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Show OGDEX DAILY COMMERCIAL: W WaW aUaOik. ui wwai tisa Ltl! r the , . .v tT if rouwt: tu are egiy rs- - I ' cpua Lin. iiut tb pnfio about Urif- c- king. He does i(-t- r ,f th- - . ,:LlJUl . 3 c ti t-- ooectry L Ojdca, I tak. Cc.C(itrtd 4.f ike Hi I Is a Luardiag i .1 ! de--- Li;recUr-:- retort, I trtJ tHaira Gro. It Lw trti 1 hoia be Lkrt, ami, L is. L LodJers frw-- T t , . .... : kl Li df Lai fki-- bm-- a ijc!, i.J.J d 4 tbonh Latia, rlas in antJjtieaiid Lilt; after prat-tk-a- i Iji-.'- h Ua cn:re txJ aikali un tl hair w nai-i''- . Uni kt ifcj.', iij used ot t.'i Ls.ir f r t;a mU Lcct-laaUnd,a:t!Ku;l are txid Ui-frotu i! :!Mi. a tr- ratath cl Atr LaiJS ul ba OJHiJiS by tL IVeoch aiiJ Oeriajta uptaucsl studies. a caa tiUsjji-vt- i. rt - rocoitUM-EJt- tiivr-)- tt Lj tie SisJer b llci , There ara ::iut trartii. j nuu f- t tb rule her tb luir fotilk-liefrrt an unusual tit 11a! unJ oiL but ia tb laa- aDMVj-- i I iiiritv tJ rasa flat tiro Hi lift be afslittod tonitf eff-- t upoa i or wme ktka ha W . th itrf. rl-- J i..-rto- .." drsiiif e ksast Lu h ' ? ) ' -- iYrt lit sni II Wi is -l vn-iii- t. j I j CLOTl-IIER-S. ; ri.M4i i tele :LKA.Di;srG j pupils in the t'jiliij renivo iastructk'a in cryoa, ttou.ikyj ia o.i aid i ' water a Chira vur i.k, aatia ?id t:rmilirfi!a.u;;ilr..vik,;we! vet. Hkookura lUr tiruaer. rial wita men who cannot twsblT hive i ty In the KiU,.l are bstiuia cyu:pzu.)r ui ouuuuua i:a l Hutrl AKUoaurrmcUt. b.ukk-- . aaa 1 pU'ro, Larp. i given in -r- a, .urriy Xuhicp .ill tba Rfal M.Vaa Oilier l.a. k-lai, iuaad..liu and guiir, lilt tMm ton. tl OuL cf Clartx titfcer. lSjnul ia art. mu1, arxl bought the . vu iU itxt-raJ AvosJjle, i a bulking, thiftle. naiure a4ai work. it have Ka furaied for ua the curuer of Taecty third and du a bu-U fancy oil natural of i bni-ibi Mcrjua lookia !! 10 the city. run a hn4 1j lie pooJ ejttntvil Intlwr. Liiln avtmiM. Si nature' uin lrih.tf and beautilicr. For f urtht-- iartk-uh- j Ut Sister mutbtT. Let Laving ueithev Lis mutber's bouiw. Ilia ruKUm are kII f urnijl ni: use can is and the you only preparation t Vdcii, I'uh. applv ami tiiai tbat ar kxiking tact or dijriiitr iar bi father's grarioos-Bt3- i :k1 Super, no contains oils, ith . It rfert slfety: H.ik p cr n:m0th cf character. It wem ' a huiuehke plv run Iiml it in other Tke it it breakfat," bow aotl by th dyes or pouons so roumoo to be a fortme roocluion thst ia tba ! moms all reativ for reut will five ou an eradicate dandruff, It ktkns. stops r romu ill a regulate th Knit vl Xovnibr dining app4it, due course of time tiu dohe will laarrr l most au eud is the cleant the etttetu of all requisite bowris Kle falling Lair, - IViard by day or week. kit thf ew an-- pretty dangbtrr baillojeot Henley's Englu-- h Iaiule-Lo-n tm.1 Ujo tbo city fur the toilet article extant. Ask your druggist table tu trial. Tonk Sold everywhere. f tbf Printrsi of Ttxlc Eag9 1'klJ kast WUl 1 day and for it and five it a fair ojen inooey. Mi-iia Clicaa Neva. Vaji Ohjfjl i. ni'ht. Hot Spriujs. Go to Peck, Kaowlos Ii,ore for the and f IJutAtrAwr. Uert. and heating rr Take ucfohk T Ruca You t an to the Hot Sprlnps by tak- - tin A peculiar incident took p!aco on SunIJrootn Hotel cor- - stoves. ILiveujK u.sJ st ZZA Washingat motor the the ton at eiue, between J:'m1 aud "Jlth SU, Wliite House, Salt Lake City, , al day. A man caino np from New Vork with a Full Line of New Oouds. Also, a. m. 7:.VJ a. w. auil RaiiKJ permitiou to i Circball, Corner of Main and Keoond South. damaged by tire. goods hotel in the f loeation central Most 11 m. rJ0a.ro. any a. who was at the time in the yard. Tba L'ukmi ticket m. iOBtolh". 1"J:55 p. m. J.iti Opposite 1 p. r city. and tran-tha long at g.irj-prisoner I'atMnize Home ludustry. and Pullman orliee ia the hott-Newly . 