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Show d Air Force . jknof Battle Delivered to . .Off for New Advres 7 p Vri - .j i r 0 td4si&&$mm&)s3sism. hop, Suy-Q- , LEAVES HILL FIELD . . . After a stay of newly two months In Hill Field's repair w mronress mh to wr.u, the and skies first .arouna iiy laying queen in south Pacific pilot for the Ogden Second Air Force this past week, ready to fight again! Above, Lieut. Art Wells, test turned over to the Air Service Command, directs refueling of the famous plane just before she was at least 29 Jap downed has to her missions 50 combat credit, more than has Suzy-Force. Second Air more. planes, maybe Fall Festival Q At Hillcrest Famed Flying FortressyTakesOff Following Complete Overhaul at Hill Field the Suzy-Q- , This Sunday Dormitory Folks ftrols renewed, and numerous "tin 'Suzy Q" is flying again. After a complete overhaul in the can" patcnes maae by ner crew Hill Field repair and maintenance in emergency repairs removed and shops, the famous Flying Fortress regular sections riveted in place. which has carried out over 50 mis Orders covering the repair work sions and shot down 26 enemy totaled 70 pages' with approxiplanes took to the air again last mately 20 items to the page. During her 50 missions which Thursday, when she was taken took the plane around the world over by the Second Air force. Work on the "Suzy Q" was begun and . four times across the equaby the 89th Depot Repair squad- tor she once had' her tail asron and continued by the 311th. sembly ' practically shot off, colSince coming here July 19, the lected . innumerable battle' scars, bomber's engines have been over- and at one time more than 2,000 hauled, intercommunication sys- bullet holes were - counted in her tem reconditioned, cables and con- - fuselage. A model, the Will Relax At Gala Affair Purchasing of prizes and the decompleting of other tails in preparation for the big Hillcrest Fall festival to be held Sunday, Oct. 3, in the East .wing recreation hall were keeping committee heads and recreation officials busy today. Among the many attractions being offered at the festival will be booths and exhibits, including an art galery, fortune telling, last-minu- te silhouette-cuttin- g, ten-pin- s, pitching, game tables, and ' -- . B-1-7E penny dart-throwin- g. Package Carriers Will Use Gate 7 Another outstanding feature of the affair will be the refreshment stand, according to Cora Fuller, women's recreational director, Employee Relations branch. Cornstalks, pumpkins, and autumn leaves are to be included in the fall decorative scheme. In order to erect booths and complete the decorating, the East wing recreation hall will be closed on Satur- Happy Girl! r' i Change Announced As Convenient For More Workers The clock house gate through which 'employes carrying packages must pass, has been changed from gate number one to number seven, according to Captain Nedwin R. Weber, Base Security Officer. Changing of the gate from the end to the center was done to make it more accessible to employes entering from either end of the clock house. Since property passes on all packages must be checked, and one set of signature cards Service Mothers Plan only is available, it is impossible to open gates for this purpose at the Meeting Friday Night more present time, Captain Weber said. The Service Mother's club of The change was made as the reHillcrest will meet in the southeast sult of a suggestion at a conference recreation hall Friday evening, Oc of key civilian personnel with the tober 1, at 8 o clock. Commanding Officer. Heading this club is Mrs Bessie To 76th Ridley, formerly of Boulder, Colo, Capt Victor B. Rob who has always taken an active ertson reporting to this field from part in the promotion of this Truax Field, Madison, . Wis., has club since its organization. New been assigned to the 76th Depot members are welcome, she states. Supply squadron. AAB, Hill Field. that residents employed on any shift may attend, the gala affair, will be open from 12 noon to mldnigf..t. Asaiting in the arrangements are the ' dormitory hostess, under the direction of Edithe H. Graham, building representatives, and the various individual residents serving on committees, Miss Fuller states, J bomber came off Boeing pro-1942, 1, Jan. lines ductlon Engineering officers who supervised the repair job were Lt James I Blanchard of the 89th, and Capt. Harvey E. Smith and