a number oi' Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jones and friends met at the home oi mr. little daughter, Mary Louise, were Mrs. Moroni Mortensen where a very "Everything to Build Anything'' calling on friends in Corinne Friday enjoyable evening was spent in a soPhone 11. hot delicious a which afternoon. cial way, after Mrs. and George Ross, who is running the supper was served to Mr. truck which collects milk for the Cen- Moroni Mortensen, Mr. and Mrs. John tral Dairy, has moved his family into P. Holmgren, Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. the residence belonging to A. M. Holmgren, Mr. and Mrs. James P. Jensen, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. C. C. JohnReeder. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Adney motored son, Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Fridal, Mrs. to Logan Friday to attend the special Marp Ipson, Mrs. Sina Thorsen, Mrs. exercises of the 4-club. Inger M. Andersen, Miss Emeline AnThe Primary gave a dance Wednes- dersen, Misses Anna and Glryds Morday evening which was largely at- tensen, E. H. Rose, H. J. Hansen and tended. Music was by the Gaiety Peter M. Andersen. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Nelsen and son Girls. Refreshments were served. Mrs. A. G. Woodward and Mrs. S. Marvin motored to Salt Lake Tuesday on Irrigated Land. 6V2 per A. Older entertained Royal Neighbor to visit with relatives. cent. No commissions. Mrs. Boletta Petersen and Mrs. Ne-pladies at an enjoyable supper Friday Andersen received word Saturday JOHN J. SHUMWAY evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Adney attended evening that their brother, Lars HanV. 69.a-2- ; Bell, 129 the sale of Holstein cattle at the U. sen of Brigham, had passed away. Phones: B. R. held at BrigFuneral services will be A. C. at Logan Saturday. yii w TREATMENT AND CARE OF SHEEP Overfeeding Stimulates Too Great Flow of Milk. - was reorganized, the had intendent being The treatment and care of the ewe soon after lambing Is of great Importance. Overfeeding Btlmnlatea too great a milk flow, which may cause digestive trouble In the lamb or garget in the ewe. A ewe will hardly eat too much hay and this seed not be limited, but It la better to give no grain until the lamb can take all the milk. Roots or mangels In addition to hay make an excellent feed at this time as they are very mild and cool ing to the system. If the ewe Is troubled with garget or caked udder, she should have im mediate attention. Garget was for merly thought to be due to the lamb's not taking all the milk; however, it Is now considered a germ" disease, Ileavy feeding of grain to milking ewes overtaxes the digestive organs and Is In part responsible for the disease. Sometimes It Is brought on also by colds, chills, etc., due to ewes being compelled to He on wet ground. Superintendent Hancher of Salt ham City Thursday. No prescribed remedy has proved an Lake delivered the address at the M. effective cure. As soon as the disease E. church Sunday afternoon, afterappears give a dose of epsom salts ward hnldinp th miarterlv mnfer. and bathe the udder with hot water ence. Dr. Hancher was accompanied to which one ounce of baking soda Dy nis wiie ana tney drove on to Trehas been added. Then dry the udder monton for the evening service. F. and A. M. lodges of Corinne and thoroughly and apply a mixture of held a ioint m Apt i nop-- at. Rn'tr. lard and turpentine, which should be Brie-hamixed to the consistency of cream and ham Tuesday evening, at which time received the official visit of be well rubbed into the udder. Milk they officers. A banquet was servgrand ewe and the manipulate ed in connection. Members of Cothoroughly the udder several times a day. In rinne lodge turned out in full force. bad cases nothing seems to check the Corinne citizens have been without disease. the protection of a city marshal for After the lamb Is taking all the some time, that nffira milk, the ewe should be well fed. but George Young has been appointed' About one and one-hal- f pounds of as marshal and has taken up