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Show itUnlQ t Lady Is Willing Bond AuciSn Brings in Over $1000 Mpie 0t AsksKacn Recruit Additional ' KdnJ fitt last week appointed members as a com- - contact at least persons and tell them - . as month, and was letter to all members share- -' Credit Union urging iowlicit new memberships-l Z, P51 T to enlarge the organiza- 'S" JEAN ARTHUR . , , Who used to make history at night, is now daredevilish. She comes to the Post Theatre this Sunday and Monday in "The Lady Takes a members. iL is made up of OASC who invest at least $5 00 nd thereby toaW tht ZL of borrowing any amount C BOO to $200. The Union now 11 ffi to Jb members, according Jrf of mil' ir . . t 1 the new applicants Tor mem-Jd- So asking can borrow $25 was ex-u- -i loan of $30.25, The Union, in such cases, loan riTretain $5.00 of minimum stock iBpUcanfs lertoip, and 25 cents 1or lnitia- by it the me ration list. d llcnlo.. uir " " ww'aji premiums were a sack of sugar, a rubber garden hose, several cans of fruits and vegetables, a large bevel-edg- e mirror, home-mad- e cakes and O nr t iuiicc set.t. urai Chance." directors. f, r . ' few iwiw sstaa 9u4 ' O Lo m of thousands They Bid in Terms of Bonds .In addition to the amount or bonds mirohsiKod large n.- t,.. tmrd war loan drive, 67 employes ana Contracting shelled"'"""'"S out another $1190.75 worth Of War hnnria nn c.fow.n. i. .v , mcuiijja at uie pond auction held Saturday morn- o ... .uc ouy)Jiy UlllceS. Auctioneer C. I. (Bud) Burning-hacalled for the bids on the hundreds of premium items which had all been donated by the employees who gathered for the event. Increasing the interest in the auction considerably was the fact organization. il-i triple our membership In .become the slogan M 1943 . f one to 555 Sept. 29, At P&C Affair 1,. . ' . 9 Wednesday, Bidding in Terms Of War Bonds iber -- f as - in 200 Hillcrest Residents Tour Canyon on the 1 In-le- tAn-fn- nf -- PURCHASING AND CONTRACTING . . . Held a new kind of auction this week. Bids were in terms of war bonds, for articles pictured above. Bud Burningham, auctioneer, and Neils Neilson, examine a rubber garden hose, one of the many premiums offered. C Bidding for the premiums was begmi m terms oi war stamps, but the employes- - enthusiasm soon had the bids mllerl ... in fcv 1113 Ulf The Lucky Three at War Bond Raffle fw. " bonds. Highest amount nlprtprt for any single premium was the fee. Stock may be redeemed 60 days, it was bid of eight bonds and $7.50 worth ho value within of stamns marls hv 'M'ice ut The stock renders mane Morns for a Jed service to members who mirror. in temporary Credit for conceiving the idea themselves and working out the plan goes to aiincuiitco. . . Buses lr vr purcnasing j.vi. i and conbuyer, who is also the or. By far the largest crowd yet tracting iginator of the Hill Field rose garto participate in the educational den srn project tours being sponsored for Other officals who and Give last ' Sunday explored supervised the affair arranged included Roy Logan canyon to Bear lake, re- M. Elkins, C. I. Burningham, Frank Cora Fuller, women's recrea- Vause. Yvonne Ijivtnn ported . Delivery tional director, Employee Rela- Sanders. tions branch. When Successful Trip Uses Five W i 36-in- ch ""j f Charted Bond Buyer Address Hill-creste- Vx 1 rs Retarded Temporary lb Over 200 domitory residents required five large buses to make Stated Residence the trip. Included in the itinery for the that you've given a address when you sign day were stops at the cave and i new pledge for war bond natural springs in Logan canyon, jeetions in connection with the and the State Agricultural college id war loan drive. Such is the at Logan. The group had dinner yi) advice offered by Lieut H. in Brigham City. Uderman, officer in charge of No trip is being planned for this y& and Records branch, Civil-- I Suday, according to Miss Fuller, Personnel section. but arrangements have been comtending to war bond unit rec- - pleted for another tour on Sunover 60 war bonds have Deen day, October 10. to the Ogden artly returned This next tour will take a group office because of insuffi- -t to Provo canyon with stops planned or incorrect address. at the famous Deer Creek dam, of the reason 'Bridal Veil' falls, and Parley's explanation tf employes haven't received Canyon. sure 2ike sunent I bonds, LL Lederman stated t Oder the present regulations. ifcmds cannot be forwarded nor i they. be held in the war bond 1 pending location of the own- . l uy of the employes who would these bonds had the given been correct, listed Field as their permanent ad-- " Others have left the field iIttds area or have moved to received " r residence deduction Lederman. employes J since signing pledge, according should take par- -. the in listing address their bonds to Those who desire to file are address are be urged to Base Orders Two Ten Minute Best Periods rest periods have established for personnel, military and civilian, employed in departments and sections oftothea Army Air Base, according recent Base Memorandum. The memorandum states further that breaks will not be taken at any ttmn rthpr than those specified. ' The day shift workers have their breaks at 10 a.m. and 4:15 p.m.; the swing shift at 5:50 