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Show - OtiDEX DAILY COMMERCIAL: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2 8 GOODRICH & CO, EXCLUSIVE Inns . sis Twcatr-- GOODRICH & CO., sons EXCLUSIVE in rvuruiB kb SHOE DEALEES, j ua, SiyIe anJ tUrtt. 1S90. SHOE DEALEES, Fit , SIS ? Tctj- rtk tMrcct. - cimauantgHimuiiiuttwiuuiititiuiiiiuma; Fcmember Campobello'a Organ timing at Cydea Acaddrug store. emy. T kU at Clumber oC Commerce toc'hL See programme ia Thursday morning' Com m rial a i-"Very to weather again jrterdy. the be to U whirh Th new Knling dune to order, and special blank work of all kind, at The Commokial rfataof lhKnihUori1)nhia.illb next of ' MUrtwl up about the ninl.il bindery. Booth. Dneda, mortgages, lease and other Taxea will be delinquent on the 1st of blanks at Thk lVMnm iai, job room. Xorember. TheoVlinquent lirt will be Task rr befokk Breakfast. printed on about the 1th or 5th of CITY IX BE1EK. PbW ppr, Wm. Fofrhet returned reter.Iay after rult fii Ihtknla. Iowa and MiniiMwU, wU pleaeed to get bm k to UCden again. County Clerk Hollinjrworth on Mr. issued a marriage liuMme to Louis Zitzmaa and Mu Hatti Tribe, both of Ogden. The following Wecraraa remain at the We alern Union telrraph office: lierre Dinjjle, Mm. J. E. 1111. Mrj. MaryLawaon, K. U. Www, Capt J. Birminghani, M. Lichtenstein. und-Irvere- d Daughter of Krbt-kah- . A preliminary meeting for the organization of a lodge of the Daughter of liebekah w as held at the office of H. C. Wardler, Ut evening. A list of officer (if the new todge waa selected, committer appointed to prepare for permaDrnt organization, and date net for Nov. 12th for installation. Following are the officer electel. I U Mr. J. D. Hurd: N. G, Mr. J. O. White; V. J, Mm Emma Turner; recording secretary, Mr. M. E. Flew-ellinpermanent eecrctary. Mm IJ. A Murray; treasurer, Mr. II. C. Ward-leigl- u The "Crystal Slipper" company, occuThe klge will start off with about and pying two efiecial Pullman with to seventy rive charter member. two sixty aeventy-tlvpeople, and jiamed nara of tMKxage Smallpai la Inland. through Ogden last night en route from Not a single death from smallpox wm Hun rVancitwo to the east Tbey will t th Halt Lka theatre thin regihtered in Ireland laat year. From thia acourge, at all events, "the distressevening. In the rush and excitement of Liberal-la- ful country" appear to I be gradually on Monday The Commkw'Iai. over- freeing itself. Over the ant ten years looked the fat-- t that Col. W. 1L llarvey the average annual number of death on wa 130, but this average it duo to the had a amall blaze in but back Kandny morning. But he did. Damage more seriona state of things prevailing MualL The tire department was there in the early stage of the decade. Since in jiffy and ended a defence that waa 18SJ there ho only been one year in well begun by the kitchen hose. which the nninberof death from smallJ. IL Donlon, a raetumer from Kan pox wa a high a fourteen That waa Wanriwx), will furnish the costume for in 1887. In 18S3 there were but four the Utah National (Suarda' ball next death from smallpox regitttered in Irebe Thursday evening, Oct SOth. He canacaland; in 1880. two; in 1884 there waa found at Thomburgh'a dancing one; in 1888 there were three, and, only enterThia demy all day Thursday. above a atated, in 1880 there was not of raising tainment is for the purpose funds to purchase rifle for the National one. London News. uards and should be well attended. Danger from Elactrla Fan. An accident bo just occurred in A Fine Terrace. which shows the necessity of Ogden can justly lay claim to having Georgia which is now generally fixed the guard within ite limit the most thoroughly over the ventilating fan worked by electerrace best ooaBtruoted and appointed tric motors. The manager of the enwest of Denver. It is located on the gineering department of an electric light street and Mon- worka had bwn superintending the putowner of Twenty-sixt- h roe avenue. A description in detail will in of a new exhanst fan, and was doubtless prove interesting to ninny ting its first trial. As he was feelwatching so many readers, especially as there are shaft to see