4:'Jjp. uu 3:18 p. Ui. earnestly. taLin not of tvery nova-me- remodeled and furnished throughout 11. m. 5:35 Buy your Irou Fenivs, Wire Rower and everything about biia. When Table unsurpassed. Electric liht, bells, Coal Screen Stands same Window town You the back to jind can set LL keen observation was got through La and all modern conveniences. Terms, J wav- Guards st the Ogdeu Wire and Iron boor. cerv remark: thi wit! turned awar Works- 421 'lnd strivt II. L. Haij, Iroprietor. F. W. per day. utsTz, Sewtary. pKliaw! ha is oaly a shopktvjjer any- - j does a!l J. Livers the way. a eaiL" This viator waa tbo man type-ruins arrestl in rhihJuh)hi4 aoine years :ri kinds of shurtbaiid ami for frauJ and swinillius. carriod out work in a neat, quick and satisfactory for writing uuder the name of Lord Somem't, which manner. Contracts taken ut low prices. month the letters by he which title and with he had assumed, ph.ee. '2i'M WVhinKton Ave. Lad gniuud aiwaa to the best society in the city At tba present tima he is in To Soften the Skin. Any person having business up to the 7th of New York rutmin; a society i:ipt r. and rough-neta- i to is skin u Ladies l;oie subject sole November with M A. Dauphin, ot New Orleans, can he came up t i Woodstock for the when eiiKd to tlio air may remeLord other the of bojus soring purpoNi tlie ditllculty by applying Wisdom's send package containing money, tree of expenbe, by Somerei't. wbo h:;J got into worse trouble dy Violet Cream. It resbns the natural through hU lyir.s th-- u he had. It is a action cf the skin and induces softness strange thiu that there ia a likeness be- and elasticity. tween tho two men. Toronto Empire. THE COMMLKCIAL D1XDEKY. nif tlrtuorrtt that lw ll.i-i- : tl ? wl-- i 1 4 QL ) rx-- Litle eiT'i. Ia sdiitiuc LU Sk-iu- fctd though 1 bjv it La ti-!xl iuy it la ao bit LiJ oun- EV-t niil the rie j that tithed ! tIJ Breewarily ictulve: L" is vLe isirifUr Lii h Lis t tt latj.--s liHWIU, 1W Kir: 1 o ! WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1890. ui kins x-a- (r-- clus rr'f to h, h r tit, fr th-rp- e bei-aus- e b-- U-o- lr ThiM f Overcoats :urpassin,ir any former 111 l'it, llaiulioiiu'Iy Vo vli um f i i p. cliat a-- Fall wo Hluiw tlie Fitifvt 11 nt-r- wa.)iit pixxhu-tion- Irfxt . Trimm(t ami f ! lSujrKif 9.-3- In IMV4v. Milton, lli aver. KU' Ll 1 i a DAUPM! DAUPHIN! fialrator'l Speed. Complete lltKik Ihiulm? Establishment Uest of lienvtT. The Mot rnn-nin- Jv DAUPHIN! 0 oin-ratio- DEP-A.RTA11N- three-quarte- lJooks, magazines and periodicals bound in any style. Old books rebound on short notice. A soecial invitutull to everyone to visit our bindery and inspect work and prices. THE COMMERCIAL OFFICE,. 1890. O- -t 1 I'lntoi-s- llf th i- - AIlM'X't, . ycu can Iiml tho . NEWEST 1-- NOVELTIES yenro and at tho Iowost 1 Prkf ? 2131 and 2133 Wasliinjrtoii Avennc, a. F. POOLE. See'. aodTma WaKhinfrton Aveou. Ofednn. 11". r"7rr- - 3:-- ' STOVE STOVES! S T OVES! stov f 1-- : STOVKH S ! I STOVES! STOVES. as c run k &i.. Mr. Goald'a Wealth. Mercantile Com Wealth! is Health Russell Saga's recent interview makes out Jay Oould a richer man than he is generally credited with being. Mr. Sage says Gould is the heaviest owner of securities in the world, his income 'alone from dividends being 2,000.000 a year. Outside of this he has an income of from tlO.000,000 to $12,000,000. It is under stood that Mr. Gould aims to make his wealth net him about 0 per cent., and if this is the case, and Mr. Sage knows Dr. E. C. West's Nehvk and Buais Treatfor llyBtflna, Dhsi-nwwhat he is talking about, Mr. Gould ment, guaranteed s!cifie Nervous Nrurnlins, CouvulKionB, Kit. several be moved to will have pegs Headache, Nnrvous Vrostrntion caused hy tlie up Motital ..r Wiikcfulnnss. or in the list of the country's rich men. .I!,,! tnhnpftn. DepresiMou, SoftninB of tho llroin rasultiujir New York Letter. in insanity and lending to misery- decay aud A western genius proposes a novel idea with the national encampin ment of the Grand Army in Detroit next year. It is that inFtead of the customary parade for all the veterans present to be grouped upon a huge raft upon the r.ver to be viewed from pacing boats. 