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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1929 HERE'S YOUR CHANCE, MARS IN LULLABY LAND A Denver paper offers a prize of RIVER VALLEY LEADER he was the chief creator. Jefferson, woman in' it, it will shine in the darkThe foHowing author of the Declaration of Inde- ness any night next week. Doubtless -- 25,000 for the first person who com"ten extract from a love pendence and founder of the Demo- tis a needful time, but the menfolk municates with a planet Not to be home to his wife by a disturbing, and 12.00 crauc pany, ww uiusirau; wie iwu find it bewildering, memooutdone, I offer $25,000. to the first tender evoke will tive service painful. that communicates with us. planet senice Six Months, in advance. former of "en fuse to accept as many of those bills Do bees perform a valuable service ries in thousands Adams in the Detroit News. C. Elmer advanceThree months, in men: Lincoln will illumi- - THIS LITTLE DOLLAR n he ran in fruit the to grower more i urs b KUU nn na?ingr i UOll Entered at the Postoffice at Tre- - nate the five dollar issue, and every STAYED AT HOME fruit trees ? It will be generally SEX PROBLEM don't do no good., Lettie. They the well that can letters, do a Second Class Democrat as argue admitted that great perform they monton, Utah, A curious and practical citizen of a afervice. On this point an immense I'm three thousand nrnes man who rose from a log cabin proves wonder why they say 'Amen" enjoy this war and"I not 'A women,' the vitality of democratic principles. country town some time ago attached amount of data has been offered by home, and J want to Science Bobby?" Monitor. on Christian bill of to dollar a whose a in bear men -- Published at Tremonton, Utah, peace." Of the eleven great slip paper scientific and practical men. Here "Because they sing hymns and not faces appear on the various issues, ing the following request: "Will ev is some authoritative evidence on the Thursday of each week. hers, stupid." Boston Transcript Subscribe for The Leader $2.00. each one gave his wisdom and his life eryone receiving this dollar make a subject, not only by bee keepers but Published by to build up this country. So let us notation of its use on the blank space by fruit growers and experiment staTHE LEADER PUBLISHING CO. not forget, as we pay out our money, below?" Then he spent the dollar tions alike. the men whose devotion made it pos- with a grocer. "One colony of bees should be proIncorporated sible to earn the means of comfortable In just 10 days the dollar found its vided for each acre of orchard." This living in this glorious land. way back to the sender, and it bore was the conclusion of Prof. W. P. MORE HOUSES NEEDED notations showing it had been spent Tufts of the college of agriculture, must Lest we forget, Tremonton five times for theatres, five for cigar- University of California, as stated in have homes, if Tremonton intends to JOYS OF LIVING for salaries, three for ice 1919, Bulletins Nos. 306 and 307, on Who has not wished that he had ettes, three grow, there must be first of all a for men's furnishings, the pollination of both the Bartlett twice cream, locate to lived in some remote and happy time ? place in which those desiring hair cuts, once for auto re- pear and the almond. here can live. This article is prompt- The magnificence of Rome, the glory twice for once Prof. A. J. Cook, professor of enfor bacon, once for a ed by a remark of two men who of greeces, the golden chariots, the pairing, tomology, in 1891, at Michigan agriwould like to make their home in alabaster vases and the ivory chairs compact and once for face powder. The dollar had been spent 25 times cultural college said: Tremonton but who are unable to of Tutankhamen fascinate and en"I tried many experiments last find a suitable home. So they have thrall. Looking about upon a sick in the community in 10 days. It startspring. I counted the blossoms on about decided to buy in other towns and weary world, and ed out new and crisp and came back each of two branches, or plants, of in the county. We cannot allow this hungry, it is not difficult to imagine soiled and wrinkled. pear, strawberry, raspapple, must means Some condition to exist how pleasant life must have been in If the first party had spent the berry cherry, and clover. One of these in be found whereby an individual or an easier, golden day. dollar out of town, its service in that case