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Show 'BEAR RIVER VALLEY L1ADE TREMONTON, UTAH, THURSDAY. MARCH VOLUME 4 "Bossy" Cow Enjoys COUNTY FISH After Pleasure of Day Winter Confinement AND GAME MEN MEMBERSHIP IN FARM BUREAU IS i 5 NUMBER 26 14, 1929 Jury Duty Irksome LECTURE GIVEN For Three Wise Men From Tremonton BY PRINCIPAL OF BEATIFICATION " Webster defines "collusion" as follows: ' "A secret agreement and cooperation for a fraudulent or deceitful purpose; a playing into each other's hands." When used as a legal term A. C. C. M. I. Class A. L. it is defined as follows: "An agreement between two or more persons to E. defraud a person of his rights by the ; forms of law, OK TO OBTAIN AN of the cow. OBJECT FORBIDDEN BY LAW." . At a well attended meeting of the aware of this, The members of the M. I. A, adult The Leader does not wish to give The big fish and game banquet What has the Farm Bureau done ? andA who also ownsman, backed it ladies' a truck, inference department of the North Box the has been there that adclass to were a treated This question is often asked by masterly loaded in Bossy and came off at the armory, Brigham Farm Bureau, which Elder to the stabe, County "collusion" but the stand up facts any people when they are asked to join took her for a thirty mile ride to City, Tuesday night, as per schedule. dress by Principal C. E. Smith of the out as follows: was presided over by Mrs. P. E. Ault, this splendid organization. In an- Cache valley. That evening when Don An afterunusually large crowd was pres- Bear River High school on "The Great Fred C. Gephart. Gifford H. Wat- - vice president, held Wednesday swer, I would say that it has bene Luke went, out to milk the cow, she noon in the Commercial club rooms, Social of Present Problems the all the Day." from over adand ent, land F. county, coming fited farmers more than they at first was nccrhere to be found and a search Winzeler, Benjamin projects for the different locals were realize. In fact, it has brought back ensued. By the time Don got through besides state men, including D. H. Owing to the fact that from time to mittedly three of the outstanding citi- outlined by Professor Emil Hansen, of of zens been have o Tremonton, the time have farmers the more of class far this serving TTtt money by supervisors world that someone had Madsen, former state fish and game the the Utah telling Agricultural Extension di on the Lake at Salt into than what they have paid grand jury the or taken his cow, explanations were in commissioner and now in City had such men as Principal .Smith and Miss Myrtle Davidson or of and charge vision, weeks. two the for Most of the past ganization in fees. So far their ef- order and it then developed that it the Bear River of the state. same Mr. Benson school the of the department High give State cases tried by them have been for vio Bay project, forts have been confined mainly to was the other doctor's cow that was remarks brief After few a to talks and the its attendance by Mrs. of act. Volstead lations So class, the Fish Meaand Game Commissioner and in many a few pur- to have marketing crops domiciles. So the meetchanged of the the have cases Ault, been purpose heard stating it that and some increased and chases. The future has unlimited pos- next required by leaps county officials of interest has day Bossy No. 2 got a ride and cham, sets of jurymen, tried and ing and her appreciation for the pres several Cache were sibilities in that direction. remarks Bnef county. bounds. lectures The of these worth 1 was returned home safe Bossy No. to handle them. As soon as one ence of Professor Hansen and Miss Here are a few accomplishments: and sound, feelnig none the worse for made by Mr. Madsen and Meacham, are being clearly recognized. They true, took over a case another would Davidson, she called upon the latter the former jury the deal They obtained a $12 contract for beets herouting with the kindly man and Bear River birddiscussing briefly to give an outline briefly of what was of the with be and so on. great responsibilities Measelected, refuge, and Mr. during the war. They organized the his modern gas wagon. from the committees reprewhich in manner and the cham Mr. of the came Winzeler that home to citizenship speaking legislation Beet association that Growers spend expected Sugar different locals and com- the senting week-en- d has been and the with at to the his social wife are and civil the munities in the and these proposed passed was able to force our companies into problems north part of Box Elsession