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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1929 hours and It's right choppy country over there." Waddles Interposed and seconded her more. of the SAGIL Sy Hal WN.ufen.vict , G.Evarts CHAPTER V COPYRIGHT y HAL O.IVAR.TJ Three Bar cow. Every animal had been shot. Til look thia one over myself," Harris decided. "There's only two more gulches to work. Each one of fresh-kille- d n j Blllie Tfarren rode with Harris on the last lap of the circle. There were ' but two men remaining with them. "Moore!" Harris called, and the you boys take one." The girl followed him as he turned ijnan turned his horse down the head of a draw that would lead him out down the first steep ditch. They Into the bottoms a trifle less than a pulled up their horses and sat lookmile above the wagon. Harris heard ing at the cow. A trickle of blood a shrill whistle behind him and oozed out of a hole between her eyes. turned sidewlse in the saddle to look Harris rode In a circle round the back, saw that Moore bad regained 6pot "He downed her from some point pe ridge and was signaling. They turned and rode back to him. above," he said. "Not a sign any"There's another," Moore said, ' where close at hand." He surveyed the ridges that flanked either side of pointing down the gulch. "It's getdethe draw and the little saddle-likting to be a habit" A dead cow lay on a little flat & pression at the head of it from which hundred yards below. For three conthey had Just descended. From be- secutive days some rider had found a iyond this jjap came the shrill nicker tit a horse, the sound chopped short ' j If a pan had clamped his hand on the animaTs nostrils to silence it Hajjls turned swiftly to the girl. llt's a plant? he said. "Bide ; e Conserve Food by Eliminating Waste hardl" Millions of dollars worth of valuHe suited bis action to the words able food elements have been pouring land Jumped his horse oft down the down our drain pipes when the water in which potatoes have been boiled has been cast aside. Additional millions have been wasted by paring new potatoes instead of scraping them, or by taking a deep paring from old po tatoes instead of a thin one. What applies to potatoes, applies also to dozens of other foods. The that make an many small wastes enormous waste are considered so important by food authorities that countless investigations and experiences have been conducted so that the may at least be reduced to extent. 'r'ljome The orange recently came in for a careful investigation particularly along these lines by Martha S. Pitman, division of home economies, Kansas State Agricultural college. California seedless naval oranges were used in small, medium and large sizes the object being to see what size of orange and what method of preparation would result in the least possible waste of the valuable juices. The results were very interesting and well worth passing on to the housewife, for it was learned that medium and small oranges are just as good in every way as the large sizes, and especially efficient for juice uses. As smaller oranges are particularly plentiful this year, they are selling at very pleasing prices to the "It's a Plant," Ha Said. "Ride Hard." consumer. Although the large orange may look inviting and although it may bottoms. He waved her over to one be preferable in the case of certain Bide. salads' where large colorful slices are "Keep well away from mel" he ordesired, the smaller and cheaper or- dered. 'They don't want you." anges will prove equally good for They hung their spuri Into their most uses, and will usually prove mounts and the horses plunged down mote economical- g bottoms, vaulting In a glass of fruit juice, in a fruit the and bounding along the clumps sage size cup, or in the average salad, the of the oranges used does not show. cow trails that threaded the brush. Therefore, if fifty cents worth of Two hundred yards below the cow small or medium sized oranges are the draw made an elbow bend. The found to weigh considerably more girl rounded it and as Harris folthan half a dollar's worth of prime lowed a jump behind he felt a fCieauties well, the housewife will be jarring tug at the cantle of his J'pione to favor the smaller sizes if saddle and the thin, sharp crack of a her budget has been prepared with rifle reached him. The gulch made a economy in mind. reverse bend and as they swept Subscribe for the Leader only around It Harris swung sldewise in the saddle and looked back. They $2.00 a year. were entirely sheltered from any SUMMONS