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Show THURSDAY, JULY H, fHE HELPER JOURNAL PAGE FOUR Visitors here the past week are former residents Mr and Mrs A. J. Carlson and family of Portola, California. AJ came to witness the Centennial events this week and to attend the Utah State Moose Annual convention in Salt Lake City July 25. 26 and 27. TIDINGS HOME-TOW- N Bits of Tlil8.and.That of th6 People an Happenings In and about Helper. and two children Tamara Jean, are Returning last week end from Louis in St. two summer month's vacation trip to the a the to Texas, spend spending Worth, Fort Mrs Geno coast were Mr and Mrs friends. her sister and Pacific with relatives Mo., weeks with Frank Poter. They visited their Sacconiano and family. Me and Mike Bottino fished at daughter, Mrs R. P. Reynolds at Gary Mabrito Mr and Mrs Alma Lawley and two children arrived Sunday from J. Brent and , Said Gooseberry last Wednesday. they were really biting. iVrginia and Frank liarboglio accompanied Carbon county Shrin ers to Grand Junction for the con clave last Saturday, and from there went to Glenwood Springs to visit Mrs Joe Barboglio and daughter Helen, who 'are vacation ing there for the summer. and Mrs end were Fox and daughter, Carol, of Grand Junction, who will make their home in Helper as soon as possible. Houseguests of Mr Clyde Miller last week Mr and Mrs Richard ' Visitors in Salt Lake, Sandy and Provo over the week end were Ethel, Butch and Joe Tullius. Report the 101 temperature mention ed Sundays .papers was realy 101 hotter than it ever gets in Helwe hope! per Mr and Mrs Jack Sullivan re- lumed last Thursday after spend Ing several days fishing at Fish Jake and Ferron reservoir. Edith Gibson and daughter Judy arrived here Satuday from Grand Junction to attend the funeral service for Mrs Gibson's grandmother, Mrs Antoinette Marchello Theo Clark of Mr and Mrs Richfield and children, Theola and Patsy, spent last week end at the home of Mrs Clark's sister, Mr3 Mrs Carr's bother, Ken Carr. Wells Chadwick and family of of California were houseguests Mr and Mrs Max Chadwick several days lust week. Leaving Wednesday to enjoy centennial parthe bi? two-da- y ades and events in Salt Lake were Mrs A. S. Wahl. Mrs Robert Buchanan and children, Bonnie Jo from and Bruce Albert, and Frances Returning last Thursday Heber City were Mr and Mrs Greenhalgh. Win. Wetmore and daughter, Barseveral days bara, who spent Mr and Mrs James Lupo and there. They were there for the sons left last Wednesday for an which, extended Blackhawk encampment, throughout vacation they report was really wonderful. California, where they will visit Also this summer, they have va- friends and relatives. cationed at Fish lake. Frank Bonaccl and daughter, Mr and Mrs C. Arthur Carlson Beatrice, motored to sail uane win of Spring Canyon spent from last Tuesday, Beatrice where Wednesday to Sunday in Salt Lake spend her vacation visiting her Main attraction was the sisters. City. birthday party of their little and Skippy Wilcox, who grandson, tra nrviiie Cunningham celebrated his 9th birthday Thurs riumrMnrs nnd Mrs Sam Eaquinta day. of Los Angeles are visiting relatives and friends here. They are Attending the Shriner ceremonthe former girts jrom, ial hel din Grand Junction last were Mr and Mrs Frank Helper. FJ-att- Satudray Barboglio, Mr and Mrs G. F. Sprat Houseguests of Mr and Mrs Ir- ling, Mr and Mrs D. C. Gibson, vin Davies are Mr and Mrs G. M. Gerald Benasky, W. O. Maulsby. Davies and three children of Los Walter Cochrane and O. E. Tro-set- Angeles, who arrived Sunday to , visit for a week or ten days. . h. Visiting at the Marchetti and Llewellyn homes last Saturday were Mrs Joe Clyde, Mrs Joseph ;ine Haymond and Mr and Mrs unanes Jtsurress oi jres". mm Wilford Larsen of Springvllle and Mrs C. G. Sanford of Idaho. COMING - STRAND Las Vegas. Returning with them to spend the year were their grand children, Pauline and Frank Gusts Reynolds. Guests Sunday at the Jess Cox home were Mr and Mrs Walter r.nx Jr.. and Mr and Mrs Dick ehter. Janice, of The coast California. Chula Vista, residents are spending their ten- day vacation in Utah for the cen tennial celebration. ft.