of the state and he admits that der present legisla- be met. talking pictures a 0 contract. They organized the Miss Davidson said that county. ture. Besides these two gentlemen he is pretty well "fed up" on jury Canning Crops association and thus below Mr. Smith's address 16th there were He remarked that the judge Professor Hansen had come to give among others who proved in We give duty. lifted the price three dollars a ton on part as delivered before the class had told him that "as soon as the them an outline and suggestions as to their ability to orate and some of peas. Tomatoes also were lifted in the business methods of the beautif Tuesday evening: took thein for the The Relief Society annual will be bootleg cases were finished he. and subjects such price $2 per ton. In our county a of the homes and communities social that his two accomplices from Tremonton, problem for held Saturday, March 16, at the L. D. things a3 frogs, seagulls, candy, bees The greatest dairy association is now working coland expressed a hope that everyone of edu man is deal to with that has and some and went A of S. would them Recreation hall. be as bulls, dismissed from prospecial probably the benefit of dairying. Through listening to him would go forth with far as the days of Solomon to prove cating the oncoming generation. Civil further service." lective buying farmers have saved on gram which will include a one-aa determination to carry out what extent to the ization were that progresses only they past masters in the In all probability there has been they had gone there to coal and fencing materials to an play, will be given. After the proreceive.; i to able pass no "collusion" but after Mr. amount far exceeding their member- gram a dance will be held. The price art. A number of musical numbers that each generation is Professor Hansen was then introthe on to next the inand ideals, were which be to will 50 of admission generation dance the ofreadings given, remark it is not entirely free duced and in his business-lik- e ship fee. There are firms now manner and thoughts of the trom cents. All married people are invited cluded one from Alma Theurer's lit- aspirations of his fering the Farm Bureau 10 and 15 discussion the went suspicion. to right tle daughter that pleased people. some savings on implements. The lumber to attend. of the of first telling subject, the men very much. In the early days of history the on men offer attractive discounts to of some of the counaccomplishments ' their Not received of the least the evening's pro- coming generation quantity orders, making a possible ties in this project work and what it The larger the gram, of course, was the meal which training in the homes, on the fields saving of 10 to had meant to the communities that included both deer and elk as the of battle and in the chase. Girls learn order the greater the discount In had successfully put them over. He was all ed TO meat mothers that from cooked their a to sodtum a of the purchase orders, chlorate, queen's of Wasatch county, Utah counspoke live crude to them their taste, and immensely enjoyed by all. necessary for chemical used in the control of noxand other counties that hold an ty, It's always fair weather when the lives, while the boys learned from ious w eeds, a great saving can be had shows where prizes were nual flower good fellows get together, was veri- their fathers how to conduct war and by uniting orders through our North the finest varieties . of awarded for fied to the last letter when the hearty conclude peace, how to capture game County organization. flowers grown and also for the best laughter and genial good fellowship in the chase and how to do the other made and spoke of the elabJust now a move is under way to displays made everyone forget his cares and rudimentary things that men of those made for these order a car load of sodium chlorate orate Repreparations enjoy an evening of rare sociability days participated in. shows and of the stimulus these ex.for the control of noxious weeds in W. and entertainment. In these days society is extremely to hibits were to the entire county. Drew V:r county. If interested get in touch Demands Farm Bureau complex in its structure. local purwith your special attention to the fact that it Move for social service are infinite in va was not necessary to have new homes Dies chasing agent. Your membership is riety and intensive training of the in order to beautify them, and in required before you place your order The warehouse of the Farmers Cash youth of the land for their