on the divide six hundred yards In the District Court of Box Elder point behind them. He pulled bis horse to County, State of Utah. Edna S. Cara swinging trot and they rode down roll, plaintiff, vs. Charles Augustus Carroll, defendant. Summons. The the sloping meadow that led straight State of Utah to said defendant: You to the main valley. are hereby summoned to appear with"We didn't get started any too in twenty days after service of this soon," Harris said. "His horse wasn't summons upon ,you ,if served within more than a "hundred feet beyond the the county in which this action is notch when he blew off and warned brought; otherwise within thirty days us not time for me to get cached after service, and defend the above entitled action; and in case of your and drop him as he topped the ridge." The girl's eyes suddenly riveted on failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to a small round hole In the cantle of his the demand of the complaint. This saddle where the ball had entered. action is brought to recover a judg- On the inside and far to the left exment dissolving the marriage conof the cantle a ragged gash tract heretofore existing between you tremity showed where It had passed out The and the plaintiff. Lewis Jones, Plain- boll bad not missed his left hip to extiff's attorney. P. 0. 1st Nat'l Bank ceed an Inch. 7 Bldg., Brigham City, Utah. She started her horse so suddenly SUMMONS that before he realized her purpose In the District Court of Box Elder he was well In the lead and going County, State of Utah. Tremonton at a dead run toward the mouth of City, a municipal corporation, plainthe gulch where It opened out into tiff, vs. F. K. Obray, W. H, Wood- - the main bottoms two hundred yards yatt, Buhl rrazier; also all other persons unknown claiming any right, beyond. From the opposite slope riders were Jtitle estate, lien, or Interest in the property described in the com- - hazing cows out of their respective laint adverse to plaintiff's ownership draws. The running horse caught evor any cloud upon plaintiff's title ery man's eyes as the girl careened thereto, defendants. Summons: The out Into the center of the valley, rose State of Utah to the Said Defend- In her stirrups and waved an arm In a ants: You are hereby summoned to circle above her head. In five seconds appear within twenty days after serv- riders were whirling in behind her ice of this summons upon you if served within the county in which this from all directions as she headed for action is brought, otherwise within the wagon. She waved those already on the spot thirty days after service and defend the above entitled action; and in case toward the rope corral of your failure so to do judgment will "Change horses 1" she called, and as be rendered against you according to each, man rode in he caught up a the demand of the complaint which fresh horse. has been filed with the clerk of this "Scatter out; some of you below court. This action is brought to re- where we came down, some above," cover a judgment quieting plaintiffs hundred to the man title to the land described in said she said. "Five Morrow In." that brings complaint and for equitable relief. "It's no use, Blllie," Harris counLewis Jones, plaintiff's attorney, P. O. Address: 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg., seled mildly. "He's plum out of the 5 country by now. It'll be dark la three Brigham, Utah. . steeply-pitchin- 23-2- JJeal 21-2- "Let 'em rip," he said. "There's Just a chance." Bangs was the first to change mounts. The boy's physical qualifications were as sound as his mental ability was limited and it was bis pride to have a string of mounts that included the worst horses In the lot He rode from the corral on Blue, holding the big roan steady, and headed up the ridge a mile below where Harris and the girl had come down. Rile Fostes chose the next; five riders were but a few Jamps behind. . Harris did not change horses bat searched hastily In his war bag and slipped the strap of a binocular ease across his shoulders and rode off with the girl as she finished cinching her saddle on a fresh horse. In less than five minutes from the time she had reached the wagon the last Three Bar man had mounted and gone. Harris rode with her up a long ridge that led up to the divide; they followed another Into the next bottoms and ascended the second divide. This was sharp and rocky, its crest a maze of ragged pinnacles. He chose the highest of these and dismounted to sweep the range with his glasses. The high point afforded a view of