if the journals were the deing desiring to rent apartments. Each foet hot the suction drew his hand in, and in partment is twenty rive by fifty-liv- e rooms an instant it was cut off between the in size, and contains nine rooms wrist and the elbow. The fan was reand a bath room. There are live Each room has ' a closet. volving at tho rate of 1.000 revolutions a upstairs. The building is titled with all the usual minnte, nnd it is said that tho arm was modern conveniences, such its electric cut off as clean as if it bad been done by litfht, gas, hot and cold water, etc Ven- a knife. Detroit News. tilation in each room has been provided, and all detaila that would add to the Preparing for Winter. health and comforts of The occupants A estatedealer who missed a numreal exof have been attended to regardlws be had planted in the northpense. It will be ready for occupancy ber of signs bout November 15th. J. O. Raine is eastern part of the city took a scout the proprietor. among the inhabitants, and in one back yard he fonnd no less than twenty differConBeraember Campobello's Opera ent "For Sales." several of them bearing cert Thursday evening at Ogden Acad- his own, to ." When he unemy. Tickets at Peebles' drug store. dertook to"Apply recover his property, however, See programme- in Thursday morning's a Polish woman set a dog on him and Commercial. ran him off, accompanied by an exclaC E. Coulter, M. I)., physician and mation which seemed to interpret: surgeon, 2427 Washington avenue, over "If my husband was only here he'd Horrocks Jb Sons. Telephone 240. teach yon better than to come around trying to steal tho fire wood we've laid Take it bf.pobk Breakfast. np for the winter!" Detroit Free Pres.s Patronize the new Commercial book Son) (.'tiling Now to Compete For. bindery, where you can get work at Omaha and Lincoln prices. Dink Melvin, a veteran fisherman on Wisdom's llobertine is meeting with the waters adjacent to Albany, is congreat success everywhere, and is rapidly sidered the most expert bateau paddler supplanting every other preparation of a in tliis section. He offers to wager $100 that in the swiftest current he can paddle like nature. Ogden druggists sell it a boat eighteen inches wide between two Dr. Henley's English Dandelion Tonic nineteen inche apart Cor. Atcures indigestion and constipation nud posts lanta Constitution. tones up tho entire system. A War Ship In Hooaier Waters. Remember Caiuixibello's 0ora ConThe United States war ship Michigan Acnd-macert Thursday evening at Ogden is in port on a recruiting trip. She carTickets at Peebles' drug store. See programme in Thursday morning's ries 110 men end boys. The boat was built in 1844, and the iron in her was 3oMMEKinAI hauled overland to Pittsburg with ox teams. She is still good for several Here is a Bargain. Indianapolis S)"itioL years. A-- Sons' upright. Chenp. Chickering All $800. Maker's nlv?450. price Remember Campobello's Opera Conmodern improvements. Address P. O. cert Thursday evening at Ogden AcadImx 217, Ogden, Utah. emy. Tickets at Peebles' drug store. See programme in Thursday morning's Excursion Tickets to Salt Lake Vis Commercial. Account on Union Pacific "CrysSTATEMENT tal Slipper" Engagement. com-primu- e apir kit-he- a first-clas- n that "truck me peculiar, and thai waa thu: A BiuoUf of the epetker men re ia Salt ttooed the fact that there W. W. a-- SOLE AG EXT FOR irf a Luke City one or tuore , 1 1 mi. tltft-- ttera orgafiiziug, all of shit.1 iter esii to bej in a t err vnwrou cnadittia: but not oo even ma much a inUmi.U-- 1 hat they might have twrtrj truthfully, that the OuDEX tiCILXlG AXD KVIV AX1A- n ha beea a prosnineat Uctor ia the upbuilding vt OgoVo dunng the Ul twea and a half year; that it ha been the mean uf building more than one hundred of the bewt home in Ogden; that it ha mature! live oii annual ertea, never paying Usm than IS per cent. and, in one inotanoe, a high a JJ per- j cent on the money invetttwi; and fur- j than j nulling money to borrower at ' 7 per pent per annum. Though not one of those fact erej stated at the meeting mentioned, yet , and are well j they are fact not the known to be u h by the people of Og- uen; wnicn account lor me iurun-- t fact that the number of our titockholder i continually increasing, each succeed Feriee being larger than it predeccs; and that all ho take tttk with us are satisfied with their invextmrot. Our youngest aerie, the l th, being si i month old, wa clueed on September 1st and a new eerie to be known as the ICth w as opened to begin ith Octo-- ! ber 1st Stock can be secured at any , time by railing on me at my omce oa Twenty fourth street, first door east of First National bank. Aukrd IL Nklmw, Secretary. aa-iat.