OCR Text |
Show WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2l, 1690. OC.DEX DAILY COMMERCIAL: MASONIC. i LEGAL NOTICE. AN ORDINANCE tttt fur at-- luir vl kml s- atmaur L u c4 asJ.4 tjr . u W .aim 41ft Mir a BANKS. , I a4 riii-- aii .s.e frua rie". rrl Sl a4-Ai- 1 t;v-- t U.u rv W 'aifTifl. Mrtir. V.l I ls.4 htOrU. r 4 4. hivtauftar. ltrL4r inn ttf ai ha. jml Ihamr. ("ifr fM Jtr.:4 f aL.iis- 4 aU AT j- it Si. iLirf a a.iaa. r t o a. nJ iw. H.tiit. JL VOMt JS!laiNltkV. K. T. itVvlar L. ltr a laik fna WaH to a buUk te caImss bi (lir irv ;4 r i 4 dak ? 4rutT, M.jtai. tML tlrti iifri) i J itriW eert fran w"I.iii-t b iliall. cmri iMrid Ktltiuf I VrM tit- trr Iv ULU TrTsUcy. ' lf.4-Vu. II4Mkl I alii J briW- Ur 441 A! u lautit Kiau ua w iiirtM j tur uut Jr, r4kr4l LatlO. tlt- ivttU UraT 4! Jali -.fr, : Mfti 1 4 i m-- Bottu. Ma. i rlinl dlrtivt V:-r- cXat.V alaf IW Xu. iiuxiM-- t a iuci tax ; aad li M" ur tr lrt)rW t Ul (MMUIC BjjuSl It ,4iBl 11m-- NUil tii-- 4 ffctfc. U la iltMrirt Nu. i. H.Ij fW litol f..l. Nm ii. al mat ( fnnl (j-l- a la Nu. t- frutil f.rt. In d.;rrt Nu. Si 5 fri.l,-w- f.U: ltirt i In utetrK-- t No. l rta't Nu. In la d!ri-- t limine i wl title cvfi 11 lnut teicr 5. au. ri rrit 1KHU. Nu. tT.J ilJ (lp -- fntist ( 1 n atJungum i imt lu iHar:trt4 ) ift and ja.? Al4) a f e tl f trn Irf wauliima liw-tK- it onlaiwd, ff th t'Kj CiHiorU of Otii o ity, Tht fir tlir Mnwuf nniiU! nd arnulioc ti ca WMr!t feUal m ui,- llr ilirrc4 f ; ' U'itiUiaa. ; t orL'!j laliCl.lni'ia . Wa tliivt Luiitiml a4. aud Brtti fiHirt-- 'uati-- Mul'-r4a-t riv aud rnrit-ttiu- I 4trvt, and Salt I lt rf eor-tliai-ly b : ikn. Uo nmbit tauhip, y i4 rt t ft rt A. V. ft tlu-D- e ft fl h aditt-Hi.- A 15-- .. f- ifft-ivii- o li - iu F: 15. I1UKLBUT, DRUGGIST, two-nltit- 1?' Hankin; TraiKictHl. n 2 i O o O z Eun, I L,ii H. ('. tUueu tiEJ. LMSklP. Jb. KTEREST PAID TIME ON' .: I - r- oo 6-ro- H. UTAH. Vnrhinf?toii Avenue, tJ-10- 0 $10.000. Hurplusi nml Capital, 4JnnviloU l'rulita, $.o,OUO. Accounts solicited. Active invilod. 11 Ki.mirH, Ass t Cashier. RED .J. .A. SMITH, Oden, Utalu Company (1ESEL Corresponik'nce WHOLESALE HANI UTAH NATIONAL UH0CER8, I'tuh. OkiIimi, M n President. W. V. ! Your choice of 3. 4 and cottages, on Washstreet cars, city water, graded ave. ington Avenue, choice neighborhood. 5200 cash, balance payable in rent, $25 to $40 per month, at eight per cent intrest. Houses, $1,500, $1,800 and $2,200 each. Bank, i. C. AUMSTXONO, O. E. Hll.U ' Cashier. o HOUSE HUNTERS DEPOSITS. COMMERCIAL OC-DE- 3V) J Sell Exchange oa all the Us ding cities of Euntpa; aW oa New York. Ciurago, Omaha aad Saa Francuco. National m a S3 A: in JiikU. E. A. T! h S BOAlit) OK DIHKCrOliS: R. 31. T. W. Xww PkEsBA. Tuoa. Uabbike, 3 Huins A General 0 f.-- d-- . 3 .'a i u -- -- is ??2 lt l'nij.t asJj.. A. liiOt-U- Cl-r- lC 0 u--J fe UNION L0DCLN0. 