every ridge for miles. After perhaps half an hour Harris caught five horse men In the field of his glasses. They were riding in a knot "They've picked up his trail," he said. "But he'll have too long a lead. We might as well be going." They mounted and headed to the right along the divide. "If RUe Is In sight we can wait for "And ' see If he's him," he said. picked up any tracks." A along the ridge they saw Foster off through the breaks and he was working back their way. tThanks, Blllie," Harris said. "For losing a circle trying to run him half-mil- e down." Td have done as much for any Three Bar man," Bhe returned. "Of course," he said. Td have expected that But all the same It shows that I'm progressing. Maybe my good qualities will grow on you until you get to thinking right well of me." They waited till Foster joined them on the ridge. "Bangs crossed over a mile below," Rile said. "We might pick him up." "Any sign?" Harris asked as they moved down the divide. "A bunch of shod horses went down through there a few days back," Rile said. "Three or four men likely, with a few pack horses along. He's pulled out" "I saw him," Harris said. "He's gone." They stopped in the saddle of the ridge where a fresh track showed the spot Bangs had crossed. The girl was looking at Harris and saw a sudden pallor travel up under his tan and as she turned to see what had occasioned it he crowded his horse against her own. "Don't look !" he ordered, and forced her horse over the far side of the ridge. "You'd better ride on back to the wagon," he urged. "There's been some sort of doings over across. Rile and I will ride down and look into It" Without a word she turned her horse toward the wagon. "It's God's mercy she didn't see," Harris said, as the two crossed back over the ridge. "Isn't that a h 1 of a way for a man to die?" But the girl had seen. Her one brief look had revealed a horse coming round a bend In a little box canyon below. A shapeless thing dragged from one stirrup and at every third or fourth Jump the big blue horse d the limp bundle with his heels. As the two men reached the bottoms the frenzied horse had stopped and was fighting to free himself of the thing that followed him. He moved away from it In a circle but it was always with him. He squealed and kicked It, then dashed off in a fresh side-slashe- his pursuer. panic, Harris' rope tightened on his neck and threw him. As he rolled over Foster's noose snared both hind feet and he was held stretched and helpless between two trained cow horses while the men disengaged the bundle side-swipin- g that had once been Bangs. One boot heel was missing and his foot was Jammed through the stirrup, evidence that the horse had pitched with him and the loosened heel had come off, allowing his foot to slip through as he was thrown. Harris pointed to a burnt red streak across the right side of Bangs' neck. He unbuttoned his shirt and revealed a similar streak under his left armpit Old Rile cursed horribly and his face seemed to have aged ten years. "They learned that from the albino," he said. "It's an old trick that always works. They dropped a rope on him and Jerked him, pried off his heel, shoved his boot through and laid the quirt on his horse. Blue did the "You're a real woman, Blllie," he 1 SUBURBAN CHP7ALRY said. "ou better throw in with a Jimpson is very attentive to his renl man nie and we'll own thli wife, it appears. 111 run the Three Bar on country. Yes; he always oils up the lawn jet The old man raised a doubled fist ten thousand head whenever you say mover 'for her before he goes to the office. Cincinnati Enquirer. and his face was lined with sorrow. the word." "I'd rather see It on half as rai.ny "Bangs was almost a son to me," he said. "I taught blm to ride and through my own efforts," she said. we've rode together on every Job since "Ar.d some day I will." "Sum day you'll see It my way." then. Tou hear me! Some one Is gohe prophesied. "I know you better ing to die for this!" During the next week the girl in- than any other man. You want an outfit tf own and If the Three Bar wardly accused the men of They jested as carelessly a if gets crowded out you'll go to the man nothing unusual had occurred and tl'i't can give you one In Ita place. she heard no mention of Bangs. It That will be me. Some day we'll seemed that It took buta day for trade." "Some day right soon you'll trade them to forget a former comrade who bad come to an untimely end. Kile your present holdings for a nice little Foster had disappeared but on the range In hell," a voice