life's work "but much will be saved to you anyway. many cases old homes properly cared In the March issue of the Union is imperative. Union took on a new form of life and for received awards over new homes These accomplishments are of a local nature. The state and national Pacific Railroad Magazine one and To meet these many demands all activity the first of the Week when that were poorly kept and told how Seth Dustin died Friday evening at most humble lodge could be made pages are devoted to the dis- his home in Riverside after a long the social forces, that have been the Utah organizations are always alert to Producers' associa the into a beautiful, attractive home. He fight for the cause of its members. cussion of the quality of Utah celery. illness from heart trouble. brought into existence are needful in tion movedPoultry there from the Waldron spoke of a magazine that is printed All they need is more members to ihey headed their article with this Funeral services were held in the doing their several parts in training are make their efforts more effective. question, "Have you sampled Utah ward chapel at where children There and youth. building, they have been op in every language known that had Tuesday at 2 p. m., with least five Join us and help. We need you and celery?" and continue, "A delightful Bishop Russell important agencies taking erating a receiving and grading sta lauded the western states because of in Capener charge. experience awaits your first taste of you need the Farm Bureau. citizens, the tion for the past few months. Ac the warmth and beauty of the home, Opening song, "O, My Father," by part inthetraining future this delicacy, and Utah people mail Mrs. civil so the made school, church, through the planting of home, Lena Mrs. Marion Hales, Tubbs, to the men in charge of the shrubspossible out many free packages to prove it--its E. W. cording and trees, stating flowers state. Each has its and and the ciety unusual flavor and crispness en- Mrs. Ward and Moroni Ward, with duty to perform which cannot be dele- plant, business has increased very that the. piece ended by saying that George Hales, accompanist; hanced by the banked-u- p Utah soil other instrumentality rapidly since the station first opened "The western states had answered to prayer, Lorenzo Bowcutt; song by the gated to anychild which blanches it." without the suffering in the in up and they are glad to get near the the call for beautif ication and that quartet, "Beautiful Isle of Somehis of nowhere could there be found a duplicontinue their discussion development. The tracks as They completeness by where." The speakers were John In the district court of the First shipments of eggs are now cate of the charms of the American Benson of Garland, O. P. Satterth-wait- e home cannot be absolved from its Judicial district of the state of Utah, telling how that about twenty-fiv- e into part car and full car homes thus beautified." Stated that years ago some Chinese gardeners, of Logan, Joseph Hadfield and duty. The first five or six years of running in and for the county of Box Elder. who load lots and wm naturally save a tourists that visit Utah judge our the to childhood almost were for the solely belong growing vegetables Alvin Bowcutt. Trial calendar, March term, 1929. home and after that much of his time great deal of handling made neces- state by our homes and communities Charles F. Merchant, plaintiff, vs. Salt Lake market, brought in some Mrs. Hales and Mrs.. TubBs sang is sary when eggs and poultry have to. and the way they are kept very much seed of the Pascal of spent there. In the home the child be type celery and "Some Time We'll Understand" and Iris M. Merchant, defendant. Set for that hauled to the tracks. in such g be trained the same way as persons are judged must and habits, good selection, by 10 o'clock. March 15 at trial "I Need Thee Every as cleanliness, obedience, regularity in therclosing song And still form another of which the has the by the clothes they wear, whether it activity present type, given State of Utah, plaintiff, vs. Merlin Hour" was sung by the quartet. be is a righteous judnient or not. seen in above for its the characteristic and of warehouse. name isto "Utah sleeping, caring celery," Smith, defendant. Set for trial March came about. Benediction was pronounced by A. eating Bros. Seed company The home must see wants. The Rogers personal 18 at 10 o'clock. Jury. Every human being, the speaker A. Capener. that the child attend school punc- are now employing a number of girls said, has an instinct for beauty The distribution of Utah celery has P. A. Nebeker, plaintiff, vs. O. C. Mr. and women in the sorting of their whether it be dormant or active, and been widespread but in the com- Nina Dustin is survived by his wife, tually and regularly. "Hart, defendant. Set for trial March not seed beans. Dustin, and the following chilrenil neonle are nrone to progression. is is the school that munities The is in which known is it it agency 10 oclock. 