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Show AGE EIGHT mm mm t Price E THE Three Nights July 31 Aug 1 - You CAN'T AFFORD To MISS VENTS nAninnn:0 PnmmiftoD Carbon Co. Chamber of Commerc e "' Connty wciiiciimui vunni" Presents Presents CARBON AIR CIRCUS THE CENTENNIAL PARADE . -- RODEO CARBON COUNTY AIRPORT CARBON COUNTY PASSES IN REVIEW and Aug. 2 Each Evening Performance Starts at 8:30 P.M. PLENTY OF CONTESTS - ROPING RIDER BULL DOGGING AND ALL OTHERS Admission Children 50c Adults $1.50 (tax extra) GIRL INDIANS - COWBOYS - CARBON'S OWN SHERIFF'S POSSEE - BANDS - SAILORS ARMY EQUIPMENT - COVERED WAGONS A WHOLE NEW SHOW - NEW CLOWNS NEW STOCK AND HORSES - NEW CLOWNS A BULL FIGHTER - EXTRA PRIZES An A $10,000 DOLLAR SHOW All On The Main Street of Price SATURDAY EVENING - AUG. 2 - 6:30 P.M. MAGNA HURLERS FOR 17-- 10 WIN TO TAKE OVER LEAGUE LEADERSHIP Opens the show with a spectacular jump from PARACHUTE JUMPER Parachutist closes the show with Thrilling Jump. Entry, in the Miss Utah Queen Contest yULLIl wil be selected at the Air Show on Sunday, Aug. 3. Entry Blanks Available at the office of the Carbon County Chamber of Commerce Carbon-Emer- y 1,1(5 flllrTN MARRIAGE PERMITS According to B. H .Young, coun ty clerk, marriage permits were issued the past week to the following couples: Price , Ray Larcher, Price, and Gemma July Saccomano, Spring Glen. Antone J. Skriner, Spring Glen Price, July and Viola Louise Losik, Peerless. Archie Gale Kinder, Huntington nice, July and LaRue McCandless, Huntingtgirl. on. Elmer Lampshire Jr., Grand Junctnn, Colo., and KaDene Hale, race, 'ro.-duce- (Continued from Page One) and a hit, and then another walk forct (1 Magna's first run in. Max Pessetto came to the rescue, hut befv he could get the ide out the .Vlllers had crossed home plate seven times on only 3 hits. But the Ilelperites did about everything with the ball in that inning "but eat it, as they threw it dropped it to commit throe I'M AFRAID VOUf? APPENDIX IS A AW, DOCTOR. V GOING CUT errors and a wild pitch. After the fire was out in the third Pessetto settled down and pitched nice ball for three innings, even tho there were two more runs charged against him in the fifth, both of which were unearned due to a pair of errors that would have closed the frame scoreless, lie retired in favor of Rip Collins in the seventh, but Don't let your faulty electric appliances give YOU a lot of trouble get modern, new appliances from STAN'S ELECTRIC SERVICE backed by manufacturers' guarantees. Have you heard the marvelous tone of the new MAJESTIC radios? Come in todayl . Mr. Smart Appears Every Thursday mm SHE ammw ED THEiiHlLlJ Moss 3b 1 Barton lb Evans cf E. Johnson e N'ichols 3 3 7 0 4 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 n 0 n n 10 0 0 9 24 9 1 xllanna Totals '.7 UTAH DIST. Wilson 2b Dalebout ss Babcock If Shiga rf Mullins rf Maroon lb Bailey 31) Peyton cf Eaecaria cf Wood v 0 oi 1 0 3 0 2 11 3 2 2 0 1 0 2 8 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 ... 4 5 3 2 3 p 1 007 042 Dist AtfTAK fOWCI A UKT CO. MISSAOI 3 0 0 1 020 412 01010 04x 17 3, 3. 103 Cut From Rolls Of District Welfare A total of 103 grantees in District No. 1 of the state department of public welfare have been remov ed from the assistance rolls because of recent legislation regulating the amount of property that can be owned by any of the clients, it was reported today by John C. Winn, district director. However, he stated that approximately 50 per cent of these will be returned to the rolls within the next six months because by then they will have used up their excess personal and real property values. Journals, Ledgers, Dy Bovkt, Helper jMraal. at ta Jr Sry ?5m!i vSSpt sHJssl SS-- F T&j VV'- WX - WHICH S EASILY CUT. BUT QUITE 15 used LOCALLY durable FENCE5DING I'D qlUPTOO. distributors and dealers in automotive parts. Included in the sale will be parts for General Motors vehicles which cost approximately $600,00; Chrysler vehicle parts costing $85,000; Ford parts that cost $70,000; $80,000 worth of Reo truck parts and International truck parts costing SSO.000. There are approximately $350,000 worth of filter elements. Motorcyle parts ore for n Indian and machines. Complete catalogs and research material