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Show 147 00 THE HELPER protest crossed the countrv hr,. followed enactment of Hartley slave labor law and in its wane tame a wave of demonstrations and bitter als that " UNIONS VENGEANCE , . remeS '..it,UD The following 23. will be A reprint from the Wy- - vengeance on November 2 next rfidemli Labr News' and d0es year. the senti-1- 0 As a spontaneous protest coal T Lessarily reflectJournal. strike the 01 brought more than 300,000 Bents out of the pits in 14 or angry upsurge mendous A tre: national and independent union officials made it clear that the viciously repressive law would be challenged on every possible front. Court tests were in CENTRAL COMM. the making by a dozen unions while a large number of labor editors announced readiness CO. SUPPLY to AT) defy the law's prohibition on un- ion publications taking a stand on Better Materials candidates or issues. FOR YOUR Emergency sessions of the A. F. of L. council and the CIO exec-- i BUILDIN8 NEEDS utive board were summoned in Washington while special meet- Helpr Phone 72 lngs of AFL and CIO legal rep- resentatives were convened. Num FOOD CENTER F0OD CENTER for a one day nationwide strike came trv.iij Zl tZ?S iji- i . ana the a third party. President Untry- vriiiiam - talk uniun ,b?.th UTAH RACE II.N7 Facts end Facts; Time Magazine Tells Utah Story CZECHOSLOVAKIA picture of President George Smith of the LDS church graces the front cover of the July A ITHI unPrecented S JOURNALHELPER. and r Albert CESKOSLOVENSKO Time magazine. Inside, dthree pages to the Mormon 6tory and four pictures. While the Salt Lake Tribune thought the article slightly the story praises the industry of pioneers, tells the story of the churc.h and comments on present day Mormons. Latter? Day Saints might take exception 21 issue-o- f it has devote u AF of L was joined bv a score of other AF of L leaders in predict-miner- s ing that congressmen who ported the bill "will be voted out of office by the American people next year." Director Jack Kroll of the CIO Political Action corn-legniittee promising a redoubled cam paign to oust every labor-hate- r in congress, declared: "We are facing a threat greater than any strike we ever had. We've got to do the same kind of political tion job that we would do in or- ganizing a successful strike." First backfire of the new law came in Dallas, Texas, where Dis trict Court Judge W. L. Thornton issued an injunction restraining the AF of L Boilermakers from sup-state- s, al ' FOOD CENTER The Republic of Czechoslovakia is 49,358 square miles in area, with a population of about 14,447,000. Without access to sea, it is bounded on the North by Germany and Poland, on the East by Poland and Rumania tttiri-'rr mam' wtnr "on the South by Rumania and Austria and on the West by Germany. Largely mountainous, the country formerly was one of the richest in Europe; forests, mineral resources and agricultural products are abundant. The capital is Prague. Member of the United Nations General Assembly and of the Economic and Social Council, Czechoslovakia is represented at U.N. headquarters by Dr. Jan Papanek. Her flag carries two horizontal stripes, white and red, of equal width, and a blue triangle on the left. k NOW YOU SAVE STILL MORE mm w picketing the Southland Steel which had been using TWO UTAH GIRLS TO material from a strikebound com pany in that city. The Workers BE AMONG CITIZENS la- Defense League, bor defense agency, announced that its attorneys stood ready "to AT WASHINGTON, D.G. help any union testing the const tutionality of any of the law's Two girls from the Utah Girls provisions. The bill became law when the state will be among the citizens Republican controlled senate, ig- - of the first Girls Nation, to be noring both a strong presidential hold in Washington, B.C. Aug. veto and a last minute message yt.h to 11th. under sponsorship of from Truman, passed the measure the American Legion Auxiliary, GS to 25. six votes more than nee- Mrs lieth Ellis Girls' State chair essary to override. The house had man of the local Auxiliary unit approved the bill on the previous has announced The girls to attend will be Friday by "31 to S.I. Forty-eight- y senators had the sup't-cteon a basis of their qualities of character and leadership disport of 22 Democrats in overriding the veto, while only three Re- played during Girls State. They publicans Langer (X.D.), Malone will join with girls fom the 43 (Nov.) and Morse (Ore). joined oilier iGrls States being held this the 22 Democrats in attempting year in setting up and operating to sustain the president. a Girls Nation. The girls will be The fin a vote was preceded by housed and activities will center a filibuster" by Senators on the campus of the American Morse. Taylor (D. Idaho- - and Kil- - university. Conventions of political parties gore (D., W. Va.- - in an attempt to give the people of the nation and a national election will be two or three more days to become the opening activities of the Girls; acquainted with the dangers to Nation. A Girls Congress will be the couiitnnry's economic health seated, hear committee reports, and stability detailed in Truman's auM u wait: unit i ui''n uuio. . Labor's charge that it is a fas Girls Supreme Court will consid- cist measure was verified by Sen-- er cases. A Girls President will atoi- - Taylor (Idaho-- , and others hold a cabinet meeting and a who declared flatly that "This is press conference, a Fascist measure. There is no Visits to the Capitol, the White doubt about it." Senator Johnston House, the Supreme Court Build-CDS.C.