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Show THE HELPER page sEVtar HELPER. UTAH JOURNAL To Attempt iL. Down MARLOWE SHADES MGCONNELL IN MOUND DUEL AS HELPER PiBrtreP'2000 more babies Modern equipment, a good track Pereruli btween JaD work on and the speed extensive Also than last year. course at the Bonneville Salt Flats BEATS BRIGHAM CITY IN THRILLER 7-- 6: decreas rate nrtalitv 100. live will enable England's John Cobb to attain 400 miles per hour dur- KERR I g reports BABCOCK, GIL M AROON GAME THRU IN THE CLINCHES his speed trials scheduled ti ing statistics, "lr of vital Y 15, observers start August report. ics. iir!T artment Manager Earl Owen brought his losses. After the Sunday night Brkham City Peaches to town fray, both teams were tied for last Sunday nisht the top rung with 2 wins against accompanied by the Miirhty" Carl McConnell, loss. Also the win for Marlowe who before the same boasted he Sunday gave him three succes would win every ball game he sive wins over the team which pitched for the Peaches the sehe started out with the first half, cond half. And it was a mighty but some difference or other cans good thing McConnell did his ed Marlowe and Brigham to sep PLAY PICTURES BIG THE WHERE gloating before the game, because arate and he came to Helper, when the sniok,, of battle had where he has won 4 aud lost 1 Lss-532- 2- 400-MP- ' ur Great America & fy tikck V?? ISeatb,.- ,- BEFORE THEy FlNAUV A TftEE IM PIAE, WETC AXUSTOMEP 10 OPEM A VElM ANP LET A FEW PROPS OF THEIR 8LOOP FALL IMTO TtE EXCAVATIOM. A2TE, 6rr -- 10 f MM 10:50 bowed away about ! Continuous showing on 24th from 3:00 6 Marlowe. and the Peaches' Maroon Babcock pitcher lost his hundred dollars. The first two innings were the pitch for three bases. Marlowe "three-n- p and three-down- " type struck out to end the inning. Brig as Marlowe and McConnell hook-- j ham's final run came in the top ed up in a real pitching duel.: of the seventh about like this: Then came the top of the third, Jacob singled, but should have which looked like the Brighamites been out a mile as he attempted were on the way in. and the Utah to steal, when Woods threw a Distributors were taking the "out" strike to Dalebout who was waitroute. The first three batters. ing for the slide, but when JacChase, Lemon and McConnell rap- ob slid in Jerry lost the ball. ped the "Duke" for singles to fill Jacol). scored on Evan's single the bases. However, with a pair after Owen had grounded out. The of wins already chalked up next two batters were retired in the team that let him go, order, and the Peaches had anMarlowe proceeded to strike out other unearned run. It was Gil Maroon who along Storey and VanXoy and give his teammates, the fans and himself with Babcock came in for his more of the courage needed at a share of the hero honors as he moment of that type. The next doubled for the second consecutive batter, Jacob, worked "The Duke' .time scoring Wilson who had sing for 3 and 2, arid then caught his led and Babcock who had walked next pitch for a grand-slahome to bring the Distributors within run over the centerneld wall to one run of a tie. Helper clinched clear the sacks and give Owen the game in the eighth as Peyton 0 and his team a lead, they came through with is third base held until the last of the fifth. hit, and Mike Woods beat out a After that uncomfortable third bunt. Marlowe laid down a perMarlowe inning, really settled fect bunt advancing Peyton and back and pitched as pretty a game Woods, then McConnell proved of baseball as any follower of the himself not to be entirely invinc- ganip could ask for. He allowed ible and without a weakness, befour additional hits, and the two cause after he had purposely pasfinal runs the Peaches got were sed Wilson to fill the bases, he of the unearned