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Show I J j ft amiL; lfaarat u !! i. tM a a wmi ruc-s- auft lr(ul IB ItaraatcL i Aa4 I fca taL awaa of e4 jor, wf fnn Mb mT faea U fc;a tiir Lair-- 1 btWl u sea f n i lai mmmg aff ( 1 Taoacnuai wmat U-- j Uy j.t j r: la ate-i wt bi! tmaam&c aa.iiux tarsv 1W gnactvt I a atkdU'jaa Uld tna. rr t Bans katw A BiuJ-ll- On ij ran amn-- , l-- TWt Lavs iaL4tc&e. ers and croant whipf J ! ' I aae. J i RACHEL'S EXPERIMENT. wouldn't La re it of ai4 Mr. fciraonstou. No, 1 wouldn't, not onl JJesT Ticker, th maiitr maker, ha told me: and BeUr ai never U!J a m mors than Utwrjro WaaLisgton did. Why, mother, what are you talkins aaoatT questioned Mrs. Thomas Edtuon-tooe- , niitjinj' the elder Udy'n bonnett, suing! and relieving her of a splintclunk a black silk bag. a waterproof asdaa nmbrella. corn to t if it' true." "And added the olJ lady. -- If what's true, mother?" "That yoa caid you wuitfl there wasn't do iix h person at ra nwT faltor-edJl- r. Sdiel." -- j. j.hiiu-liwel- baa-fee- re Edmontuue. ek Oh, by t!e way. Torn, the lai of the "Mother, yoa know never eoulJ have set of shirt is finished uo.v. Will you aid Mjch a thing." cried oat Rachel. "Well, it wasn't quite exactly that; put it on "I snppuso bo." nngraciouhly uttered bat DetsyTaci.tr the heard yoa bay yoa wished there wasn't no snch thing as a Tom. "Will set lika fury, 1 dare say. mother-in-law.- " like i.!l the rest of tbeinr "You mih'ht at lea-s-t give it a trial." "Oh!" cried Rachel, with a 1 ysterical "Didn't 1 say 1 would:-- " still more unJittle laugh, ' I plead guilty. I did say that Cut. oil, mother! it was under graciously. "Those shirts will be the snch strong rovoc&tion. and 1 never death of me yet." he added turning to meant you. How could L. whea yoa his mother with a groan, while Rachel kavo always alwsya been so good to sat steadily observing the pattern of the table cloth. Tho brtakfast sat smoking i n tho ta"I knew it eonldu't bo true." said Mrs. Edmonstone, setting herself in the easi- ble nest moniing when Mr. IMmonstone est rocking chair and nodding her cap came into tho room twisting himself as strings comfortably. "Rnt how came if ho were practicing to be a human corkscrew. Mrs. Edmonstone glanced yon toniake that in "Jlacht'l, nbont mothers-in-latimidly np ut him. "Don't it Ct, Tom?" she questioned. "Fit! Just look at it. will yoSf he reIt was Tom," said tle j onng vrife. torted. "Fit! Hang like a window curHe was so ;ggravuting!" "Thomaa r.lways was agjiavating." tain around my neck pinches my wrists amid Mrs. Edmonstone, stirring the cup like a pair of handcuffs! I feel as if 1 ef tea that Rachel had brought her. were in a strait jacket" writhing to and fro. "Oh. I might have "And what was it about now? The known it beforehand you haven't an lmsakfast cake?" "Oh, yon remember about the break- idea what the word fit means. 1 wish, fast cakes, don't you?" said Rachel, with mot her, you could teach this wife of mine terry mischief sparkling in her eyes. how to make a decent shirt!" said Mis. Edmonstone "Thomas," "So, it wasn't the breakfast cakes this him with the lime: it was the shirts." solemnly, transfixing "The shirts!" glistening spheres of her Fpectacle "Well, you know ho said it was finch glasses, "you'ro not very polite. I made a wasteful, extravagant proceeding to that shirt." "Yon. mother!" Ixry shirts ready made," explained JLachcL "Ho said the linen was poor, "Yes, 1 myself. Just as I nsed to and tho work regular slopshop style, make shirts for yoa in the olden time and he declared yon always used to that you're always sighing after. I've make Lis shirts at home, every stitch, been working at it ever since I've been in tho house. Throw away the pattern, lefare ha was married." "So I did." acknowledged Mrs. Rachel, and don't waste any more time with a groan. "Cut that was trying to make your husband's shirts," la the old time, before you could bny Vh added. "It's an economy of time Jtoch a good article as they