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Show ... OPIJI0X. to wader the got er&mcst, and" but a ku3 L5e theae tenure. a carry lofNjrtioa tl But tbe feoratiali 3 of bring aee-i If tL salary is o be betume aa i!Jit Pot to Eectia. UTAH. at UuUI laW la IViJ peeaiun it is well to bare the matte so Ka!t Liice Tims: Orfdea seems to be Exwn. bnlliact ail brsjxy. ELe it a osiU understood, and prevrct this painicf ct aSicUi with a eia&ia f jx newspaper re-of education ml ideas. 8he i cm ol the hat m Lk L Las become a dirMbXg ati;UataeC.ta. a. W. boa tit cixjctry ia prmid. She Lm and melancholy spectacle. or Work. THE COMMERCIAL. OGDEN. X. K. OOfiEiU, WfcJjMiDal. CJCTOJt Tu Pn.i r mna WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1690. OGDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL: 4 f mm, ubrripUaa Co V wwn v-- a L '.j. ia tia.t adTaaco, Tbcee eule&as are ope DEAD NO! -- ia psUulaee' aww ana howoflefi? hie reply. emry 1 t. KU)-- S.M t ut Plenty Park City Record: Not an idle man ia who w ants to work is the omnia ma rasp of affairs in prosperous rark City today. She did enora tb IU mea are ruerUvl to atteod &alU little, but they deserved it fcU. id instead of railing ber baBM ebould the BMeticg of the Chamber of Com-aterb thaikf ul aha Jet tixO off so gently. tociLL if irf-rs- r UB. ! Our Prices keep life in our business. Our Larjro Kew Line of .Ladies' and Children's Cloaks and Wraps are Marked on a "Very Low Margin of profit. Inducement wc will But for an Extra Caef-i'noImpaired. Times: Denrer OrLrinal HZTZSQ oackue nor ia at taa oraU S awth, dtf DJ;ta elective dy. 71e full strecgtli of the houses are bung esi&Ui&Led in Kwaaa l!t eovwrtraiina auM a aJirecaad tm There will be another Bieeiicg of the party is wanted. but the women have cotumenoed bold-- ' Chamber of Co&merc tonight and it e,na t in. Liu. lag prayer meetings in front of thut and thetr usefulness and bebetueuce are ill he importact. Etery ueatber ihould M raDEKcs Bin hell keeps on advertis- auewLst interfered with. , f bafeml at lb ronioSca at 0ifa. Ttak. fur he on haul Tti busuwae interests of n tiaiinina tiuua4 ti auuk a BacuMMlaa O.'Jea Lav reached ing Lis autobiography. It is a pity the Would Keep just that Ftage of bouk could not be executed alocg w ith Bargainand M!Vf Busy. derelf-'uen- t where a pause would Le ita author. Discount on about $5co.o allow you a Chicago News: To make a correct harmful, and roeorery from it kw. enumeration of the number of campaign LIBERAL TICKET. which we carried worth of Good Quality Paaia is agitated over aaotker sensa- lies which Lave already been "aaaled" There are a number of ecterprkwe to over from last season. Fur Iviewaia to I'oarrna. be coosiderwL 8ome committees ap- tional murder. The murder u not this autumn would tax "the capacity of all the counting machines in Mr. Porter s Good Bargains for people who do not feature l Ttie rsns that Ust at strangct. is the are queer eij-Uvmeeting point! census bureau at Washington. to mi tiers hav6 formu- should be agitated. Theseoom to report. keep up to all the late fads and changes which AX3WE&IXO A QUESTION. lated ph'.iu that will be submitted for will do you no Pretty Dry Stuff. constantly taking place. Two Ism are soon to be haneil The Standard, with a Eair-t- e almost approval, and that will Lave a dx-iivKansas City Star: Ward McAllister's before to our look at in a goods you buy. atiniinible in its audacity inU Uiknow, bearing upon the future welfare of the for murder in Montana. Thus the ml homiiieaon society read uke a cook book. to undersell all com man is gradually finding his w ay to the Take a teacupful of butter, three eggs a position and have the ambition on kwft, hut t.'m Laberal train is for, city. certain measure of sugar, stir thoroughly civilization. of Aside more from consideraserious plane h . any petition. and you have a gentleman. This sort Of Amrse the paper ia Dot seeking in- tions, local pride will naturally hare an of literature may be good f.r tho "400," Mb. Gotlo and his numerous tele- - but it is formation. It know the purposes of effect in bringing the members ouL It mighty poor stul