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Show OC.DEN DAILY COMMERCIAL: b uuvl acy MlSiCAL AND SOCULl La tV Judg TtMMr TLarteiay- - or rrC ursL aid Xiairud are THE mtVKEYE ASviCIATloS SOW FILLY OtGAMZEK It A4opld a CumnrorSoa. wad A&U4 KW MC3 a ete4 Lot of a, fur hai Ln-iurii- i.; y fr Ir. e y eleven-year-ol- d nat-urall- p Mrs. Rogers. Signor Campobello. 3. Sccnn and aria. Ah fors'e lui (La Barnaby. 7. Blaze. A fire in the Cincixxati, Wordeman Newport, brewery, George Miss Grace Porter. Ky., last night destroyed the warehouse Air, "Ah, so Pure" (from the Opera Flotow. containing 100,000 bushels of barley and of Martha) Mr. H. Alexander. malt. Loss, $100,000. It was insured. Verdi. Grand Aria and Miiwrero (from Verdi. the Opera of II Travatorei Grace Porter and Mr. H. Alexander. Ballad, "The Village Blacksmith," .N'enw. Mii 5. A Biff Oct. 28. Traviatai . . . Signor Campobello. Krouse 9. Piano olo,"Vale de Concert," Mr. H. S. Krouse. 10. Grand operatic ecena from tlie Opera of 11 Don Pasqualle Uiea Grace Porter and Signor Campobello. Vacation. As mentioned by Thk Commercial, yesterday, Judge Miner is taking a little recreation up on Bear River in company with Mr. L. R. Rogers and other friends who are devoted to the chase. For this reason there was no business in the District Court yesterday and probably will Taking-- a prison. d a Arkansas Sfrisos, Ark., Oct An i ait VmXr4 Hera ualU-- Tt Uae b But and jear'ry and get u lab fck" her ct a. Ti HPLK. Pr . COMPARATIVE . ! ' U- ian klll'llllllll! HI dj: laul M()IN15. CONDITION (KTU)IKK ! I 't'" ,,,r"t IlsaL-ervatk- SI,4. . lK133 ! I. h t;ir 2?.-Bal- y ;7i:s CONDITION d , lt It Ta-com- a sub-dividi- y jy old-lin- e e r N h "WM. THE P.24 SELLINGS, GOLDEN EAGLE Street, Has opened an Annex at 276 Twenty-Fift- h which is under the management of Mr. A. L. HOBBS. When wanting anything in the line of Clothing and Furnishing Goods GIVE HIM A. CALL Or go to the Main Store at 2410 Washington Avenue, where your hearts desire may be easily gratified. Respectfully, LOEB & MYER, Prop's. 28.-- The Bel- to-da- Remember Campobello's Opera I Too Math Ulihlry. j OrcsBr, (H s. With a view of sup IJ pmaaing the enormous whkey atuug- - j bis nam. in Quebec, Cardinal Tasrbemaii gling Tbe County Court was is regular IOWA. iiaeued a letter to Lis fka-- on the irilaof ' aiuo yesterday at the Court Uoue and the trwllic lie atroogly coademns attiug- - jI broke the reourd. glers w bo are hentvforlh deprived of th Its record Las been a dead lock over benetit of the SdcmuefiL tbe electiua of a county superintndeot (rganied July 1. MttNt Go Bark Home. j of at hols to till a vacancy. This tied up Washuwtox, OvL 2s.Th interior Las for about two situatKiQ 1. and war departments Live issued the ! months past. But the Court ior board it supervi- necetsary instruction U their repre- Gaaraatee FaaaV 1 M sors) brought up the question as usual tentative in Colorado to secure tU re-- i Beaeit Faa4 . . trm Bask aa4 yesterday, ana Mr. Fred Foy, liberal turn of the marauding l ie to their res at onoe. member, sprung the name of Joseph IS ('atisrral I'aad era IL Perry, Sr, for the sua of lWy, Cai-47 Sarplas r'aa4 0I la 6i Treasary ofiiiv. Balfour Iaiprrwd. le- Mate with Serarltle There did not seem to be any room for Di wjs.tV-- t XL is now in the Mor moo members of the court to 3il,C70 00 partaeat dodge voting for young l'w-r- and ao be Westpurt It is reported that La is 31 was elected. While his, father is one of deeply impressed with the scene of tlie most wealthy and prominent Mor- general wretchedness of pefcHacl and mons of Utah this son is more than half the prospects of a famine. Liberal, and is w ithal a young man of excellent education, amiability, and has It's Come at Last. OCTOHKK 1. 