-- I From where I sit... Jy Joe Marsh 4m "Not Responsible For Wife's Debts" A young man came rushing into the Clarion office the other day and wanted me to print an ad "right quick" saying he won't be responsible for his wife's debts from now on, as he's leaving her for good immediately. I allowed as how the forms were all closed up, and it was too late to take his ad. He says: "All right, Monday then" and we agreed on Monday. Of course, the forms weren't closed. But I had kind of an inkling of what might happen. Then Sun day he phones me, and says, kind of sheepishly: "You can forget that ad. Me and the missus have everything all patched up. And we're having a friendly glass of beer, right now." From where I sit, if you give folks time enough to think things over, those hasty quarrels that come so often from misunderstanding will give way to tolerance and common sense. Copyright, 1947, United States Brewers Foundation Mr and Mrs Steve Salina and two children visited with her parents Mr and Mrs Tom Englehert several days. Their son, John L. Englebert, flew home for a week end visit. Mrs Englebert is recovering from injuries eceived in an automobile accident recently. Leaving this morning, Thursday, to spend the day in ban Laice City and witness the spectacular centennial parade were the Gene Plaga family. They plan to enjoy part of the time at Lagoon. ST. ANTHONY CHURCH SUMMER MASS SCHEDULE The following change of time for all Masses during the months of June, July and August, is announced by Father Francis R. Laniothe: Endintr Sunday. August 31. MASSES at 7:30 p.m. & 9:30 p.m. Novena in Honor of Our Lady of Miraculous Medal. Every Tuesday evening at 7:30 Don't Borrow! Subscribe SMALLER PAPERS ARE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM BABSON INSISTS MORE THOROUGHLY READ THAN BIG CITY SHEETS, NOTED ECONOMIST SAYS Small newspapers are more thoroughly read than large metropolitan dailies, and are therefor, more valuable as advertising media for nationally distributed products, in the opinion of Roger W. Babson, noted economist. In a recent discussion of American business trends, Babson predicted: More emphasis on advertising in small newspapers, and less on metropolitan mass-circulati- on dailies. Increased social and economic importance for small papers. Federally aided decentralization of population and the consequent building up of small interior communities. Small town papers will become more and more important. Many large cities have reached a maximum in population. Whether or not there is a World War III, the federal government must prepare for it by encouraging decentralization and the building up of small interior communities. THE HELPER JOURNAL "HELPER'S OWN COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1911" 1U7 . .. j tne r eaerm Hnnvpr tj... that says Investigation of Bureau Great men are very am t v great faults; and the Am pear the greater by their CASTLE GATE NEWS the gradual breakdown of the be trast with their excellencies to is beginning home erican -- Carles Simmons behavior national Houghton reflected in the By Mrt Josephine alarm. The for cause outreal a is and A Mothers' and Daughters' Mr & Mrs Ralph Minnitte and is not breaking from has been arranged for moth American home broken down. It down the Tuesday arrived ing daughter Caris institutions which it being are their home at Tranquility, Calif.. ers and daughters of North stake down; to be protected by breaking destroying it. Mrs of the ought and officers tn viit hr narents Mr bon stake by Outing For Mothers And Daughters Of North Carbon Stake Jim Tabone and brother Pete Girls' committee, MIA and Relief Tabone. Society. The outine is scheduled for Wod has been received here of resiformer new babies "born to thhqit August d. from parK.until dents Mr and Mrs Willis Larsen p.m. in the Helper cjty of Pleasant Grove, a boy; and