will ibe available during nspection dates. July 28, 29 and .10. Awards will be made and announced at the sale and successful bidders are assured prompt delivery, according to WAA Regional Director John A. Skeen. H0U5ES AND 6E STEAMED IF I WERE 17-- Calvin Mrs Johnsoi Doy. 17 Mrs A. S. O'Xiel, f$ boy. Grand Junction, Colo. July 19 Mrs Lyle Nelson, Fc Floyd K. Wade, Chowchilla, Cal ron, boy. ii'ornia. and Anna Anselmo, WellJuly 19 Mrs George GardiW boy. Helper, ington. July 19 Mrs W. J. Kilpack. F I.aVoy B. Gale. Helper, and Ray ron, girl. ona Taylor. Castle Gate. July 20 Mrs Richard Robert ARE VERY DEEP. THE LIMESTONE, City Hospital 17 Mrs James girl. J Price, July boy. 20 Mrs Celestino Jaeqs Price, boy. July Price, 21 Mrs Bruce Jensen girl. Over 500 beer distributors m ing in Chicago for the ninth at nual convention of the Associst' Beer Distributors of Illinois, hea: the warning that Chicago and El' inois will grow progressively dry er unless they do something ator i it. COIMNG - STRAND I FOOTBALL COLLEGE LOOKS FOR MEN'S DORM. AT WELFARE BUILDING GALL IS The state superintendent of pub lie instruction. Dr. E. Allen Bate-mawas in Price Tuesday of this week looking over the welfare bililding at 51 South Third East with the prospect that the building will be leased from the Carbon county school district for the pur pose of reconversion into a men's dormitory. The building, along with the present offices of the school district in an adjacent building, was originally constructed as a dormi tory and was used as such in the early days 0f the Carbon senior high school for students from the surrounding mining communities. When school bus service was start ed the buildings were abandoned for this particular use and were subsequently leased by the school board to the comity and federal governments for various department offices. At the present time, the building houses the district No. 1 department of public welfare offices and the soil conservation service, a federal agency. Dr. Aaron E Jones, president of Carbon college, stated that if the dormitory plan is accepted by the state, the building will be refurnished to accommodate at least 32 students. Already applications from eight young men from out of thc county have been received for dormitory accommodations for the next school year. n, BY CARBON COACH After the first of August soon the opening of the football season. August first is just a week away, and exactly 14 days later Coach Pres. Summerhays. on Aug. 14 will issue lis first call at which time suits will be doled out and the season will be on .its way. According to Sum merhays he is at tempting to open a camp some place up in the mountains where he can not only be closer to his boys, but can give them a bit of muscle huilding exercise such as cutting timber, etc. Sept. 5 has been set as the opening contest with an oppponent yet to be selected. . The opening contest on the Rig Nine slate is set for September 26, when the Dinosaurs host the Jordan Reetdiggers here. Two other games besides the season are slated before the opener starts. Granite here on league September 12. and Grand Junct-- 1 ion at Grand Junction on September 19. Following the issuance of uniforms on August 14 the first prac tice session is called for the following evening. Summerhays reported this week that he hopes to pare the turnout down to a , squad. All young football enthusiasts who wil attend CarWi high this fall are Urged to be on hand for the opening practice sessions, as Summerhays puts it, there are 11 first string positions open. A majority of last year's team was lost through graduation. 0 comes Summary Wilson. Dalebout. Shi pa Railey. Woods 2, Kemp. Stolen bases Kemp, Pessetto. Dalebout. Railey. Home runs Maroon, Peyton, Dalebout. Two-bas- e hits Moesser. Rarton. Evans, Woods 2, Zaccaria. Pessetto. Double plays Evans, N'ichols. Rarton, Wilson Maroon. Innings pitched by McFarlane 3. Johnson 2 Erickson 2 Stringham 2, Pessetto 4. Collins Marlowe 1 Credit victory to Pessetto. Charge defeat to -- McFarlane. Struck out 2. M. Johnson by McFarlane 1, Erickson 3. Stringham 1. Pessetto r, Collins 1,. Marlowe 1. Rases on ball off McFarlane 2, Johnson 1. Erickson 1, Stringham 4. Pessetto 2. Collins 1. Wild pitches -- Stringham. Pessetto 3, Collins, Marlowe. 