6. t - $lw,.ouo.; atu-te- t. t. fi-- --4 H.. HIGKUiv. IW.Ul ImVi.E. mt JOHN b ut oathrt ! I'TAH. CAPITAL, F, tUi Z 2 I MeeU every Wednetday in AO U. W. Hall. tttt atreet thr liumiivj aik! H ai4iaigutt avenue, near I itt j oanh trM-..wor Mulh fMrt aud Sijoumuur brotben in gvH-- d staudng are iiuiriikai ftH; rtriil-iritiWt to liar platv ul iMaiiitu?. W. 1L Mai, S. Ii. uitited to atteud. to l'artlic elnrt cwuiiriMUX lint duluw-uicrs'jt Almi a part lb mhiiJma-i U4tn-- f R. . ha a ad. Sk. Unit to wit : I? aud a art tl lu tttrtltri4 quart w 4 ttau lia UavuiiiioK t a ivnnt l lot irtiaa Si. tomnlup Bonii ruuf 1 pt Sll 'ANTON. (JUDEX NO. J It. hlurk W. South detln wmr, Htatw aurv-v- . betfiimiua ! PATK1ARCH MILITANT. tlte rent liim Sf at a pt.iut i.i fI'oitH m4 if tli isUvwrl Ma mwtuf lta Mutital samr Lanotla a'wua uml 1'birtiMa nrwi a markl uf Mud I. 14i 0. 0. F. and iwvtHm ruauuKf Bnb Quarfv and loratrd by tJfilti ity unry, moaumrnt ; tltfsrtv.rt h ftvc ; t.Kfw rat a Meets every Tuesday and Friday eveeiiurt at Nu.6 aii point of hrmniiic ktnug at tli 94 IWt 4(2 tbrucv 14 ttwr Lmtrr Park PatUlioa. Member invited. awt boundary ut Iuna'a addition aad tbrac and MU fiH; lbrur rat i lWtftvt; ; tbeacie BAnh te aiin. raat. 4f t F. W. La.au, Captain. runain uortii It of hrviuniu;. to tiw fH fn-l- , R. C. Smead. tiiwcc north Ht (lerpxs, (C minuto act of ar AUt a part of tha quartr more or Ua and to tb oart twn l.tkl f I., aui a part of tb nirtlieat quartr K.otlK-rlalon litwof "arittr Hiwl; KDEB SONH OF ST. GKORGR. t Salt Brtb raiun L Jl, ibonast lincuf faribe itmrt W fori, tliw artkio "To Su George aud Mrrw Lngland. Laka Slaty fcurvey. btHTtimiutf l'inrttWi t efc-tert. at a awrHlmn, MMilh Kidtrf, 01 niia. 1 l,Oi wwt rod potiit aoutb 0 ! more or Um, aud to a iuit 4H, aaid of f DrtlMat tba tMrthcat eorntf RICHARD CdUR DE LION LODGE, ortb ; :rn, to luiu. wmt ( plaoe of4H',bivmuiUK quarter of artHMi JU. and runiiiu mmiiK K. Tj; ItvU to north 0 dt., V nun.. Ml & l'i anutb ; ttnir ;Ut t Tliin dwriitii briug intm(lid U rotor tboceMfttHlS 'a-; Ounce ttortb Si Meets every Wednesday evening In the A. O. a iwr of land W fort wnls ritmiliiur tliirtli-tf.- - t to tht uf lui.in. bv pUr U. W. ball. Stevens' block, 2KW Washington n trwt aa laid out by rity fnun Iunu' Said unit mil h mailt at th front d(Mr nf tha at'fHiue, Ogden City, Utah. Sojourniug brothers wniward to I'anlie utrwt. ( ity. Court llotif, in IHrvit-in good kianding' are cordially invited to vint Vbrl'oaitty, A local tax or IpthhI and coUwwkI amount R. W. Kama, and f rat. Time. inc to forty thouMind, two hundred and four-- I'tabTrtTitory. L H. Stkphkka. foltowiiu; roal dtocribnd Atplicants for membership sliould apply to ikmi iloUarn, ou lite A. l HittHor, Dr. ( "ok. 2.xil WaabintfUMi avenue, or to any of ftlatr: 1 the officer. t AUturtcof lidalvina- aiiliin oftlip Pebcital J. Bakbatt, President. lino of aaid i(ropord ttlwt in each oitfr C. J. Flow KRs. Secretary. ALIAS SUMMONS. Mnrk within thr limit oiraird. aud on ritair r boinK niadi to "Kx. A." fcido tlwnrf. attnrlii-- 1 and mwlii a art lirwf, map bort-tAliiTMin the ronl OKtatx atfxrtni by tlii tax. in In the DiMrict Court of the First Judicial Dishliimn, in otlor, thMlnrkt ithadn rtprt4ut trict of the Territory of Utah. Weber Coun'y-Karah from tlx- iroiioMl tr-- t iiui a propoaod McGregor, plaintiff v. Alexander of Itvi ffpt. and wild tax i hon'liy lovitsL defendiint. .Vnd be it further orlint-that tb form and The iieoi'l of the Territory of Ctah send Wboi.ekalb and Retail odnof awMwmi-n- t for taiu tax hallhrthat greeting to Alexander McGregor, defrudant. acI OI You in ii an l im tin. to arc ithwc "'vit( herb required apicar irunnrn Khali be