variety, coming lost some of his stuff and eontrol after a pair of errors that would and walked Jerry Dalebout, and have retired the side in each of walked home with the tietng run. It was Herb Babcock who put the sixth and seventh. After setting the Distributors the game on ice with another down with three hits in the first timely single to score Wilson with four innings and no runs, Mana-e- r the winning The score talley. "Zac's" charges came to the would have been even larger had realization that if they were to not the third base coach got win a ball game they'd better crossed up on the bunt signal as get going, and so they did. Mack he sent Woods in from third on batter in the in- what was supposed was the pitch Peyton, lead-oning rifled one of McConnell's that Babcock was to lay down fast ones for a double; Mike for a squeeze. Lemon easily tagWoods was safe when VanNoy ged Woods for fhe second out. Marlowe Sunday's win for the Distribjuggled his grounder, flied out to the shortstop, and utors was really a sweet one to win, and one that was necessary "Ug" Wilson fanned, Jerry Dale-boworked McConnell for a free if they were to be contenders for ticket filling the bases, and Herb the second half because a win Babcock steped into the first for Brigham would have put them hero's spot by driving a groud out In front with 3 wins and no ball between first and sceond for a clean single scoring Peyton and Woods. Brigham chased over another marker in the sixth frame, which was unearned because of the fact that two were out when Wilson s, erred on Lemon's grounder who lead off with a walk, to second. McConnell singled Evans home; Storey drew a walk and VanNoy struck out for the fourth time to end the threat. Helper came back in their half of the sixth with another impressive run. Gil Maroon hit the fence for a double and scored later when Mike Woods rifled a fast . can hope for the best 'cause here's HOPE at his Best! You m He's a pri vate eye who can't resist a wink espec- ially from a brunette) PMMMM NEWS - CARTOON - SHORT MtM TUESDAY MONDAY SUNDAY Mack Peyton with 3 for 4 and McConnell with the same ratio lead in the hitting department for both clubs. The locals touched McConnell for 12 safe blows, Continuous Showing Sunday Starting at 3:00 I 111 111? yi wi : jr; miaughs at may flawy LEWIS STONE . UNA ROMAY HADEN NEWS CARTOON Yes! FAY HOLDEN DOROTHY FORD B0NITA GRANVILLE It's Coming! SHORT - Helper, Utah 50c (AH Seats - All Shows) Adm: -- x ry-r- YOUTH k A I.'T j I I I kos Boys ond CJrk or. 4nm Their Bodiescw Before Truth to know The ... W4e! andTheir Uvs Ruined! That's why A this ; A TREMENDOUSLY Qeu! Fealm! bra! UKitioul! Honl! ; Ik. Hl 7 " Stocking! Moicn! VenTiUl! School Age Only! and Older! Segregated Audiences WOMEN ONLY o 2 and 7 P.M. 10n I J A D Ml II " O N u i Shows at 9 P. M. MEN " 6:30 6:30 6:45 7:00 7:30 YWimilUH TriEy vuere seiiJS FLAMTECTUE FfEl i ift? nil -- of a beautiful emi PRESSED - powkthe roots - PUT IvJ AMERICA, TAKtS doubles and 1 triple, and Margave up S a homer and 1 batters double. Eleven Helper went back to the dugout with a "K" against them, and Marlowe whiffed 7. The next meeting of these two clubs will be at Brig-haon August 16. The score: BRIGHAM CITY AB H O 4 0 0 Storey rf 0 VanXoy ss .... 5 Jacob cf .... 4 Owens lb .... 