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Show THURSDAY, THK HBLPEK J O U K JULY 24, 1947 UTAH NAL-HEL- PER. : Ttir 77Xoocmm - V - TUI "wiW I I the bankers. "Tbay're too tight." CPTCED COP he declared. "Now if they'd only WAKA. w ct r -v vault be after going into the a with so or month wance ivery OUTnLH o SCRVICC BY MASON R. SMITH spade and turning over the money dinine rooms. - and spreading it owt a bit. I'm In ffINT 0 PfW4?V0. Limer7HPe 30 lies on condition, miles stories few away A all of a series of weekly ,s S the first the Irish sure we'd all be happier. But a town" "small a ick and for R. Smith in weekly Mason wans there in by is do go Europe written exclusively qav of about 10,000 population, they in the shift the coins newspapers who maintain membership There is time to catch a bus and long while and, 'em to hear look-se- e jangle. before just go over for a Clonal Editorial Association. Mr Mason, himself a weekly for Dublin.! "And as for you," he said, yuu departs plane to your is he where if you'd just ship us New York state, is now in Europe It is a quaint community there Americans publisher in we'd Glasgow, Edinburgh, wagons and over a few of your dollars, are many horse-draw- n vtoft the following cities: Dublin, Belfast, sure an' still. be Aye, an all happied carts. The storefronts present Stockholm, Helsinki, but Brussels. The Hague, Copenhagen, Oslo, got the money to buy. 1 interesting combination of the we've " ' H n' dol 111 Athens, Sofia, dollars. the have Budapest, we don't Prague, Vienna; those Warsaw, Berlin, ancient and the modern whe-ther ,, takes." .,,on Letterinn Pma Cnfrihall in. l Will oaig,, iw 11 of years ago, others interspersed lars it nbul and possibly Moscow and Belgrade (depending -- , fr.ro school staits. Dublin plane, Shannon On ex the almost of are designed between for the purpose was are Reinstatement visa approved); DC-3applications seat much companion delay. Mail Ampresent my ) (a actly like our most modern farmer from Limer- Form To Insurance articles from the viewpoint of the a gentleman COMING - STRAND erican shops. writing a series of newspaper Fourteen of the 24 blind British army officer former ick. American Wyoming an as and visits Colorado, he in cities Shannon -to Five Utah, the Days n on the street" Thence back to to Eisenhower's staff. Service In Jew Mexico, are receiving on to Dublin via Aer Lingua Teo- assigned "is it: hears it sees and Ser said, he editor National here," of ntrortor country "Agriculture m ranta, the Irish air line. 20 years behind the times. On Life Insurance has ruled that! vice Dublin is a great sprawling city as nuu ing. A uraiueBenefits" is being dis farm I've been working as far the statement of a veteran hu course Dublin, July 3, 1947 At 15.000 feet we had been able 01 many parna, Rights and of with machinery an application for reinstatement triguted to all blind veterans to see the shores of Massaehusets, airport, and you make the trip possible day. these much Trofcably nowhere else in the vou can't term policy get his lapsed level of Boston, and in about an hour. The city at. 20 miles south through VA training oiuvr.,. but believe me, my of wot Id hut in an airplane on a with anywhere not be accepted for reinstatecrowded will is Nova of vear of toast Atthi time the barren later of the Wfst-to-Ea- st crossing think I'm polpositively neighbors all term level from all! ment of his lapsed of visitors thousands see both Scotia at Yarmouth. mad. lantic, is it possible towithin the will not be accepted as prima and nawa America nf kurope. was still sun the now. sunrise high But and are icy Ireland's problems present French evidence of his physical con and face are English ours. enough in the sky to take a color There jia-- i of a sin pie hour. to is not in ways similar many almost every dition if the application V had taken off from New nhotOKraiih at Gander, the clock and Americans in in many scarcities are tn the Insurance Ser if you get There newsXerk'i LaGtiardia field at 2:30 standine at 8:30 o.m. Newfound hotel, and you'reI lucky as America, in lines and, five days from the within didn't. vice on were pineapple a hotel room. officials lament j.m. Eastern Daylight Time, ,esa land time. There and public the form. papers of executing date my ror the line, Somewhere along Julv l8t- - and witnin Juice, sandwiches and coffee over called is as it represen the contract "dift", n t. Young, but n free" in the airlines terminal (al- reservations had fouled up, than ilx hours the big Constella-4Jfrom the farms to the city. tative at Price, states that many here, found on served the agent travel in time the t gracefully down though we had just been Itieht now. Eire is seeking means veterans have executed applica75T iisf MUttltMAI' squab dinner aloft me a "guest house", with a big of jjBge runways of the international a delicious developing new industry to use tions for reinstatement of their bathAirport at Gander, Newfoundland. only half an hour before), and room on the third floor (the to keep have! new agricultural products, government insurance but then we were off again in an room two floors below). But it the farmers on the farm. -completed; mail in the in witn comfortable, 45 and ni,.trt minutes. other was clean wages" "How about farm and form. Each veteran has answered The sun seemed to eo clown fast piping hot water in the tub, asked Mr Gallagher. Well, farm with his signing the form the of grape breakfast snlendid as we flew east, and shortly there a labor on the average, receives of whether or not he was was onlv a clow on the western fruit, sausage, bacon and eggs. 55 shillings a week question approximately coffee of as physical condition as in (or good kind Irish horizon. Then it was dark, and and the varies from sec This reason $12). 