- c Biimlitr HfetiiM v F'UIsFGKE. : HAVE NEARLY ONE WE hundred different kinds J o( Heating Stoves in stock and can suit almost anybody, both in style and price. We propose to keep at the head of the procession and will always make prices that will satisfy our customers. ,tii' , . I e Xdy 2,01111,1) in fa Remember Campnltello's Otters 2441 "Washington Avenue. ISTo. Con- STORAGE. cert Thursday evening at Ogden Academy. Ticket at Peebles' drug store. Money to Loan. Money to lean on real estate on two to Lincoln ave. five years' time; security must 1 unCTUKAtiE-- Ke iu hefors Morimr uoH of any Inquire of C. H. McClure, and Llnc.lii. questionable. tcriptiuujcr. Twenty-(HirtFetleral Clerk olhoe. lA!KMfcXT-Forr- STfR.f,E-F- See programme in Thursday morning's CoMMtlaiAL. merrhandiMof ail kinds; cor. ami or h r. Ileal F.ttate Tranniff The transfers reported in the ofiicw of the Couuty Recorder yesterday were as follows: II A Wid man , i it. 1 u-- and potaton. r imuck, cor. suitabk 1R - nannrai, Auey room of KKNT-Ow-- for storing A, Apply tnbt,su Lincoln lcot iourtU and nxiu hal A. anil 1 timer block eor 6tkfn nw .1.1 larraty-tounand Liocolu ate. and html wind to A KENT-KWe Mason, part of lot 10, blk 7, Ogden, furnished room- -, singlo li,"' or en suit... iu Tanner block; cor. Iweuty-plat; el. j Hoard by day or week. Houxe opened lourthjind Lino.ln ate. Wm A Robinson et al. to F. II Duns-morREN'T-Sie- rly Mkh. Yam Giloku. furuUlied room for tran- today. lots 29 and :k), blk 10, Mountain I Vmt r?'tM n Tanner bUick ; cor. Twenty addition; Mr. Van Wilder, corner Twenty third View t 1'. KEKDRICH. A Kimball part Kimball F uLto et J J and Lincoln, will open her boarding of lot 3, blk . . rd. A; Xi, plat house today. Hoard by day or wivK. R L Nute and wife toll Morton, lots 41. 42, 43 and 44, blk 2, IVoHpect Heighta Take rr bkfokk Hbeakkamt. addition; Total, il,OM. A Card of Thanks. ) rive-acr- . Physician & Surgeon. 80 aut e, 1R DR. K. TIIIELE, Discoveries, bkbitt mm New New Methods Tho undersigned desire to thus exTake it bkfokk Breakfast. press their sincere thanks to kin J friends If you are on the outs with your "best and neighbors who extended sympathy and assistance during the illness of the girl" you can square yourself by buying her a bottle of Skookum Root Hair late Miss Mollie A. brown. Grower. Mrh. Maky E. Marti-i- . J. F. Marto. Remember Cainpoltello's Opera Concert Thursday evening at Ogden AcadArrival Extraordinary. Tickets at Peebles' drug store. Just arrivod from San Franrisco the emy. See programme in Thursday morning's world renowned and highly gifted dead Commercial. trance clairvoyant Mrs. Dr. Winters, who while entranced will reveal every hidden Take it bkfouk Hrrakpant. mystery in life or death, has long been Art you. troubled with gravel, diabetes, pronounced the greatest mystery of the present age. The madame is often con- or any derangement of the kidneys or trolled by the sainted masters of Mor- urinary organs? Oregon Kidney Tea is mon history and they bring words of a safe, sure and speedy remedy for all cheer to their people of Utah and Salt such troubles. Lake. She reunites the separated, tells Money to Loan you where you will succeetfin business, when and who you will marry, settles On diamonds, watches and jewelry, etc., all lamilv troubles, has love potions and 'JM and 20G Twenty-fiftStreet sacred ifindoe charms to drive away evil Dbozdowitz Bros. iutiuences. If you have been deceived and are about giving up in despair, before Your hair is full of dandruff, which doing so call on the madame and can only be removed without injury to be convinced of her wondoful. power. the scalp by Skookum Root Hair Shows photo of wife or husband, day Grower. and date of marriage, initials of tirst name. Correspondence solicited through mail. Send two dollars, date of birth, lock of hair and receive accurate life chart Four cents in b tamps for circular of instructions. Otlice 37 West We offer for this week the following 9 a. Sixth South street, hours ra: to 9 p. m., strict. Tho Madam Bargains : 70 lots, University Heights addition, locates addressee, heals with massage $250 to $350 each. treatment and battery baths. 