of each fruit or each experiment, company will come into our city and Yet, if we had been living in the community would have been ended. It was surrounded by cheesecloth, just erect some good homes. the would have gone to work somewhere before the blossoms days of the pampered pharaods, opened, and kept The day is past when people are vast majority of us woudl have been else. covered till blossoms fell off. The the this contented to live in a shack and It is the dollar that stays at home apple, pear ,and the cherry were covdigging the irrigation ditches, sweatis the proper attitude. A good home ing over the great stones that went that builds the home community ered May 4th, and uncovered May is a man's most valuable asset. Let into the pyramids, or if we had been that pays the taxes, supports the 25th and May 19th. The number of our in built are some see us that city. particularly clever perhaps hammer- schools and employs home labon considered varied from 32, blossoms ing the gold that went into the, ubithe smallest number, to 399, the largcomof statues The the king. WINTER WORK quitous THE NEW MONEY est. The trees were examined June at the top in THAT PAYS WELL forts of life were 11 to see what number of the fruit Some banks and business houses 1500 B. C. and evenonly the hope for imhad set. The percent of blossoms are distributing slips of paper showThe aviation companies that carry provement had not percolated to the developed on the covered trees ing the exact size of the new money bottom. There may be some consola- the air mail have extra planes and which 1. that will be issued about July These tion for the dissatisfied man of today engines. After a certain number of was a little over 2, while almost 20 percent of the uncovered blossoms bills, which are to be six and in this thought that his lot would hours flying each engine is taken out had developed. 6 inches by two and inches, will have been infinitely worse 3000 or of service, torn down, inspected piece J. C. Gilhgand, in the summer of seem surprisingly small to people more by piece, and rebuilt with adjustments 1893, in a large field of medium red ago. years when they first get them. A roll of It's easier to live today than ever for wear and replacement of damaged clover that came within 30 feet of his bills will look small to those accus- before. all the woes from parts. For many years the railroads door, covered some blossoms with nettomed to such affluency wjien concen- which the Nearly world suffers might have have taken care of their locomotives ting. During the following August of little trated in these paper. pieces prevented. But when an ancient in similar fashion. he gathered seed from the covered But there is no cause for pessimism, been , In farming we do not have to buy blossoms, civilization was overrun by a savage and also some from the for the new money will go just as or when plague or famine deci- extra plows and mowers in order to plants not covered; and by carefully far. The smaller amount of fine pa- horde, mated the of the fairest have a chance for inspection and re- counting the seeds he found that the per required to make these bills will cities, the population of wisest those peoples pair. The seasonal nature of farm latter gave 21 percent more seeds. save the government quite a bit of couldnt' new OTH work leaves us ten or eleven months His experiments were repeated with themselves. help money. The power of Old Dollar Bill since been of the year for attention to almost like results." tribes have Migratory is small today, compared with what pretty well billeted and ticketed, rail- any machine without taking any time at J. F. Mclntire was a he would do a few years ago, so he roads and steamships have conquered when it should be at work. Yet how the California State Fruitdelegate Growers' should cheerfully accept a diminished is famine, and intelligent sanitation and often do the whole ten or twelve association for 1893, and reported: size. mediand a months without brave and curious by thought; slip "A at-tir- d stated that he had a The countenance of Washington magnificently to use the machine it friend gentleman in this state who started in will shine forth in all its fine inspira- cme is less respectful of disease with when it is time make-shift prepa- fruit gets but a hurried, several years ago, lotion from the face of the dollar bill. each passing year. ration and even that little care takes cating growing 35 