have now." and temper, ns well ns of money, to buy "Yea. but Tom don't make any nllow--anc- e them ready made. It's Tom that's in for diiferenco in times and cus- fault, not the work. And as for tho toms," sighed Rachel. "He wanted cooking you've been praising np so elohome made shirts, and homo made shirts quently all the time I've been here. I haven't touched a pot or a pan. It's all he would bavol" her your wife's work. So much for "And you mado 'em? "Yes, 1 made them." imagination. Oh. you needn't hang your "Yon were a great goose." reflectively head so sheepislily you're neither better nor worse than other men," went on poke Mrs. Edmonstone. "And and Tom Bwore dreadfully the Mrs. Edmonstone. "And I never saw the man yet that didn't need to hear a first one ha put on" wholesome truth now and then. You've "I don't in the least doubt it." "And he said they 6et like meal bags, got the Iwst and sweetest little wife in and that they twisted his neck arouud the world." "Mother," pleaded Rachel, trying to as if he had just been hanged, nnd put her hand over the old lady's month, grasped him on tho Bhoulders like a Oh, I can't tell yon what ho but Mrs. Edmonstone resolutely persisted. dadntsay!" "And it's my advice to you to try and "Bless ine!" said Mrs. Edmonstone. "He told mo his mother's shirts set treat her as she deserves '' "I I don't know but that I have been like a glove, and fitted him perfectly and why couldn't 1 turn out a shirt like rather cranky of late." said Tom self fhosc? And it was then, mother dear," consciously, "now that I come to think suddenly flinging her arms around the of it," old lady's plump, coiufortablo neck, "Cranky ! I should think so," said the "that 1 lost my head, and told him 1 old lady. "I'm sure I don't know what wished there wasn't such a thin;; as a the world's coming to. Here's little mother-in-lain the worldl And Betsy Georgy toddling around with his wooden lacker sat in the 6ewing rocm altering cart. The first you know he'll be telling over my dolman in the spring yle. and his wife about the wonderful successes his mother used to make in this, and I suppose she must have heard me." "Don't mind it. my dear," said Mrs. that, nnd the other thing. We've ull got to come to it." Edmonstone. "And Georgy '11 be right," said Tom, "No. 1 won't." protested Rachel "But, oh. those shirts! I've been rip- who after all had a mananimons streak ping them apart nnd sewing them to- through him. "Whnt a crab I've been gether again, and rounding off it gusset all this time. Hang the home made jhere and taking in a plait there, until shirts! Ill buy 'em out of the store next Tm got so that I dream of 'em at night, time! Kiss me, Rachel and you, too, and the more 1 try 'era on the worse mother! And be sure you let mo have a they fit, and the more unreasonable Tom dish of scalloped oysters when I come becomes. My mother never made such homo to dinner." The oysters Rachel cooked. work of it as this!' says ho." He ate his breakfast and departed. "Thomas forgets," observed Mrs. And when he was gone young Mrs. severely. looked with shining eyes at "And I'm sure if things go on like this," added Rachel, pushing her short old Mrs. Edmonstone. "Oh, what a nice thing to have a brown curls off her forehead, "it'll end said she fervently. Shir-la- y m a separation on account of 'incomBrowne in Fireside Companion. patibility of temper.' " "No, it won't, my dear." said the mother-in-law. nututhr Modest Start. Here, get me the pattern John Russhi began his career as a waitand some shirting muslin and a pair of er ten years ago in Delmonico's. In a scissors." "What are you going to do, mother?" year he managed to save $500. Among the guests ho was accustomed to wait eagerly questioned RacheL Tm going to make Tom a shirt. lint npon was Russell Sage. One day after don't you tell him. Rachel. Well see Mr. Sage had finished an unusually whether it's Tom or the pattern that has hearty meal ho became quite talkative. Russhi mentioned that he had saved altered." Once more the mischevious light came $500, and timidly asked if Mr. Sage could suggest a good way to invest it. into Rachel's bright blue eyes. The financier thought a while, and "I wish all the world was mother-in-laws.