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Show fc.lti!Lirtiuo act uud 15 IE1SH iHJT. ff Spirit by 5--- thkt am art. He tLe Uct that tJu tL prnf.tjo o'KiA Uttta fratjkl ia the reeoj ia tW iu.-tof MTcha!.- - pe'iiig ad likireta i of duir, auJ thst ad no rta-"ttuc U U iu a nouuui ta Fumw . i'i Oct BiAJfj-T- , SS.-- A jiectlae g!4if tory rhuc from tha fcacietit eity Cialasy, Ire. Ote ti'bt rejuettJy uiu AUy-(ira- t otng people were oo tlieir way to devutjoc at At a cl St. tL a chun-botit ri;ht c pjeiie from sa ligLt eudJetiiy a).pirl. It avsuWutsa ditzlic? eupem: uml 1,'Lt, as earn a putt,ad iti iU Uff.'ftaM a tgum ia tlvLag flamtsj. Tb j4og f'-- ttatof a th ib aliUe the young folk s;w-ci- i tar - lo cWm hw waU-bi- mv-mtc- U Ujlh low, faint! du&spirl. thousand the ipnaritioa wveral prearound house, but ulJ rowi, otit even tlw authorities t invwtijal metU-not;fc!i jnuras; tvurrenae. Many 5miui the of wb .t t'iia ol.iwt rwtliy i hav bwn rurrrnt, Tue adult portion of Uioomu-rauLitfy that tifty jtirs um tbero w&j! a similar pi.araa(x in tL hous, it a ruut brutal havictf Ua tlief-Miiaomurdor -r- unnely. th Hmmatko of a MaxeU by Lr husband. w.uj.sUn;iB.td e il rifitioo now given of tli Frwa pl ay it i l;,t a;ip irit;(W, the older one and the bbi photC, hu:ta baa to put up alteroato buif cctsturiea in tbin world and io tue atimttturul abode of the ppirita. Every ui'lit the ghost walk through the Louse and ia neen by If soma enterprbin American should Lm the phantom it would prove an oicellont novelty for the World' Fair. Bioai-t- ti form jfatLrm! y f hun-cirad- Medium in Hard Lu;k. St. Louw, Oct 23- .- For eomedaya, by g mesoa of handbill, the newspaper of carof ally avmdotl, the apjearance "Profwawr Alex Johnson, agisted by Mi Kate Banga," 1 1 a atriea of "won-derfhas npiritual minifestation beea edvertwl The display of euper nntural power was to take place at the At the apPickwick theater pointed time an audien.e of 3; W or more waa in attendance, haviuit ua a preliminary proceeding, dejiottitel their shekels with a doorkeeper. Several neptier men were there too, with an idea of exposing the allegod medium, but there The ex waa no need of special effort. poaure ranie all too sxm. Scarcely had the audience become aottled in their eeata when tho fun b'igau. The alleged lYufcuor Johnson appeared and in the usual manner prepared to go through the old rope trick. A pair of witnesses, in reality, came from the confederate audience, but before the work could go on an imperative demand carao from the audience for a cloeter examination. This frightened the old m jo and ho immediately IxauQ to deny that he waa Profemor Johnmnat alL At this, one Edwin ElioJ, alias Jask Caraher, who claims to have ronJ) a tour of Colorado, came out and tried to explain that the , substitute- - tor Prgfenaoj-- Johnson, who waa ill, wan jua a arw'na the original. l-- t Vit Wat U, and a IHa A be-io- ul f Utal Ifa'.m tlMVl djem uut require the naaularture t rlrtL i 1.4 b.