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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, Public School Notes SCHOOL The cshool children have been playing marbles and jumping the rope, but today it has been a drowsy day for the children because it has been snowing Everybody is standing around in the schoouhouse with a grouch on their faces because of the bad weather. But cheer up,' folks, because spring is almost here with its birds and flowers. John Fridal, Sixth Grade. MY EASTER TRIP Easter I took my lunch and started toward the hill where I met some of my friends. On the way I sat down on a rock to rest. As I sat there I glanced down at my feet for One I felt the laces being jerked. There Federal Farm Loans Interest Rate 5 Also all kinds of Fire and Automobile Insurance Apply stood a tiny man no more than six inches high. He wore an hat, a browny suit and his shoes turned up at the toes. He began talking to me in a funny language that I When he saw could not understand. I could not he picked, a flower and squeezed it till some green juice spurted from it. He put it in my ear and I could understand him. He took me by the hand and led me to a greener spot on the hill. He said a few words, and I found myself in a beautiful 'hall, rabbits were beating on egg shells and the chicks and rabbits were dancing. The beautiful light of the building was given by colored eggs. When I had seen all the wonderful and mysterious things of the place, the little man took me back to the rock I was sitting on. Before he left he whispered to me his name. Can you guess what it was! It was Maurine Cook. "Imagination." egg-shap- ed EASTER IS COMING Dear me! My papa says some rabbits have been poisoned. Because of the long, cold winter some have frozen or starved to death. We may have to use chicken eggs instead of bunny eggs. Shirley Crozier, First Grade. A man and woman are going camping on a hj?V They found a good place to etand sleep. Ted went with them. He keeps away the bears and wild cats. Arthur Anderson, First Grade. in France for many years, with the American soldiers. When the world war began he was taken from his coop to the front The soldiers ran out of food and bullets. The captain tied a message to Cher Ami's leg and told him to fly home and not let the enemy shoot him. Cher Ami flew and was shot across the breast, which took the feather! and skin off, but he flew on. Again he was shot in the leg, but he drew the injured leg under his wing and kept on. Half dead from loss of blood he dropped in his home eoop. A soldier saw him fall and ran to him and read the blood stained message. Help was soon sent to the suffering soldiers and Cher Ami had saved Norman Anderson, many lives. Fourth Grade. THE PRIZE WINNERS We have health inspection in our room every morning. We have named each two rows a different name. They are named Blue Birds, Blue Jays and Pussy Willows. The Blue Birds have three gold stars, three white stars and two marks. The Pussy Willows have three gold stars, three white Btars and two marks. The Pussy Willows have three gold stars. The Blue Jays have five gold stars and one mark. To get a mark we must brush teeth night and morning, wash neck and ears, clean hands and nails and brush haid. The Blue Jays won the prize.-LoiRhodes, Fourth Grade. s SPRING We all thought spring was here but "Old Man Winter" had just been taking a nap for a few days and is back at work full blast. He is sending snow flakes and drizzling rain from 'the sky. But don't get cross, for this is only some typical March weather. Lynn Iverson, Sixth Grade. JAMES BROUGH MARCH 14, 1929 cided to name one side "Lions" and the other "Panthers." Our contest has been running for two weeks on the 13th of March and we think it will continue for some time. The scores advanced so far aie: Lions Baby Chicks Vestal Hatchery Garland Milling Company Favorite Laying Mash One This Week's Tidbits PEANUT RICE SALAD 3 tablespoons rice By 1 cup orange juice finely chopped peanuts Cream cheese balls Wash rice and cook for 7 minutes in boiling salted water; drain. Cover with orange juice and cook in double boiler until rice Is tender. Cool, mix with finely chopped peanuts; sprinkle, with salt and arrange on lettuce leaves with cream cheese balls. Serve with cream mayonnaise or French fruit dressing. BETTY BARCLAY 4,730 points M cup . Panthers 2,503 points The losing side, it was decided. should give the winning side a party. Many have brought a great deal of things in and in so doing are helping the community in the maintenance of health. Margaret Hoggan. HAMBURGER EN CASSEROLE 2 lbs of round steak ground or lbs. of lean hamburger large onions large peppers, green or red large lemon bottle tomato catsup lb. or more of bacon according 2 2 2 1 PETER RABBIT'S JOURNEY there was a little rabbit and his name was Pete. Pete was going on a journey and he had to have something to eat. He took some faster eggs, sandwiches, and a bottle of milk. He also took his umbrella. After walking for a long time he saw a shady spot so he went and sat down and ate his lunch. Pretty soon he saw coming up the road old sly fox, and he was trying to find something to eat. Pete hid and old sly fox said. "I thought I saw a nice fat rabbit here." Pete laughed to himself. Mattie Glenn, Third Grade. 