for the C5 "Goodwin Pilgrims' on! too well al- will be remembered thst while the graph operators can not agree. He de- - millions. to Chamber for time permitted iUelf to sires them to surrender freedom and ready, and they are not in tbe Just Uke Ogden. it liking. Vet the apparent sincerity of lag, fraternal condolences over its sup they prefer to surrender their jobs. Grand Junction Star: While the less ita tLint after knowledge mar result in posed demise came from Salt Lake City. favored east is shivering with cold winds, Tbijie is an epidemic of bog cholera rain, sleet and every other condition of assuaging a genuine case of thirst eome- - These condolences are not needed, and it is not desirable to give any pretext for in the East Democratic exchangee are disagreeable weather, we on the western here. are enjoying splendid sunshine, The Literal train is in token of real. more of them. expected to suggest this fact as the slope days and cool, invigoreason fur Tom Iteed'a presence in the warm, delightful Never It is to show that the party is in the has there been rating nights. West more perhx--t weather than that w hich BNOOUBAGE HONEST ENTERPRISE. right in earnest. has smiled upon Grand valley for the It ia to lot the people of Utah underA MKiMiM at St Louis last night past w eek. The Nephi JLVtWan organ published stand that men of all political affiliations are united in the effort to over-win- e by the grace and at the dictation of the failed in a double sense. He did not What They Came For. to & TAVEY, a great wrong of which they are baints, recently counseled its readers to succeed either in making spirits appear, Salt Lake Tribune: It is a false as "encourage every honest enterprise." or his body disappear when an indignant sertion on the part of the baints to say the victim. audience got after him. ad vie seemed to be excellent, that they came to Utah that they might The It is m that these people may be met There was no worship (iod freely. liut how would the Juab county excoder the shadow of temples reared by about their worshiuinz God in The telegraplt brought two actual trouble their misguided industry to false god, ponent of righteousness "encourage en in the east They came here, any state and there reasoned with, calmly, and terpriser" It represents a faith that ghost stories last night It would seem as their chiefs urofosaed. to build a kin? kills enterprise. It stands valiantly for that w ith the tales told by the Republi-can- a dom, and, as lirigham Young explained, fane to face. and Democrats about each other, it was to be not only a religious but a It is that light may be carried into a type of religion that enterprise kills. temporal kingdom. His exact words these were almost euperflous. is and It beautifully dutifully place dark with the suiterstitions were: It wants the home "It is not as it has been in the davs by designing priests, aud with inconKiHteut. Josf.ph Cook, of Iioston, recently ex and years gone by. The kingdom is now sustained. workshop ignorance fostered that the slave might factory and It is upon the earth. Very good. Whore is the factory and hibited his mental powers ia Helena. He established. never relel at their fetters. "There is no man on this earth who The Ouly ExcIiimt Wtinlwalr Dry Good ?tmft in Outta). and the Larrett in tha ler-It is to encourage the Liberals thnt w jrkshnp coming from when a commu- did not draw much of a crowd, and no can receive the kingdom of God in bis GOODS ALL NEW AND WELL SELECTED. Mr. wonder. is builds Cook said to be abso heart and be governed according to the a wall about itself and above despite all hardships have sprung up nity laws of that kingdom without lieing throughout the-- territory; to give them the only entrance inscribes: "Abandon lutely ignorant of the art of governed and controlled in all temporal the hand of fellowship and bid them hope all ye who enter here?" How are and to know nothing of wrestling. matters." the people to encourago each other when lw of good cheer. St. Pai'l is now accusing Minne It is to convince a class of unfortunates they ure prone in the duet of degradaNEWS OF THE WEST. Here