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Show 1847 -- NUMBER 30 1 PAGEANT DIRECTOR EXTENDS THANKS romtTieOTS MORE FOR TO ALL WHO HELPED editor NATURAL GAS CENTRAL UTAH following article appeared of Salt Lake's daily news Lers a few nights ago. Because Tso vitally affects the industry ne county and Eastern Utah on, I personally dependent jj go of the coal owners feel that the their employees are in -i- nee and for sense partially responsible will that bring line gas new tHe product into Utah a, a product that has to displace build Utah. ione much to tells Here is the article that Carbon te t0T?: the "by early Completion gas a main of 1948 Salt from assuriLake City to Provo, thus an county Utah of residents ng of and steady supply adequate Satunatural gas, was announced D. Roberts, vice rday by Jules of distributiin charge president Co., Fuel Supply on, Mountain Hacking, In a letter to Donald service Utah public chairman, arcommission, Mr Roberts said been completed rangements have between his firm and Geneva Steel the steel firm Co. under which available, necessary which the pipe Delivery of the make will sheet steel from vill be made. Wis., from a Milwaukee, November, in is expected factory Mr Roberts said, and construction as on the line will begin as soon pipe thereafter. were Plans for the pipeline made as a result of the recent that directive of the commission the Mountain Fuel Supply Co. pro "as soon a possible," a vide, steady supply of natural gas to Utah county residents, replacing of articicial the present supply gas from the Ironton plant which kas undergone several interruptions during the past year because of the uncetain coal supplyInstallation of the 10y2-incdiameter pipeline will cost an estimated $850,000, Mr Roberts said. Survey of the proposed route, which will lead from ,33rd South and 13th East in Salt Lake south to Pleasant county due Grove and along U. S. Highway No. 91 to Provo, already has begun. When smaller diameter will pipe is available, the system be extended to Linden and Orem, Mr Roberts reported. possible - h. CLIPPED FROM THE ROOSEVELT STANDARD 'THE LOCAL NEWSPAPER" recent bulletin of the Americ- A an Newspaper Publishers association carries word of the newspaper advertising views of Safety Stores, Inc., a large Western food chain. These views could be Profitably emulated by industry and In commerce in general. brief, the Safeway company believes ular that newspapers of regpublication, large and small, Perform an important public serv- ice, and that advertising revenue is essential in keeping the price, h barged the subscriber, low to bring the paper within en-if?- financial reach of every possible family. The Safeway Company instructs to avoid ing handbills and freP distribution papers except when absolutely necessary, and then to use the Job shops of local regular newspapers where possible. "ere is n lofHenl ntwl nroereSS ive policy. The local newsnaner fills a vital nlare in the American Sff,rif. If is morP than a business is a record of the times in hich w. iive news and Through comment it brings to its readers , oi wnat is going on ai DOTTle as Troll .v. '"u or, wnat is rrnintr on In the far flung capitals of the orlJMeasured bv the rigid its division managers -it wwstlr.1t aine. the, - of n'-v- v dollars-and-cen- nyw per his fun money's i ts ., ,, MUVflljntri worth and " '"p same time makes possible f 8n lrreI,,aceab,e CituStPnre DEEDED PROJECT Help 'PT'S ing . '".u Ht M fh J,e 1 v'ld!ts of any townspeople been of the PJnlon Who invit-- imw ' k I,ark- - was ft definite to delinquency of our councilmen A request was made by Mrs Bon me (T.N.) Jensen, director of the Pageant of Carbon county which was presented to a capacity audience last Thursday and Friday, that we extend on her behalf a word of praise and thanks to all who participated in making the Carbon pageant one of the outstanding affairs of Its kind to be produced in the state. The Journal Is very happy to respond to the request of Mrs Jen sen, because we feel that it will be a long time, if ever, before we see another spectacle equal to the one developed to pay homage to the pioneers who played the major roles In the development of Carbon county and Eastern Utah. A partial list of those taking leading parts In the pageant, and others who aided in Its production as well as committee members, was submitted by Mrs Jensen. but the Journal hesitates to print the list lest there be a name So we'll just say on behalf of Mrs Jensen. "Thanks to every person who In anyway assisted in making the pageant the grand success it was. and especially do we compliment Mrs Vel-rl- a (P. D.) Redd, author, and Mrs Jensen's assistants for the large part played by them the entire population of Carbon county was very well pleased." CITY SPENT MORE IN JUNE THAN THEY ACCUMULATED During the month of JunP Help er City spent $549.37 more than they collected from the various sources of revenue, a report releas ed by City Recorder Ernest Flaim revealed. Curing the Monday month there were $10,632.69 collected and S11.1S2.06 spent. of Following is a break-dow- n receipts and disbursements by the various departments as reported by the recorder: RECEIPTS Business licenses, $237.; fines,: $24; $569.50; sewer connections. water connections, $44; electric1 tax light, water, garbage & sales collections. $8342; electric service! deposits. $215; auditorium receipts! $380.