1W i (about within another 45 minutes the which the lees said the better) tion to section, from a high of when the policy lapsed by Now of premiums. of next east. morning. the dawn began to show in the 60 shillings in the area near Dubmay not be We had breakfast on board at Among the visitors, one hears lin to a low of 50 in some of the these applications with five days afover held if and conversations 1 granted a.m. New York time, cnmo interesting about areas. other and out fi11"1 New! are ter the they .... visiting before 3 a.m. we were dropping 1:1... li.,., MacDONALD " IFT But there are compensations. Mr Young also wishes to stress down from 19,000 feet through Yorker who remarked to his wife The farm instance. for Rent, MUMAW of completing RART0N a the abvisability the clouds to watch the greenest that "having spoken once to laborer's cottage rents for one forms 1950 where ever a veteran would us in world the through Fifth Avenue cop. anybody land push iitll NELLE FISHER 4 school next shilling a week about 2". cents. , the mist. 1. at home in Ireland. Every- And this is not increased if t'ie contemplates entering of the A' fall under provisions Ireland or more properly. Eire, body's an Irishman and they all man prospers. called GI Bill for the first time. as the Irish say, Is a magnifi- speak with that Irish brogue.." How about factory and other He urges boys to give the Vetercent mieture from the air. The If that sounds a bit strange, it There la An Skilled craftsmen receive ans Administration an opportunity is wages? land stretches out in gorgeous is literally true, for the fact ABERDEEN DEALER week (the 40, 45 or to process these applications shades of green as far as one that few other nationalities are for a 44 hour ju2lstthruRug-- 9 indus- set week by iS hour being Your an inter to be seen 'or heard here. They can see, the fields below and they try and unions together for each attempts to restrict men's rights esting (pattern of many odd are ALL Irishmen COMMUNITY 7 pounds 5 shillings is a heretic. So as Christians we each separated have the same hard, common industry), shaned fields about $29.25 in Ameriand from the next by a hedgerow in sense, and the same magnificent per week, are against totalitarianism VALLEY" Salt lake City 1, Utah can money. them have fields ra oH Address Mai! Orders to "PROMISED darker green, the of any kind. sense of humor Americans dictatorship the of some in live if uuwu wncwp. wmw But v sure to inciuae they selves not all rectangular, as ours always associated with them. tiU t "So Eire is on Britian's side in rent their housing, and government some are are, for because there are so many international policy although the about 12 shillings a rounded at the corners of the Irishmen in the States, the native averages feel that, if England can set is compar- Irish jirjiiit'iiM.'j.iwLj.iiiJi,i"iaiikiiiti:!i;,;a.i.'.iiMiMHi the week. Elsewhere rent likes square plots; here and there a character evidently India free, and make all these - able to small towns in America. white stone, thatched roofed cot she Yanks". lie saw them often durgestures, food and other neces- - other magnanimous $3.00 and $2.40; Prices: Res. tage, each with its chimney pots. imr the war. and he sees a few Prices of could, at will, abolish the partiare coscommodities government a is sary minute the Shannon airport itself, Eire make You are spotted now. Gen. Adm.: $1.20 Children 50c whole tion of Ireland.'" (to airport, for planes you speak for ther's only one controlled by restricting the mopolitan 'anil northern Ireland one nation"). saler to a profit of 14 percent and come in all day from New York, American accent. 1 all right they should be" the retailer to 22 pecent. Ration- "as by Frankfurt the make Paris, Dublin, London, Conversations, in fact, ing still exists. (For example,) hotrip. tels are not permitted to serve the on seat vacant The only bread at luncheon, dinner or supplane as I stepped up the ramp per. And the newspapers complain one, an outside was in New York the an elderly British lady, of the stale bread sold in iipvt t of fuel restrict stores. Shortages 3 months after returning home with her daughter in Jasksonville rail transportation. "People who have visited us Florida. Three of her daughters war and after," an old had married in eight months, two during the told me (he Irish revolutionary met bad whom they to Americans Irish Revoluthe with had fought overseas during the war, the for against years Army tionary all so African, South a other