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. and tne grave yard at l .a.m. and 5:30 Two been . a-- ' immediately at the Payroll ??rd information counter, Lt j Col inside Warehouse 17. n.Karf A Rpvnnlda and Capt. bonds which left late have been William H. Bannard, Jr, Field to the finance office to Patterson for week last in beld until called for or attend a Control Office conferPW address has been sub- - ence being held there. They will be gone about seven aays. Just 'Before You Leave i Pass Through Line Is Checked A close check has been made this week on the speed with which people pass through the service lines of the civilian post cafeteria in an effort to accelerate the serv ice, according to Captain Hopman, supervising officer. The maximum time occupied in going through the line was re ported to be eight minutes. The last previous check-u- p showed the maximum time to be six minutes. Captain Hopman suggests that service can best be speeded up by cooperation of patrons. He pointed out that during the lunch hour fewest workers arrive at eleven- forty-fiv- e o'clock, and twelve-fiftee-n If you want better service, try those periods. Two other suggestions the cap tain made for increasing the effi' ciencv of the cafeteria's operation involve typical peculiarities of homo sapiens: The nearest piece or pie seiaom looks as good as several other pieces! Folks want toonestop ana expects pick and choose. No to change human nature in the ,ttor f mckinz tne ngnt Piece of pie, but the facts are that docs take up picking and choosing time. . it. nAen ta First New Uincer -n. nww., .7"Lt. Aioeri 14th lieved from duty with the Boise, Gowcn Field, at . , . . . bi. now ajisi -en- Idaho, tto lane H ;11 TT! ment ai " Sub-Dep- . ot Special Swing Shift Shows in Downtown Ogden Theatres ( , Cafeteria Service Gets Close Study Time It Takes to ORPIIKUM THEATRE -Oct 2--11 wn, HiinDiddle the "Scream Diddle," in v- - f a DSct" -11 a.m., "Someone to Remember," 'Salute for 9- mm v nam Three." KGVPTIAN THEATRE a.m., "Hers to Oct Going. "Get Hold," a.m, Oct. 3 to "Gildersleeve's Destroyer," Bad Day." OGDEN THEATRE a.m. "Reveille With Beverly," "Wild Horse Stampede." "Coney Oct, 911:45 a.m., Savage. "White Island," 2--1145 fS 9-- 11:45 VMM 1-- 11:45 tVaffiL' V UI tMr esteem for their former chief, farewelL to Friday gathered i months of . serv-ii of n.i tion WfMUC IKW IVWWUV M chief ef OvIHan "uo Burrla. "tins admlidMtlw executive of the M Address mm he half ml the employes. ( tOuff A?nne r "Wm. X --- . 1 M) THE WINNERS . . . Catherine Berman, Rulon B. Stanfield and Ruth Hunter, who won the three $25 war bonds at the raffle conducted by Mrs. Sadie Steinfeld, Minute Man for employes of the Civilian Personnel section. Because Mrs. Sadie Steinfeld, one Following the drawing, made by in Civilian Per Lt. Col. Leonard F. Carter, former of the minute-me- n sonnel section, found she wasn't Civilian Personnel section, reaching her quota of bond sales chief, were four there extremely happy decided the day before payday, she d the three winners, raf employes she would conduct a Catherine Berman, Army Service fle and up her sales report. Kven though business was poor, Forces personnel coordinator; Ruth Mrs. Steinfeld's selling ability was Hunter, of occupational standards still good, for she collected enough unit, and Rulon B. Stanfield, superchances to cover visor of payroll machine services. of the fifty-ce25 war Also Mrs. Steinfeld who proudly rethe purchase of three corded the sale of the three bonds. bonds. war-bon- nt For Courses Completed V' S? . f0 4 ' RECEIVING . . . Certificates of completion for courses In supergeneral foreman, vision at Post Schools are: Herbert Smart, assistant Deferment Unit; Draft Aircraft Shops; Louisa Dixon, supervisor, Branch 4, Property AcHorace G. Stayner, chief supervisor, Personnel and Training counting. Colonel John S. MacTaggart, chief, the is presentation. Division, making " v,mnlrmrntinir the supervisor case a ia courses (Job Management, Probtraining program ai mis series of leadership pamphlets lems in Handling Employes, and distributed by the Air Service combut Supervisor as an Instructor) will Ohio, mand at Patterson Field, seoriginally prepared by the training probably be of much value in here. r post-waemployment. It department curing Each leadership pamphlet is will indicate that the individual built around the personality of a person has received specialized fictitious supervisor named Jim, art training in the or If a woman, Joan, but the su- of supervision. problems encountered by this All supervisors are urged to take pervisor are not fictitious. They are problems common to all su- advantage of these leadership pamphlets. pervisors at one time or another "dowl-in- g telling without antagonizing, out" subordinates, the question Pvt. David C In England of supervisors doing routine work, former Hillfielder, Is in the sore other Jr., Stephens, spots and many the with a technician Army Air technique of management. on the Corps in England now. He was emOf the 1800 supervisors at Hill Field and later was field, 1473, on Sept 1, had taken aployed learner instructor at mechanic in course one supervisor at least i.aininr The certificate offered to Logan22. prior to his enlistment r . employee whO( finish v all a three July - -- . |