- " she cried gleefully. "Why, why taking a small piece of paper from his hdn't 1 think of this before?" pocket wrote the name of a certain stock "One can't think of everything, child," upon it. Russia's $500 soon grew to said Mrs. Edmonstone consolingly. $5,000, and so on. He still works as a Thomas Emondstone welcomed his mo- waiter, and it is safe to say that noue of uther cordially when he came homo from the people who order him about is aware that he possesses so much money. Itnsiness. New York Telegram. "Tm so glad you've come," said ha "We can have some of the nice old Oi IIhtu! Waithea the Other. dishes now. Rachel can't seem to Plymouth, Mich., has three factories 4et the hang of them, althongb she lms always had your" book of recipes t guide turning or.t toy air gnns. Several shrewd and for seeing manufacturers of glass Jur." ' "Rachel's a good deal better cook than eyes are said to own stock in these connrer I pretended to Ic," iaid Mrs. Ed- - cerns. Minneapolis Tribune. I w gen-em- OF- - I'll iiloil C. P. kuU-ben.- Sho remained a week at her sob's boose, during which perwd of tiiae Tom was all exultant couiiiaomry. This," said be, is auiurthing like Bring. I feel mysrlf a boy agaiu when I ta.-- these apph fritters." "They're not bad." said Rachel, who had made them with ber own akillfnl han Is. And sho l!ped herax-l- f to a little of the sauce. "A'i'l why duo't you learn my mothof making such pie tTut as er's kn-.this?" demanded Tom. 'There is no dyspepsia here!" "I'm giad you're 4e&aeJ." said Rachel, with a guilty gUuce at her mother-in-la- PROSPECTUS IEZ S.SrriV.IST PCH1UXD AND n r. -- I Scenic Route tla cbii Mr.tiaoit'Je. wiib mm '--l smile. -- Tku.ff incrwlah !u 4'i jw yoa'vs coiiw. That's w eomturt." -Ob, abucllnt thiik of iEtrtfering aaid the ulJ UJy. ' in -H a do. Ktother." coie4 the ife. n.4 wit !Mct a certain jui"ria her lip. "Da let Turn hsve a reiaimarrnce of m Lile old da J are here." - WrJL jCt tS JOO Ctlldiva 6I J." COB- luotLtV Uw a'uod Luinur-edlin cedod the Ka-Ld- ajbii i GRAND 4'I ;--i Rat UvaJ nuk. tasted and th?e mpuers an jvtt deiifiuas." "Yoa "re jua Myiu that t J eecwttrsj .1.- . aoed- - crs.aala!l lhtfctcif thing. rhr L.JVt Lai is my ay- - I lxt 2i. Ib'Jt,. RAILROAOS. - jtttraiaiaggow that be- WEDNESDAY, OCfOUKK DAILI COMMHnClAL: UUDfc.t doll I 1 1. illllllii' LINK. mtsm U- j Ui Uitrk- aLifwraia llaate f lUaiaaa, ef the I'adre S saiaera wr--t FaatH for fair rU here rare aas plea are aeter rleys. reatra BFarnrrt del motk.-- xl cakmaxo IMA eXa. i nrri Wlai an your Jewrta mnd what- are your bur ajuft to jroti if, tarn tar wuK-faahiouatoe mttf inner unteaJa ua iu (Wo-- , rtvxura lo in tbe tBipwa .h iraj mtvugxh and eodumiMW ut tot hm4 robust, oi kreak down. uc your and bwooMt a pbjruoal vreck, as j ' tuxfe-mum- nda do trout cauaiar ltwi I Bf auoh nnuuituna jntt wouM ail ftMiT jrweia and ail your anliurif hmt. bnUia. Tbia iao-- tu ran j you to tbe uae f ttua t Itr. rmf rUrauv known Tbouaanda ot Fivampiion. Lit (a lu day a was maoa oiut-gnur-tu- l ibem. kiuwa ti denuiav-menttnr all Irrrrulariica and wntimM peculiar to wucimii, it M tlMa retuedy. itii drugxiau, under fnia tho iMrtuire poallif thai u wul giro txtifadion in will be retundrd. r iw. money 1'faia ruamnu ims lieea pnuUd on tbe and (.uUifuUy carried out lur many year. An mvijjonuiur tonic, it imparts renth U tn wiaulo a For I'ble women iTetcrip-tu-a ameraJly. lr. Vieree's Ka Is tue rartbiy boon. kr Tsko.Tas Gy-c- Bif Trees. aad Mt. kkaata. k Toca-ita.