-- ! $184.46; cemetery payments 50; sale of materials, $49.53; rent: of' equipment, $9.50; property leases, S5; recreational funds byVMCA. Kiwanis club and American Legion. $250; private drive7, $31.- No. district way payments school lunch building, $30; SO; refund Vets housing project, $24040, or a total of $10,632.69. DISBURSEMENTS Public affairs. $916.9S; public and side safety, $1,349.39; streets 290.14: water dept. SI.- -. $3688.-- i 101.48; electric light dept. $1191.65; cemetery, and 76parks public buildings, $481.65; garbage service, $630.75: contingent fund, of J11.1S2.0S. $156.26; or a total months of six first the During fund 1947 the Helper City general receipts exceeded expenditures the following by $12,147.56, with costs: report of receipts and while $72,067.73. totaled Receipts $84,215.29. totaled disbursements THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1947 2 - Day Carbon Adit Circnis Aug. 2-- 3 Takes Spotlight STORY OF JOHNSON'S ARMY TOLD TO LOCAL KIWANIS CLUB David Colton, member of the local Kiwanis club, Tuesday night told his fellow club members the story of "Johnson's Army" which' had rather an important part to play in the early settlement of Utah by the Mormon pioneers, as the feature part of a program designed to pay tribute to the found ers of this state. E. F. Marchetti was in charge of the program and Mike Magliocco was chairman of the meeting. Very lttle business was conduct ed due to the brief meeting made short because of a night ball game. The meeting was advanced from Wednesday to Tuesday. Earl Acord, who is presiding in the absence of President Jesse Perry, on vacation announced the appointment of a special committee to build a Gad (less of Liberty float for the Cen tennial parade to be held in Price on August 2. Robert Buchanan is chairman with Loris Winn, Ernest Flaim. Mr Acord. Keith Nielson and Fank Mangone as the committee. Guests at the meeting were Alma Lawley of Fort Worth. Texas and Devon Johnson of Salt Lake City. Vice-Preside- nt HELPER LDS WARD SLATE PIONEER DAY REUNION, OUTING The Helper LDS ward will observe The loOth anniversary of the founding of the state of Utah by the Mormon pioneers with a ward reunion and outing at Huntington canyon Thursday, July 24, Bishop Lynn Broadbent announced Monday. According to Bishop Broadbent the various organizations in the ward have been assigned parts of the program, etc., to assume responsibility of. and if each cooper ates he predicted an outstanding day of recreation, relaxation and will be in store enlightenment for the members of the ward and visitors who take time off Thursday to attend the affair, which will be held at the North Carbon stake cabin. Invitations have been mailed to the heads of all LDS families in the ward encouraging their attendance. Each family or person attending is expected to supply lunch for the group, and free refreshments are to be given by the ward. Former Utah Senator part in government training if - The Utah Distributors, who were spanked four times during the first round of .play by Lob Collins and his first half champion Timps, will journey to Provoi next Sunday where they will attempt to avenge those defeats. and keep in the running for top honors in the second half. Following the Sunday frap in the Timp park, the two teams will square off here next Wed n 63 day, July 30, in another night con 3 grams. P-5- test. Although there has been no an nouncements, as to starting hurlers by either Collins or Manager Frank Zaccaria, this writer will predict it will be Mel (The Duke) Marlowe toeing the rubber for the Distributors at Provo Sunday, and Marion Wankier or Garth Ford as Collins' choice. Ford had the Indian sign on the Distributors last half, and seems the logical choice. So far as the Wednesday game here is concerned, it will probably be Pessetto and the Timp chucker who doesn't start at Provo Sunday. Baby Distributors Play Two Wednesday night of this week, July 23, the "Baby" Distributors, made up of utility players from the main Helper team, and a few other youngsters in Helper, and managed by Tom Migllaccio, will meet the strong Hiawatha team of the Coal League at 8:15. Then next Monday, July 28, Migliaccio's team will cross bats with Drager ton in a night