-n-- t iiors ti.ia fU ry fllt-ln- l irupurl-- r aig . of IL aad h ir rva-ur- fj j iljr rn- - - -wvto -- , ir it . irra vUir . ijti II .. " l&nsc u4 .v... " J . -- The fallowing New Vosk, fKL Mter haa bea rewired io thU city: WooifcTot-a- : Ctnuda, tX t 2L Jul, wetka a Torocto few During the pjst Laa pulhILed d.jcunieata and partial coiifiioca n. ale by tue. I t deciara that t' suteniect are puri.u; that I neither dicUUi nr wrtrfe theoi, utr h e tiny dirwitly or indirectly ecuaiiated frotu ruv en. I dtfcire fartiier U tUite that I Mvedisjiosi'd of the otdy manusTipt that I have preparad th- - utory of my to the life, trial and prison eiperit-ftocNew York aud Toronto p.ra. and anyr eiustiat froui thing that may my jiea on these aulijects. and 03 my case in general, are included in tha contra, t tth thej papers. I have alsw number of UluMrati uc prered a tolarge the said story, and tliene, pertaining 100, an 1 any I may hereafter make, are kIho included in the said contract. Kca. IliwHAU- - asd tL fun! it4I'. ti duaa t tiunnubnit bua i dif -- prr uf firm. ! y . i. Ji. LL buiiiiual; .It--i i) ; ttraiu, : Tut. ... Kl I. S V4 US .... XariKatiua (inua North Anmiean... tlrfrfHi !mirorm't I lr4Mti puort LtUMI Parilie MaU HmI.ii Kr '. Ruck UlauJ A Tezaa... . li'.lSi. Paul kara Lak SIhita ... .le VH. Paul A Omaha. . ...... Hurluurtoa . 4.1 . 17 . 21 yu'a'a A Sah ... . VI 77, Txa 2 Pacific s; V'S ST V V 1TV Mo. fulluaa Alio Alam Oct. ttoclu eloaed oina ... Con I(.nIi AVa.. ;ron.raL !( 'om m m wal tli 1 1 Hurn tI SI Mt. 1'alr.loaia ( oloraJu t oo . R II Si Ivor Iliahlo lUplymuulb .11 1 4 a t 4S i1 0H Roiitoh, Oct. SS. Tli itock market closed a fulltiwa : Atrh. Top StHIMea. hood nerlpt..., Rurlinirloit !'l' Mrx. first DiurWaKS 17 '.'Sua Dieiio Mfi. Cuotral com.. a Petroleum. Chicago Produce 2r.. Kyo Steaily at I'nrlf-Firm. WliUkry-fl.- il. Slioia.l.Ta-S.6J- H4 !). WEnaa raarrKCT. W. II art. JoMiph Uosan. and departure of trains carrying paM'Ugcrt at the I'nion depot, Ogdca, Utah. Cattle. attlo SIl'-pMD- Kcoi-ipU- 2."'l. and east, daily Utah llirht, J " J I i 1C. li Northern. ' Leave. ' No. Valley chi I'tah. dah. f4. uiterlsjnv-- and puinta. .. 10.-0- Arrive. '"""S Jraii-cico.iu- '. If"1 T2T L9i mnlk ifV& mmm iruwu fn Vaed In HUUon Its trrm t Homa to the Standard, nrrior proren The Solicitor's Opinion. home for mor tlmn a quarter of a century. It used by the United States Uovornment. ij Washington, Oct 28. The solicitor of Endontod hy tha homis of the Great Univeroitie the Stronpret, Punwt, and most Healthful. the treasury has given an opinion in re- as Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder does not Ammonia. Liime or Alum, .sola only gard to the manufacturers' statement contain in Cans. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. prescribed by section 8 of the customs Now York. Chicago, tixa Francisco tit Louis excellence In millions of tarryISeat tirnuito Bock is the Gray in the Market. Twenty-fourt- street. Oirden. Ttah. h ! d. Fine Stationery. The Commercial begs to call tho attention of our citizens to their lino of fine stationery, including the latest designs in call cards, wedding goods, programmes, invitation?, pnpetries, tablets, etc. We have bought the best tho market affords for our patrons in this and cities. With a full line of new and handsome type we can