Lt. -Warren L. Michael , of the 311th. MSgt George C. Smith supervised the work under the officers while the 311th was at work on the plane. EauioDed to replace a ' prop" or .completely rebuild the giant ships, the Ogden Air, Service Command the "Suzy repair crews worked-oQ" at top speed, until- today she is again "fit to fight.1 ,' - Necessary Funds Supplied By Welfare Council So W ) Recent improvements in the Hill crest dispensary include new kitchen equipment purchased by the Welfare council, consisting of a gas range, refrigerator, and linoleum. According to Mrs. Esther Johnson, registered nurse in charge, the equipment is being used constant ly. Complete with 35 beds and a the dispensary is ward, contagion J S ' increasing monthly in the number of patients cared for. Besides the . doctor, five registered nurses and three nurses aides are employed. Medical care is free; only expenses are medicine and food. RECENT BRIDE . . . Is Mrs. Patients now have available ice Eldon Walker, who was Ruth cubes and specially prepared food. Dragoo before her marriage. The newly organized Red Cross Both Hill Field employes helped chapter in the dormitory area make OASCs Maintenance Diplans to donate medical supplies. vision tops in the nation. They work in the Electrical Equipment Repair Unit - i; Ships Surplus to Other Locations r Stockpiles of vital war terials, built up beyond if mediate need at various war houses on fields and sub-- i pots under OASC control eight states, will now be duced and surplus speeded to locations are more urgently in need them. That is ths program ried on by the Area branch at Hill Field, being Activil located Warehouse 18. A committee sisting of Supervisor Grover K sen, S. A. Morrow, and Alms K pack has already visited i branches of OASC and will e tinue until all have been ganized and instructed in the wt the committee is doing. Under the plan, Hill Field notified by the other brand of any excess materials or owol! articles which they may have hand. The Area Activities bras here then gives instructions ai whether - the material is to ' which shipped to another field Field in need of it or to Hill distribution. In this way situatis will be avoided wherein one W may have a surplus of onehatt: of article while another shortage. expects tl The committee of dolu thousands of hundreds worth of equipment will in ttI way, .each month, be channeled speed strategic locations, thus examf the war effort. As an the Lowry Field the committee last week sub-dep- items worth can disnose ot noUR of thf $28,000 which Uj of through this K gram. Admiral Visits Hill Field Ruth Dragoo Wed To Eldon Walker All in White Redistribute All Excess War Material New Branch nsary Gets Kitchen Pieces day. . r In an early autumn wedding, Miss Ruth Dragoo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Dragoo of Colorado Springs, Colo., recently became the bride of Elden Walker at the Ogden Baptist church. An attractive brown suit with white accessories was worn by the bride. Her corsage was of orchids. Miss Shirley Bryant, bridesmaid, was outfitted in an aqua suit and brown accessories, her corsage being of white roses. Best man for the ceremony was Bernard Eckenger. Among the out-of-sta- te guests attending the ceremony were the parents of the bridegroom. The couple, both emnloves of Electrical Equipment Renair unit SOMRTHINO NEW . . . R t nnnlin.fln. in white .mooU. The new uniform and prove it in the above Edward WV Tf,,r' Wemnion' rri vlunZrlJ? V nSSTSZStt IvlTS White, Back row-Mil- dred . ' Arpke. Herbr? Ilowd ,,oal"" "VCottle, Bea Alden fonaid rults. Vera Fo,, nd C'pl. Dale Higgs and CoL of maintenance, plan to make home in Ogden. their Safety Conference Capt. Rob ert R. Afflick. safety officer at this post, will leave tomorrow to attend an Air Service Command Safety Conference and National Safety Congress in Chicago. He will be gone approximately seven days. EN BUUTE . . . Jrrom umui convention oi m . cmi-.--to Seattle, Rear Admiral Ralph Davison, assistant Bureau of Aeronautics, Washington, b. stopped off tot "jn fire inspection last Thursday, pronounced this depot one of n!D ui" he had encountered. In the photo above, taken outside the Is at the left, followed by Ueutenant Comm admiral the club, . HI. mm t. n- -t n M.Win.' Hill Fi'd "J l i .u AilCUKTraHJ, MU mw VVIUUCI mMHMIIVIU, W. A. Freacon an executive officer Lieutenant (J..) W. S. Woodson. liKST C r - . |