2-- 4 11-- t T F. W. LAFBEXTZ, President. C. JIalUck. Dear Sir: I have much pleasure in stating that the bottle of "Skookum Hoot Hair Grower." which I have used the air receiver at the Clinton blast fur- on my little girl's head to prevent tho nace at Pittsbnrg several thousand dol- hair from tailing oui (ine resun 01 a selars' worth of damage was done. The vere fever) has not only stopped the hair accident was caused by the reversal ot from falling out but has also developed grow th ot tiair. air and gas in the receiver. The effects a luxuriant I have recommended it to all my of the force of the terrible concussion friends. Yours truly, were visible on all the houses within a Hbles Nelson. In one house furnace. of the square Thomas Mclntyre. a laborer, who was h sektiowlpdEefl Htjt asleep in a folding bed. was awakened the leiuMne remedy foe at Gleet. fionorrbcea by a very tight squeezing sensation. The lTOH)AYB.A The onlv aaie remedy for concussion of the blast had loosened the Leneorrhceaor Whites. I Drescrtbe It and leel fastenings of his bed, and it folded up in recommending U for His cries it. in with him help brought K.1 TheEwwChck"-!- ' Co raie to all wffererj. the other members of the family to the omcso riJ t!J ... 1.1 rescue. Cor. Philadelphia Press. CO Sold ty Drnirarlata. Two new sorts of tea are reported from abroad. In England fashion has taken up a mixture cf dried and cured hops. In Germany they are using strawberry ten, decocted from the young leave3 of the strawberry plant r.fter they have been dried and prepared like Chinese b?a. Atti-aolivi- RULED AND UNRULED, Strangely Imprisoned In nod. By nn explosion of hot air and gr.s in l'tnbrella ramde. There was a novel display by the colored people of Eilicott City, Md., a few days ago. It was called an umbrella parade, and consisted of a line of men dressed in dark clothes with white caps, umbrellas, and folcarrying lowed by two gayly decorated chariots containing children and ladies dressed in white, the whole headed by a band. While marching the umbrellas were kept constantly twirling, making a picturesque scene. The affair was under the auspices of the A. M. E. church. Exchange. Baron James Rothschili, of Loudon, has adorned his drawing room with the most superb electrolier ever made. It is composed of gilt bronze and rock crystal in a design of the time of Louis XVI, electric lights being skillfully sixty-eigh- t arranged among the bronze leaves. This unique illuminator is about five feet high inches in diameter, and by twenty-eigh- t . cost $0.000. Spcially lnli iiml 1 1 MARKS, GOLDSMHf 4 CO. rs Take rr bepork Breakfast. Portlaxo, Or, June 12, I 1 ncoi 1 AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING For Ago :l to IIAllD AND SOFT PAPKIi, t ir-- i inr C)v,ixxatsi anil OE BOYS Pencil and Scratch Tablets TiieCojimf.kcial Publisliiug Company the most now have in nctive extonsivo and coniilete Ixwk bindery in L'tah. and are nreiared to execute all orders for blank books of any and every description on short notice and ut reasonable prices, ikioks ruiea in any desired stvle, and Iwund in paper, and halt loth, Kussian or full calf, hepeeial attention w ill be paid to bank and county work, and estimates promptly li ll 1 111.0. inonlaiut. llllistor. Ol Pfintt" ('harh'H. nti