aintel tlie pri- - tion brought auaia-- t you by the above aHCi'rtaiunl by and uixm named plaint iff. in the District Court of the tinn of iutil tax. a liaMH of tiiervif, ncrordincc to First Judical District of the Territory of Utah, front feet of tlicir rmHrtiva n ul ehtutnon and to ansaer the complaint tiled tltetvin. .1 i.m ninu.l itniiii ml tin Kiiiiui nimr ihrn. within ten ilnjs. exclusive of the day of we Corner Washington Art. and Twenty-Gft- h ontind iiy tncra vic after the service on you of this sumarroruing to lue area cwtnte Ifviort Uhid; monsif served within this county: or. if lively u the real or land bu served out of this county, but in this District, ehall inr More or iromajru ihiit. iniTiiiiti. nownver. within twenty days; otherwise within forty Slrfel, under Broom UoleL er niece of land vlmll not front on days or judgment hy default will lie taken i i j .i against you, according to the prayer of said complaint. The said action is brought to obtain the FKKi) J. KIKSKL, Miiyor. judgment of this court to dissolve the bonds W. MC NL TT, i ity Keoonlrr. of matrimony heretofore exibtmg between the Finest Stocb or plaiutitf and defendant. FOR PUBLICATION. Plaintiff alleges that she is entitled to said decree on the ground 'that the defendant has No. KB. willfully and w ithout just cause deserted this plaintiff further says that the ,cc at Salt L.txr Citt, I'tnli. Jdaintiff: tuts willfully neglected to Turnish her In the Market. October 4. 10. common necessaries of life. Plaintiff the with rol)T inyen that the following has been an actual and bonutidc resident of VV1TFR Pronounced the boat in Territory nriKif in Minnort of hix claim. Ogden City. Welwrof county, Utah Territory, CflHl MU.i ti.tlLll it and satisfy yourselves. January, d uroof will lie made before the since the liithday fuller particulars reference in hia arwence the county clerk of is For further and tile on herein. madeto hereby thecomplaint county. Utah, at Morgan City, on And you are hereby notified that if yon fail to S- 34. II. K.viz i?: . , v . t i rti.(ieary, THE COMMERCIAL appear and answer tliesaid contolnitit as above required, tliesaid plaintiff will apply to tho demanded for relief tho therein. court following witneaees to nroya Witness the Hon. James A. continuoue residence upon and cultivation Miner, judge and the seal Hnirt lann. vie : of the District Court of the i Ml' UJ f imam iouki. imiiKn jouhi. r.iu.iir inuiiii SEVL. First Judicial District, in L1I1X Tliomaa Weet. all of Morcan, Morgan county, and fox. the Territory of FK.VNK D. HOHBS, liiiiter. Utah. Oc6th of this Utah, day S. V. DARKE, attorney (or claimant. tober, in the year of our Begs leave to inform their patrons that they Lord one thousand eight ' are established here to stay, and LEGAL NOTICE. hundred and ninety, do the best work in C. MV'CLURE, Clork.' II. Terof Weber and In the Probate Court, County By L. B. Hkst, Deputy Clerk. ritory of Utah : & for Miller fsKAfJ Maginnis, attorneys In theater of Adoption ) to (lh()W plaintiff. catiae, etc. Maud Ienni8, a Minor. ) H appearinit to the I'rohnte Court, County of SUMMONS. Weber. Territory of Utah, hy the oflldavit of Promptly and at Low Prices. Mary J. Dennis, Georiro E. Croag nnd Matilda Crosn,thiB day presented and