contest at 8:15. The Helper Baseball Ass'n. are t'hr team sponsoring "Baby" which was conceived to give the utility players a chance to play ball and still be available for use by the main nine. Several other games ai tentatively lined up during the rest of the season. P-3- FORMER SENATOR ABE 6; P-5- MURDOCH GETS SPOT ON LARGE NLR BOARD Utah's most recent Murdock of last Beaver, week was appointed a member of the expanded National Labor Relations Board by President Harry Abe S. Truman. Tile appointment of Murdock was one of three made to the board by President Truman and sent to the senate for confirmation. Others named were Robert N. Denham as chief counsel and J. Copeland Gray of Buffalo,, N. Y. as a member. Reappointed were Paul M. ITerzog, John Houston .The board was expanded by the labor bill and is believed capable of going far in bringing labor peace to industry. Appointment of former Senator Murdock is a distinct honor for Utah and is being applauded by the great majority of the people Taft-Hartl- Helper Takes Loop Lead With 1 7 to 1 0 Magna Win UTAH deserve to th. iimented for U9,nK 60,1,6r liKlit rflaV Inaln 9tre such a worthy purpose. tan-io- , 'BABIES' SLATE TWO pro- Included in the program will be Major William Madsen, who is still attached to the Civil ian Air training program, and also with the Colorado State Aeronautics control board; Lieut. Robert L. Seiker, a fighter pilot who 1 8 flew Mustangs and Lightnings in combat overseas; Lieut. George L. McGinniss, an AAF reserve officer, featured in a stunt flying exhibition with At-Warren P. Harvey, a Colorado Na tional Guard pilot, handling 1 Mustang fighters; Major William C. Sullivan, a 5th airforce pilot, shot down three times in the south Pacific, and demonstrating formation stunt flying with At-6- s. Other acts will include thP fly 3 ing of a King Cobra across the field upside down, and at a rate of 450 miles per hour. There will be a demonstration of blow ing up a house on the airfield by a divp bombing exhibition. In order to accommodate the people, a reserved section is being roped off at the alrporot which will be used for the purchasers of advance sale tickets. For these tickets there is no advance in the price, but just assurance of a good spac,. to sec the show. WILL MEET PROVO TWICE; gram of stunt flying, sailplane soaring and fighter plane aerobatics. All the participants in the Car bon county Air Circus are veterans of World War 11. Many of them stil lremain in some branch of the service, while others take The Carbon County Chamber of Commerce Air Show will attract national recognition, on July 28, when Zack Mosely, the creator of the "Smilin' Jack" omic strip will mention the event, and start the characters of the strip on their way to Price to participate in the county air circus. In addition to this publicity the creators of the Utah Centennial motion pictures, which will be shown throughout the state and nation, following all the state cen tennial events will be in Carbon to shoot scenes at the air circus as well as the big centennial parade scheduled for Saturday night, August 2. The Air Circus is going to be one of the most thrilling events ever staged in the west. The professional part of the program will take up two hours and a half of thrills, and local flyers and the Utah National Guard airmen will keep the program going steadily with stunts between the air circus acts. Opening the show will be parachute jump of pretty Miss Marcile Young, the 23 year aviatrix from Denver, who is paying for her education by professional exhibition jumps. Miss Young, who made several jumps during 1946, aims to take in ten air shows during this summer, and with her appearance in Carbon county will have reached the half-wa- y mark. She jumps from 4000 feet in the air, and is only one of the acts, that offering a breath-takin- g pro DISTRIBUTORS Gets Spot on N.L.K.B. of ALL SCHOOLS IN this state. INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Standing Of Teams On being told of the appoint- The Utah Distributor Tuesday! SPRING CANYON ment Senator Elbert D. Thomas, night pounded three Magna pitch who returned during the week TO REOPEN AGAIN W L Pet ers for 22 hits and 17 runs to Tn- - from over in representing President Tru- take the first place 1 ....3 .750 Utah Distributors Parents of children of school man at the International Labor 3 dustrial with league standing 2 1 .667 in the Spring Canyon area, Brigham Cdty age in Switzerland 1 Geneva, loss, in a wild ball conference 1 1 .500 wins against Provo have been heartened by an anover it. 1 2 .333 game that took three hours to said: "I am very happy nouncement made Tuesday afterMagna It has been on the minds of every It took four complete. Helper 1 3 .250 .... noon to the effect that no change Pinney Beverage hurlers to keep the Millmen in one