Amusements of all kinds and a Mrs Melvia Donohue of Price, a well arranged program will offer entertainment for the day. girl. Mrs Pete Tabone and daughters Everyone participating is asked are visiting her mother, Mrs Bes- to take her own luncti. ice cream, sie Snow at Provo. candy and drinks will be sold by Mrs Andrew Lewis and children the girls' committee. returned after visiting at Spanish The stake MIA officers will fur Fork. nish amusements, which will com Mr and Mrs Melvin Taylor and mence promptly at 2 p.m. At 6 family spent Sunday visiting at p.m. all will enjoy their lunches Castle Dale. , together followed by the program Tuesday . evening a persdnal to be presented by the stake Re bridal shower was given for Miss lief Society. Rayona Taylor daughter of Mr Prizes will be awarded, one and Mrs Melvin Taylor, by her for the oldest mother present, one sister Mrs Arline Wilstead. for thP youngest present and one Games were played and lunch- for the mother with the most eon was served to the following: in attendance. Everyone Andrea Whittaker, Barbara Mill- daugters is invited to participate.: er, Jean Miller, Dorothy Hiukins, Ruby Pero, Yvonna Gibson, Mrs k Rae Dell Pearson, Mrs Lue and honored guest. KENILWORTH NEWS Mr and Mrs Lynn Wilstead left By Mrs Domenic Polve Sunday morning to make their home in Ashton, Idaho. The local intermediate ball team Mr and Mrs Roland Taylor and won a victory over me neiyer family returned home Saturday. at Helper Wednes Dr. and Mrs E. V. Long left intermediates Louis Crocco, local dav evening. Wednesday for a month's vacation hurler, allowed Helper three hits at Long Beach, California. his teammates pounded out ,The following officers and teach while seven hits, making the final tally ers of the local Primary attended 10 to 3. the party held for the outgoing Mr and Mrs Corney Edwards stake Primary officers Monday are visiting friends and relatives at the Price park: Mrs Josephine Kemmer-e- r, Houghton, Mrs Anabell Fish, Mrs in their old home town, Mrs Wyoming. Clea Davis, Sara Biggs, Mrs Mr and Mrs Jimmy Ferris of Pearl Stagg and Mrs Virginia Las Vegas, Nevada, spent WedLewis. The Utah Fuel company install nesday visiting at the Andy Pap-pa- s home. ed basketball hoops a tthe playMr and Mrs Lee Stocks and grounds Saturday for the recrea tional program. family spent a week at Moab. Thursday a new ambulance pur Mrs Stocks remained there to chased by the Utah Fuel company undergo an operation. Aileen Burton returned Tueswas driven from Salt Lake by Claude Heiner. It has facilities day, after having spent a week as to carry two patients at one time. the guest of her sister, Margaret The Boy Scouts who left Sat Bnrtnn nf "2den. Mrs Fern Conaway of Colorado urday for Salt Lake to participate in the Centennial celebration were is a guest at the home of Mr and Charles Houghton, Charles Barney Mrs Reuben Hawks. Mrs Conaway Derrald Davis, Weldon Thacker and Mrs Hawks are sisters. Mr and Mrs James Fulton and and Duane Bendall. , Mr and Mrs Ernest Rhodes and daughter, Marilyn, returned Thurs family are now living at Colorado, day, after spending several weeks Mr and Mrs Alfonso Clntora with Mr Fulton's father in Florida are now residing here. They for Mr and Mrs Claude Buram and children of Salt Lake spent a merly lived at Mexico. ,Dr .and Mrs Decker of Salt Lake few days as guests of Mr and Mrs arrived here Tuesday. Dr. Decker Clyde Burnside. Earl and Grant is relieving Dr. Long. Burnam remained with the Burn-- . Mrs Fern Ariotti entertained sides for a few days longer. her clob Thursday evening. Brian Hughes returned Monday Mr and Mrs A. J. Carlson of from a short business trip to Salt Portola. California are visiting at Lake City. the home of their daughter Mrs Mrs Leola Ludwig and daughBill Evans. ters of Draper left Sunday, after Mr and Mrs Emmett Stone of having spent a week as the guests Colorado are visiting at the home of Mrs Ludwig's parents Mr and of Mr and Mrs George Pearson. Mrs E. L. Winn. Mr and Mrs Frank Marbell and Tuesday Mr and