guarantee perfect satisfaction. -A Kll.K-LAND- LOT 1x12 HODS. tart-i- a i'ail ,fl at ai). rioMd in went j fourrh nun.. AND TMK S UKlPlr !.. Uba t IX)K t.VLE CHEAP X EVV COTTAliE. Kll and clotliea I rtiuni. biitb room,kitch-nfsnlry . k1 wawr in all nioely press: lutuira of Mr. Painuar. Tiiirteeuik trwt. four dour from station tifteru, motor line, LOS"T mt PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR house. Finder will pleat return Dawson. Mi Twenty-thir- d street. to Kfinliardt K KLE. W 000 Lincoln av. -- t RED IN HIP POvKETBOOK. IOST-- A containing papers of value to lb oaner. Among other things a $10 bill and a chi-ron the I'tah National bank. Finder will be liberally rewarded on returning book. W. 11. Washington Ave. J. D. GILL'S List of Properties $1,000- M. 1th Su, up stairs. Residence Two 50x137 Knob Hill orchard lot. 2.".xm near Thirtieth and Jefferson Avenue. Corner, Jxl;r' Twentieth and Lil-ert- - $300. Ik 2830 I WILL DELIVER. ANY OF WHICH H. Vt. SMITH. SMITH. & SMITII, JJ CIVIL ENGINEERS. J H. HOLLIDGE, $1,250. $2,200. $650. $2,100. fruit and shade trees. Monroe, between Twenty-sixth- , A. TCSH. rpCSII a R. W. FAKIS. 50x132. Van Biiren, between and Twenty-seventh- $2,400. On $2,500. $1,200. CornerQuiney,ltftxl32,with4-rooi- Madison, between t, Wash-into- L. WAOOENER. between Monroe Twenty-fift- and yunicy. I hoice. oiis FltEB DEUVERT S1KTEH. HiisineM district, two deliveries por day, at 8 o clock a. m. and I o'clock p. m. ltosidence districta. one delivery per day, nt 10 HI. o'clock a. m. Kimball, t. LEGAL BLANKS THE COMMKKCIAL OKKICK t neap. n J. - ami ur.d.:i,-- tUt ti dMliUIUll AY. McNUTT & CO., UlLU, i- JUC., fifnrv UUHL.l. Druggists USE PERF01ER and TO! LET ARTICLES. AITHIM EOSS. & KOSS, yyACtiENEK ISIPOETED AKD DOMESTIC CIGARS. CIVIL ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS. General engineering practice. Consultation invited. Office, room 3 Kay block, Ogden City, Utah. Orders by Mail Promptly Attended to. Fifth St., DENTISTS. Nr Young, OQDEN. R. SNOWDEN, B. F. STEACY & CO, DENTIST. Office, Washington avennn over Horrock Sons store. Teeth without plates and saving natural teeth a specialty. No teeth or root too bad to be saved by tilling or crowning. Special attention givon to children's teeth. 2127 Real Estate, A; GEO, A. LOWE, -- DEALER ivumu via "Wagons, 232 St., Twenty-Fift- h OSDE.X, UTAH. Have the only building property at the Celebrated Hit Springs. Parties wishing to get a beautiful and healthful subur- I- N- ban residence can do so by addressing us at the above aixiiAvtuutk'l number. Buggies, lload Carts, Buckboards. PENCIL & SCRATCH TABLETS, Turbine Wheels, Hard and Soft Paper, Engines Saw Mills. RULED AND t'SEULED, AT Iron postoffick norns. n h mi! prepared and work superintended. Maps, plats, tracings, bine prints, etc., etc, executed on chert notice. Office, 'Mi Washington avenue, Ogden. i General delivery windows open nt S o'clock a. m. and close at 6 o'clock p. m. at S o'clock a. m. Money order window and clot.es at 6 o'clock p. m. . $200 CIVIL ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS, Q and Twen-ty-eix- FAEIS, rians, specifications and estimates