19 at Jury. in With the heavy snowfall and a real The only thing that is left to be done ten- dren: Mrs. Roy Hunsaker of Elwood, sponsible for intensive famous for excellent its training flavor, Alma Peterson, plaintiff, vs. R. A. derness and Dustin of Salt Lake, and the arts and sciences. It must drill old fashioned winter the two bean is to arouse the creative instinct in crispness and is, in fact, Nephi Set for trial a Juanita, P'earse, defendant. Rogers and Lindy in health education, give pupils a companies operating in the valley pre people in order to get results. PeocelrStephen, t superior table delicacy. Utah ti i March 20 at 10 o'clock. Jury. command of the fundamental proc- dict a wonderful year for the farmer ple are wtih flowers and shrubbery ery is a green type as distinguished jjusun oi mversiae. Town of Perry, a municipal corpo from the White Plume or Golden Self Out of town visitors at the funeral esses, train for vocational activity, in and their companies. At least htere and such things as grow to make the ration, plaintiff, vs. Jacob Thomas, Blanching varieties and is almost en- included Hyrum Dustin, a brother, spire good citizenship and otherwise is an air of satisfaction as to the home beautiful as others are, with Set for trial March tirely free from stringiness. and Mrs. Nora Cook, a sister, of Gar- enable the child to prepare for a hap outlook for the Bear River valley and birds; some hear them sing, some do Xt5 al,at defendants. 10 o'clock. this air of optimism is a healthy and not. It is your duty to maice everyone Jury. statemen Aside from the above as den City; Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Kunz, py successful life. First National Bank of Brigham to the quality of the celery a compre- a sister, of Sandy; Melvin Morten-soindividual is a a pleasant one. Let it continue. It is see beauty and hear the birds sing. all life In every a brother-in-lathe life giving essence to any people. Wherever vou find a people that are of Fish Haven, teacher, consciously and unconscious City, a corporation, plaintiff, vs. Sam- hensive report of how this celery is uel Jeppson and Ella Jeppson, de- grown from the raising of the seed Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Hunsaker ly. Every act performed, every word There is everything to gain and noth- contented and satisfied in that same fendants. Set for triaj April 1 at 10 to the finished product packed and, and family of Elwood: Mr. and Mrs spoken has its influence for good or ing to lose to look upon this activity people you find progression has ' ceased. You must get the, creative AV. L. Bronson and Mr. and Mrs. evil upon some one. We are all bound as a good omen for the future. o'clock. Jury. ready for shipment is given and attitude, put a soul into your nome First National Bank of Brigham speaks of how the whole community George Bronson of Tremonton; Mr together by a band of solidarity. No and surroundings by adding flowers, City, a corporation, plaintiff, vs. S. is helping to sell the product and and Mrs. John Richards, Mrs. M. J. one lives to himself alone. "We are Set that shipments have increased from Richards and Mr. and Mrs. A. M members one of another." If "one , shrubbery and trees. L. Jeppson, et al, defendants. He then stated tnat ne wouia uw for trial April 1 at 10 o'clock. Non- express part suffers all suffer together." This packages to carloads. Some Porter of Garland. wind tn answer anv Questions that jury. twenty-liv- e carsloads are being exsuggests that every act performed have arisen In the minds of his n might Fred W. Knutson, plaintiff, vs. well be should word and state Aside spoken every 8:30 to 9:30 An hour for personal School annually. ported from the listeners. Many questions, in regard "Short Line Railroad company, de- from this during "Utah Celery Week" old selected. An philosopher advised, consultations with superintendent and of flowers and shrubfendant. Set for trial April 2 at 10 the article states Utah home folks "So act that thou couldst will the supervisors. Do not hesitate to ex- to the growing were asked and answered