-T- SAS FRASC1SC0OD PORTUSP H a raanu-faetutv- n. r DAILY COMMERCIAL. It will be, in all respects, worthy of general support and public patronage. Grand Canaa ot tb Tnper Sarrameova, lb brauliiul MuubrM Faila. Cau lUicki. Ml Stiaata and I ha Biarnifiorul araaryof lb SUkiyoa Muutiiaiu. ail by day ileal. tit tiTiic sours, rim u tei mix S.IUVISQ lor Brackfatt. al!SuKd, nuder for dlnnar. fn Supprr. Mt. Shacta. HUSll r, ThefirM hain(r bra carefully examinetl and found ready for the enteriTi, it haa l?en dwid"l to eonimtwe of a Weekly. It will r on or about November 15th. and the follow ktg brit-- pynojjtiBof itn bropwe! upix-aa i f (unU'uts is bubiuitted w-- : RioN DR. PIERCE'S PELLETS GENERAL SCOPE. Grande and rlrwnae tbn li'rr, alomarh kt. Une a duae. bold by Si cvnti a viaL utuk-irwt- For m lowr tim the tieslin nf a Wwklv in conneciion with THE OGDKX DAILY COMilUiCIAL has Ucu cwbidered by tie uiaDatvnient. publn-htio- jn-au-- riilata an. I buw Odcn n ONLY 36 HOURS BET-'E- NEAV PAPER. Soon to be Issued from the Office of The rt fk-nv'- )int THE at aui-f- Rinun 4u it you will but - Aad a-- ck Ifia iauts (icraid k.j Ca vai-( lu lL del bcwaufal bay ajmna lt-- l of ta IB f raat eiiy ! thai baa i ratciw by tM OuiJa taia wt the Ilg.the OUi aad the Tine, ht! JEWELS aSD LACES. ttw Jnrrfrd Bcm. Oh, rH " tfirt U aaarraa v" tM tiura. dvwa tannua tia a. .Western, In its general xoope it respects .Raiiway, A X First-Clas- u tho intention of the maniiement to it in all Weekly Newspaper. s In its several departments it ir mako full and comprehensive. It is hoied that w ill be auch ua to make it a welcome visitor to thousands of homes iu Utah and adjoining states and territories. w ill w lxth the quality and quantity of reading mutter tfUAUE. STANDARD The Only Transcontinental Line AmonK CURRENT TIME TABLE, In effect Aa rut 24, 1890. THE OGDEN TRUNK FACTORY CAST BOUND TRAINS. Carrie tbo brat lino of Trunk and VaJiww in So. 2. Fast Mail For Salt City, the city at Manufacturer' i'rimw. All kiuilnof Lcarll e, Paetilo, Denver ProTO, Kepairinic doua. Call and m u brfnrx pti rebuall snu t'Oini Eat daily I:'Ud K A U LIN ilt elaowuere. Ol'PM AN, No. , 'Ell" To Salt Lake City daily, 11 .SO No. 170 Twonty-nft- k St. F r Ha t Las No. i. At actic axpre-- s City, rrovo, Pueblo, Denver, and 6:40 n.m ail points Kat ds'lv WXBT BOUND TEAIN8. ! No. 5, Salt Lake City, daily, :40 p.m From Denver, No . rocUc kipre Pueblo. Oui all point East, daily.. 10:05 a.m Mo. i, Fast Mail From Oeuver. Pu9:40 p m eblo, and a I point Gait, daily Dir-connection mad in (Juiou Depot with all tnrough Train Nos i and art ran to accommoOrdeu and blt Lake passenger. aTid date evt?x In effect Jue in, ls0, trains run between Bingham Junction and Alo, as follows: Leave Blnxham Junction at li; arrive at Alts at .l.i a. m. Leuve A1U at 150; arrive at p. m. Bingham Junction at . H. BENNETT. D. 0. DODQK, 100 Tain Malcomb Gmy, 104, at $1.(5 per pair an. pass'i .Agt General Manager. 100 Fair Mohawk fifty, at $1.83 per pair 85 Pair Canada Grey, at C65 per pair SO Pairs Whitn Wntnrn Reeerre, home mado, oil wool, 60i7;i inrlie, at $j.U0 per pair. 50 Pair Snnta Fe Superior, all wool, assorted at $5.25 per pair. colore, Freonn Robe or Wrapper Blanket, 114, at $7.50 per pair. MaryeTille Woolen Mill RlankctK, S4, $7.00 per ?v.w anu aiiu. Also, x raveling-Robpair. and Blonketn. Li BLANKETS KH-F- rum ct the Lowest Prices. . 10-- 1, 10-- 1. 10-- 1, Ji, SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS Denver, SilltTW. : Will be full of valuable information on aubjecta of apeeial interest to farmer, of the ranchers and valleys. inter-mountai- n fruit-growe- y THE STOCK DEPARTMENT Will be full of interest to breeders of and dealers in Horses, Cattle, Sheep JuS and other stock. In connection w ith t his department the latest stock murku, P be given. THE MINING DEPARTMENT Will be a thorough resume of the most valuable news relating to the dimM development, sale and general features of the great and growing mining $I of this mineral belt. The market sales of mining stock will be reported fj department ITS TELEGRAPHIC COLUMNS! Will contain the latest foreign and home news up to the time of going to press. ITS HOME DEPARTMENT Will be a eonntant source of pleasure for wives, mothers and