to talk. Our prices are more eloquent who have beeu seduced into alienism tion with tho loat.li of a priest about apolis of padding bank accounts. It is t hnt there is a Hug above them that is their necks? How ore decency and believed in St. Paul that everything in Goods many words. If Low Prices and First-cla- ss Wyoming. worthy thoir devotion; that the flag has enterprise to be promoted, when tho ouo Minneapolis is padded, although the Over 3,000 head of sheep were shipped are we have them. have object, to space forty vwo slurs, and not the solitary one must be cast o!T and the other devoted ladies have, up to date, escaped the from Laramie last week. few of a our only quote many direct to bargains: an institution that has in charge. that Ihcy have lxa taught in disloyalty upbuilding Medicine Bow is becoming a great A 26x54-inc- h bath towel, 50c; worth 75c. it no element of good, that crushes its to worship. shipping point for coal. Italian Tub is government displeased An extra large bath towel, hummer, for 35c. It is to enrry'tho information through-'rt- it petty adherents and fattens those who Despite the ten feet of snow in tho the conHoes of tho commonwealth have the talent and the wickedness to that some of its former subjects should mountains, prosiiectors are still going to An all-lin- en towel, extra large, 30c, worth 50c. GoldHilL that American citizens will not, tolerate direct it? How can anything laudable have been accused of murder in this A hemstitched handkerchief, 5c; worth 10c. It is reported that an Indian school country. This being the case Italy a b.i t -.ihnt uuuiwum u i.a "ine iiecTnuinir or . woinannootti iieuwg wilt lie located on W tho obandoncd . . A hemstitched 'J Fort "V handkerchief, 3 for 25c; sjjWWtrfVi I'WUjfoate at homk and Bridger military reservation. H 45c. K. price, thus avoid inpleftaanHusions. n i ,! n r f long anrvi vol with civil lUll UUt'l Ulid I'll n.t,,;b Oil-- , A Turkey red table cover, 60c; regular price, 85c. v r ""aawce bears near Larnmie Pnjilr. the i AfTEKTibs is called by tne Salt Mice They broiight thernln dressed. Men's heavy cctton hose, 10c; worth 15c. aged "wTTiV-rtS- Real E(atc Journal to the custom of emCarbon is to be ftunnlied with wafer Fpocted and tnou shall be freeln Utah as both religiou and schools. Good 'again- wood toothpicks for 5c a box. from a cluster of springs about three But what religion? The religion fhat is ployment agencies of sending out glow- miles nort h in other parts of tho land. of the No. 5 at town, Two mine, inducements to laboring men to now abandoned. papers carpet tacks for 5c. It is to invade the stronghol is of sin, that sprang from the frenzied mind ing sheets TheJounwi immigrate, 24 very properly good writing paper for 5c. Mormoniem instead of assaulting them of fanaticism, was reared by tho will of According to the records in the office denounces the as an evil. system an of avaricious the of from a distance. It is to drive homf the State the oil comdespot, that flourished by 24 envelopes for Sc. Secretary panies operuting in Wyoming have a truth (it short rango. It is to thunder violence and has been bolstered up by And everything in proportion. Come and see for Denver has long tried to support an capital of $30,000,000. through tho valleys and ovor the iHak3, bogus revelations conceived in the unThe Webster yourselves. or tract of land four the sublime fact thnt the doath blov of holy of unholios. As to the schools, no art gallery, but in vain. Now tho insti- acres adjoining the new Union Pacific tution is to be moved into the suburbs, bo fault if can bo a gigantic evil is being struck. It tho found, publto they shop location in Cheyenno was sold Sattell the priests they are no longer fenved, ics schools, with an atmosphere that used for a real estate boomlot, and by the urday to a local purchaser for W,000. f The latest reports from the mines at page advertisements, is thut their iniquity has boon uncovered. breathes of patriotism. Here tho En-ig- n oid of miles from Sarais sound. Thoy are, as it states, "t he expected to flourish as an acreage au- - Gold Hill, twenty-thre- e that thoir