C. h choice. Twentieth and 6xd rods. Twenty-firsPer foot. 10x10 rods, comer avenue and Twenty-eigtitstreet, three good houses, renting $112 month. Bargain. (Late Ass't City Engineer) CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Plans, estimates, irrigating ditches and subdivisions. i nV. Special attention given to the laying ont of s. additions and city lots. Oilice with Ogden Abstract Company, First National Hank Building. C. Twenty-fift- D0xi;B, ndobe house, well, city water. adobe bouse, 40xVI2, with well, city water. I hare bargains on Washington avenue, Twenty-fourtstreets in busiand Twenty-fift- h ness prosrties, also all kinds of acreage- - It is a pleasure to show property. AYajron Material, Heavy Hard9:00 a. in. 100 " 6 0 m. Kastern p. tieyenno HnnUiville and Eilcn, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Siittininvs. and Steele ware, Weft Weber and Florence. Tuesdays and Fridays For rrlces delivered call at office of Itraln-nrI5ohlnon A 'o 2H Washtnctnn AT. c CrutY, k ive i'ouila. No. 2KK Wasliington avenue D.AR.U.W of u.U!-- Lyman. H' ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN. "Treats chronic diseases and diseases of children, (ienerol practice will receive prompt attention. Private diseases a specialty. Oilers anexpericnoo of 25 years in the practice of med- - NOTICE SleClain I AH KMSHta ; 4".j ra Pl.KAMNT fur Ijiiit EUWAD at. ALLISON. ALLISON. AT10RNEY-AT-LA- 3S9 D. VAN a. m B:Ua. m a-- The UJOU 1 1 house, new. ) t nl. HenJjtBek. tnillsilltiranlH1S!111X tftmur. r PHYSICIANS ANrSURtEONS lo-- 6.-0- Pressing: Work. Tammia, Wash., Oct. 28. The Union Pacific is pushing the construction work on its line between Portland nnd Seattle rapidly forward. The heavy fills across the lowlands of tho Columbia ore progressing finely and will lie completed before there is any trouble from high water. The force is constantly being increased, and it is intended to have 7,000 men on t ho line and to hasten completion l)cfore the bad weather sets in. ' icine. Orhc V s. 1 K- It-- J I IliOM Luott, 1VH I n- - I'uint.Pl'SINKSS ahirh- a ii41 SAI R. IIEVWOOD. KANSFORD J I ins Otrd.n. Office, rooms Nos. 6, 7 and 8, No. 21.H avenue Hair Groaiet. evi-do- - Ave, 8. BOREMaN. Office. Arrive. m U wi in lrM.-- 4 Lo4 f lw to Jt. kit. iu 4 i K) litr i.na iu auhr otit. ujiitu. IIuum- and lot tu.X at Hi l suuotlt. A.J. ATTORNEEYS-AT-LA- one m iue No.ftns Fa4 MaU and") such ot Tne troops stationed there aa butt anu Helena Kx- - . cannot be provided for in New Mexico 6:15 p. m 8:30 p. m presH all points north, tnd Arizona, may bo removed elsew here. daily The post at Fort Union could bo abandoned at once by trannferring Troop Utah Central. Grows Hair Rapidly. G, Sixth cavalry, to Fort Wingate; mountain tihk. Fori to Tenth C, infantry, Company Eradicates Dandruff. Man y, and Company II of that regiment Loave. Anive. to Fort Stanton. Grieraon renews the Stops Falling Hair. mili101 No. Atlantic Fast) recommendation that the present Mail, Salt Lnke City, ' 2.00 a. m 9:30 Is a Preventive tary reservat ion at Sun Pedro, Califordaily nia, be enlarged, as it is the most availaof Baldness. PEEL'S OLD DODGE. Xo.7(tt-Pa-rk