lilcd in this court, Before B. Ternes, Justice of the Pcac.for SecOffice: 254 Twenty-Fift- h St., Oodek, Utah. that the said (hMirseE. Cross nnd MatildaCrofw, ond Ogden precinct. his wife, arc desirous of adopting Maud Dennis, TERRITORY OF UTAH, ) a daucjitor of Mary J. Dennis, ns their own Col-nt-t Wkbkb of SEE OUR FINE LINE ehild, with equal riirht, privileges and immunDemand, S42.50. ities of any children born in the lawful wedlock John ('.Gleason, plaintiff ts. John Hilditch, of the said (ieorjfo E. Cross and Matilda Cross, defendant- and that the said Mary J. Dennis voluntarily The people of Utah Territory send greeting, relinquishes all rinht to the custody of and to John Hilditch, defendant : iviwer and control over said Maud Dennis, nnd You are hereby directed to appearand anssill claim and interest in and to the services of wer before the J ust ice of 1 le Peaco a bove n amed, said Maud Dennjs, to the end that the said at his office in Ogden City, in said county, tho chiid shall be fully adopted by the parties de- complaint of said plaintiff filed herein, within five days after service on you of this summons, siring to adopt the same. It is therefore ordered by said court that all persons interested in the if served on in Ogden City, within said Maud Dennis, a minor, appear before the ten days if served yon out of said city but in the said Probate Court, on Saturday, the 15th day comity in which this action is brought, and of Novembr, 1S90, at ten o'clock in the forenoon within twenty days if served elsewhere. of said day, at the court rooom of said Probate This action is brought to recover of yon the Court, in Ogden City. County of Weber, Terri- mimof $2.50 and interest at 6 per cent, from & tory of Utah, to show cause, if any they have, February 21. lfS. alleged to be due plaintiff why an order should not be granted and ren- from you as follows: For goods, wares and dered in accordance with the conditions and merchandise delivered to you at your special stipulations of the affidavits aforesaid, and that instance and request by D. E. Gleason whose a copy of this order be published a least once a claim against you has been duly assigned by week for three successive weeks in the 0?den said D. E. Gleason to this plaintiff. Daily Commercial, a newspaiier printed and For further particulars reference is hereby of Weber and made to plaintiff's Published in Oirden City, County complaint now on file at my R. W. Cross, of Utah. office, in this action. Commercial Publishing Co., .2104 Wask Ave. Probate Judge. And you nre hereby notified that unless you i Bs- Territory of Utah. do so appear aud answer said complaint as of Weber. County above required, plaintiff will tsko judgment I. Charles L. HollinRSWortli. clerk of the Profor the sum claimed by plaintiff, bate Court, in nnd for said Weber County, do against: you LEGAL NOTICE. $42.50 and interest at 6 per cent from is a true the foreeoinf? that full, hereby certify 21. 