to had served 12 were away from home and the the British and terms for it; he is now a youngest, in Florida, had been jail of thu Irish government) member ill. "have expressed surprise that we conversationalist, A delightful in didn't 'come to the aid of the Em my seat companion was frank 1 Labor pire during the war.' we didn't British the for her dislike in the first because, place emsimply Party. "Humph.' she declared it would have been foolhardy for phatically, "1 heard that Strachey to fight with. he's .Dractically a Communist, lISwe had nothing And secondly, we had been trying declare so doesn't say though he to get out .of the Empire for nearly over the radio that the Labor 40 years. We are not a part of s working-man'the Party had raised the Empire." standard of living, far the chances are that Eire But So the dreams. his wildest will stand by Britiaii and Amernext morning when my Bridget ica in their efforts toward world I asked her in came (the maid) You must be quite giddy this peace. The Irish homeland is not "a morninc. I understand irom .hi place for the seeds of proper of Strachey that your standard Communism to be sown." ami iving has gone up by leaps First, "because she is a nation hounds. ' of 3S4.HO0 farms, owned by the 'an said Bridget, '"Ah. yes,' who till them." with it we eawn't even make ends people And secondly, because she is a under we did as meet as well I Christian Country." Eng- "highly Churchill."' She decried Working 'round the clock, telephone equipthat Eire to started interpolate with land's present experiment teleis !)5 percent Catholic and that 1 ment manufacturers are delivering more socialism and is sure that the the church opposes Communism. wealthier as well as cable and other workingman "Let's just say she's a Chrisphones, switchboards, wire, out. people will eventually toss it nation." the oil revolutiontian The farmer on the bus frim items than ever before and they're all being t it aside. "The Chris iu:.. mm n..JI rp rp,,l, :n mv used CAT waved ary mil m Limerick to Shannon looked for u assemoff the come Man the as fast doctrine as upholds tian use they business, and it still rolls along at 35 mph. Alteron, d put to all the world like a and who with gas was idle for several years, I filled it the individual. Thus anyone debacked-u- p American agriculturist who spends bly lines. Even so, the huge cranked it up, and it started at once! Two origma in The tattle sun. in the days I spark plugs, dated 1905, still perform! The3.Joriginal mand leaves us with nearly 65,000 unfilled the fields, he said with a grin yars horn and the lights still work fine. After roru which showed odd teeth missing, area bet You A rattle! BETTER the even rear orders for service in the seven-stat- e door doesn't FOR were a special breed: Irish short Trucks last longer!" W. j we serve. horn. Ireland raises all its own PAT CANE, Pinniauken, CLEANER, Is QUALITY "assorted," beer, but the breed isn't with no state-wid- e attempt to Providing service to new customers The strains. develop purebred LAUNDRY SERVICE Used Every Day Since 1918! all we expect to do. We want to give every mall herds in the fields most 1 "Since 1918, I've driven this truck about re-t 50 acres, the farms are about one of our present customers the kind of 25 miles, 6 days a week on Sundays I mains of many great estates The Call often drive it 70 miles. I've grown very much have who the to broken up and distributed service he wants. Many people attached to my truck. I don't think 1 will conpeople who worked them ever part with it!" been sharing party lines will want individual-lines- . sist principally of rod cattle spot IORENZO BARATTINI, Ntw Orhant, la 29 Yean of ted with white, the head much We'll get going on that job at soon al a are like a Hereford. The rest Reliable er."V4 some we get enough equipment installed but it showing colors w of i variety "I'veleen using this 1917 Ford Truck since apparent Holsteln or Ayrshire an 3,1 ... I'm 63 now. The engine ha been repia takes time to get caught up after long years cestry. only once . . . most of the original equip potaBeef, sugar (beets) and of shortages. still in use! I'U say Ford Trucks last longer toes are the principal crops, alJESSE TURNER, Kolomfl, though Frank Gallagher, governAnd Pick Up officer ment public information MORE FORD TRUCKS IN USE TODAY and former secretary to Prime THAN ANY OTHER MAKU' me Service later told DeValera, Minister Delivery The Mci'&taui Stales Telephone & Telegraph Co. in Dublin that Ireland is, despite the necessity for substitutions, Phone self sufficient in agriculture, rais own milk, meat, grain all her ing North Main 56 218 And fltirar. . Helper Phone The Limerick farmer didn't like IRELAND IN 15 MINUTES all the American overseas lines, most of the European. Many of, the wartime buildings are now a part of the offices, lobby and mrr a- . , Mr ' ; -- - 11 i r- :d -- Yuly MEAT Mi- u- In Pos-sibl- INDEPENDENT d, COAL & COKE seats COMPANY i STILL RACING AGAINST TIME n TBHGKS IAS? IHB! esS&fe W (&vfry?Ai fit be-vd- 1912 OR still going strong! tpa red-face- ... PRICE STEAM LAUNDRY For DIAMANTI VJOTOK CO. Price !1 orllelper 378 283 |