1H!0. progressive ideas. Ovt the journalist, Caaraatee Netes Pakis, 10 (aaraatee Faa4 His brother, D. IL I Wry, Jr, is a tili.741 tl"t,M4 fought a duel near Tours Saturday. The Die fraoi BaaLt aad Baak LsberaL Beaeflt lasa UM tS So the election of Joseph 1 eery is at weapons were pistols. Allard w as shot .". r ... Caatlareat Faaa 34,75? ,14 least a drawn battle as far as party ad- in the stomach. He ha since died. Cakh la Trrasary 60.S4H h7 Sarplaa Fai4 . 1334tSl vantage is concerned, especially aa be A Bark Sunk. owes his selection to the Liberal memSecarltles with State DeS709471 bers of tha oourt. . 467,935 00 Lokdo.,OcL 28 The British bark partment While in the school business the court created two ' school districts. One of Pazelbank, 1Captain Manson, from 70971 10 June for Hull, sunk in the chanthese is located near Uintah. The other nel. crew The Dover. arrived at was created by Plain City District, and the new school territory is A Vonn? Suicide. to be known as the Skoen District, after the well known gentleman of that name. Sa Fkancmco, Oct 28.- - Julius Dorn-sife- , Tlie court is in very tine American FACTS WOIMHY OF TIIOrCiHT. aged twenty-thre- e years, a son of business when it is setting up school Dorusife of Kansas City, comdistricts. mitted suicide last night by taking )Q OldStilllinelive.Life Insurance Comianiea failed prior to 1878, and about Bity laudanum. The Gas Well. mm O In the rush and hurly-burlof other An Assignment. k) Boast that the interest on their investments pays all expenses ami t matters that gas well has been nearly but thev still call regularly for more cash from Uieir patrons. WHAT Xkw York. Oct. 28.-- 1. S. Hautt, a FOR? fccho answers: WHAT FOR? forgotten. Like men w ho are deep it is cloak manufacturer and proprietor of going on just as well without a brass the hotel Vendome has made an assignHas existed forty five year and has a hundred millions lielonging to rta 1 band attachment. ment. Arrangements are being made members, who stiil contribute to this immense- - sum. WHAT FOL? The drill is now down 3.V) feet and the Y ho again answers : WHAT FORT w ill be carried on. which business the by iron pipe XVi feet About five feet are added to tho depth each day. Vocal Music. Ki Companies in ten years made 1R2,000K10 in discounting surrender valw The drill has passed through about ) for disgusted patrons, buying them at much ltss than their value. inNew Mish late of York, sixty feet of gravel cement, which has structor Craig, in vocal technique, will receive Old line Companies, between 1872 and 18H1, reported lapses amounting Vnsj beeu growing more dense and hard all this vast sum. t) (7U,0iKVI00. Unfortunate policy holder had to the way down. It seems so solid now pupils at f41 Twenty second street. that it is thought that solid rock has Bkkakfant. Take Comxinies in the United States, during the year Of the largest it hefoke been touched. ) 1888, lapsiHl 211,112 policies, and reported 4,'.Kt8 death losses. The work has gone on a little bIow I. U. O. F. owing to a lack of coal, but fuel 'being Of the largest old-linCompanies in the United State show an aver tigt Notice is hereby given that n now plentiful again the drill will trip up and ) of to each 11,000 at risk of S10.2ti for th to ratio management expense be will I. O. O. F. instituted down with constancy until some sort of lodge of the year 1888. Same for Bankers' Life Association, only 12.80. November 14, 1890, in this city. All resiwealth is reached. Old-linThe gas well company means busi dents holding visiting cards or other Life Insurance is good, provided you get into the right company, aad cards wishing to join the new lodge as are ABSOLUTELY SURK of an annual ness. income during the fifteen or twenty-yeacharter members, and any not memlxra tontine period that will take care of your annual premiums. BUT IT Ct)HT8 Uncoiled the Phantom. of the order wishing to become members TOO MUCH. It is based on an artificial theory w hich is making huge banks of new