ble place for a harbor adjacent to Loa City F.x- k Northpress, Tho small, poorly situated Grows Hair on Angelce. Accommodation. ern. should bo Bald Heads. Salt Lake Oily, Frisco 030 a. m 20 p. m England Kesorta to a Duck Nnniber post of San Diego, California, and all intermediate disposed of and a more suitable reservato Appease Ireland. points Is an Exquisite tion bo obtained withoutdelay. Dublin, Oct 23. A new scheme has Toilet Article. No. 707 Atlantic Ex-- ) ComLskcy t'omins' West. just been sprung by tho government to 11:30 a. m 60 p. m tireKM. Salt Lalce ftv. all from Free Nono of the tho facta Irish. deappenso intermediate points.. ) CmcAuo, Oct. 28. Comiskey lias matter. havo yet been published, but it is cided to take two ball teams to the PaNo. 7K Fn.t Moil and II. A N. Exprois, Salt that they soon will become public cific Coast and will loave He ( Trade mart registered.) VeVtrtSute Lake City, and all p. m 80 p m Poisons Contains no or Mineral is resurrection of a tho It property. will captain one and Mike Kelly may intermediate points, clever dodge of tho infamous Peel, who lead the other. daily The players include It is an honest aud meritorious instituted tho endowment of Catholic HarMark Baldwin, also, Kyan.McPhee, Rio Grande Western. preparation. O'Connoll institutions during tho agitarington and Rhine. Tho teams will play ' tion away ack in the forties. At tha' in MOrXTAm TTMR. Own Nature's Remedy. Lincoln, Denver, Colorado Springs, time it was openly charged by the young Salt Lake Loadville, Leave. I Arrive. Cheyenne, Pueblo, Irish party that tho government haa City, Boise City, Portland, Seattlo nnd advanced money toward Catholio educa- Taeoma. No Salt"! Mail, Then they will head for San Skookum Boot Hair Grower Go. Lake City, Provo, tion for the purpose of securing the coand after mi extended stay, go D:X) a. m S:0 p. m Francisco, LeadviUe, Puehlo.Dcn- in of the the NEW checking operation clergy YORK, iu oast all and and disband Texas St. south points .V. natural aspiration of the people. It Louis through J daily about January 20. pov Sal by stl Diugglat. worked to poi to jtion there, and if tho No. ft "Eli" Salt Lake) were tho Irish priesthood majority of City and interuiodiato U:: a. m 3:40 p. m The Engineers Session. O'Dwyers and Caldwells, it might prove points, daily ) 28. The Brotherhood sucoesful now, but such u move Pittsburg, Oct. ! No. Atlantic The Irish of Locomotive Enginatrs are still in seswould bo to critical. alt Lake Oily, 51 5:10 p. m lOffi a. m Denver and east, people ara pawing through a danger- sion but expect to conclude business in ous crise?, and even though the clergy a few days. This morning George R Southern Pacific. turned their jwlitical coat, which is faoriSTAIN TIME. could reckon without their Dority' of Charleston, Mass..' was have We the opened lately grand chaplain nnd E. M. Clark Central xngrocration. An instance of this oc23d Leave. Arrive. Carriage Works, curred last Sunday at one of the largest of Denver, grand guide. The next conin tho west of Ireland, vention will be held in Atlanta, Ga., in and Washington Avenue, and No. 4 Limited Fast) churches 5arieh