1 Once upon a time z. M TWENTY-FIV- to taste Salt and pepper CENT PUDDING E quart water 1 teaspoon salt 1 Butter your casserole dish or pan 1 cup pearl tapioca inches of ham and lay about 1 1 teaspoon vanilla , burger in bottom. 4 tablespoons butter s 1 layer of 1 onion thinly sliced 1 cups brown sugar 1 layer of 1 pepper thinly sliced Cook tapioca in water until transJuice of half lemon Add other ingredients. Bake parent. Salt and pepper to taste lf hour. meat mak is the until used, Repeat second meat of about ing the layer one inch thick, this will give enough hamburger left for about y inch thick on very top. Pour a whole bot of catsup over and strips tle of bacon. Bake slowly or in moderate This week the First Grade is very oven for one hour and a quarter. thrilled with the new Fun book. They are interested in following up the adGELATIN CAKE PUDDING ventures of the Little Tin Train, 1 package cherry or raspberry Pinkie and Winkie Rabbit, also Dotty flavored gelatin and Spotty. They were two naughty 1 cup boiling water kittens that quarreled. Then they 1 cup cold water or fruit juice were swept out in the snow. First 2 cups plain cake, diced Grade. (stale cake may be used) Dissolve the gelatin in boiling MARCH water. Add cold water or fruit cake. March, with its roaring winds and Chill. When slightly thickened, fold its flying snow, will soon change into in cake. Pile in sherbet glasses. nice spring weather. The wind whis- Serve plain, with custard sauce, or tles through the trees, which makes with whipped cream. Serves six. music as it goes. But we like the month of March anyway, it is a very ORANGE AND RHUBARB SAUCE jolly month for on the 2 1st of March 2 pounds rhubarb is the beginning of spring, then the 2 oranges howling winds go away and the sun IVi cups sugar shine comes and melts the snow.' 1 tablespoon garnulated gelatin Ruth Hamson, Sixth Grade. 1 tablespoon cold water Wash rhubarb, cut into inch pieces; SPRING peel oranges, removing membrane We school girls and boys are very with peel, and cut in small It Is just the thing to brightanxious for spring to come because put rhubarb, orange, and sugarpieces; in an en up your kitchen floor it is one of the happiest times of the earthenware or glass baking dish, and and reduce the labor of to robins The are beginning bake about one hour. Dissolve gelayear. keeping it clean. No more put in their appearance in the trees, tin in cold water, add rhubarb mix the rays of the sun are warming the ture, and when cool, fill individual scrubbing brush and soap earth. The snow is melting fast so pastry shells with sauce, and deco- a damp cloth is all you we are sure it Won't be long before need to keep the bright, Mother Nature will play her part in surface bright and shiny causing the grass and flowers to put clean. forth their gayest beauty, which we Welcome springtime. all enjoy. Acme Quality Granite Marie Westmoreland, Sixth Grade. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Petersen and Floor Enamel is the modWHAT I ADMIRE IN A TEACHER son Conrad of Logan were visitors ern finish for the modern All students as well as teachers of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Seager Tueskitchen floor. It dries hard differ, which tends to form the likes day. and fast, and the tough and dislikes of both students and Mrs. C. E. Anderson was called to surface is proof against teachers. As a general rule the teach Brigham City Saturday by the death heel and water marks. er and student with the same char- of her brother-in-laLars Hansen. acter and personality may get along Mrs. Charles Garfield went to Pay-so- n One full quart of Acme fine together, and as a result they last for a two weeks' will form a liking for each other, visit with Thursday Quality Granite Floor En her father, Mr. Clayton. which may or may not be admiration, atnel and a 3 Mrs. and Thomas Kay There is a great difference between attendedTeda Newton ber Paint Brush for$l .20, home in coming party fondness and admiration.- Mona last Friday. To my mind there are two classes Get yours today and see Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brough visof teadhers, namely: The easy going what a wonderful differa ited Mr. of with and couple days teacher and the stern teacher. Some Mrs. ence it will make in your Wayne Sandall of Tremonton. students will almost be in love with n Mrs. Ijewis Abbott went to floor and how easy it will the teacher who will give him an "A" Tuesday for a visit with her be to keep it clean. just winning her over with a wink now and then. But this I do not ad- mother, Mrs. Wood. mire in a teacher because when one looks back toward that one weak link He was rushed to Logan for medical in his education that the easy young attention. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Lefler were teacher left him, there is no thought combining business and pleasure in of admiration at all. The stern teacher is always the one Ogden Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Seal entertainthat wins the admiration of every student, for this sternness will have ed Mr. and Mrs. Charley Bishop and family at a radio party Saturday a strong link in the student's education which will never be forgotten by night. him. Therefore I admire the stern teacher. Katherine Abbott, Seventh THE SHAMROCK day while St. Patrick was some one said, "You tell preaching Loan Garland National Farm there are three Gods and yet one. Association St. Patrick answered by picking a leaf of a shamrock. He said, "Do GARLAND UTAH you not see how in this wild flower there are three leaves united in one? There are indeed three persons and TEDDY LOST IN THE WOODS yet one God. (Continued from last week) Since that day the Irish have loved cabin. the stared at lonely Teddy Soon he heard a man's voice say, the shamrock. It is shipped to all "This is radio station GGZ. The Har- parts of the world to be worn on March 17. Lois Thompson, Fourth mony band will play us a piece." Grade. father had a radio and Teddy's to had often listened same that Teddy SPRING TIME ON OUR SAND band play. TABLE He was so glad he shouted "HurFrom the famous Vestal HatchFor our sand table we have grass rah!" as he ran up to the cabin door. live delivery guarery. 100 Teddy knocked on the door. No one and flowers. We have limbs of trees so he walked in. There sat with birds sitting on them. There is answered, anteed. Quality unsurpassed. woman a and a boy about his a little girl gathering flowers and a man, Ask any of the many satisfied size. They all looked at him in sur- dog barking at the birds. We have customers in Bear River valley. a squirrel in the tree, too. There is prise. "How did you get here?" asked the a pond with lilies on it. Our sand White Leghorn Chicks $12 per table is very pretty. Dorothy Lai man. hundred delivered Tremonton. "I came in at the door. I knocked derwood, Fourth Grade. Order from F. Br Barlow, Trebut no one heard me. I am lost in OUR WINDOW DECORATION the woods." monton, or direct from For our window decoration we have Teddy learned that the people's name was Brittons and that the boy's cut out flowers and birds. We have name was Harry. a blue jay, a parrot, a robin, and other The woman asked Teddy if he was kinds of birds in our windows. There are daisies in the windows, too. They hungry and he said "Yes." Petaluma, Calif. While Teddy was eating Mr. Brit- look pretty pasted in the windows. tons called up Mrs. Martin, Teddy's Mary Settle, Fourth Grade. mother, to let her know that her boy was safe. SAINT PATRICK Mrs. Martin said Teddy's father Long ago a band of pirates raided would soon come for Teddy. Wayne and landed in the North sea. Be Fronk, Fourth Grade. sides many treasures they took a boy named Patrick. A CHILD'S VERSE took Patrick to an The pirates Three children were enjoying them- island and sold him as a slave. His Manufacturers of the Famous selves when a thunder storm came master made him tend pigs. Many up and just before prayer a man came times he tried to escape but could not. "PRIDE OF UTAH" in and said they may choose a verse One night he had a dream and in FLOUR they liked. he heard a voice say, "The ship is it "I know what my verse is," spoke ready." God of "The Glory Also all Kinds of Mill Stuff. up Margery. Next morning he went where it was and The Best Mill in the Bear Thundereth." got in and went back to his home. did you choose that?" in- In another "Why dream he was told to teach River Valley. quired her friend. the people. when it "Because my father says He went back to Lreland and Highest Cash Price Paid for thunders not to be afraid 'cause it'sI preached the gospel and many people God's work. When I hear thunder the church. Three hundred GOOD WHEAT am not afraid." Trelly Jones, Fourth joined churches were built. Earl Oyler, Grade. Fourth Grade. Near the Depot SAVED MANY Garland :: Utah A PIGEON THAT :: My little brother was born on EasLIVES two ter ago. He was our Easter Grade. The little pigeon, Cher, Ami, lived lily and years you could just guess I was the happiest boy in the whole world that Easter. Reed Taylor, Third Look THE NEW WAVER everybody, we have a new Grade. waver in town, who is all ready to g wave any girl's hair. PIONEERS' TRAVELS haven't your hair waved, go Little Geo had traveled many miles to If youDee Harris, the new waver. Jay from Kansas. She thought she would would like to see the wave Maybe you was roads to There Utah. never get first, Manufactured and Distributed by so muddy the oxen were all the time When you are going down the TREMONTON MILLING COMPANY sinking. Oh! these muddy roads, she street you might see him, for he has Tremonton, Utah reached she When Utah, thought. a new wave in his hair. Perhaps he as bad as were she found Utah roads ANALYSIS his hat off but the chance have won't guaranteed" Kansas roads. Nelda Pedersen, Fifth is .19.0 Minimum per centum Crude Protein when his girl comes along the street Grade. 