said In Slude's fifth day he turned up at the Three ear and at the same Instant two huge ma w Bar wagon and resumed his work paws were thrust from the little winva ALU we KNOW they are right. n and clamped without the least explanation of his dow of the on his arms above the crook of his elabsence. We have the experience and The old man was gloomy and silent, bows. Slade was a powerful man but the equipment for properly his face set In sorrowful lines as be he was an Infant In the grip of the fitting the eyes with glasses. went about his work, and It was evi- two great hands tbat raised him clear dent that he was continually brood- of the ground and shook him before ing over the fate of the youth he bad he was slammed down on his face ten feet awoy by a straight-arloved. thrust. Cillie could not shake off the re- His deadly temper flared and the membrance of the boy'jj adoring gaze swift move for bis gun was simultaneas his eyes bad followed every move ous with the twist which brought him she made and in some vague way she to his feet, but his band fell away felt that she was responsible for the from the butt of it as he looked Into shotaccident She often rode near Rile the twin muzzles of a sawed-of- f Foster, knowing what was in his gun which menaced him from the winmind. He spoke but little and. in dow. The face behind the gun was coiimion with the rest, he never once the face of Waddles. "I'm about to touch oft a pound of mentioned Bangs. At the end of a week Slade rode shot if you go acting up," Wad'iles up to the wagon as the men were said. "Any more talk like you was working the cows gnthered In the sec- Just handing out and you'll get ond circle of the day. He Jerked smeared here and there." "Are you running the Three Bar?" his head to draw her aside out of Slade asked. range of Waddles' ears. "How's the Three Bar showing up "Only at times, when the notion strikes me," Waddles said. "And this this spring?" be asked abruptly. "Better than ever," she retorted and Is one. Whenever you've got any spehe caught a note of defiance In her cific business to transact with us why come right along over and transact it Voice. and then move on out" "You're lying, Blllie," he asserted LOTS OF LOW Blllie Warren laughed suddenly, a calmly. "The Three Bar will show another shrinkage this year." HEAT ASH gurgle of sheer amusement at the "How do you know?" she flashed; sight of the most dreaded man within and the distrust of him that Harris a hundred miles standing there under For the next few months you want had roused in her, lately submerged the muzzle of a shotgun, receiving Inthe highest quality coal obtainable beneath the troubling thoughts of structions from the mouth of the for comfort and cleanliness. Bangs, was suddenly quickened and Three Par cook. For Slade was helpthrown uppermost in her mind. less and knew it Let us furnish you that highest "I know," he asserted. "It's my "Waddles, you win," he said. "I'll quality coal with unsurpassed business to know everything that goes be going before you change your ' on anywhere near my range. You mind." preparation and service. As the man walked toward" his say you want to run the Three Bar Block North of brand yourself. There's not a man horse which had sidled a few steps Tremonton Milling Co. in this country that would touch a away the big cook gazed after blm Three Bar cow if you was hooked up and fingered the riot gun regretfully. with me." The wagon did not move on wten "And then the Three Bar would bo the men had finished working the herd, only one out of a dozen or more Slade as the rest of the day had been set Phone 36 Tremonton, Utah An hour after aside for brands," she said. rollFor nc reason at all she was sud- Slade's departure the hands were denly convinced of the truth of Haring in for a sleep. The girl saw Rile ris' suspicions concerning Slade. She Foster draw apart from the rest and noted that his eyes traveled from one sit with bis back against a rock. He We man to the next till he had scruwas regarding some small object held tinized every one that worked the in his hand. As he turned It around on herd. she recognized it as a boot heel and "Are you looking for Morrow?" she the reason for Rlle's absence was demanded, and instantly regretted her clear to her. He had remark. Slade's face did not change the blue horse to the scene of the misby so much as the bat of an eye and hap. he failed to reply for a space too She was half asleep when a voice long a space, she reflected then some distance from the teepee roused turned to her. her by speaking the name of Bangs. "Morrow who's he?" he asked. "I've a pretty elastic conscience my"And why should I lqpk for him?" self," the voice went on. "I'm not "He rode for you last year," she above lifting a few calves for the said. brand I'm riding for or any little "Oh! That fellow. I recall him thing like that, but this deal sort of now. citizen," be said. gorges up In me. They'll never cinch "And what about him?" It on to any man they never do. Old "You tell me," she countered. ' Rile is brooding over it He'll likely CO. "That new foreman of yours the run amuck. One way or another he'll fellow that was scouting round alone try to break even for Bangs." 