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Show THURSDAY. JULY 24 1947 THE HELPER JOURNAL ENTERTAINS Mrs W. R. HOSTESS O. entertained W. luncheon Maulsby was Mrs her bridge club last Wednesday bridge game, evening at her home, inviting as went to Mrs special guests, Mrs Eli Matson and Frank James Hemming. A light served prior to the prizes for which Bruce Willis, Mrs and Mrs Fred Voll. HELPER. UTAH MISS IS SOUGHT FOR MISS UTAH BY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CLUBS i ftft as singing, dramatic ability, Instrument playing, or toe W W talk 0 tB4 give a three-minuThe aCrbon County Chamber of this year from Carbon and Emery career she may wish to pUrttt. Commerce will sponsor a contest- - counties, it has been announced. All contestants must agr noi ont I,. th, X o Amnion The winner of the local contest, to contract with any firm OF which has been scheduled for prior to signing August 3, the last day of the air try aa a competitor for th HtU Patio Bridge show at the county airport, will of Miss America; neither can ilw Given At Wahl appear in the state contest which j enter into an endorsement of nr will be held at the Utah Centen commercial product, nor peruft Home Monday Evening nlal Exposition in Salt Lake City her photograph to be used la ton nection with any advertising ChDelightful in every detail was on Sepember 1 to 4. the patio bridge party presided The girl selected as the contest er than that associated with th over Monday evening by M,rs A. ant from these two counties will Carbon county Chamber of S. Wahl at her home when 20 have all expenses or the state and apprOfed paid to the guests were invited to participate Miss Utah contest, including ho- - franchise holder of the Mis Mn-erilii one of the loveliest events of: tel. transportation and meals dur-th- e pageant at Atlantic City. summer social season. , ing her stay iu the capitol city. The winner of the national rved A delicious buffet luncheon wasj title will receive a $5000 scholarThe wiuner of the utal,-n"-seon the patio, and guests ,test wiI1 Ptceive thrpe new forma, ship in a school of her ows choice sated at one long table, centered dn,sse8 to be uged at thft will receive paReaut The first runner-u- p with low crystal bowls of red car fllrK.,ion8 at Atiaptlo and $3000, the second, $251)0, the tftird. City white shasta daisies., nations, n $2000, the fourth $1500, and the blue bachelor buttons, and sage while at the national contest. next ten girls $1000 each. brush, which added a slight cenin There will no entry fee in Everyone interested should tennial effect to the patriotic col- the Carbon-Emer- y be the sponsorship of a clnk la How- contest or scheme. The huge outdoor fire ever, an entry must be sponsored either Carbon or Emery eOVBt?-place when aglow completed the by an organized club or group In Applications are available at 8 party atmosphere. either county. Each club, however, office of the Chamber of ComFollowing the luncheon, guests for each municipal entry, must sell $200 merce in the Price progressed to the living room for worth of tickets to the air show. building. Full details can be Obbridge. Contestants must meet certain tained at the same place. Comprising the guest list were: qualifications as follows: They M. Mrs Bert Mrs L. Bottino, must be citizens of either county; COMING - STRAND J. J. Mrs Fred .Mrs Voll, Happs. never been married; must single, Mrs Dalpiaz, Mrs Arthur Dalpiaz, be between IS and 28 years of age Fred Bosone, Mrs Ed Marchettl, on the opening date of the finals A. E. Mrs Mrs Cliff Memmott, at Atlantic City; must possess a Greenhalgh, Mrs Ernest Gardner, good character, poise, personality, Mrs Pete Archer, Mrs Joe Rebol intelligence, beauty ot face and Mrs D. K. Downey, Mrs John must possess talent such Mrs Ernest Flalm, Mrs H. figure; L. Hiatt, Mrs