3 Evans 2b AM Mine Report AM Intermountain Nws PIANTINS PROBICMS-VOCIE- MetWOPfi, A fEEP S0UKOH i VJUe "TREES ARC HAWETBP, PROVlPB FOB A NATURAU FKTOCKIN& OP FOBE5T LAUPi j A SINGLE tieALTHy TREE WILL LEAVB HJ. l, U' f.t ' OlWTlE5J VOUN6-rBEECOT FOft PROPUCE 7 REPLAe 1H0 U5E. 13 Maroon lb 4 2 110 11 0 4 0 0 0 Bailey 3b 4 3 3 0 Peyton cf 4 2 8 0 Woods c 3 0 0 0 Marlowe p 35 12 27 9 Totals Score by innings: 004 001 1006 Brigham 7 00O 021 22x Helper Runs Jacobs 2, Evans, Chase, Lemon, McConnell, Wilson2, Sluga Maroon, Peyton 2, Woods. Errors VanNoy, Lemon, Dalebout, Wilson, Bailey, Marlowe. Stolen bases Woods, Maroon, Evans. Home Three-bas- e run hit Jacobs. hits Woods. Two-bas- e Peyton, Maroon 2, Owens. Struck out McConnell 11, Marlowe 7. Bases on Hialls McConnell 2, Marlowe Mercer 4. Time 2:35. Umpires 969 and Shulsen. Attendance Top of the evening my When folks come wrvo Clicquot Club Cooler, a delightful o lemon-fluvore- d refresher. Its tangy goodness as a mixer .in it at the tou of it any evening Price, Utah Phone free pictures of early days in Utah of interesting scenes depicting phases of Pioneer life. M-- S They are attractively litho- F 8:30 M-- F 9:00 AM Sat 9:15 AM News 11:00 AM Queen for Day ....M-- F Sun 12:00 AM News 12:30 pm fit of Monte Cristo Sun 1:00 PM Intermountain Nws MS 1:00 PM House of Mystery Sun Johnson Family ....M-- F 1:15 1:30 PM True Destctive Mys Sun Sun 2:30 PM Abbott Mysteries M-- F News PM 3:00 3:00 PM Those Wehsters .. Sun Sat 3:30 PM News Sun 3:30 PM Nick Carter M-- F 4:00 PM Request Hour bun Travlr 4:00 PM Mvsterious Sat 4:30 PM News & Sports 4:30 PM Gabriel Heatter .. Sun 5:00 PM PM Twenty Ques Sat ....Pun 5:00 PM Mediation Board M-- F Parade Adventure PM 5:30 M-Mix 5:45 PM Tom MM-- F 6:00 PM News Sun 6:00 PM Exploring Unkwn Dally 6:30 PM Mine Report ....Wed 6:30 PM Name that Son? Fri Drummond PM Bulldog 6:30 Mon club & Htg 7:00 PM Fishg Tue 7:00 PM The Falcon Thu .. Theatre 7:00 pm Family .. Fri 7:00 mc nTnot The Press Sun PM News !:00 M-- F S:00 PM Fulton Lewis Jr News Dally 8:3 pm Tntermonntn .... Mon n:00 nrr anflnnil Yard pm Amer Forum. Air Wed TM Let George TV It rrtf Tavo It to GIrlS ....SUn Da,1y 9:30 PM Mine Report orchestras Dance 10:00 PM to H:00 pm graphed in duotone. Twenty-fou- r ..-- Fri views are included in the series. A different picture is available each week. pt For your convenience in preserv- ing the pictures, an attractive album may be purchased at nominal cost. J t I I IW I I M f M 1 1 11 l1 Drive in at any Pep 88-Vic- o station in Utah for these interesting photographs given with the compliments of the Utah Oil Refining Company. UTAH OIL VvV?. BOTTLING CO. ...to obtain Daily Kg ft CLIQUOT CLUB What an ansurd thing it is to pass over all the valuable parts of a man, and fix our attention on Addison his infirmities. These are actual reproductions M-- ,' HM tlie highest over 13.000 fee. U Utah Featured naThe Traveltlme magazine, enjoys a most hospitable climat. tionally circulated, has much to f We now have a supply say about Utah in the July edition VIM st office supplies your Buy Urging vacationers to visit Utah Journal. this summer, the article recounts Helper the story of the foundiug of the state. Following is a paragraph COMING - STRAND .... 5 0 0 Cowley 3b from the article: vUtah is notable .... 4 1 0 Chase If for its far vistas, fantastic color1 11 ... 4 Lemon c ation in its inanyon canyons, thiriv McConnen p .... 4 3 0 ing modern cities and extensive 3S 9 24 11 Totals primitive areas. It is the highlands UTAH DISTRIBUTORS of America, the lowest spot being AU M O A almost a mile above sea level, 4 2 3 6 Wilson 2b 3 0 Dalebout ss " 2 0 0 Babcock If 4 Shiga rf Daily 8:00 AM News 8:15 AM Tell Your Neighbor MF Heart's Desire.... Kate Smith Spks , NATURE CAKE OF MOST TREB FOHEST AANA6EMEMT m AM Shady Valley Folks M-- F AM Farm & Home Hr M-AM Breakfast News ....M-- S AM STRAND- Stnrtinor MNDAY, AUG 3rd TO K-O-A- -L MICKEY ROONEY SARA max urn send-Evan- BIG, NEW, TERRIFIC LAUGH SMASH ! leap for love v it - m I lowe ut twits impia 3 ff JIJLY 27, 28 and 29 k date. to p.m. Sunday, "Mac" had to a former team-mat- e and fellow pitcher. Mel (The Duke) JULY 24, 25 and 26 24TH OF JULY SHOW cleared completely THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY BIG ti 1 PROGRAM WEEKLY mi REFINING COMPANY 9 902-- 11 OA |