lodge, can obtain full inforof this the older companies, wherein the insuring of lives is secondary in importance to Gussie Cooper's snakes are dying. mation bv callimr on E. S. Luty. 2172 the and investment of the millions borrowed from the policy holiWs. Two, the Montana and the Cuban Washington avenue; J. F. Browring, :i5 What men in this country want when they take out Life Insurance la PRIjTKC-TIO251 Df C. fourth street; Hayes, snake, gave up the ghost yesterday. Twenty instead of INVESTMENT. And they want that protection to be the very Tho anaconda is sick, too. They seem Twenty fourth street; James Hopp, reg- best and at the least possible cost It is the essence of wisdom for ery man t to miss Gussie and refuse to eat and ister window, postofllce and John Keck, insure his life and to purchase that insurance on a business basis from t&a street. AH uaI BANKERS' LIFE ASSOCIATION, of Des Moines, Iowa, whose asset at Jr.. 3u Twenty-fourtdrink, or nearly so. The anaconda is considered worth in Fellows intendihg to join who have deposited with and guarded by the state authorities under the strict laws of Iowa. the snake market about $75, and the not sent for their withdrawal cards are other two as much more. They would requested to do so nt once. Call on or address sell very low now. It is said that Gussie was in the habit Remember Carapobello's Opera Conof making about 950 a week in theatres, cert Thursday evening at Ogden Acad 14 "WnHhinprtoii Averm showing her good looks, her snakes and emy. Tickets at I'eeuies arug siore. her fine drosses. A man looked into her See programme in Thursday morning's OC1DHN, UTAH. trunks and his opinion is that one dress Com m ercial. Agett for Utah, Idaho ajid Wyomino. r- house, Ohio Perry house, Springfield other business and house and thirty-fiv- e dwelling houses were burned today. The loss is heavy. Leopold Visits William. Berlin, Oct. 28. The King of gium arrived at Potsdam a STATEMENT BY THE ORIGINAL for Twa H Fire-Eirek- Con- cert Thursday evening at Ogden Academy. Tickets at Peebles' drug atora See programme in Thursday Commercial. t-- im ' t. -r Lipbt drwfati is rf fr OT L aaakate tii Lik-li-t, ESI'ED r biQ. srurfLad eria tlw-u- i. Tb suk-- 2 Xot laltutioBaL Jir Josepj PtMrf Waa Oetwd County TBI OuMllrlli 111 ).u nanll- -1 t , Mr. EJly South, Ladjcf froca tb tioa that IV. Hurlbut U the registraUa ywAerday ea ' iSuperisteodest in O offir iea arnvrd Ogdeo. Th docUr baa Ajatipod, ; terdy to tiiat important trust and w ill ilk ro Leg and ast to arrange a BiaU-faagnJ handht tbe Imuiitm with rare and r!fc ith MM lueal aspirant for pugilistic Ti Artioa. AfW Uw Twa rarttes ta ta citfocy. Ojhb for ' 4. THE COrXTY Oll'KT H.1 ITS IEAIU1K. trut. tJrLa do. tA U IW Fin XaUuaU booora. Smilh is a LgLt vht and k Bak Taut Ul Mjkl a IMifUUttl -opt Ui a BMNr4ic with anyub bear Lu TW raapufcrll t arrrt aa Tkmrv oaa weight in the oouiitry. Su...h aLsj tenia Will Be Tiar. eieaas buuMaM aikd ha the uertviry to back up Lis chaiUtige. (VjaiBiucicatioa Hi Iowa people et again Lu4 o'vLt Khotikl be addrentti througb. tb r4 ia the New We4 Academy aad perfwted umtut of Tut CoMHUtt'Ui. t aeir org nixa t ioc A gviodly n u mber AX IXEtiAST WELMXt;. oiembrra were in attendance and the in-appeared k) be uiUiteL The cnHuniittc on constitution re- The XnittiaU or Mr. and Mr. Era-Mported, kftw which a rail waa made fur a Lerht rrhe Affair. new nieiubt-r- s, w hen the folio ing name Ltundon, Ontarki, Advertiser, OctjU'r and addreataea aere obtained in addition to thote published last week; 2: One of the moot Lrdliant lioa. wed J. IL LJjiott, Iowa City; H M.Conroy. dingtifthe bejn- - waa lLat of Mum Marengo: Lee liibm, Mrs. A. A.iibton, if the Atlantic; William FaskftL Le Mara: L. Margaret Mills, rldnt daughter 1). Allred, West I'd John Keck. Jr, H jo. David Mills, and Dr. J. W. Fraer, at the residence of Wappello; II II