and he o'clock. Jury. bery, universal." act law of thine mail over also 15,000 sample make principle voluntarily press your wishes, and to write the AgriculHyrum Ririe and Margaret J. Ririe, packages of celery to friends throughAs a result of our educational proc recommendation to ua of any teacher advised peoplefortobulletins' The Commercial club, the Home on flowers tural college defendA. W. vs. child to at Nielson, plaintiffs, out the United States. acquire know in other counties who are Economics club, the Literary club, the esses we want a you ana Kino varieties and and 3 10 shrubbery at ant. Set for trial April (1) A definite first class teachers and who desire vrhirh had been selected and were The article bristles with praise for High school faculty and the Garland least three things. Mental o'clock. Nonjury. of habits in life, (2) to come here next year. the product and the people who pro- school faculty, with some special purpose and adapted to this climate. He hardy Matilda L. Coo?ey, plaintiff, vs. W. duce Absence of (3) prejudice 9:30 to 11:00 Only general session expressed an opinion mat roses m it. A part that will interest the friends, were the guests of the Tre- accuracy. diliJ. Loosle and Margaret Loosle, de- readers no doubt, monton school faculty in a dancing He whose aim is high and who of The Leader most, of the day's institute. Place for an abundance should be grown here and 5 fendants. Set for trial April at 10 is that Box Elder is a heavy party given in the L. D. S. Recreation eentlv pursues his goal cannot help nouncements. Special music and com it has been demonstrated that praccounty o'clock. Jury. in the production of this hall last Friday evening. The dance but succeed in life. Mental habits of munity singing arranged by rrank tically everything else can be. State of Utah, plaintiff, vs. Joseph contributor accuracy are imperative in modern Konnard. An hour address by Ralph was one of the first of its kind in famed He closed his remarks by advising product. H. Watkins and Lydia E. Watkins, his life if one wishes to succeed and the be to here and time held long proved Parlette, to which the public is invited the people to paint their barns, fences, above live must individual wife, et al, defendants. Set for trial successful a most successful one in every re free. and homes, repair tneir gates ana April 5 at 10 o'clock. Nonjury. prejudice. spect. 11:00 to 1 :00 Teachers meeting doors, to pull out dead trees and in A booth was placed in one corner a general way clean tip and beautify and intermission.. homes. of the room from which refreshing their 1:00 to 3:00 Departmental Pri readMr. and Mrs. Adam Imthurn re- punch was served. The dance proSelin discuss will Miss Law mary . NOTICE turned last Friday from a month's grams had a touch of "Old Ireland" ing. Miss Theona Andrus will show of the one women's of The at the them, reminding top reMr. Imthurn visit to California. advantage of travel. Supt. Skdimore Tremonton Farmdepartment will audi local and a To Bureau The Wednesday in the city court at soon appreciative St. is Patrick's that it large day. will discuss "Be Ready." Music dem ports they had a wonderful time music was furnished Ballad-eerence the presentFriday, hold an Brigham a group of young men who while Community Players the meeting important by in California, but he was glad onstration by Druce Tanner. Daffo had been staying at the girls' home to Everyone expressed themselves ed " 'At's It" in a repeat performance dils and Violets by Lincoln girls. Miss March 15, at 2 p. m. in the Commer-of back home. get fined $5.00 Elder were Box last Friday evening. in canyon cial club rooms. The first project as having a most delightful time. While there the Imthurns did not Lydia Robinson will discuss closing the year's work will be started and ach and required to clean up the in no time since its organi-- , work. Perhaps all the in take to sights. They all ladies are requested to attend. 