190. and cost of suit. Probate Court, County of Wober, Terriand correct copy of the original order to show February. To the Sheriff or any Constable of Weber In tho of Utah : tory cause, etc., in tho matter of adoption of Maud county, Territory of Utah, greeting : Make legal Order to ) In tho Matter of Adoption Dennis, a minor, deposited and recorded in my service and due return hereof. show cause of 1S90. A. as D. 22d ofliw, on the day of October, Given nnder my hand this sth day of October, 1 a minor. etc. Edward John MeQuaig. the same appears of record. B. A.D.1.HW. TERNES, It appearing to the Probate Court, County of In witness whereof. I have Justice of the Peace for the Second Ogden Weber, hereunto set my hand and Territory of Utah, by tho affidavit of Precinct. Robert C. Wilson. J. II. Winslow and Caroline fixed the seal of the Probate A. G. How, Attorney. this day presented nnd filed in this Winslow. first Court, the day nnd year court, that the said John H. Winslow nnd Caroabove written. CASH DOLLARS FIFTY line Winslow, his wife, are desirnrs of adopting CHAS. L. HOLL1NGSWOKTI1. John Edward McXjuaig, n eon of John McQuaig, Clerk of the Probate Court. now deceased, as their own child, with .1. P. LepwitiOE, Deputy Clerk. And $25 a Moiith-Il- iff College Hill Addition rights and privileges and immunities ofequal any This beautiful residence addition is situated children born in the Ian fill wedlock of the said SUMMONS. Winslow. Winslow and and H. John Carplino between tho grent Methodist University nnd the Before B. Ternes, justice of the peace for SecRobert C. Wilson voluntarily recity. It is only ten squares from the center of that the said ond Ot'den precinct. all right to the custody of and power a linquishes and commanding positisn, occupies the city, TERRITORY OF UTAH, from which a magnificent view i. obtained of aud control over said John Edward Mc'uaig ' CofNTT OF Vi'EBCB. ) and interest in nnd to the semces Ogden. its unrivaled surroundings and theGreat and all claim Edward Demand, of said John McQnaig, to the end that Lake. J. C. Ulcason, plaintiff vs. J. Fanner, defend- Salt All propositions for electric lines include this said child shall be fully adopted by the parties ant. same. folthe to desiring adopt and a rapid advance in values will The people of Utah Territory send greeting to section, It. is therefore ordered by said court that all low. Tho University alone will make this localI. Fanner, defendant: of Ogden. resilience persons interested in the said Johu Edward Mc bon ton the part ity Your are hereby directed to appear and ansofthe said Probate is For a brief time only the opporjunity tjuaig, a minor, npiiear before wer before tho Justice of the Pence above fered the 19th day of November, to procure these lots at SIM to SViO e:ich ; Court on Wednesday, of said day, forenoon in o'clock nnr.ied, at his otlice in 0;den City, in said the ten is at a WP, cash and SR5 per month where pair county, the complaint of said plaintiif filed taken : deed and abstract showing perfect title at the court room of said Probate court, in of on five service after within of you hwctu, Welier, Territory of Utah, days City, County unincumbered free of charge. this summons if served on you in Ogdeit City, and This property is very desirable nnd the price to show cause , if any they have, why an order but of out served if ten said within day should not bo granted and rendered in accordcity under the market. in the county in which this action is brought, is For ance with the conditions and stipulations of the further particulars cnll on or address and within twenty days if served elsewhere. affidavits aforosaid. and that a copy of this orW. H. Habvet. Gwner. This action is brought to recover of you the Room 4 at least once a week for three Kay Block, up ft airf. corner Washington der be published sum of SUM nnd interest at 6 per cent from weeks in the Ogden Daily Coinni"r-cia- l, successive street. Twenty-fiftand avenue March 19. 