J. J. Bergera, Mrs Robert Ossana, Mrs Alex Allison Mrs P. M. Gonzalez and Mrs Robert Buchanan. Prizes were won by Mrs Happs, Mrs Memmott, Mrs Archer, Mrs Laboroi, Mrs Ossana and Mrs Bergera. CARBON-EMER- SOCIETY PAGE Y te J St. Anthony Church Wedding Unites We Also Pay The Helper St. Anthony church was the scene of a lovely formal wedding July 20th at 5:30 p.m.l when Miss Betty Pessetto. daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Walter Pesset to of Helper, became the bride of William (Bill) Crissman, son of Mrs E. R. Crissman of Helper. The marriage ceremony was performed by the Rev. Francis R. UTAH'S PIONEERS Prices Effective Fri, Sat, July 25 and 26 ioibsf-Til- MILK COFFEE S.&W 4 CANS I LB TIN 490 SNOWDRIFT 3 LB JAR K l 45c NUGOA $1.23 LB FLOUR 440 POTATOES s N0 u RED STAR 1 Lamothe. The young bride was stunning in an elaborate white satin wedding gown with long train and hooped skirt. The long sleeved dress was cleverly design ed with a net yoke inset at the neck. Her fingertip veil of bride's illusion fell from a halo crown of seed pearls. She carried a bouquet of American Beauty roses. Attending the bride as matron of honor was Mrs Max Pessetto, attired in a yellow marquisette formal and a shoulder length veil of aqua net. Her bouquet was pink carnations. Bridesmaids for the occasion in eluded Miss Elaine Dedrickson f Spanish Fork, who wire a blue taffeta formal and pink net should er length veil; Mrs Pete Ruggeri. who chose a pink marquisette for mal and shoulder length veil of pink net; and Miss Lucy Novich of Ely, Nevada, who also wore a formal dress of pink marquisette and pink veil. All had gardenia corsages. Acting as best man was Jimmy Mullins. A 50 PREM 10 LBS 3.47 LB BAG CERTO LUNCH 12 MEAT 350 394 VIENNA SAUSAGE 3 BOTTLES - 53- TOMATO SOUP jj black and was white frock the mother of the bride, worn by accentuated by a black picture hat and black and white accessor ies. Mother of the groom chose an outfit of aqua and black, wore a black picture bat and had aqua and black accessories. Both wore gardenia corsages. Following the wedding ceremony a reception honoring the newly-wed- s was held for approximately 200 guests at the Riviera club. d Centering the table was a white wedding cake, topped by a miniature 'bride and groom. The young couple left Monday k to enjoy a honeymoon trip to Glenwood Springs, Colorado, after which they will make their home in Helper. Both are graduates of Carbon high school, the bride also being a graduate of St. Mary's of the Cross Wasatch , and the Holy school of nursing. The groom spent four years in service as a flight officar in the army air corps, and for the past year has been an instructor in the mechanics department at Carbon five-tiere- van camps 2 CANS PORK & 2' 2 Campbells 350 BEANS CAN 110 REL BRAND ! 190 I 2 LG CANS 250 NATIONAL BROOMS 390 5-T- $1.19 IE college. COUNTRY CLUB SLATES DANCE PARTY SATURDAY IN 0. P. SKAGGS MARKET FOR ii i frw - Mem BACON LB SMALL CHOICE LB WHOLE OR HALF FRANKFURTERS 490h 2 LBS LARD OPEN KETTLE HENS YOUR, SUMMER w LB , 390 630 390 WE HAVE A LARGE VARIETY OF s LB GARLIC SAUSAGE 590 AT MARKET PRICE FANCY FRIERS Members of the Carbon Country club and their wives or partners are invite dto a party at the club Saturday night, July 26, E. S. O'Connor, president, announced Tues day. A buffet supper will be serv ed between 8 and 10 p.m., and dancing will conclude the evening. Reservations must ibe made at the club on or before Thursday, July 24. THE TJELPER TOURNAL For All Your Typewriter Ribbons Carbon Paper Account Books Staples and Staplers. PROFESSIONALS FUNERAL HOME Dick Mitchell Embalmer Choice Beef, Veal, Lamb. Pork and Mutton ah rnf PYivsti on Order "k. m f " m & Funeral PHONE 300 PRICE Phone Bldg Helper, Utah 276 Loyal Order of Moose Meet Every Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. HELPER