since the congress expanded in the status of their schools is board." the labor check, and then they were able Carbon Ends Three-Da- y As a member of the board, Mur- contemplated. to chase across 10 runs as the Dr. E. Allen Bateman, superin-Uta- h, Rac Meet local team went wild in the third dock will receive $12,000 per anmet at the school board and num. Grounds frame to make Leif Erickson At New of public instruction for as In 7 and later congress runs on While his team a present of fices with representative citizens Carbon's first race meet in 20 three base hits.' senator Mr Murdock was outstand from that area on Tuesday to disclosed labor legisSunday afternoon years Helper's ball club really looked ing in his support of or not these schools cuss whether after a successful three day sched like an offensive team as they latton. He was indorsed by both should be closed because of the ule at the newly constructed race collected three homeruns and four: the American Federation of sail number of students. it track at the Carbon county fairand every single was a lior and the Congress of The closing of these schools had ball. Every onP of the 17 trial Organizations in his bid for grounds. Originally planned for considered because the atbeen Friday and Saturday, the Carbon runs were earned, and each came reelection in lf)i6. was too low to maintendance base-hitwith Commission James as the result of as only Racing a of teachsufficient tain Powell as director, decided after one error was charged against CASTLE JO Jufj ers in ratio to thenumber in averpupils successful a very program the Magna team. ThP local' club's DESERTED SAT.J Under the attendance. age daily and with the horses available, pitching staff made somewhat of f r new state laws nfT passed by the last they would extend it another day. a record Tuesday night as theyi-1"-of the legislature a school session Horses were brought to Price were charged with five wild pitch )f A fuI1 (tay games, fishing, room unit consists of 30 student's from many of the surrounding es. three of which came with a that goes with a and on this basis the state is Ob arl(l pating towns in this region, and others on third each scoring. day oUt jn tn(, mountains is in liged to pay $3300 for each school LT COLONEL SIGNED from race tracks in other sections runner Maroon, Peyton Start Parade s(orp for rPsj,ients f Castle Gate room per unit per year. of the state. The track was said AS HELPER After being shut out with oneas tney pan for Tastle Gate Day' There had been some question by horsemen to be in excellent hit in the first inning by young nPX, Saturday, July 26 at "Old as to whether or not the state JR. HIGH COACH condition, and great hopes were "Lefty" MacFarlane. Helper bound Fo)iH F!;,r in Huntington can- would finance these schools inasGlen G. Heavenridge, former sti expressed as this first race meet ed back in the bottom of the sec!yln! Leo Miller, general chairman much as did not meet the they pervisor of the Price Civilian ended, that these events will be ond, with Gil Maroon, first man of tlu? ,.,,p,ration annouced Sat-u- school room unit requirements. has continued throughout the year. ' ' Conservation Corps camp, hitting one out of the park llrdav. , All of the schools in the area, Thp race track was constructed to start the parade. Orson Bailey been contacted as the physical ed According to Mr Miller a bus it was learned, will open as usual ucation instructor at the Helper by Carbon county, as an added at singled, and with a pattern Ieave castle Gate at 8 a.m. in September with the same num,,. u a nun iu mr ian imiil'in. ready cut for him, Mack Peyton (aking those who do not have ber of teachers junior lllgn SCIKHJI, II va maintained as G. J ly responsible for this track is ined another one of Macs left tnfljr ow and will heretofore, el today by Superintendent transportation, two at each school. Reeves. At the present time, the Commissioner W'illiam Campbell, hooks over the left field fence rptnm followine the day's activ- - Tho schools in question are for homer. Mike Woods m instructor is a lieutenant col wno was chairman of last year's for a T, I)romun wiu R(.t under students up to and including the and is stationed Southeastern Utah Fair. The new scored the fourth run after he wav at n a , all(, the in army onel (.on(.udP sixth grade. All others are transBuilding Chemistry track has been fenced in, but had walked on a sacrifice fly by wj(h a f.ampfi,.p program 12 hours in Florida. ported to the Helper junior high At Carbon College 'bleachers for the public are still Herb Babcock, to give Helper a atPr school and the Carbon senior . . About Ready lead thev relinquished the next' Is Carbon Adds RYU Gradjto be erected. high. Carbon College Seeks Car-- i To Teaching The new building on the FINAL RITES HELD inning Dean Stringham. starting