children. Among tho features of thus department will be recipes for cooking, articles relating home adornment, flowers, music, charades, puzzles, and, in short, tho dolightful miscellany that is so attractive to the ladies and the young people. todret--making- CORRESPONDENCE COLUMNS. Its correspondence columns will contain the news of surrounding towns, reported by correspondents. Space will also be given to the public to express itself upon general topics in this department. CURRENT COMMENT COLUMNS. The current comment columns will contain brief extracts from the leading papers of the nation upon topics of the day, with THE COMMERCIAL'S accompanying comments, criticisms or commendations. Chicago, THE NEWS COLUMNS St. Louis, comprise paragraph condensations of the general news of the Rocky MountKansas City, Will ain country. It is expected thnt this department will be highly interesting to INTER-MOUNTAI- N 437 Washington Ave. .Lincoln, St. Joseph, readers generally, as it will contain a great number of pithy items. THE UTAH DEPARTMENT Omaha. FREE RECLINING w CHAIR CARS ON ALL TRAINS. Our Famous Dining Cars Attached to all Thbocss Will include nn extensive assortment of news relating to Utah, not included in other departments. It is intended to make this department a comprehensive view of tho development of tho many and varied interests of this growing commonwealth. a Trains. The Lafl and Grow Pliat Department For farther Information concerning this lino, apply to any Ticket Agent, or address SKO. W. VALLKRY, W. E. D0Y1E THOROUGH A Will contain original items and selected .extracts embodying the amusing, humorous and witty. This department has been decided upon only after long rollectioc, as the doctors ore much opposed to it on the ground that it hurts their business. No effort will bo spared to muke & CO., Raisers, its EDITORIAL COLUMNS AND PRACTICAL House Movers Deserving the favorable consideration of an intelligent and critical public. ITS TONE Formerly of Denver. new and complete moving outfit. House, Will bo fearless on every subject, but courteous to everybody. brick or frame, moved any desired distance or raised any elevation. Its columns will be CLEAN, so Office with F. C. Chanh, 2418 Washington OGDEN. UTAH. refined homes. Avenue, that it will be a welcome visitor to the mom II. M. BOND & CO., XOW IS THE TIME TO BDY Real J&tate'! GROCERIES Produce and Fruits, Experience of the post three years has tauht ns that all property bought well at this season of the year will brins at least 50 per cent, profit during the following winter. We offor for sale tho following choice property at those low prices : Sixty acre in section 10, overlooking the city, per aero J 100 00 6f!x.1 feet on Twenty-fourt- h street, between Lincoln and Wall nvunuo, per toot 273 00 Lot on the Bench, 50x130 feet, only eight blocks from Washington to. for each.. 300 00 10x9 rods, between Jnckson and VanBnrcn arenues, on tho street car lino, a snap,. .1300 00 Two acre lot on Twenty-oightand Jack-4 on- - 2700 00 353 Twenty-fourt- h St., Ogden. Orders Solicited and Prompt Attention and Delivery. Stock of Goods Always Fresh and Prices Low for GikhI (ioods. S. M. PRESIIAW, UNDERTAKER And Funeral Director Two acre lot on Thirtieth nnd Quincy. ..WO 00 If yon will call on ns we w ill show and convince you there is money in buying now. REED & ' '0 lin. Most Qomploto Stock we have cairicd, following Its Agricultural Department Passing Directly Through SALT LAKE CITY its special features may be mentioned tho BURG ITT. Metallic Casket and Wood Oskots nnd Special Attention paid to Kmlmlmintc and Preparing Bodiex for ShipraouL Orders by Meraph promptly attended to. 1 have Hcarso in tho city. Telethe only phone No. 113. Coilins. first-cla- WILL A FIRST-CLAS- S TiE, IN EVERYWAY, NEWSPAPER! SUBSCRIBE FOR IT! Subsbribe for It! Only 8:2.00 a Year iu Advane-- To advertisers, it will prove a splendid medium. AddresH all Communications to OuDEN WEEKLY COMMERCIAL, OGDEN CY-VII- .. : - |