hxpress. While the public is still marveling over s Sal vators wonderful perfonuancin there are few who a milo in 1 have, through comparison and analysis, songht to realize wbiit a terriao bnrat of speed this is. It is nearly forty mil an hour a rate averaged by very few of our fastest trains. There are 5.380 feet in a mile, so that for every one of these ninety-fiv- e seconds for every beat of a man's pulse this wonderful horse covered 59 feet of ground. The shortest 82ce of time noted by the turfman's watch is a quarter of a second an interval so brief thut the eye can hardly observe the mind can hardly appreciate it Yet in every one of these oS3 quarters of a second that magnificent creature leaped Such are the amazing re16 sults of careful breeding as exhibited in ' the American race horse. Is the human race improving in the same ratio? Scarcely. Cincinnati Enquirer. Pl-tlf- Mutt'i ialn. Fa.-hiona-blo nt s'.eno-T;iihe- Ill'VHlt, C SOLE dentil, 1'reniature Old Ar, Barrenness, Lots of rowor in enuer sex. luToiuumry jaw caused by over exertion of the Spermatorrhoea Kacb box e or hrain. contains ono month's treatment. il.W) a box, man sent uy propam uu or six boxes for receipt of nrice. GROCERS, . MANLTFAOTUKIIS OF gR FINE STIFF HATS, by To cure any case. With eneb onler ns for six boxes, accompanied with $5.00, we will re to writtrn our guarantee tho send purchaser fund the money u tne ireaimeni noos uoi H.,um:i, A. n cure. (juarantees issued only by Walrek, UniRaist Sale Airt.. 371 Twenty-fourt- h St.. Oifden. l'tah. Lined and Lnlincd, in Light Weights. Call and let us Explain the Merits of the World Renowned Howe Ventilating m Twenty-Fift- Street, 0GDEN, UTAH, h SECRETS OF Heating FREE. ConsuItQIdDocior Twenty Graduated with high honors. years experience as ITofessor, Lirtiirt?r. Autlior aud Specialist la the Treatment aud Cure of Private, Nervous and Stov Diseases. Chronic Private Adviser for those eontem- latinir snarriaeo and for men snffer- - Thousands of young men and women saved and ne from PrlvRte Nervous or Chronic from an early crave; made fathers manDidcases. Sent prepaid by express. mothers; and restored to permanent Ktd "Secrets hood 'and womanhood. Of Life" sent prepaid by express ojiij. A method and results wfcen of Figs ia taken; it is pleasant Syrup and retrcsumg ui cently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho We do not Condem other Rnfl, tliA io wi eya-te- eflectually, dispels colds, head- ra aches and fevers and cures habitual For sale constipation permanently. all bottles druggists. $1 and by in 50c CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM LOUISVILLE, Kr. fRAHCISCO. CAU f m r- - m I Stoves to sell ours, but sell them on their merits. Nervous Debility. Abuses of tho system. ftCTIIIVwttftn I rnWinWt.cvhwiittAH vitn. Confusion of Ideas.- Aversion to Society. Loss of Energy. PrematureoffDecllne.VaHdamnlnir oots of youthful result lnr from the ?"u fnay be In the first alases. ImtreujemberthHtyouare Do not let tulse ,Hidoorshafn modest r last. the ?jro nistupproiiflhlnff uUCDdfrnr o youi aircDizinrai)monW. Many a briirl.t iuidimturally Has his to run ou and rwrralUftd num endowed with irenius (so rackod bis intellect, and deth ciulaied Its vloUio. For remcniber. thief of tlmo." nir,nt.onr " '.' We havo so nrnmiroa aurrreatmi'ni ior i',"I!r'.v; "'7. " i"' K..;. A"lnter-riews.m- d andf" umbrtntoi thai w iitv.u vriwtte not to oxclto crmfiaontlal. M.tlloino pacftcil so. are letters sacredly . .. milOIWPBIWHUU full ' nasnvlnl nr Afraan fflfflVOIl. . onoiUott list. ninowiy, na DISPENSARY. 68 Sandolob Sh. IhicaflO, ML E OR LUCAS frraund exoSwS a TIIE SNYDER A ROBIXS0N HARDWARE CO. No. 2345 Wanhinton Avenue. .oXvcneor ,.t..u .JJj"! '"L",! " rilDi - a PPI-AT- ir |