Mail, ban Francisco f 20 a. m a. m p;istor. in speaking of the 1802. are prepared to do all kinds of daily ) puny efforts of the Tory government to Carriage and Wagon Building No- - 2 Pacific KxprossO furnish relief works, eulogized the Conand Repairing. throuKhto san servatives, and incidentally remarked: intennodiato 12:15 p. m a. m "Tho present govern mnt is doing onlv firm in the city points, daily the Are more for Iroland than n Homo Rule govprepared to Repair, Paint or ernment would da." "Let us got out of here," observed sevTrim a Carnage or Buggy OKdcn Arrival and departure ofU. S. mails at the eral in the congregation, "tho house of poutoUico : Ar. Complete. Dep't. God is no pliieo to listen to lies." 1 M a. m. Cnion 8 :30 a. m. Pacific A. M. BUCK, Prop " That remark of the priest has been CentrHl I'acilic ki)p. "m. I tali 10:00 " and tho 50 " severely criticised by the people, Vet, Wygal, Manager. 10:11 " 6:00 Park ' and (Wville. City pastor hits lost a prestige that he can 4. Telephone BriKhnm City. Logau " never regain in tho hearts of his parish-ioner9K41a. to. ami Collinsum inl in so " I IVnvrr and Aspen The moral t; this episode is ob50 p. "m. ROCK! ROCK! ROCK I'tah 5:3) p.m. Northern... 60 vious. It requires no explanation. L'taliContrnl 6:;l " made before t)i 5 i"nwvTrrft the evening rekeeper waa smewith ceipts, so was Miss l!.ngg and all the rest of tho i.u 'C of swindlers except Eliod, who is in tho bnnds of the police, and he is likely to become a vicarious aullorer for tho eiua of tho rest of the party, as well ns to answer for his own wrong doing. Among the audience were eeveral well known spiritualists of the city. Their disgust can be im iginod. 1Y a. m P- - ar -- a BALL ' f MOCXTA1N TIME. K Rieuinu, 10.0UW; stcatly.sp- n iak. j u ; weaturmCv 1 i4 til. 4Vl1.44 Denver, Omaha, Council Bluifs, Kansat City M gMITII Union Pacific Railway. Atlantic Express.! -! KKNF-- A f.m to 1(4 1MU ORNEYS-AT-LA- Office, Ogduu. I'tah. Arrival ... I" A M. il k! T ctwaiik. Aniy Hm4. l:KNT !.' - nTiciH rii arita litiuc n.m I4I:T-PL.- NT I1 ATTORNEY-AT-LA- INCLCDilO. Leave. 4u: " R.WH1TK, J AIXIB TABLES. TIME. tt I S r tB'J-- 1 aidjwel I ATTORN Peace-- J. (HOIKTAJN tlill f IMG au Office, over Vtah National Bank, corner of avenue and 1 atreet, Ogden. l Uh. oorca raaciNcr. Justice of the Peace James Johnson. Constable Krancis M. lii lusik No. S Phicaoo. Oct. Rocfipta. 15.000: ; Texaa atoers $1 3J ttiady; twni, S mwm, rauira ale; . ?Z,0UU: Hixn active, ntcdy to iWBr.. roncli ami common 11 1 in; bout heal K1 west Denver, Kansas City, and east, daily !. Satioaal Bank 1 , Justice of the Peace P. P. Bingham. l4Oblab- l- Danu l N. Draka. DAILT, (st'KDAT 1JLA letr roa sale. JAMES V. KIKtBALL. TIME I TRADE A 'HICA(iO K1EM SENT MK FXJR line alack of dry goods, invoicing J.UC. excliaiure for Ogden real tans. Let ma to Al TO RN E W, know what yon hate lo trade for it. or part of it. J. O. kKkkfl. Practice in the District Court and all the court. Personal atteotioa iriven lo collections. hVniembef the place, in Perry's wooda budd-Ine- , LXlR SALE On easy terms. New Hre room frame house, with cellar, front and back near meat slum