m m 3 m r-- ill LODGE Kay Governor Nephl wm STORES Ben Reddlngton "ELPER Director THORIT HATCn LAWYER Stafford QMS A 8UBETY OF PCRITF" made by Mr and Mrs Kendall Carr of the engagement of their daughter, LaRean, to Paul L. Young, son of Mr and Mrs Alvin Young of Huntington, the marriage to take place sometime next fall. Miss Carr is a graduate of Carbon high school and is now employed as the stenographer at the Utah Railway company where she has been working the past one and a half years. Prior to that time she was employed at the Helper State bank and the Helper Journal. Mr Young graduated fromthe North Emery high school and spent five years in the armed ser vice. Over three years of that time was spent in overseas duty in Alaska, Africa and the European war theatre. He saw action in many of the major campaigns. He is now employed as a fireman for the Utah Railway. HOSTESS FETES CLUB Mrs Rudy Zaccaria played host ess Tuesday evening of last week to her club group and 2 additional guests, Mrs Edna Robertson and Miss Mary Kavanagh. Bridge priz es were awarded to Miss Kavan agh, Mrs Johnny Bianco, Mrs Low el Truscott and Mrs Ross Bunnell CLUB MEETS TUES. ....Convening last Tuesday evening with their hostess, Mrs L. M. Bot tino, were club members and the following special guests: Mrs Bert Happs, Mrs Al Wahl, Mrs Mark Sepas, Mrs L. J. Hyatt, Mrs Fred Bosone, Mrs James Bottino and Mrs Alex Allison. A delicious des sert luncheon was served prior to the bridge games, high scores for which went to Mrs Rudy Rebol and Mrs Frank Barboglio. CLUB CONVENES Acting as hostess last Wednesday evening to the sewing club group was Mrs Carl Bath. Additional guests in attendance included Mrs John Gale and Mrs Spenst Chapman. UTAH Secretary CLUB ENTERTAINED Mrs A. H. Lamareaux entertain ed her club members last Wednesday evening, inviting as a special guest, Mrs E. S. Bray. A lovely dessert luncheon preceded the bridge game, prizes for which went to Mrs Ray Berrett, Mrs Bray and Mrs Leonard Thayn. DANCING CLUB MEETS Members of the Helper dancing club met last Saturday evening at the Country club for dinner and members and dancing. Thirty-fou- r guests were in attendance, seated at long tables centered with white shasta daisies and pinks. Red, white and blue tapers in crystal holders were placed at either end and miniature American flags in the placecards completed the patriotic color scheme. Mrs Ed Marchetti and Mrs Ross Bunnell were in charge of arrange ments. C"0fe-mer- HALL ce ca !, Oh-ta- La-bor- a a a OF MOOSE Mrs Naomi Koskie, senior regent of the Women of the Moose, will leave Friday for the Utah State oenference, held in conjunction with the men's State Moose association meeting, July 25 to 27. All officers and escorts of the Helper chapter No. 887 will be represent ed. The program for the three days will include a visit to the Utah Centennial Exposition at the state fairgrounds, exemplification of the ritual, (business, dancing and a banquet. All Moose members are invited to attend. A regular business meeting and practice was held July 22. the next regular Remember, meeting will be held August 5. Ac tivities of the state conference will be the theme of discussion. MODERNIZE WOMEN Mickey Rooney Comes To Strand Again In Andy Hardy Show Mickey Rooney, back on the Strand screen as the irrepressible Andy Hardy in "Love Laughs at Andy Hardy," first post war film of the popular series, has lost none of his boisterous vitality y enthusiastic lift or happy-go-luck- charm. Andy, as you may suspect, is in hot water again. This time back from the war, he looks forward to returning to Wainright college and, particularly to see ing his old campus heartbeat, Kay! Wilson, portrayed in this film as in the preceding one by Bonita Granville. Comes the college prom at which Andy intends to propose eo Kay, but