10 lots between 3oth and 36th Sts., near motor, $125 each. Take it before Breakfast. 2 lots on Washington ave., only $200 It will bo famous as long as beautiful each. hair is an object to man or woman, 3 lots, block 10, Lake View addition, What? Why, Skookum Root Hair $223 each. Grower. 2 lots in orchard, Nob Hill addition, $550 each. Take rr before Breakfast. 8x10 Tods on Quincy, between 23d and 24th sts., $550 per rod. Job work bf all kinds at The Comme5x10 rods on Harrison, between 23rd The best and the and 24-- sts., $300 rcial job rooms. per rod. cheapest 4x16 rods on 23rd, between Quincy and If your hair is falling out, ask your Jackson, $450 per rod.and 64x141 ft, cor 24th Jackson, $3000. druggist for Skookum Root llair Lots on monthly installments, $150 to ' Grower. $300 each. A $300 snap in Franklin Place add. Learn Short-Han- d at Home. OODK.V, UTAH. FR VMv MONROE, L. J. Rivers, the stenographer, is prepared to take a few more pupils in shorthand. Instruction given at your home evenings. Drop postal or call at 2406 Washington avenue. " WL- - LIE ifKRTON Kn- - W) LAN and Kinger thia woek. MISS Vocalist, MAUD CI.AY- - Theniarmiinr Ne- Brainard. Robinson & Co. 'Vtit DuUCe PEARLIARi)lSJKn MISS This Kisnnfic, perforninnce toronclnde t rank Duffy's latoet sucx'eKS, entitled with November 1st tickets will be sold on all trains at above rate good Sunday. for return S. W. Eccles, O. P. A., U. P. Railway. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 48 42 36 30 24 18 REAL ESTATE ! BARGAINS. MT AN SRilSO. between RXXI front foot. Grant and Lincoln on 24th. 30x132 on 21th between Grant and Lincoln. 66.56 f&O front foot. 56.21 25x132 opposite postoffioe j $500 front foot. 46.44 50x132 CUh Loan A Trust Co.'a 37.25 building ;nnpoaita $Y50 front foot. 28.64 145x132 cor. 26th and Washington; $500 front 20.61 foot. lSWiIftt cor. 26th and Washington ; bargain. 13.16 99x132 eor. 27th and Washington ; $225 front 6,29 Remember Campobello's Organ Con12 cert Thursday evening at Ogden Acad6 15 emy. Tickets at Peebles' drug store. It will be seen by tho above that the foot. See programme in Thursday morning's S3xl03 cor. 27th and Washington ; $20,000. fifth series is ready to pay out, having Commercial. 64x1(1 cor. 24tli and Jackson ; paid to the investors in that series a 99x132 cor. 24th and J.irkxon ; $,000, U.OOOr fraction under 20 per cent, per annum Eye, Ear and Deformities. 54x132 on botwoon 25th and 20th; investment. on their $5,40(1. Dr. T. J. Eaton, twenty-fivyears' I have been very glad to note the 66x182 on JcIInroon, between 25th and 2Gth; practice. All diseases of the eye and ear simianother of association $7,000. treated and operations performed. Cross organization ISxH rods cor. 23d and Jackson ; $322 per rod. lar to ours, in our city glad, because I eyes straightened without pain, artificial am sure there is room here for several M) acroa south of city ; $400 per acre. and for cure braces the of yee inserted, 200 acres south of city j $1(00 per aero. they will deformities furnished. Can be seen at such organizations; andinI hope numbers till 8( i acre south of city; $10,500 for all. keep on multiplying .Broom Hotel until November 1st every man, woman and child in Ogden o you want no. toi ony or sell Skookum Root Hair Grower will shall have stock in a building associand i poo . i como : l .. V... i u. nnu ii .inn,,. in HiwdjB t mmki( ni ill, uoor, cleanse your scalp and develop a new ation for there is no other manner in in around the great pleasure showing stranger growth of hair. For sale by druggists. which the savings of a people can be so city invested. and profitably safely Take