the du nes incident to that department. grain and three pounds of bright Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Redelings had SOOT clover or alfalfa with two or three as Sundav euests Mrs. TteHplino-s- ' pounds of roots or silage make a full mother, Mrs. Taylor, and her sister, feed. This ration should be continued mbs. Clayton, and children of Salt until the flock Is turned out to grass, Lake CitV. Mrs. Tavlnr rpmainorf tn We also sell Alfalfa Seed and Garden Seed, Grain, Mill as good milk flow is essential to the spend several weeks with her daugh Stuff and Poultry Supplies. ter. production of strong, vigorous lambs. Mrs. Thos. Goodman. wVm MvoA of When about 12 to 14 days old the We pay the Highest Cash Price for all kinds of Grain v lambs will begin nibbling at hay or Corinne a number of years, but has by the sack or by the carload. lately been living- at. Npnhi i in tho grain. As gains may be made very L. D. S. at Salt Lake in hospital City COME AND SEE US cheap at this time, the lambs should a very serious condition following an be encouraged to take all the hay and operation. grn&i they will eat, besides the milk Corinne srhnnl 41.a-- l from their mothers. This may be gram at the L. D. S. hall Wednesday done by means- - of a creep, which Is evening in which children of all the a small pen constructed so as to admit grades took part. The entertainment the lambs but exclude the older sheep, was well attended rnnsiVlorina- fha of the roads. It may be made of slats like a picket condition The nf thoreorganization or seven them fence, spacing eight locai Bureau been effected has rami inches apart, according to the size of with S. Owens?, nresiripnt. Wm .Tnkr,- the ewes. The creep should be put son, secretary-treasure- r; Ladies' Farm at a convenient place In the barn so Bureau, mrs. Jtu. w. Kedelmgs, presithat It will be easy for the lambs to dent, Mrs. Wesley Hubbard, vice enter It Clover or alfalfa hay should president. Mrs. Wm. .Tnh be before them at all times. A good directors, ,S. Owens, wm. jonnson, waiter Cheal, Mrs. grain ration for young lambs Is Wm. Woods. Mrs. C. (1 4 In chopped oats and wheat bran, two to work of the different. Honnrtmanto f one. the kcal will go forward at once. The troubled sometimes are lambs Young meetings have been resumed with sore mouths. A Very good rem- literary and the second numW - uriil va v,i,i Is to with wash the affected parts at the L. D. S. hall on t.h"...afi-i- . miu edy a two per cent solution of the com- of March 21, at which time Prof. of the English department of mon coal tar dip. At the same time scabs may be found on the teats of ine Agricultural college will review a so Later, dnrinor tho the ewes. If these occur, they should popular novel. rush of spring work, the literary receive similar treatment An epidemic of sore eyes may find meetings wm De new in the evening. These are public and all are The invited meetings lodgment In the lamb flocks. to attend. same treatment as for sore mouths Mrs. E. W. Kedelinirs nnH AT ice Place your orders now as they are hand made by a Utah should be given and care taken that anaw were u. 1U. s. hostesses jiayme A. L J 1 ! the solution gets well Into the eye. Wednesday evening, . serving a delimciicum; aiiuJ uie uutpui IS limited. cious lunch to thp mcmWi! nf Vn COOPS local chapter and visitors. LUMBER THINK WILSON Unlimited Money to H LOAN hi Lars Anderson Co. Sell Spring Canyon, Standard and Blue Blaze Coal LESS than any other Utah coal MORE HEAT LESS ASH - Phone Tremonton, Utah - The Dairy Cow and the Manure Spreader tary-treasur- are indispensable to agricultural success in irrigated districts. The New Idea Spreader leads them all and the terms and price are right. Next is the Swedish Harrow of which many were sold by us last year for Seed Bed Preparation. They pay for themselves in one season. v Lack in Minerals Is Cause of Accidents COOPS. .. A $5000 "DODCF" Vi A vounirc Indian.J snHHonhr wn il IlUli . When a hog detrains at the market a A.AAA owu automobile and drove ' uougni with a broken leg or two. or all awav. The next Hav ha