'building. Investigation showed that fail zation have these players been conx' show, visited Cata-lin- a Grammar Better teaching in the the boys had done no particular dam- visited the orange so many discouraging fronted with islands, went to Tijuana to see Teaching ST. PATRICK'S PARTY events as has been the case this win- grades by John Benson. age. However, Athletic arithmetic LeRoy The same day a group of boys from how they got rich quick. Bishop. by the for set, ter. evening Mr. and Mrs. The dates Thursday originally hard to win. ruleir and regulations proposed by J. Moroni Lundberg gave a St. Patrick the valley were fined $25 each, a total Adam did not try too the for first be to had changed play in has Work commenced of preparaThev also took a couple flights of $175, for taking a quantity of gaso; and then when the dates D. Gunderson. Closing work by bu party. At 7 o'clock a hot dinner was that tion for the installation of the $10,000 performance line from road equipment belonging in an airplane over Los Angeles Taylor. Conclu- served, the table being decorated with came the severe winter and pervisor H. Warren organ in the stake tabernacle at drifted along C. H. Skidmore. High sions by Supt. to the road commission. Road offi- gave them a wonderful view of the pipe for made it roads impossible green and white, a bowl of white carIt will require a week or but A. and F. School Hinckley cials claim that during the past win- big city and the surrounding country. Garland. Principals in close nations being the centerpiece. The only a few people living having visited nearly "all more to make the necessary repair? to attend. C. E. Smith. was spent in playing 500. The a to call ter over 600 gallons of gas have been Theyoldreport for evening began People timers from Tremonton who before the installing of the organ will dewas won by Taul Forrester, stolen and have declared open war- the means name This to Tarlette this first and Ralph prize performance in California. They commence, at which time a represen- repeat the in is Human fare on future offenders. Both cases are now livingeach the and It Philosophy" prize by Carl Staples. At booby mand worthy "Oratory players yielded. way by auto and tative of the Austin Organ company to note that and cake were were investigated by Sheriff John H. made the trip rewill be worth a special a late hour punch the for It America. the request will be to in there build the organ. Zundel and prosecuted by County At- had a pleasant journey each way. Those present were Mr. and to of the served. as and sincere from was valley any part peat trip performance The organ is already stored in the torney Lewis Jones. the people turned out in Box Elder Hieh school to hear him Mrs. Alf Whitaker, Mr. and Mrs. SALT LAKE HOG MARKET building and owing to this fact, as stated above Hun to the play. numbers speak. Please let your friends know Taul Forrester, Mrs. Christine well as there being considerable scaf goodly NORTH SALT LAKE, March 13. of NOTICE Alf Og-Dewey of of saker Brigham, education has fur " 'At's It" has proven one of the that the board ana strong to 50 folding also in the building, the regu- Mr. Will the person who borrowed the Hogs uneven, closing Mrs. and Art Allen, nished this number for the teachers den, Mr. last week's close; lar mnnthlv nrips.fhnoH mppfinir of the most popular plays presented by this Mr. and Mrs., OrStumm, Park Mrs. Send word city's force pump from me last fall cents higherat than and the public. general are flip npfinle . , close $11.50 with bulk sanc win uc nciu in liter iirunMiwn ' ti.v.i,.. hogs kindly return same at once and oblige. good v VnMnl fnrwurA tn t.hp nnnounrp- - I home Wlttl trie pupils, It is free and son Iversen of Evans, and Mr. and nnur drive-in- s $10.75 to $11.25; packing T. P. MEISTER, Mrs. Carl Staples of Honeyville. it is a great opportunity, ment of their next play. nouncement of the stake presidency. bows $7.50 to $8.50. Water Master. VALUABLE ASSET President J. Hansen Points Advantages Organization That we have men in our community who should have a charter membership in the American Humane society goes without saying when you hear of this act. It appears that Dr. Odeen Luke keeps a cow at his yard, and the yard being rather small, does not afford much room for activity for OF EMIL HANSEN HIGH SCHOOL ENJOY BANQUET Expert From U. Hears Many Orate to Delight and Amusement of Those Assembled Addresses Ladies of Smith Deliver a Masterly Address Farm Bureau kind-heart- ed Relief Society Annual Saturday, March 50-5- . ct Win-zele- r's six-year-- POULTRY ASS'N UNION PACIFIC 30. MOVES MAGAZINE TELLS MORE SUITABLE SITE OF UTAH CELERY Business Increase quires Company to Railroad J. Martin, Author of Article Praises Utah Product and People Riverside Man After Long Illness one-ha- lf . March Trial Calendar Has Large Schedule Non-jur- plant-breedin- y. . A . n, Interesting Session Is Planned for Institute Local Ore-go- Faculty Entertains at Dancing - Young Men Feel Weight for Misdemeanor of Mr. and Mrs. Imthurn Have Pleasant Trip Repeat Performance of 'At's It' Gets Big Hand s. Monthly Priesthood Meeting at Tremonton c 1 ... |