the latter is unexSEWING CLUB MEETS home and Ten members and an extra pectedly summoned guest, Necta Nielson, were pres- Andy is forced instead to escort ent at the sewing circle Friday, Coffy Smith (Dorothy Ford), a when Dorothy Hatch acted as blind date who turns out to be tall! hostess to the group at a lawn six-feAndy rises to the dilemma with party at her home. flying colors and makes the towCLUB FETED ering Coffy the most popular girl Ms Hector Chiara feted memat the dance. However, his triumph for when Kay rebers of her bridge club last Fri- is short-live- d turns It Is to anto the Tom Mrs when Hughes campus day night, Mrs Amando Tittle and Mrs Dom- - nounce her forthcoming marriage inic Polve attended as special to a successful career man. Disguests. Winners at bridge were illusioned, Andy is on the verge Mrs Curtis Harris and Mrs Adolph of leaving college and embarking on a career himself when he is Canto. distracted by an alluring Latin CLUB CONVENES visitor to Carmel who proves to Convening last Thursday eve- Andy that not everyone laughs at ning at the home of Mrs C. R. love. No one else but Rooney could Fahring were club members and two extra guests, Mrs H. P. Lloyd play Andy Hardy and ,as usual, and Mrs Frank Mullins. High he gives the role everything he's scores at bridge went to Mrs E. got. Miss Granville is an attractS. Bray and Mrs Fahring. ive college miss, Llna Romay Is ex cellent as the Latin charmer who solves Andy's problems, and DorSermon Discredits Ford, aa the screen's tallest Man-Mad- e othy Theories new "find." Is (bound to be heard The Golden-Tex- t for the from again. Sermon on "Truth" at all authorized Christian Science churhes BRIDGE CLUB FETED Playing hostess last Friday night on Sunday, July 27, reads, "O, to bridge club members was Mrs I thou will art my God; Lord, exalt thee, I will praise thy name Joe Dalpiaz, who had as a special A Mrs Harold thy cousels of old are faithful- guest, luncheon was Wright. served by lovely ness and truth" (Isaiah 25:1). Other significant Biblcal citat- the hostess. ions Include in this Lesson-Sermo- n BIRTHDAY PARTY are "Ascribe ye greatness Marguerite, 4, and Don Joseph unto God. He is the Rock, his Corey, 2, celebrated their birthwork is perfect: a God of truth days Sunday when 20 children and without iniuity, just and right were invited to enjoy games and is he" (Deut. 32:3, 4). refreshments. Prizes went to Jim Mary Baker Eddy declares in my Sulplzio, Tommy Joe Paluso, Science and Health with Key to Patsy Lami, Frances Butkovlch, the Scriptures that. "Mortals try Dennis Sallas and a special guest, to heleive without understanding Marie Cunningham, a cousin from Truth; yet God is Truth." "Our Los Angeles. theories." she writes, "are based limits on finite premises, which cannot capabilities necessarily penetrate beyond matter. A per- - faith and hinders spiritual underIsonal sense of God and of man's standing." (p. 312). et MITCHELL CHEESE AND COLD CUTS Of interest to people of Carbon county is the recent announcement two-wee- SAUERKRAUT jj BULK VINEGAR GALLON CAN jj HOST HAPPY NO. ! Party Of Couple Revealed Coulpe In Marriage TRIBUTE TO hf Recent Engagement four-inch- YOUR BATHROOM WITH THE LATEST Call Helper 171 or visit our offices for full estimates on all styles. Newly styled and newly efficient, are bath room fixtures which can be installed in your home now at moderate cost. We Use Crane Plumbing Fixtures REPAIR and HEATING COMPANY 187 So. Main Helper RflATTRESSE For 1947 Pioneer Homes es ROLLED EDGE COTTON MATTRESSES $16-9- 5 And Up Lesson-- .We also have a complete assortment of. SPRING FILLED Mattresses to Suit The Most Limited Budget . . . Call The Helper Furniture to See this Splendid Assortment of Quality Mattresses HELPER FURNITURE & IIDIVE. CO "STORES IN HELPER and PRICE" IIELPF" 76 SO. MAIN PHONE 3 |