Carruthers, Mr. K. I). w hicU was Carruthera, !. Moines; 1L ('. Johnson, the bride's parent oa Wedaetalay afterCresUtn; C H Stickle, lie Moines; M. noon. The drawing rooms were profu-)M. (j raves. Mr. Knim L Graves, ( txi. i i. Graves, Leon liravtn, Atlantic; Wil- decorated the utantels the liam (lidding, Helen tjiddmgs, I). I). banked with trailing myrtle and purple I'enrod. Logan: H. L. Rowe, Muscatine; w j steria. and the bay w indows transHenry James, Grinnell; L, IL Beason, formed into alcoves of tuuilax and Anita; J. F. O'ConnclL Le Moines; X. flowers. Shortly after 4 o'clock tlie bride Elliott, Indianola. Tli constitution mas adopted a re- entered leaning on the arm of her father ported, with some minor changes. Tim and followed by tbe bridesmaids, Miss name decided on was "The Iowa Social May Fraser, sinter of the groom. Miss Alice Maud Mills, sister of the bride, Association of Ogden, Utah." Alice Archer Watts as The object of the association wax de- little clared to be solely social The second flower girl, and tiny Ronald Fraser, the Friday of each month waa decided for groom's youngest brother, as page. The groom was supported by Mr. the time of meeting. The membership fee waa placed at the moderate figure George C. (iunn, barrister, as best man. W. J. McKay, of the South London cents. All former resiof twenty-tirdents of Iowa and those married to liaptist church, assisted by the Rev. Iowa resident were declared eligible to James Rallantyne, of Knox church, performed the brief ceremony in an immembership. An election of officers resultej in the pressive manner. The bride looked very stately and choice of Theo. Robison for president, in a rich costume of ivory beautiful IL vioe IL P. J. Elliott, president; Major train, Hunter, secretory,' and Judge 11 W. white satin made with long court and trimmed with a flounce and bertha Cross, treasurer. The Association adjourned to meet in of w ide Duchesse lace. Sprays of snow-drop- s caught up the costly lace on oue one month at Bitch place as ihall be hereside of the skirt and fastened the long after annoum-ed- . It waa given out that the list of mem- tulle veil. Her large bouquet, tied with bers could be found at the office of R. P. white riblxm, ua of the same pure Hunter, secretary, at 2111 Washington flowers. A reception followed, only the invited avenue, and all Iowa people are requested guests who witnessed the ceremony beto call and enroll their names. ing present- dress of tho bride was The going-awaThe Musical Society. of brown cheviot, with brown velvet Last evening the rotunda of the First toquo trimmed with silver and MaraNational Bank building wafj the scene of bout aigrette. She is well known in Ijondon for her accomplishments and a very enjoyable musicale. charm of manner and iKjrson. The The Orphean Society realizing theex- is the eldest son of Dr. J. M. Fragroom t acoustic properties of this court ser, of this city, and is successfully pracis advantages afforded to aceoni- - ticing his profession in Ogden, Utah. e a large audience changed the bf holding the musicalo from the The Lat Kites. en music parlors to the place Tlie funeral services of little Samuel Hi. least ISO persons were the happy Keeler, tho sou of Mr. ? rs to a choice programme which C. Keeler, who died at Salt Lake E. ll by Mr. Burley singinir "Come Garden, Maud." His round, City Monday, will be held at the Episjpthe h tenor rang out clearly and barely copal church tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. iu luiuiuv Kiiv nrut ai'IJluuM3 It seems that the boy had been ch demanded a repetition.j Miss Minnie Schansenbach followed troubled for years from some affection of the spine which rendered him nearly mazurka. The selection waa well ren helpless, and while his death is a sad dered nnd was thoroughly appreciated. blow to the father, it undoubtedly came The audience waa