miles from any fruit grow Lucky possessors of it should take time the owner should have in the ing section, or where any bees were time to gaze at it frequently, and ask THE ANNUAL MADNESS of located. The first year that his trees What is the funny odor that assails field. themselves if they are doing all they large-scal- e of the Many farming in and at of least bloomed, can to advance the nation of which you the minute you step into the expectancy colors, those from a few thou some returns from his orchard, what front yard these warm evenings? enterprises, to sand hundred thousand a acres, should up be result but the complete is Mother the Most Turpentine! painting do not their equipment until failure? He was advised to procure stairs, and around the border of the the lastneglect before work minute starts, some to bees aid in the fertilization living room, and a mere man has to or, worse yet, until it actually fails on of the blossoms. He did so, and since walk about his own castle on rickety the When frost stops field work then his orchard has been productive." job. are to that planks protect in the fall only part of the help is supposed the new paint from feet. laid off. The most skillful and deWhy are all the rugs hanging on pendable men are employed all winthe railing of the front porch ? What is this disorder in the kitchen? What ter inspecting and overhauling the mean these mops amd pails, and lad- machinery. On farms of ordinary size it is not d ders and The ladies of the Self Culture club paper hangers' to keep men hired all win is now at hand. I have a brushes? Whence came the strange necessary and the wives of the Lions entertainto m ter class first put equipment bare spaces on the walls, and why is condition. splendid listing of large and All that is necessary is ed their partners at a banquet at the it that the family has canned baked that the men small farms for sale, also who are on the farm Garland hotel Wednesday, March 6. beans for dinner for three successive shall take a little of the time There were about 130 people present. several good sheep and catanyway The banquet began at 8:00, with Presnights? tle ranches in Idaho. Need you ask? Do you not know otherwise more or less wasted and ident Mrs. P. C. Petterson acting toast well over before the machinery that spring house cleaning time, that go mistress. During the banquet the The work starts. smallest spring BROUGH period of dreadful efficiency, is here, farmer can do this club chorus sang numerous songs, just as easily a little earlier than usual? This is composed by a club member, having REAL ESTATE corin than the fact biggest the season for raking un the vard. easier, as her theme "The Lions." After supINSURANCE for having a sigh over the size of the poration. per Mr. Dee of Salt Lake gave a lecin a Whenever machine is pulled ash pile, and for realizing that your Garland Utah ture on "Electrical Engineering As for season or owner the the operator clothes are beginning to look shabby should make a list of Bell Telephone 31J2 Concerning Our Modern Improveatand parts The house may have looked all right ments." to you. But if there is a normal tention needed, while they are fresh The State Federation of Ladies in mind. If this was not "done at the end of last season, do it now. clubs will be held in Logan some time z. DenFind the number of each part needed during April. Mrs. John D. Sherman, on the machine, or look it up in the past president of the national federainstruction book. Don't depend on de- tion, is expected to be present. Watch Roomy, scriptionthere are too many parts for dates of convention and all club that the description might fit but the ladies plan to be there. parts not fit the machine. Mr. ana Mrs. wen uaron were vis Order parts early now from the itors in Garland Sunday. dealer. Later on he will be swamped pockets. Mrs. Lyman Thorpe was visiting in with the rush of orders. Bountiful the the week, during guest Possibly he will run out of some her mother, Mrs. Paul Hinman. items. Order early and be sure of of Mr. and Mrs. George O. Nye and the maker genuine parts supplied by Mrs. Grace Haws motored to Salt of the implement. Remember that no Lake City Sunday, returning in the one knows so well as he how to get the best fit, shape and set, and that evening. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Bowcutt spent no one else is so anxious as he to get Tuesday in .Salt Lake, the guest of for you the best performance out of relatives. the whole machine. Take shares and Driggs came home from the shovels to the blacksmith now when A. Keith C. to remain until the meningitis he has plenty of time for careful clears up at the college. work. Later on he will be forced to condition Mrs. J. M. Gaddie was hostess to do hurried work and perhaps keep you n the members of the waiting. Bridge club at her home Saturday Make room in the garage or farm afternoon. Hot dinner was served at P Bulk, ,2 lbs for Puritan Sunkist, 3 Doz. shop to pull in the more important 2 o'clock, after which the afternoon machines, bet up an old stove, burn some trash, and work in comfort. was spent playing bridge. Mrs. E. Holmgren was an invited guest. With warmth, plenty of light, a few J. Mr. Mrs. James Owens of Salt tools and time enough to work Lake and returned good to their home afCity right repairing machines will be ter spending the week-en- d with Mr. found pleasant and profitable. The and Mrs. K. L. Hess. Furrow. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Westergaard i r and lamiiy lett Sunday to visit in A low moral aim oft will hot the Los Angeles. heads Nw r dollar mark. Large hard heads Pres. Roy Welker of Bear Lake 5 lbs. 1 l stake was the speaker at the Sunday Itfs a trifle early to put up the afternoon and evening session of window screens. church and while in Garland was a guest at the home of Bishop W. W. Many persons are able to beat op- Richards. portunity knocking. Mrs. John Garrett and Mrs. Orwin Petersen were during the Money may get a man into 'trouble, week with relativesvisiting at Wellsville. but it's usually more helpful in getMr. and Mrs. Dee Cutler visited ting hint out. with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Washing Soap A girl may be proud of her ability Chris Petersen, on Friday. Large Packages Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Jensen of Og- as a cook, but she does not want to den were guests at the home of their be admired for that alone. parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Swin-yarSunday. Snake-ski- n will be hosiery popular, The Ladies faculty club of the B. we are told. Mere man had better Jackets match overalls R. H. S. were entertained Thursday Fancy Chambray Shirts, 4 take a tip from Adam. above. A long wearing at the home of Mrs. C. H. Last Mrs. of room and lots of rlenty Mrs. L. C. Christopherson and The millenium will have been reach- Last, Johnson jacket, way above standard. wear. Sizes 14 to 17 t Ruth acted as hostesses. The only. ed when a law is required to compel Peet's Special, 3 Bars men to stop working at quitting time. book, "The White Balck Bird," was Kellogg's reviewed by Miss Edna Burnham. Dainty refreshments were served to eighteen members and the following guests: Mrs. Oluf Johnson, Mrs. Spencer Felsted, Mrs. Iceland Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Nye are reEmerson Abbott of Tremonton, a joicing over the arrival of a son at sophomore at the Utah Agricultural their home Sunday, March 10, 1929. college, has been actively engaged for the past week as a member of the NOTICE club "Creep" committee. The To all Growers for the Rocky Mountain Packing Corporation. "Creep" is the annual club ball to be held March 15. We will contract for peas and toMr. Abbott is registered in the matoes anytime after Feb. 1st at our Give school of arts and rcience with a ma- office in Tremonton. jor in English. He Is also a member Rocky Mountain Packing Corp., of the Sigma Chi f aternity. By W. W. Wadsworth. RF.AR : I Experience Shows Bees Value to Fruit Grower Pft . cross-pollinati- 4. ay HATS With the Lilt (V Spring nerve-shatter- at ed $5.00 and $7.00 5-- 11-1- ; . s in their spring shades and in their exclusive styling, these hats ex hibit a bright freshness that giving a new note to the Easter ensemble of the well man. Grays slighly darker than last tans and browns season and a variety in snap and are the predominant curled brim styles. moderately priced. B , Farming We Urge An Immediate Visit Time Three Big Values in Work Clothes Needs Garland Personals queer-shape- For March JAMES White Back im Overalls. stout and tough. Plenty of 8-o- V Mr yLKSH last-minu- te Special Malt Syrup I I 53c ! Macaroni I Oranges j I I I I Lettuce Cabbage 5c 21c I I) 45c h White King 37c I DWhiteLndrySoap d, Bran Flakes h ip $1.29 Garland-Tremon-to- 10c Tremonton Man Is On 'Creep' Committee Be-N- O $1.29 69c 89c FMBJ!M We Green Trading Stamps |