bruised up in the freight car, the man the sales agency, footsore, walking who raised him calls on the railroad wnn a nmp, and his head bandaged. to make good the loss. Usually the lms was nis explanation: "Drive out hie sitv limr alln producer's conscience is clear clearer take big drink; step on than It might be If he realized that moonshine; gas. Trees and fences heap fast. See many of the accidents to hogs on the big bridge coming down road. Turn way to market are the results of out to let bridce cm hv. Rano-Ca faulty production methods. gone. Gimme 'nother one." "Losses between the farm and the packer's cooler are an important Item ( reflected In the price which the producer receives," says J. W. Wulchet, -- i i 1 1 , COOPS IJuild them and go the limit on poultry production. Nice, isn't it, to spend New York money in Tremonton each week? Farmers Cash Union "The Winchester Store" Phone 35 Tremonton, Utah I of the animal husbandry department Snn Havi f- VP nine olnnop nn'li "aws Dctvia of the extension service of the Ohio of ment the following program State university In "Fork Production," was meeting, given in honor of Lorin a bulletin issued by the extension with Counselor Leslin .Ton con service. in charge: Song by choir; prayer. "Losses in transit, covering both Lorenzo Jensen; song by choir; saccrippled and dead hogs, and losses ramental music, Mrs. Margret Johnfrom bruised and diseased meat, tire son: saxonhone solo. TVlnn'a Th largely within the control of the pro- accompanied on the piano by Mar fact that gret Jonnson; two' vocal solos, Miss ducer. It la a Atkin; welcome address, Edwin hogs which have received a ration de- Mary ficient In minerals or vltamlnes or O. Stenouist: rpsnonsp hv Trin who related some of his both, are more easily crippled due to Christensen, experiences; song by lack of strength In bone, muscle, and missionary choir; closing prayer, Heber Elm. nerve development Hogs that are Mrs. P. M. Iversen is visiting at or fed out In close Bothwell, the guest of her heavily slop-fedaughter, Quarters frequently die In transit be- Mrs. V. v. Andersen, and family. cause of lung congestion due to this Quite a number nf th nffiiAra nt nt thta type of feeding and the lack of suf- the different orcanif-ntinnward attended union meeting in Brig ficient lung capacity." ham uty Sunday arternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Christian TVfofeon and babv of BnVham Cit.v cnent VJoA. Attacks Flu Avoiding nesday afternoon in this visiting It would seem, in the light of our at ine nome 01 rar. ana city Mrs. . L. flu cause of the of Nelsen. present knowledge Mrs. Edtrar Christensen was in and the conditions which usually surround the onset of an outbreak, that Brigham Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Jensen and son hog owners might well look upon It much as we have come to look upon Clifford, Mr. and Mrs. Orson Iversen and AskwcrhtoT T.n Vnv Mi on1 Ma what we call a "bad cold" In humans. Leon Mrs. Irving Christensen, That would lead us to say, then, that LeslieJensen, Jensen and Joseph Iversen at- unreasonable feeding, .avoidance of tpnilpH thp fnnprol sprvir-onf C f necessary and extreme exposure, liv- Jensen at Mantua Saturday. ing in dry and properly ventilated Miss Verun Jensen, who is attendquarters go a long ways toward avoid- ing school at Salt Lake City, spent in this city with her the week-en- d ing attacks of flu. well-know- Tubes Corinne Chris-tense- D Tires -- Jen- - parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo I "Sunday morning the Sunday school J. i IN HEAVY DUTY TRUCK AND BUS TIRES AND TUBES II ejj nn WC n t Bear River City New Low Prices KELLY-SPRINGFIEL- n rd MARCH 14, 1929 n. Improved Buckeye Colony Brooders COAL BURNERS The greatest values ever offered. n Bigger Stoves Give More Heat and Burn Longer. Double Check Draft. d Revolving Hover. No over-ratin- g, ' hold actual rated capacity. ALSO BUCKEYE RITE-HEAOIL BURNERS Any size you want, we have. T Consolidated Wagon & Machine Company "The Largest Retail Implement Dealers in the World" Phone 90 Tremonton, Utah f JF |