shnnio cries to an outraged toga, are to the effect that the discovnex. world. It is to check a traffio in souls hope of the country." They cannot eries have not been exaggerated in tho least. DVER7C0KnDSN0 THt OEHUIHr by giving an object lesson to the souls. long exist where tho poison vino of r,m The of railroad in men gathering this U BEAR THIft IRADC'UAIK. FRO $10.00 TO $76.00 It is to awaken the dorment, encourage Mormonism has trailed its way. One or alias the Tregoning, murderer Smith, was but another demonstra5ptr wwrt.H ant city Monday the feeble, and succor the downtrodden. the other must triumph. Encourage tion of tho railroad ortreorgeli. Henderson, has been held importance attained at Lander, for murder in the first degree Ihcse are tho intentions of the Lib them. Then tho time will come when The object was to orrange u nerry nis companion is held us ac eral party. Tho train is but n flying ex an haranguo from Juab county on be aby Ogden. better schedulo of through traffic, cessory. And as it whirls half of honest enterprises will not be position of them. Ivawlins is experiencing a coal famine and Ogden was naturally selected as the across tho old domain of n onco undis- the mockery that it is today. on account of n scarcity of cars. With common ground of all tho interests coal on all sides and coal under puted dynaBty, flashing proudly the neath, this is s rather peculiar condi wlors of a great nation, a patriotic peoMEN WHO DIB POOR. tion of circumstances. ple, it sounds unequivocally tho coming Two men have been arrested in DenThe Chicago Iron aud Steel Company doom of the social monstrosity known as Every day there aro poor men dying. ver for iur mo piBt six montns Deen quietly giving away lots thnt they falsely Mormonism. the Every day grave opens for some represented to have a value. buying up tho iron Dronertios st snd got They mortal who had striven his bravest, had near llartville, in the northern part of their profit out of the fees. xjurumie county , KATE FIELD'S FEIEND8. wrought tho beet he knew till final sleep The scheme that has lieenrecording exposed was sealed his lids, and yet who loaves behind at Plainfield. At least two other A little organ takes upon itself the him not Montana. enough to lay his wearied and schemes of a similar character are ihe Moulton mine, ono of the largest pleasant task of remarking that Kate brokeu frame to rest. Those who had . flourishing in that state. mines in ineaeinart district, was bonded 1! Field is venomous, It states that she iraueu.1 on in tho Tlnvln ninok-ujMn nun remain to sorrow in for 50,000 in July, and the parties who has never been married, and implies that poverty. Benovolence does not rush to hold the bond have taken out over Discussion of death by electric shock ?oO,(X)0 of oro sho is not so youug as she once was. It succur them. It is a sad in prospecting. story, and most is does not believe her capable of discuss- sat! because a com mon one. again common. It is questioned by Mr. Allen Pierse, just returned from ing maternity aud the sphoreof the wife. It is now asserted that the late legal minds whether or not the fluid can ixeinart to Butte, says that the town is Some of theso serious charges can not Justice Miller was poor, and tho usual bo applied with irstnntly fatal results. on quite a boom. Tho Montana Central In the meantime, and quite regardless of is within twelve miles of the town and lie controverted. Kate Field is not a preparations are being made to this distance will be completed this fall. provide scientific is debate, linemen continue to to This fact the she that girL for his family. Nevertheless there osviug Stephen Andrews, a miner without was born some years ago. There is a law appears no valid reason for difliculty ontangle themselves in ot the Silver Bow mine, had anemployed arm and public chari the wires and get their vitals fried in an ankle broken by being of nature, seemingly invariable, that as ty to interfere Peoplo are between caught praising wall the jiffy. plate and nn ascending cage in tho seasons roll over a person "s head, that Justice Miller because ho was poor. This tho