of C. II. tireenell a Una., .1: Twenty-foiirt- h Lull. P.O. IMirchea. Call on J. W. S arehama. Twenty-tin- t stteK. Utrdt-onear Vaa Huron. box 616. y WILSON riBTINCT. UAILI10AD t a. inr. u -: 1 La t Ill" Wahintoa avenue, Ogdca. Crfiice. Jnitine of tha Peace Peter L. Slier ner. CouuUe Jamas Uarrop. Xo.S Limited Fast Mail," t Imahu, Council ItliifTs, SSert clmr- - JR.mKTl Hliori riba $5 Ki o li. Mandtd Ml'liPUV, ATI raariarr. a 7S. ChlCQgo fs Wachinirloa lijrvm L. Hybee. fifttifflVi. JS1., iiuxKii A tur IXH over l. NH A T-- - J r- -l I lah. I LiDljUi-iM'- TVI r-- -T. U'iiS a ( O, ARHiTECrS, trwt. rotas 10. at tJf.curmetU ii: l 4. t ,h h i v : art ri 1 rie kcti. lilJ-"iatar-'ia ni:'. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 41MIOTT rtKCIKCT. f the Peace Simon Y. IlalTersoa. iimi lii S J W. rmcAoo, Oct. 2S. Wheat oprnivl Ht ennu hitflier. adTaiicml He. HiictiiatiHl witliiu omali rmuris finnlly iwllini; off , Nc; Nvsnie otl mlvNiic-i- l lcand clivl lSo hiirliei tlmn yoKtordajr. Reupipta 35.0UU: kliiiinienU- - W tM!L i -- TOR RENT. I itr i,'U.l. ntiffM. 4airti. I tah. X.i: Jour .S. duu iti LAWYERS. Jiirticeof the Peace ( unstable U ilMMi loulter. ruAKAKT Titw rutmcr. H. CrandaU. Jiitice of the Peace-t'oatUhle (murtt II. Majeock. aLATEtVILXK riKllaCT. Juitticeof tha Peace James Ilutchina. 4 ou. table Julia J. Hu tenia. Voe, Oct. tS. Petroleum Tarjweak; lHt IVun.jlvania eliwod at TV. New n t A4-- O kric..- IVaca-Tiinot- Constable .." t. ani IMK UH ' am S. WuhTUHAS. I'arker. riKTAH ntiaiSCT. the aleadll. ia Justice of the Boston Stocka. r!!ariit.-d- rn- . v. - fWliM. moras W, 17 and bud iimi. tirt-u- . I tah. IUEKIALZ fHU 1MT. the Penie- - I licl.il J !K 8 o. j LTKMBrKBTmCT. : riui ri.t.i i AJ Tww riint rtuiNcr. Jutipeof l:. "i.,,.,i s AND EUILDERS. 4 vlLce-- . 4U.-o- rrurer. K. B. Jiw'.irenf t!:e Prace t .iiUlt Jonah iLCanrrr. t'..utiUlo-Jol- It 1j i. t. -r w - fc..rjjTA aiaA- - and II. ,labi"-Jr.ui- Tt- , v. Mckaj. Justice t'ooatable Caleb Parry. Mining Stocka. Xw Yobk, Irrrtu. 4NEHMLLE 41' ruual. .. jl u ion Paritir 4".', Parifie (VVjW'U Parn Kxp' Surtlura Parifie.. . 2 jVaoni t:nim.... M S. P. p d m. ( tuOa.... ICS N ortli wtlura . . . Miii V. S. 6i txpwa v.r.l-m- ttfe cites 11 aTea-je- . VT. 7UOU ria-i-MT- c- H(vtiii.i.r. mvrvKrr. t' Prc Wiliiaai ti. Eaoa, x Jaticf t tole . Lark a anna II. AH.U li vmiut Aaeu . Ktkbi-aik- ixu aaJ I i i iajt A OUlS KU1MT. tin l'fr J aB liliirt-JT- C- -. Sl a. citr-a.tonr-4-r- fH aJ the IVa- euilders. AND CO.NTRJVCTCRS wtJui (.ouiii. Jutio-"- f 4 Btocia. Ill N'ortbvMtmi p'd. 11' N. V.l'ratral I l!4 Amfrifia Ex itrliiMia ratutlma Parifie. t' no. (imt'jwii .... M ' Volral 1'aritie ... 3 tll ' V"a-iui- -- Plam and Kil.-T- J ;;iitfe of Pacitie 1A ifIUe 4 it Ulr!uMxJ M r. L iaTT tiidnusv UKti. J'wttre f tl U 11. Qonda. : a lUii r. SH m Uujt rUrr. Ki .!i!U9 4 l a'rk. iw!. Pwn-'fc. ttia v-- - A. M. j if 4 Eilver, Copper, Lead and Tin. S'ew Iota. Ot. p. !5ar ailw.M . forW-arvin- s.4e 1 T-n- Fut 09 eU pri, Sv-y- .wr - abiiiaootit'tiii Juto J th Po-i- l . 4 ,duLali - I'l.J turi. reiku Obici rannxcT. - A. IVrfut. f it ! J j 4 uaftfctjp i). 