Phone News Items to Journal Pniiocp camnus which will Ccon(l R0iler Position for the Distributors, after look er New Opened TUES. FOR PRICE and bouse chemistry laboratories ing like a million thP first two Tlu i,uiiding committee of the jr. Morgan Greenwood, graduate DROWNING VICTIM class rooms is rearing rompu.... ran into a wild streak stat ))oar(1 of education is now innings, and of Brigham Young university and it was reported touay mui Funeral services for John Henry and a lot of trouble as be proceed accepting bids for the installation m University of Utah shoo of Kmpey, 17, victim of a drowning ed to fill the bases on two walks,,,? building will he wholly completed ., to be i ,P.n, hniler in the tiase- - CENTENNIAL EVENTS the latest insmii accident at the Price ti,o next 30 days, social work. ...;.i,i on (Continued Page Eight) municipal ,nt of the Carbon college admin at the tor to join the staff of Carbon pool last Saturday afternoon," were ready for use by students istration term building. The new boilschool school next Current Centennial Exposition college for this coming conducted Tuesday afternoon at Legion Team Evens opening of the er is to be connected to the pre by today announced was Fair Grounds, Salt Lake City it 1 In September. ypar. in o'clock the stake tabernacle ent one so that they can be used With Series from Dr. Aaron E. Jones, college pres-den- t. S.F.; here Drake in "Promised moved Alfred building, Thf in Price under the direction of Salt together or separately. It has Mr Greenwood is assuming Ute Stadium, SLC Game Final Valley" Kearns army air field near the of Morgan, George bishop been reported that the present on a 9 Draft Horse show July the position of counselor for men, Price First ward of the Church of Lake City, has been placed After dropping their first con-- 1 hoiler is inadequate for the needs fac-- ! inSalt Lake. a new position on the college Exposition, concrete foundation and will Latter-da- y Chist of Jesus Saints. 10-9 test to Spanish Fork last 0f the college buildings, and one for 7 CelebraCentennial July clude two laboratories, ulty this year, and a position, Born Sept 17, 1930, in Price, the the Helper Legion team peelally Since the new chemistry students, 'which, acording to Dr. Jones, will Huntsville. tion, was in Scout the active elementary chemistry youth Boy that is made up of players from building now being constructed is stueventually lead to the position of movement and in church activi- all of July 27 Championship Soccer and the other for advanced Region 5, bounded back into to be heated from the central classinclude men. Germania AC vs California, of also dean dents. It will ties. the championship flight with a unit. a phomember will and new rooms The faculty Ogden. rooms, storage He is survived by his parents, convincing 11-- 6 win over the Span Plans are function largely as an advisor to 1 Centennial Celebra July Claude J. and Mabel Taylor Em-pe- lards Tuesday on the Spanish WARD MEMBERS HEAR tography dark room. Price. tion. men students and in assisting y LEADERS SUNDAY now under way to install another STAKE three brothers, CWO Claude Fork field. ad3 Jean Gros, a process of interviews and tests Lee Empey, TJ. S. Army, now in boiler in the basement of the Thomas Biggs Jr., member of July of win their virtue Tuesday By into furnish abilities Balloons, Giant Exposition, to turn a student's ministration building to team will be the North Carbon stake High He Germany; LaMar T. Empey, an the local all-stSalt Lake. the corect channels of study. beheat for the new addition. LDS missionary in Lowstoft, Eng- host to Spanish Fork here Satur- Council of Scofield, and Ervin L. will act as a liaison agency July 29 Unveiling of Captain' land ,and Jay Empey, Price; a day afternoon, July 26 for the Mills, senfof president of the 345th administration veterans Monument, James Brown the tween the stake, Mrs D'On Empey Wright, last and final game to decide who Seventy quorum of Not only have they added beauty officials. He will alao sister, school Ogden. and to were Los Angeles. the speakers at the Helper shall represent thte area in the orito our park, but they will help 2 Wheat and Beet Day, bottled teach classes in sociology and Burial was In the Price city state tournament at Ogden early LDS- - Sacrament meeting Sunday Aug. In class a keep a lot of delinquency Utah. Garland, entation, and possibly night. Tbey represented the stake cemetery under the direction of in August. up. family relations. as missionaries, home the Wallace Mortuarr. presidency Fair Indufi-hard-h- T7TTw"riiT! (lAllii s, 1 fnrc lml 1 p, ni-v- Just Staff; P,Tjts por STATEWIDE -- Saturday 25-2- j ay 25-2- 28-3- itt8 a- 11.1,1. Ilglll- mat nas already won Tiarlrn. 1947 HELPER, UTAH gQlTORiALS Buthe VISIT UTAH DURING HER CENTENNIAL YEAR y; 28-A- ar |