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Show g. Sgfir Wank, jigh Scores Capt Merger Lead Allowlers Ogd in First Round Rolled -- mm II emmand rIV II? f4f 32nd Supply OASC, lop EM J Hdqrs., Capital Lead O.'s I lITt"" i to P-I P' ifimiiniiH Bigger Task '"""' nm.mnmn ' wMWwi' mm fc'-S&- fill Wank and Capt. Carl the list of Hill Field ZZ. personnel bowlers as the r'-wh- t of the Officers and tutd Men's ten-pleagues T1 Into play this evening at ttOmien Bowling center, It was bjr SSgt. Maxie Kosof, Jjrrt director. yflnf Wank, with a high game of 222, jed the enlisted mens action, Ljeynr over a total of 594 pins LTn average of 198. Rolling Z Tint Sgt Irv Murphy's OASC on the tffl, Wank led all keglers jjeyi last Wednesday night to lupiciously mark the opening of 1943 the Hill Field leagues for the L top m -r- nn J wnose iov gtuiiev mm -- . Xenger, scoring nigh individual bit the maplewood for a 1 teries and a 164 average. Lt. Ckarles Plumb had individual high paw for the officers with a 190, w a bad second game caused him econd tenors, seventh in final scoring total. Scores in the enlisted men's cir etit were consistently higher than w fall to tits a 451 The k the officers' organization. OASC took four games from snwsedly strong 482nd with Uih a a Tied for mark of 2454 pins. the 32nd Supply, thanks to four victories over the 880th. f Station hospital and Headquar is at lead held Hie upper hand at the mi of tne first week in the offileague with three wins each. Tkt medics turned back the Signal in - W etfoa A and Headquarters edged reporting. Strange-series went to Capt. Wilson's Aircraft club with the Third Idga team Son V, ptaa. f With teams meeting the favored jnfcrdogs in the enlisted league, sttrtit centers tonight on the unit where the two leaders, of-See- n" htien Hospital I and Headquarters, tootle in the feature match. Both taas have indicated that their will heaps be considerably fcugthened for this tusaie. mt again warned all bowlers games in both leagues must rt w at An- league is scheduled to take alleys at nine o'clock sharp games, If not completed, will prtmptly six-thirt- y.. tt stop at that time. , JNringa for tod Men tonight follow: vs. Buglers. Guard vs. Med. Supply. Clerks JJM Supply WU fJ. j8C vs. Station Hospital "ft vs. Signal Section Reporting v8. Officers" Oub. Sta. Hospital. S!'", results: 55T."ne8aays .""a Men 55 i 482nd 0. Supply 4, 880th 0. Sta, Hospital 1. . Med. Supply L Hospital 3, Signal Section Reporting 1. Club 2. w me salt Lake City for a at the lonignt ol..K m USO street Following the Plan to go bowl- charge of the ar-- Wlinisrs ifiFivft tnrtD to MEN TP. AVE. SM 574 tax ; .... TP. 491 4M 4ta 47 463 B-24- lO 11 175 ITS 165 B-2- let 154 employes were active players on the teams entered in both leagues, according to officials of the recreation unit of Employe Relations, under whose direction the circuits were played. The Aces captured third place in the Ogden City league in the after winning the final nlnv-osecond lesr of the league with 8 wiim and no losses. Taking first place in the series was the Bank Smokerv. while the Internment Camp M. P.'s took second place. Stroiw Oooonent Losing none of their exhibition contests, although they played such teams as the Arsenal, Smokery and the Hill Field Officers, the Aces were undefeated until the last lap of the aeries" when they suffered two losses. crew survived strong The 4 the Little Siberia from competition team to win me enampionmip ram in the Hill Field league. Set up and managed by Henry uanki Fisher, former field rec- re.fion director, until his depar ture for Sioux City, Iowa, the series has recently been under the direction of Sid Johnson, recreation chairman of the welfare council. team composed of outAn manstanding players, selected by the of officials league and agers is made up of the following playriannlng; ers Catch, Tomenich, 4 Project; Pitcher, Thornley, first base. Louis, No Star: second third base, Soderquist, Planning; No Stars; Boyle. base, Freeman, Little Siberia; shortfle d, nghtfled, Planning; Haspert, centerfleld, No SUi-sJohnson, Hales, Planning; leltfield, Budde, honorable mention for outstandto Bradshaw, ing playing wentNo the Ster. Perry for pitcher Yaunt, first pitcher for Planning; and Roberts, baseman, Planning, Siberia. Little pitcher, Over Dee Elwell Tosses Civilians to 4 Win Over Officers 7-- Even without the pitching of Paul Kingdon, the civilian Aces again made good in their second challenged game with the officers last week in Ogden. 