it before breakfast" Dr. Hon-ley- 'i I noticed one thing at th)rgauization association above mentioned of Dandelion new Tonic. VH Washington Are. the English JctTc-reo- e . L. II. MITCHELL, -- . i Oifden. lt.ah, Oct. i Ail 1 i cr ., V Unprecedenteo,suc the treatment,..', V . eases of VVomeiandq dren and all Acute InflJL wo-'- i matory or Febrile Affect tions. . formed with the Utmost Skill. OPEN CHALLENRE Will Chal-leiiR- e any orchmtra in btah for to j00, contest to take place in Otfden.from tlUO Note the evening's performance begins nharp. Popular Prices, Twenty-Fiv- e and Fifty Seata in Iloxos. Fifty ConU. at 1 8 :13 Cents. IJors,8.-0- to J iSO p. m. tol0Ka.m.,!KtoO0 and 6fl PUTNAM; One Price Clothing House :JG2 Clo St. Woodmansee Blk. Twenty-Fouit- h llil. Ills. lillS Hb ll.nli limit SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES. All Goods Sold at CHICAGO PRICES! OGDEN, UTAH. We are Jobbers in our line, not manufacturers, and do not make to order, but carry a FreHKiescl.Co ( Incorporated.) Dealers in Groceries, Liquors, bacco and I'igara. . Ta pe worm Remc vr in TwoHoV company, THIIiT) DIVIDEND. Wholesale' I,,v'k t use oi tnc r - TWO BARNABYS," Per Iutrotlucinn GEORGE and ED ascisted by the Surgical Operations entiro TO EXCHANGE. ood farms in Kansas and n cancer IT !f t!" Novelty Wonders, ZO- lAKKAn, in their Novelty and Aerial Act, TRAI'K.'O LEATORDS. B,Ui,atlo"Hl vfSfS'jS Small Fruit Farm 2 miles from City Hall, for grocery business, residence or business property. 890 acres Washington land. 00 acres in San Luis Valley, Colo-ra- d . Remember Campobello's Opera ConSevers cert Thursday evening, at Ogden Acadbraska. emy. Tickets at Peebles' drug store. See programme in Thursday morning's Commercial.! nn(1 art-lyl- a. Wonderful attraction, DU RCLL TWINS. Hit them hard, WALDO WHIPPLE. Black ace r (.onieuian. h REAL ESTATE! if Hysteria. Epilepsy, Catalepsy. St. Vitus i nnuyxiH, f,earHiia, nriatica, fieadacu kind, all local Pains. M Habit, IniMtencA, Nervous DebililMJS haiution; All Disnasea of tho HUcT , tism. Uiut; Atfectlonn of thiy' C 10 uiver, niuneya and madder. 1 eases, uysiiepttia. Aflections f Bowels: AfTectionsof the Tl: liar to Women, all Private others not mentioned here. Monday, October 27tli of 7,0.E HOWARD FiFir?i?FKir?5..America f.LLA rehnod nketch ' ru.MvLlN, and New Reined OOMHENCIXO kul-jUJ!""- . Maxaoeb A PICKED SHOW j of SEMI-AJiSU- For all afternoon trains from Ogden Of the Ogden Buildin? and Savings to Salt Lake on October 20th, 30th and Association at the Close of Business SeptembcrJlOth, 1890. 31st, the Union Pacific will sell excursion tickets from Ogden to Salt Lake at NO. OF SBBIES. AM'T PAID. VALUE OP BACH DRAKE. single fare ($1.50) for the round trip. fCG 5 fl01.09 Ticket will be good for return the day 6 60 89.00 following date of sale. On Saturday, 54 7 77.49 Twenty. firth St., Ofden, Treats successfully, whe all other remedies hav failed heretofore, by mean To- 13, 1890. A quarterly dividend of 6 per cent has been declared on the capital stock of this corporation, payable November 5th, 1190, to all stockholders of record Oct. 25, personally upon presentation of their stock certificates or upon their written order. Stock of THEO. SCHANSESBACII, Secretary. SECOND DIVIDEND. Adams k Kiesel Salt Co. Works: SYRACUSE. Ctnh, Oct. 15, ISSO. Tity, A quarterly dividend of S per cent has been declared on thecnpital stock of this corimration. pnyublu Nov(mber 5th, IWH), to all stockholders of record Oct. S5th, personally uihii presentatitm of their .lock cettificates or ujmu written order. Office: OGDEN. 11. A. L1M)LKY, SH'rctary. Xotico Is hereby iriven that bids will be received nt Frd. J. KioeeKt Co.'s orlice for the t.'firintf down nnd the material of tlie buildinir now standing on the irround whew tho pmimsed avenuo intersects Twenty-fourtstreet. Separate bids will be received for the work and materials. Work to beirin November Lt. Fbkk. J. Kiesix. your oruers at a moment's notice. Our Prices are Rock Rottom. We will Aim can 1 111 Save you Money on these (Joods. Our Prices are Lower than Eastern prices, freight added. Favor us with your Inquiries. h OGDEN PAINT, OIL & GLASS COMPANY. |