4J. i. -- liu con:r aoRS Sctto'i. riii!fct J tiifirirt .l'- TlHrntT.. sI MUctaiMT' K A. J iluwuc, . Kri- Vt itiiiMTumitti-Filb rrrt- - l J Kew Tora Moaer. YoKK.Ort. li-- u-t u ail am rioa tj tii I aiMl I'takia Pari&c X v e. T'AVrKI-li- Alj. r-- li j If 1, IV? !.!. K. -- 4 btr-afte- General (Jrierson, commanding, say: Njw that Forta McDonnell and Verde have been ' abandoned with a view to their early transfer to the interior department for InJiun school purposea,the authorities should consider the advisability of reducing, with the leant possible delay, the number of Indiana in the the vicinity "of San Carlos agency, by Mo-jaremoval of the Yuma and Indians to those reservations. Tiie keeping of so many , Indians at San Carloi agen.-- ia detrimental to their advancement. It tands to the renewal of old feuds. The white men have taken up nearly all hunting and ra.ing grounds of the peaceable Yaval Supal Indians in the Contract Canyon, Arizona, and these Indiana became to such a degree that trouble is likely to arise at any time. Therefore Uritrnrorommcnds that "Bliu-- Tanks" their hereditiry winter camp, taken away from them by tho white men two rears airo. Imv restored, that their reser vation be enlarged and defined and their title made good. Tho report says recent survevs have shown that a railroad rai e constructed throughout the Graud Cinoj of Cobrado at a feasible cost, tud liberal encouragement should to be given by the government hasten its completion aud open up that famous wonderland now beyona the reahiof many. Grieraon disapprove 4i itm Mril rurr- - V 4 I U.A Sir, i V irtt. Jl;s V. 1m. 11a. - I t- - lujurw. J -- iriMti) j l'.MlJ'-HtAUl-- J. .! V 1 r p.-p- (Irncral Gricrsou'a Kport. Wakhi.kctox, Oct 28. In bw annual report upon the operations of the army in the dciartmont of Arizona, IJrigadier 4 1 rv ic-tru- a.-- ; I LEERS. L. . 4 !Urft-- Ilie-- - - urnrcaa. Litj amiai tlw W Irr. l& J it w ( wJ. u liar Im art wJa w ruUl lh artret; r. of Fta'e. inrju Lf the Ucitd Stutr euuuU to ok-rto t anwrdinly. ic ti4i"aB. tar-jix- i" vu rf ; CONTRACTORS AND 4 Brrrd 4v - sauruttn B'-J-ct. Tu lrfrTUi L few u Vo tuud ha hedged Ltt tu U m-- " a rrayM" OS Several it liwsw bo bwtr.1 it iftr la a few IU i.Vt tw. Ort. Vl but HbatlisuHd toaarJ oBiaa" uui rlt h Sw York ' WANTED. BUSINESS CARDS. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. AND COMMERCE. j itl!f! r eslirfu FINANCE 190. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, OGDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL: Baker Barbed Wire, Black- smith Tools, Etc. OGDKN, . T7TAII. FOR r. E N ONLY! Far LOST np TATLTK 0 KAMEOODl Osatral and MEEV0D8 DEBIinXl Wsakaess af Body and Kind, ifferts of Errors or Exeessss in Old or Tome. RctaM. lokl, S1MIOOD rally Rmrr4. Hw nnliin bii Mmb.iwm s, I'auxTSLoraDnmitna riKTSor aoUT. Is a Sif. HOSE TRIlTaxvrBeMau ,M(.lt B m mllff nlIHg frm to suim sd4 IotyIt CuwtrW. WHt, lhm ll SmL nplMSUaaa prseSilk4(wMirn Adams ERlfiMKOICAk CO.. BtfFAXO, N. y. THE COMMERCIAL 240-4- - "Washington OFFICE, Avenw. M.TEAHEN BOITSX AND SIGN PAINTING ALSO PAPER HANGING and CALS0MIN1NG HARD WOOD FINISHING A SPECIALTY SHOP. 143 MAIN ST. On door north of th Houta Oil and Glut. Oo |