Mrs Emmett Stone and Mr and Mrs George daughter of Inglewood, California Pearson visited at Spanish Fork. spent a week as the guests of Mr Mrs Neva Green and sister are and Mrs Ross Sacco and family. visiting here. Mr and Mrs Paul Luther and Mrs Sylvia Barney entertained daughter, Alma Lee Bergamo, her sewing club Thursday evening spent the week end at Grand and served luncheon to Mrs Betty Junction, Colo., where Mr Luther Trauntvein, Mrs Ida Evans, Mrs attended the Shriners' convention Lilly Pecorelli, Mrs Mary Huff, Mrs Hector Chiara entertained Mrs Lillian McPhie, Mrs Clea her bridge club at her home Fri Davis, Mrs Sara Biggs, Mrs Pearl ctay evening. lJizes were won by wilstead and Mrs A. J. Carlson of Mrs Curt Harris and Mrs Adolph Portola, California. Canto. Mrs Ralph Rosenberry of Los KocKweii Jackson was down Angeles, Mrs Catherine Larsen from Ogden to the week spend and Mr and Mrs Earl Larsen of end with his parents, Supt. and Provo are visiting relatives here Mrs George B. Jackson. M. B. Carlson returned from vis Mrs William Jewkes recently re iting his mother in Nebraska. turned from a vacation in south u a. uusey, general manager ern California, where she visited of the Wasatch Store company her sons and daughters. is on a business trip to Somerset v lsnors at tlie Domenic Polve and DelCarbon. Colorado. borne over the week end were: Mr and Mrs Frank Thomas are Shirley Ann here from California visiting his Last and Iven Sutton, George A Thomas, all of Salt bother A. II. Thomas and Mr and Lake City. Mrs Bert Allen parents of Mrs ieuiy-eigand girl scouts Thomas. tw0 leaders of the local girl scout troup left Monday morning for a week at the girl scout camp in CLASSIFIED Ogden canyon. Miss Wanda Raskey of Los An- . . nA Hill II, Pfilnc .. jidivey or lowa are spending a few days at the home For Automobile Parts of All Kinds or .Mr and Mrs Domenic Polve See BUNNEL GARAGE at Helir ana Mrs John Garavaglia per, Utah. If we don't have it. have returned from Crockett, Calwe will get it for you. Phone 51 ifornia after there vacationing with their son John (use) Garavaglia aim lamuy, FOR SALE 1933 V-1932 model Winona Hill celebrated her 10th R Ford; Two Bargains. See birthday July n by inviting 15 Fidell Trading 7,24, ltp in a party. Besides her ":c"u menos ner grandparents Mr and For Rent Mrs Robert Wa FOR RENT unfurnished Dale. Apartment. Inquire Apt. No. 3 Mr and Mrs Kenneth McNeil 1S9N. Main Street 7,24,ltp and family 0f Bluewater, New FOR RENT Housekeeping Rooms Mexico, spent the week end with Furnished. Inquire Hillcrest Ho- Mrs Frances Blackham and family Mr? McNeil and Mrs tel & Apartments . 6,5,4tc Blackham are sisters. FOR RENT Rooms. Sleeping lister Blackham and sons and Maid Servire, inner spring mat Mr and Mrs John Blackham and tresses. Weekly or monthly family spent the week end at rates. Helper Insurance & Loan Fish lake. Two brother from Img Co. ir,3 So. Main, Phone 275, Peach. Calif, were also there. They Helper 7,10,ltc "ere Mr and Mrs Archie Plark". ham and Mr and Mrs Rich Rlaok Miscellaneous ham and family. WORK WANTED-Li- ght House M and Mrs Gene Ulver. Ima work, tending children, ironing. Jean and Suzette of Deer Idee For further information call Mont., were recent gnosis at the 371J Helper Clarence Edwards home. 7,24,ltp Of Prices Effective Fri, Sat., July 25 and 26 JJab-coc- FOR SALE 8; - At Louuer Prices! Ground Beef Fresh - SIRLOIN STEAK LB 2 OPEN KETTLE LARD LBS SKINELESS FRANKFURTERS FRYERS LB LB. FRESH GROUND BEEF 4 LB BEEF POT ROAST PORK & LB happr host BEANS the party crackers RITZ PK6 50 RED STAR FLOUR "M CAN 2!ty LB BAG 3,45 Miracle Whip QT. RINSO MOR SOAP 30? 12 VEAL, LAMB, BEEF COFFEE 39? LB HILLS PAPER PLATES IOC & CUPS 1,23 SHORTENING tall fan RIPE OLIVES, ROSEDALE MAZOLA OIL MILK QT.CANJ5f ML BRANDS 4 . 2 GARDEN SAUERKRAUT 25t CANS 23 Jumbo Size lb Kl flNmKF POTATOES FOR NO. REL Cantaloupes MtLUNX CANS 49 2 CHERRIOS BREAKFAST FOOD PEAS 31? m LB LB NEW UTAH H CORN ON THE COB LB M ORANGES LB H SWEET JUICY BALED HAY FOR SALE - MARKET PRICE |