- - warned that the law jng and other government build would invite a depression and de- - ings will show the girls the Unit dared that the 194S elections ed States Government in action, would see the unseating of many They will be addressed by who voted for 'the inent men and women from the legislation. legislative, judicial and executive One fact was clearly established branches of government. Sightsee both by congressmen and by the ing trips to points of interest in two big meetings of AF of L and and around Washington will lawyers: the law is written cupv the hours not devoted to 0P-s- o loosely and vaguely in many erating the Girls Nation, instances that its real meaning The program is being directed will have to wait for court inter- - by Mrs E. A. Campbell, of Homer pretations. Said Representative Louisiana, chairman of the Auxil-Mik- e Mansfield (D., Mont.-- : "No iary's National Girls State coin-on- e really knows what this bill mittee, assisted by an able staff contains and no one, including the of counselors, Mrs Norton H. authors of this measure, have any Pearl. National President of the It Auxiliary, will address the girls idea of its full implications. will give the lawyers of the coun- - during their final day in Wash- try a field day, because practi- ington. cally every section of this act will have to be taken to the courts Mines Are for final judgment." Senators M( Farland, Pepper, Morse, Given Inspection McGrath. Murray, McMahon, To supplement nearly a score and others charged rerecent safety improvements in of the will law "cause peatedly that mines the Liberty Nos. 1 and continual strife in industry." a FedCarbon. at Utah, Latuda, Wyoming-Uta- h News Labor eral coal mine inspector proposes eea further precautionary measures in a report released today by the Time To Bureau of Mines. The i.Vl ton a day mine aper-ate- d Have Your by Liberty Fuel Conjpany afforded employment to 100 men RADIATORS when inspected in January by A. .1. Kopn in aceordance with the Cleaned Flushed and company non-partis- O O e ,MMim, WE SALUTE UTAH'! PIONEERS Prices Effective Fri, Sat., July 1 1 !... 2o and 2b O O If o Fresh Cry lb 10-lbB- mk 4 Brands All W 3 . ag IGO-l- b Cans Bag $1.02 ft! 2J $9.98 H H 4 O o53 w . !leS!Brands.4c Wimas 50-lbBag- fl) 1 7 Vitamin 'A' lb. )- araw M k I ackaqcs . 42 3? c -- oz uoiuc 1 1 m sauce o o M . . . MELONS Ground Beef J BEEF BOIL HEESE 48c Roast lb. S, RIB OR BRISKET LB NIPPY CORNED BEEF HOME MADE Lb SPRING 37G lb. O O o 591 430 SPUDS H FANCY UTAH I io-I- U Bag 49c FRYERS AND HENS J 1 "AIR RIDE" U. S. ROYAL TIRESl America's Newest, Most Modern Tire Seat Covers! CONOCO PRODUCTS! a ir ii ri I rx , mi m jj i See U for Expert Lubrication Penzoli & Quaker 8tate Olltf Tire Repairing and Vulcanizing s agreement of May 2ft, 040. For safer oprratinc conditions. recommended Kopp Inspector guards for the trolley wires at certain intersections, frameground for electrical equipment, overload protection for mining and loading machines in the No. 1 mine, use of enclosed trip lights on all trips, separate air pplits for sevbattery-charein- g eral stations, of substantial inconstruction combustible stoppings in several No. 1 mine crosscuts, and repair of the pressure-recordin- g gauge. recent improveSummarizing ments, he commended the insulat intr platform at a pump switch In the No. 1 mine, use of proper fuses in switch boxes of 2 power shovels, guards for the trolley wire at a man-tri- p station, dls- continuance of pushing man-tripcompletion of several auxiliary airways, surface Installation for the No. ?, mine fan, and art increase in nlr coursed through one last open crosscut. Other Beneficial changes em-- j braced special roof testing rods for loading machine operators, s, THE MIDLAND SERVICE STATION j Main FOOD CENTER a AT 4L MIDSUMMER mm dEMMa WOMEN'S CASUAL SHOES 2,00 WOMEN'S WHITE SHOES 3.00 MEN'S SUMMER OXFORDS 4.00 Prevailing Shoe Price Makes this An Outstanding Value MEN'S ARMY TYPE PANTS AND SHIRTS 2,00 2.001 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS FOOD CENTER FOOD CENTER 10.00 MEN'S CASUAL COATS 25c BOYS' STRAW HATS BOYS' CASUAL COATS 5.00 ! 50c MEN'S TIES 2.00 BOYS' SWEATERS CHILDREN'S STRAWS BOYS' JIMMIES 25c 1.50 50c 49c : PAPER DRAPES BOYS' HATS TEA APRONS 50c Latuda e: Krug-Lewi- Cool-Rid- e o o i t m. ' U.S. BATTERIES ii m It's Cantaloupe 39G LB SAUSAGE COUNTRY STYLE 4c lb: Jumbo 27's LB 1 Kil-gor- Guaranteed Kipe Lamb m. m ' oc-CI- O ft 5 W Shredded Wheat f iiarbeque s j s. m ., H a PS Star i mi j Salad Dressing f Pik & Beans I Quart Jar . . . 65c f 2k Can , . 23c Red to Time's statement that Mormon-is- m sprang fro rathe mind . ot Joseph Smith, because it is a ell known fact that Latter-Da- y Saint believe that Mormonism was revealed to Joseph Smith by divine revealation. , of President Speaking George Albert Smi:h, iTme says: is impressive. In his auiet and earnest way. Smith is a great sales man and public-relatioIpiaa and one who serves the needs ot th,. church well in 1947. People who watch him in his office slying popping bonbons into his mouth while he works know that they are dealing with a force.", making up of primers at or near the face, several surface improve g ments. additional measures, and recent safety meet Phone Items to Helper Journal ings of employees and officials. Other recommendations called COMING - STRAND for safer methods of transporting explosives and detonators under ground, several mechanical safe3 guards, wearing of protective foot wear by all employees, and the posting of an accurate mine map in a place accessible to employees. rock-dustin- r-- o o 3 THRO ! v" aema8 general ti, NOTE ! & Locust Phone 307 Helper WED., JULY 30 8:15 P.M. SSelper Ball Park UTAH DISTRIBUTORS VS. PR0V0 "TIPS" Admission: 75c Children: 25c |