5.0 Minimum per centum Crude Fat of course he will have to tip his hat 9.0 Maximum per centum Crude Fiber to her. Then is the chance. Look A PIONEER SCHOOL HOUSE Composed of Bran, Shorts, Corn, Barley, Wheat Meat Delphene Maisak, Sixth The pioneers had rude school sharp! Scrap, Fish Meal, Linseed Oil Meal, Bone Meal, Dry ButSome of them didn't have any Grade. houses. ter Milk, Calcite, Charcoal, Salt and Ground Alfalfa Hay. floors, only the ground. They had a FOR SALE AT ALL FEED STORES log split in two for the children to sit on. They had slates for paper. They had few books as the Bible, primer, and a speller. Grant Fridal, Mrs. E. B. Rucker, daughter Gladys Fifth Grade. and son Owen of LOogan were welcome visitors at the home of Mr. and OUR "S. Y. C." CLUB Mrs. The seventh grade as a peppy and Mrs. R. J. Potter Sunday. industrious grade have organized a Rucker will remain a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Saunders enclub which shall be called the S. l. C." club, which means "Serve Your tertained the 500 club at their home Saturday evening. Community. Seventeen ladies enjoyed a sleigh We voted by ballot for a president, vice president, secretary and treas ride and afternoon social at the home urer. We also chose names for the of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bigler Tuesday, different parties which were named March 5. After a short meeting refreshments were served. the Needls and Pins. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fryer motored As most of the students voted a scratch ticket the following were to Peterboro Sunday. They were elected: Lisle Bjorn, president; Mar- joined by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Couch garet Tack, vice president; Sadie and family of Franklin, Idaho and Stokes, secretary, and Owen Brough, they all enjoyed a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Peterson and fam treasurer. Our civics book teaches us to carry ily. Mrs. Joseph Bowen is enjoying a out duties which shall make us better busvisit with relatives in Wellsville. citizens in our future life. who Mrs. Edith Bowen spent a pleasant We now try to make our room neat and attractive, and we try our best week with Mrs. Florence Loveland in to make a good impression on the Logan. Mr. and Mrs. M. Y. .Simmons had other grades. We have selected rules and regu as their Sunday afternoon guests Mr. lations which are educational and and Mrs. Delbert Kidman. Mrs. June Sargent and Mrs. Alta which we hope in the future, or soon 24-ho- ur before this delightful, year is through, Archibald of Salt Lake are visiting to make it exceedingly successful. with their parents and relatives in "U-N5c Sadie Stokes, secretary of the Sev Beaver Dam. Mrs. Helen Berlin and daughter enth Grade. Theresa spent Saturday in Ogden. Give H&C Mr. and Mrs. I). Y. Goddard and OUR CONTEST The Seventh grade is having a cam- son Russell spent Sunday in Salt paign in which we have flies, spar- Lake. row heads, mice and rat tails, magpie Nora Bigler spent several days Mrs. ' heads, and rabbit cars as our watch in Ogden visiting with her brother, William Beeton of Portage, who has words. Our teacher, Mr. Adams, decided been very sick at the Dee hospital. 47 which were on each side by using the Little Verle, son of Mr. and Mrs. roll book. We suggested several Delbert Kidman, was badly injured by names for each side and finally de- - being kicked in the head by a horse. Secretary and Treasurer rate with whipped cream, forced through pastry bag and rose tube. good-lookin- ; one-ha- (8-oz- .) SAVE 60c on this ACME QUAlflY Granite Floor Enamel Offer -- East Tremonton I -- I Set-mR- Farm-ingto- pssaggragBBBga cmtmt 1. I Collinston know their Registered Pharmacists iness use only the purest Drugs, accurately combined to fill your prescriptions. Easter Candies and Novelties service in Kodak Films The home of the famous drink START with a "CATERPILLAR" END WITH A PROFIT There's no loafing in the' life of a "Caterpillar" Tractor. Early to work straight furrows behind the plow . . right over swale, gullies and wet spots. Thorough cultivation with disk or harrow . . over the soft seed bed with wide tracks that do not pack . . that save grip. power and fuel by their Then a safe harvest even in a showery season; to the envy of other farmers who don't own a "Caterpillar." Dependable power and sure traction hitched up together. At the year's end . . extra profit comes from extra power, extraordinary traction and reliability. It picks up its tracks behind it! The "Caterpillar" Tractor is like a cross country locomotive: It lays its own tracks ahead of itself and pulls them up behind. Broad tracks that carry the machine over difficult spots that used to delay farming operations. THERE IS A SIZE FOR EVERY FARM AND FARMER! sure-foot- ed LANDES & COMPANY BRANCH DEALERS OFFICE: TREMONTON o" We Green Trading Stamps H. G. Scott Drug Co. Phone Tremonton, Utah HUT. MO. V I AT. Off. COMBINED HARVESTERS I |