shaft of the mino on Friday after-- ANDperson grows older. It is not Miss is tho one point concerning which ho Thk address of Judge Goodwin at the noon. Field's fault that sho came into the merits no praise. His ability no ono The Western Grain and Stock Exworld at any particular time. It should questions. His probity no one doubts. city hall Monday evening could not havo change at Butte, was closed down Thursnot thus be thrust at her. Indeed the Yet a man who year after vear has been more apt and happy. Without day night by the arrest of the proprieMessrs. W. D. Valentine, George habit of reproaching a person with her drawn a 810,000 salary, by the most seeming to do so ho touched upon the tors, fraternal relations existing between Salt W. Fletcher and Samuel Martin, during age, as though ago were a crime, is the ordinary economy and caution would, the pendency of their hearweakest sort of assault, and evidence of dying nt 74 be not nocessarily rich, but Lako City and this place in the most ing before Justice Cantpreliminary well on the charge effective He did not resort to argu- of conducting a way. nothing escopt mentality that would be certainly so circumstanced that people game in violament because Ogden does not need to be tion of the state gambling law. a void save for tho malice in it.' would feel no impulse to feed and clothe orgued into supporting him. If the Neither has Miss Field been wife or his heirs. The salary of a supreme mother. Those who have the ploasure court justice is perhaps less than it Judge shall everywhere ho may speak, Tattison's Injured Character. of her acquaintance, are certain in their should be, yet it is far above the income so ably feel the pulse of his audience as Hakkisburo, Pa., Oct. 28. The warown minds that she deliberately chose of the average lawyer of ability. Such here be did, he will gain many friends rants in tho criminal libel suit of ex. from ranks the of the bePeople's party not to marry, but they do not feel that a salary is equal to that received Governor Pattison against W. P. Foran, by men fore the end of his pilgrimage. this phase of the situation is any of thoir high in financial and executive circles proprietor ond J. J. McLauren, editor ot the Morning Call, were served this business. -- ATwho never think of tho possibility that Xo Sig-nmorning. Both waived a hearing and Apparent. However, her masculine traducer may those they leave behind shall be humili St. Pacl, Oct 28. The Western Un- gave bad. be very certain that had Miss Field ever ated by the sting of poverty. ion office in this city gives no signs of a married she would have been wife No. 1, Must Enforce the Law. If the family of Justice Miller needs strike, almost the full force being at or have waited till No. 1 had been re- the help alleged, it will be forthcoming, work. Washington, Oct 28. Attorney Gen-oral moved from this cruel sphere. The and there will be no speciflo objection. Miller has sent a circular letter to all Reed in St. Paul. Speaker charge of naturally sus- Yet the thought of the man who strugUnited States attorneys calling attenSt. Pavl, Oct 28. Sneaker Reed ar- tion to the new lottery law with tho tains itself. And yet Miss Field has a gles year after year unenoouraged only sugrived this and was escorted to gestion that discuss to this spare no effort in its parfect right subject to fail at last will intrude itself. There the Ryan morning house where he was given a enforcement they Similar instructions have Was her assailant over a mother? If bo aro comparatively few $10,000 positions public reception this afternoon. been sent to United States aiarshala. THB Etekt Lihend voter eLouid be out TONIGHT-- i ! Qo percent Cloaks Extra are It tu e care ham We are i I. L. CLARK !& SONS, i2362 Washington Ave. WALLACE, SMUffi & CO, (INCOItPOKATED.) Suceeozn WALLACE WHOLESALE Dry Goods and Notions. WE COME NOT e than We any a .". rn i if - regular a".i r-;- ..i Hard OGDEN DEPARTMENT one-hal- STORE, No. 2302 Washington Avenue. uo 1 Now Exhibition MILES, STREVELL & ULMER. A LARGE; COMPLETE LINE OF ail Books k THE COMMERCIAL OFFICE No. 3404 Washington Avonuo. OGrDEN, |