324 South 3rd West for a few months has been talking Blllie recognized the voice as SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH with his mouth," Slade"said. "If he Moore's and "knew that one of her keeps that up I'll have to ask him to men, at least had not forgotten speak right out what's on his mind." Bangs. It was the first time an Inti"He'll tell you," she prophesied. mation that the affair was other than Resident Agent "What then?" an accident had reached her ears. "Then I'll kill him," the man stated. TREMONTON, UTAH (To Be Continued) The girl motioned to Lanky Evans P. 0. Box 267 Phone and he rode across to them. E Subscribe for Leader The $2.00. "Lanky, I want you to remember this," she said. "Slade has Just promised to kill Harris. And if he does I'll spend aevery dollar I own seeing that he's hung for It," she turned to Slade. "You might repeat what you just told me," she suggested. Slade looked at her steadily. "You misunderstood me," he stated. "I don't recall any remark to that effect or even to mentioning the name of Harris. Who is he, anyhow?" Evans slouchett easily in the saddle and twisted a smoke. "Now let's get this straight what I'm to remember," he said. "Mr. Slade was saying that he planned to down Cal Harris the first time he caught him out alone. I heard blm remark to that effect" He turned and grinned cheerfully at Slade. "That's his very words and Td swear to It as long as my breath held out I'll sort of repeat it over to myself so that I con give it to the Judge word for word when the "And by morning they'll be thirty miles away. That sort of a killing was never fastened on to any man There Is No heartl-ss-nes- a. Guesswork About It cook-wago- Tremonton Utah Burnsnght One-Ha- lf BESSINGER BROS kill-tim- Contract Acreage back-tracke- irrigated land, with good farmers d to grow BEANS at guaranteed prices from seed that we furnish. Bleak-lookin- g FILER SEED N. W.OLSEN 73-o- -l time comes." Slade favored him with a' long stare which Lanky bore with unconcern, smiling back at him pleasantly. "I've got my little piece memorized," Evans said; "and in parting let me remark tbat Cal Harris will prove a new sort of a victim for you to work on. If you tie Into him he'll rest" Both men knew well how It hap- tear down your " He pened. Bangs had run across the turned bis horse and rode back to the camp of some of the wild bunch, men herd. g he had known for long, and the "I'll play your own game," the girl more no had told Slade. "If anything happens to suspected youth danger from riding on up to them at another man who Is riding for me ind this time than s any other. He had I have any reason to even suspect you told them of the shot fired at Harris were at the bottom of It I'll swear and they bad known that some other that 1 snw you do the thing yourself Three Bar man, would find the trail The Three Ear Is the only outfit wltl' leading from the direction of their a clean enough record to drag any And Bangs would mention thing up for an airing before tb camp. found them there, linking courts without taking a hnnce. Tnls having them with the bushwhacker. rule of every man for himself won'l When Bangs had left a pair of hold good with me." ' them had ridden a distance with him She moved toward the waRcruand and accomplished their aim. Slade kept pace with her, lending bis "It's coming dark,". Harris said. horse. meat-house.- slow-thinkin- yjr A Permanent Record A Convincing Receipt YOUR CHECKING ACCOUNT IT'S safe it's convenient a check- ing account at Tremonton Banking Company. A complete record of income and disbursements, it relieves you of the necessity of keeping considerable cash on hand. And cancelled checks are m an airtight receipt. Today You can open a checking account with us. A deposit of $10 and three minutes are all you need. Tremonton Banking Go. The Bank Best Able to Serve the Bear River Valley |