1N90, alleged to be due plaintiff from a newspaiier printed and published in Ogyou as follows: Upon" a judgment recovered den City, County of Weber, and Territory of Kano in Pottawattamie K. W. Cboms, Probato Judge. township, Utah. against you county, Iowa, in favor of I). E. Gleason and Territory of Utah, by him assigned to J. C. Gleason of Ogden, Vss' of WeVr. County Utah. e 1, Charles L. Hollinfrsworth. clerk of the For further particulars reference is hereby Couvt. in and for said Weber Onnty, do made to plaintiff's complaint now on tile at my lir-ha true the full, is that foregoing certify office, in this action. .Hid oorrect copy of too original order to show Deeds, Mortis. Lean? &'., And yon are hereby notified that unless you cause, i0.. in tln I'.atter of John Edward do so aprear and answer said complaint as a minor, depotited, filed and recorded in nbove required, plaintiff will take judgment my otiice. on Uie i.rth day of October, A. D. 190, against yon for the sum claimed by him, record. ns thu sai v ioarsIn orwitness interest, and cost of suit. whereof. "I have To the Sheriff or any Constable of Weber hereunto set my hand, and County, Territory of Utah, greeting: Mako fixed the seal of the Probate legal service ae .ne return hereof. Court, the day and year first band this bth day of (y (riven nnder above written. n. tEUVi?. A. D., l(u. CHARLES L. HOLLINTtSWORTH. o iH"jden PreJustice of the Peace furi Clerk of the Probate Court. cinct. J. P. Lrdwidok, Deputy Clork. 2ttl Washington Avenoe Ogden, Utah. A. ti. HvW, Attorney MMJlh iifi l!AMiJ t'n.l.-- r 'IV rritorial S ' Iuoorprat. ILiiikiitic Laws. Ho! k rryular aueetiuc every sir Ul at o rWk la A. O. t . H. H.U, WolnwVii MnK. ait kujounr it Boar lim u brutiiara ara curduuly im to F. V. U:au. N'.U. W. O. O. STATE tKiIK, : rtitt-ui- ii mii'iixi i iavited. CRESCENT LODGE NO 13. w has o : - z O ILnt.hjjUuMm - la, Cl L. Adxhh. Bee See'y. r AJ. kuLu. 1 r. u 2 OGDEN' 7 rw4it)-furt- 2iK.0iK. . Hal the tret aad of oaca atont ii-M . U. Mix. C. I. o7f, j s.tiu Ut at a lmmii m Utr f tiac trii A. O. V. H . , : rz r-- 0. 0. F. F. W. Lev is Scribe. torn an itilUi4 t iirtt tlarur 4.ujftui. ' M - j a. a. t tuajxai. 1. t Lfc.: IJIMiix ia the i f tuitl-illijo- f t.' i:.ti.il.. 4 la? luuic 14 r. .aaiii. CAPITAL, J J. t ( uciuuk, r . 1 i'-- d aul 4 U MHiiit n tH ; i NO. tNCAlfPMLNI NO. i, . i ll;ir--i- u l". SECRET SOCIETIES. Me., ilt witj iWd ThuroiiO 4 c I . tL;rt)--- . T rari-- r. i iwt uvt BuriH wen 'I'. m i iutlii:nir iLiiC i r it Ctiv AN ORDINANCE tax (tir tla Miwiit of I row iuttf .f.iJaron J.. iirMll.li!) B.turJn. u T laud hxlu.iac at a U vtiiWafl a, fx irart r&.Lt hi Irubl fuuu -- : t 't. Ml.-t- l, 4 suutii i4 f f. lnt t A 11 T - LA U- Plea. 1. '.L -t . BL- ML. -: u,-- cwavuratK Matfd ruak'laie 1 jaf CITIZENS' BANK! T fc - .a4 Ji -I. m- R. A. K. - - WAT Ikiv.. t Tata. tl!V4 Mr f frHRr-- ii - aa4 ittirular J .U.