disappointed by the as a relief to the little fellow from his nbpenee of Mifis Craig, who was to sing sufferings. Mr. Heeler's old associates in the Ilelumund's Magic Song. The soft Bweet strains of the Zither Western Union telegraph office will atservices in a body. The interwere then heard, and distinctly was the tend the beautiful music audible even to the ment w ill take place in the city cemefifth floor. Mr. Fred Voight was the tery. producer of this music, and for an enAccidents. , Imaginary core he brought forth full rich chords in Canal Tho River Bear a sentimental piece, the volume of company which, for so smnll an instrument, caused objects to false reports concernno little comment. accidents its work. The reA pleasing number was that of Mrs. ing are an upon and make the ports hiring injury Guilford L.. Wood. She sang Moer's of men difficult. It was recently stated Once a was effect the More,"and "Only that five men had been killed by an exstorm of applause which ceased only on plosion. In fact one man was killed and Mrs. Wood has one injured. A later report concerning the lady's reappearance. a beautiful soprano voice with a high the killing of four men was pure fiction. register. There had been no one either killed or Prof. Krouse came nest with one of his charming waltzes, short, quaint, injured. brilliant and the audiance was only enGuards Ball Costumes. couraged in their signs of appreciation for the grand mask ball to Costumes tho performers by a piano-duUtah National Guards be the by B. Alice given Calking and being Miss The Krouse. selection Thursday Oct. 30 will bo furnished by Prof. was lovely and the two excellent pianists .1. H. Donlon at the hall of Thornburg's did justice to themselves in causing the dancing acadamy today from 9 a. m. to piano to ring out with tones in eloquent 7 p. m. and tomorrow from 9 a. m. to 10 harmony. The next selection, played E. m. Costumes all new and clean. I ave none of the old carnivai palace with a dash and finish that -- was admirJ. H. Donion, able, did not satisfy the hearers and only costumes. Costumer. the announcement of the business meeting caused the reluctant audience to desist in their demonstrations of apGoing: to Blackfoot. preciation. Messrs. C. W. Beale and V. Rapp have gone to Blackfoot, Idaho, to enter into The Catupobcllo Concert. The operatic concert to be given by the law business together. They have considerable business from Signor Catnpobello nt the New West assurance ofnnd in a growing town like Academy takes place tomorrow evening. tho start, also have an excellent prosIt is not necessary to say that this will that they pect of soon collecting a tine practice. bo a musical event of mnrked interest. Signor Campobello has a national rep- Many friends in Ogden send good wishes utation and is highly esteemed locally as with them. a musical artist. He will be assisted by Into the liupids. Miss Grace Porter, of Sau Francisco, a Oct. 28. Tho bridge very accomplished singer, and other Niagara Falls, musicians. Following is tender of tho prominent suspension bridge railway THE FBOGRAV. claims to have seen a skiff containing a 1. Dunt, Parln mam poli (from the mornVnrdi. man pass under the bridge this Opera of Riuolptto) Miss Oraco Porter anil Signor Campobello. ing The boat capsized at the first Auber. breakes and the man was not seen again. 2. Piano solo. F.lisir D'Amour Mr. H. S. Krouse. Nothing more was learned about the 3. Aria, Robert toi qnp j'aime Meyerbeor. matter. The pieely Ham pnetty tric i'Ley da aaj titer m funvi aaj LudUcg ua lirr luver jut Lto'K i.4 Lave oui l,Vn. KLe Lad !.d wardjtiue, aad was i a diaaoocdii by any la fK-- t iiiLiu iiLiuau. eacrv iWducks and frtt-o- ai4 tiiciii nminn idiilt lunti Fri jUy, up Uiier IMia, br Late recrivtvi aue ia Ike janglasol the WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER morning's THE GOLDEN EAGLE |