's Dee Elwell, pitching in hits three place, allowed but during the contest, won 7 to 4 by the civilians. Speedy shortstop Ray Freeman made good on a homer, and Fred Budde, Ace first baseman, placed 3 for 4. When Kingdon, star hurler of the Aces, shut out the officers in a no-h-it game last week, the crew Immediately chalsecond lenged the winners to a game, but with one provision the that Kingdon would not do Aces confident The pitching. weren't a bit bothered, however, and accepted the challenge on the officers' terms. second-tim- e Now, even after being back are losers, the officers for another dose and "havea again third challenged the Aces for game, but with two stipulations h.f irinorinn araln be substituted and that the game be played on the officers' diamond nere ai wi As yet it's still undecided as to who'll do the hurling for the Ace squad, but Kingdon Is reported to be keeping that rignt arm ... he snouio shape Just In case his team again allowed to pitch for over. season's the before All-St- ar AVE. 184 ICS 163 's With the naming of the strong 4 team as winners in the Hill Field Softball league and the Hill Field Aces as third place winners in the Ogden City league, the successful softball season was recently drawn to a close. King-don- Uke City Jills ' Softball Winners Are Aces, In Employe Race all-st- ar 8r! wSrVe8, . Officers' , WITH VIM AND VIGOR . . . These Ogden Air Service Command troops take to the new obstacle course in the barracks area. In the upper left the men are crawling under the Bear cage, while below others are learning to "strive for the higher things." In just the upper right they clambor through pipes, then go over the barriers. In the lower right is pictured a side view of the many low barriers. Second Lt Benjamin New Job W. Bentlcy. of this station been transferred from sonnel and Training division and i jk k. Maintenance ol Hiinra vision. 200 ff B-2- all-st- ar B-2- J Hill Field. Ogden, Utah Cora Fuller Lists Plans for Women's Sports With plans for a new program under way, women's fall and winter sports will soon be in full swing, according to Cora Fuller, women's recreational director. A bowling league will.be estab- lished with teams being organized from the women's dormitories and field bowlers in this vicinity. Later in the fall, use of a gym will be obtained for the purpose of women's basketball. When a sufficient number of teams are organized, a field women's basketball league will be under way. One of the highlights of women's sports for this winter is to be the weekly "gymboree" , which will probably be held at Weber college. Basketball, volleyball,' table tennis, swimming and exercises are a few of the sports featured at these rs. Sept. 29, 1943 II Informal Opening Of New Gym Held Last Monday Although the official opening ceremonies of the new gymnasium have been Indefinitely postponed due to military reasons, the huge athletic plant was Informally open to military personnel last Monday evening with numerous men enjoying its facilities. Capt Carl S. Menger, Special Services and physical training officer, indicated that when the building is actually opened regular basketball and volleyball leagues will be formed. Meanwhile the men are free to use its equipment at their leisure, he stated. Athletic pieces, valued in oxcess of $3000, have been purchased, some of it having already arrived. It is understood that them will be handball and squash courts, all regulation size. There is a large dressing room, with locker apace, and shower rooms adjoining. inter-squadr- on Bowling Alleys to Lt. Hutchison Has Open Monday Statement on Nine bowling alleys on the Hill Field army air base will be avail- Golf Tournament for play on Monday next, October 4, It was announced yesterday by Staff Sergeant Maxle Kosof, bowling director for Cap tain Carl 8. Menger's special services and physical training section. A grand opening, complete with ceremonies, is scheduled for the following week, Oct 11, according to Kosof. At that time a match game between the five leading bowlers of the enlisted men's league and a like number from the officer's circuit will be bowled. Full details will be announced in next week's Hillflelder. able AH persons who qualified for the Field golf tournament have been asked by Lieut, aeon Hutchison, assistant physical training officer who Is directing the tourney, to watch the dally bulletin for announcements as to pairings, etc. "We will definitely glvo the names of those who won medalist honors, both scratch and handicap. In the next Issue of Umi Conditions beyond our control make it Impossible to do so sooner," stated Hutchison, first annual Hill-field- er, |