- - Jti iu ltkr. Zi 4 4TihajJrr. tWWv i abatrL. Laa. Ii btrti. Lr Ii. jkTti JLF.4JLM bt4 Auuajra:i 1. 1', iunn. tc. j Ij Lv bJHit;. Juiu i MVl bottomI 4T Ma. biul It. cbMrtit liwa atmer met aula , eun J !. S jarxA k- JAi;t Cry VucJ 4 ferV 4 c-t&rwak : K...- u j iW 1 Jtr - taju cuafci'-w-ai- l lit. is animals' c4 I 4 . , . TOILET ARTICLES lw in United States Depository. . suiipius, Interest Paid on Time L. D. f f' IM Riibber Slips i Stencils Wedding Goods, INVITATIONS, Programmes Visiting r-CABDS- S to-w- it $.;. tflOO.OOO. . fciyn.ooo Liquor and Cigar Merchants Deposits. Adams US W. N. SiiiLLrsu, Vice President. Cashier. X7 Twratr. h4 Kaartk HU IslatHkatlnc llepa the kartkv, Ogden, Utah. Pocatello, Idaho. LEGAL BLANKS . tynt.lHIlEP AND . STAMP ffl vu . J. E. Doult, President, !!, R . CAPITAL, FOB PfMLVC THE COMMERCIAL SKI4 RALE MT CONVEVAaS COO AOK.VT8 FOH Washington Avenue, Ogden, Utah. FiLANKS. IfO. 80t C0 CLASS. PRORATE COURT MISCELLANEOUS Also for VVallis & Co. Mexican STORMS hand-mad- e. Custom house F1I.ANKH. Administrator's Bond ExecntorB' Bond Letters of Guardianship Order Appointing Hearing.. Testimony of Testimony of. k CARL UPMANN'S OP STRATTON A Warranty DckmIs, rfiort form M A K1 Estate Mort'ge A Option Contract A Liefir, A Bond for Deed 11 Discharge of Mortgnge Trust Deed C Warranty Deed, long form ... C A . A A . A A B . BLANKS. Official Bonds and Oaths A A Chattel Mortgage Other Blanks constantly being added to the above lisL Class A, H sheet cap. class B, M sheet cap, class C, full sheeL WIIOLK8ALK DKALKR8 OF C. H. Greemvell & Eros. Wholesale and Retau. The Pahst Brewing Company s Milwaukee Beer BUTCHERS. DEALERS EXPORT, SELECT BOHEMIAN AND HOFBRAU, CONSTANTLY IN IX Meat. Poultry and Fish f-- ) VEAFlTHf. Ti.v'iAA k-i'.i- '. " v. a BOTTLED. STOCK, BULK AND Try our Pure Lard, manufactured by ourselves and you will never nse any other. Mail orders and wholesaling a special bnsinosf with us. Twenty-fourt- h street. r Ta. av a r.cs.si.. ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO EE ADDRESSED TO OCR "OGDEN OFFICE.1 "Konect Shape.' .a Meat Orders respectfully solicited and satisfaction guar $TpO h Pro-hat- y t: COMMERCIAL OFFICE ! anteed. IT CONFORMS TO SHAPE OF FOOT If you want perfection in fit, with fretdoir from rorns) aud all discomfort you wil ear the Kurt A Packard Mhoe. Rlwty It it seVnowledged as the most comfortable the best wearing and most stylish gentlemen's iboa made la the world. DOI'T SPOIL TOUR RET BT TEaRISG CSUf 8H0E8. The Hnrt A Packard NhM costs no more than any other Una shoe, though none approach it In value. AU styles In Handmade, Band-weand Burt welt; also Boys' and Youths'. Ii not sold by your dealer send his name aud yonr address to V n (?ceessors to Burt A VKPV kUn f, i nunanu ot Packard), Vrofk- ton, 31 ana. Sold by lt f ullu, ASHBYBROS.OGDEN. J. KIESEL F. J & CO. UNCTION CITY MACHINE WORKS, W. K. HOLLAND, Proprtetor, Practical Founder 1 SO. 1 S6 Twenty-thir- d bet and Machinist. Wall and Linooln. Dealer In 8tesm Knglncs, Boilers, Pomps, Kto, I will furnish and erect Imcteaa tkt seat Banner. Beaarav my work In machine work and repairing promptly attended to at slurp. Boilers. Heaters and Machinery by contract and do |