1 ROM YOUR EUCTftIC EQUIPMENT OEAtEt j1 ft 1 3, BUY fA w SET FOR AUG. 14 1 Errors You freeze and store your fresh egg surplus and butter, too. You freeze and store a quantity of poultry at the and have dressed proper broiling or frying stage poultry always on hand for your own use, or for sale. You slaughter at the maturity date desired and have beef or lamb or pork all year 'round. Several models, sizes and brands of new Electric Freezers are available now for immediate delivery. - o Magna for later use. ' 71 llEVE0 T0 BE T HE CONES OF EXTINCT GEYSERS. THESE H0T POTS; AVERAGING 20 FT. ACROSS, ARE TAPPED FOR HOT WATER BY TWO SWIMMING RESORTS, LOCATED AT M ID-- it WAY. SOME OF THE CRATERS 1 Totals 43 2 2 27 1 4 xStruck out for Erickson in 9th MAGXA ... With an Electric Home Freezer on your farm, you "freeze" instead of "can" to preserve foods faster and easier! You simply freeze and store excess produce from your vegetable garden and fruit from the orchard ' -- - 1010 Collins p Marlowe p AN ELECTRIC FARM FREEZER pays for itself and their pays you! S&ZA SSSigjM 'SSS5 ySj fT ,V AT MIDWAY, IN WASATCH COUNTY, UTAH, ARE SEVERAL LIMESTONE CRATERS, BE- Harley-Davjdso- Kemp rf McFarlane p M. Johnson Erickson I'tah rJjjk 2 10 2b Stringham Pessetto p jlLQ 11 0 5000 feet. This is Positively the Greatest Air Show Ever Staged in Utah Admission: Adults $1.25 Children 50c (tax included) Two Hundred Planes Including Some Army B29's Will Fly Over the Parade. The Greatest Display in the Air Ever Seen Outside Salt Lake City - - - received credit for the win. Collins had but little to offer and Manager Zaccaria finally called in Mel (The Duke) Marlowe to finish the game. Dalebout Climaxes Contest Five hard hits, one a double by Mike Woods in the fourth, d four more runs. In the sixth Pcssetto helped his cause materially by doubling off the center field wall to drive in a pair of runs. The game was really climax ed by .Jerry Dalebout in the last of the eighth when he connected with one of the veteran Leif Er- ickson'a left hooks for a homer over the left field fence scoring Marlowe and Wilson ahead of him. Every Helper batter who faced .uaftim iiiiriicr goi at least one hit. with Wilson, Pabcock and TSailey each collecting three. The Distributors play Sunday at Provo ,and the following Wednesday the Timps return to Helper for a night game. Tho score: A P. II O A Moesser ss 1 1 1 Rido If 10 TWO BIG DAYS LOOPS, ROLLS, DIVE BOMBING, EVERY STUNT INCLUDE COMEDY ACTS, EVER SEEN AT ANY AIR SHOW This is Positively the Best Rodeo to Come to Price The Biggest In The History of Southeastern Utah POUND THREE - AUG. 2, 3 SATURDAY and SUNDAY. 11 BIG ACTS - EXCITING - THRILLING INTEREST Fifty Gorgeous Floats - Each telling a phase of Carbon History and Industry PRICE CITY RODEO GROUNDS UTAH DISTRIBUTORS PRICE, UTAH Carbon Presents ROOST JULY 24, Wuwcuuuuuiiiii'inriftrinn American Legion ROBBERS' THUMDAV. HELPER. UTAB TOR HELPER frfiiiwNAL 50-m- e, "I have tried to live my life as my mother would have wished. (She died when he was 13). She taught me as a boy that service is the highest duty In the world. I helieved her then and I believe her now. I hare tried to follow her teaching. I have not done half Bough for her or the world." The late Henry Tori Saluting Utah's Pioneers!! WITH AN ASSORTMENT OF Baby Dxiroiifturi SEL. ot lifers Iitllltii' b Jills 1 ;V I FOR HUM-- NURSERY) ' J High Chairs Cribs Youth Beds Play Pens Buggies Walkers Swings AUTOMOTIVE PARTS. GO ON SALE AT CLEARFIELD DEPOT Surplus automotive parts which cost $1,213,000, all unused with many items in original packages, will be offered in a spot competitive bid sale to be held at the U.S. Navy supply depot here on July 31 beginning at 10 a.m. The sale will be conducted by the Denver regional office of the War Assets Administration. Parts for all makes of passenger cars, trucks and motorcycles will be offered in 180 large trade lots. Each lot will contain parts aggregating from $8,000 to $10 000 list price. Bidding will be restrict-e- d to established wholesalers EVERY! Car Seats Make Your Baby's Future A Re1 Pleasant One With The Best Furniture "Furniture Headquarters For Mutual Furniture . 1 PHONE 37 ThjSjArea & Hdv. |