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Show Hill Field Fire Shifetlie-Ga- r i ters " " ' " " Campaign Gets Underway Hill Field, Wednesday, Captain A. B. Wuuunaker Special Information Officer Public Relation Officer, Lieutenant Charles P. Mallory For 8pecil Smite For Special Projeeto Lieutenant Arthur Bernstein Major Robert Renfro EDITOR Staff Sergeant Ryland M. Thomason Associates Corporal Sylvester Adessa August Kettmann Base L. and Photographic Section Kinney Sergeant George The Hlllfielder la published weeny in trie interests of the military and civilian personnel of the Air Base, Ogden Air Depot and Ogden Air Service Command, Hill Field, It Is printed with the facilities Ogden, Utah, and is distributed free each Wednesday. Opinions expressed and througn the cooperation of The Ogden Standard-Examine- r. In this paper are those of the Individual writers and members of the staff, and , do not necessarily reflect the attitude of the army or of the commanding officer. It or published Is requested that articles appearing In Its columns be not without the express consent of the Public Relations Office at Hill Field. The War Department, receives material supplied by Camp Newspaper Service, SOS Bast 42nd Street, N. X. Credited material may not be republished without Service. from Newspaper permission Camp D. Gaell Mass . Sergeant Claude MeGraw Marge Fernimen Art and Photography Hill-field- er a ' '- Ration on Tires, Gas Is Based Sept. 29, 1943 EDITORIAL. SUPERVISION Staff Sergeant Wllbert B. Harvey are determined that before the sun sets on this terrible struggle, our flag will be recognized throughout the world as a symbol of freedom on the one hand and of overwhelming power on the other." Extract from address by General Marshall to graduating class at West Point, May 29, 1942. We On Loads Carried "Those who ride alone ride with mi 'Mnn't be the -piggywho goes to market all by himself are among the many remiuu slogans being used on posters and v...iiofina fm tho w MUlltlUO campaign which was launched last neiauuua week by Employe Civilian Personnel branch, tVio nffinial onenine of the campaign against "lone wolf" drivcaro tne oi numDer uw6"t ers, y loads of passengers has already to and from the field been reduced, according to Mrs. Laura T. Schiff, supervisor of rationing and transportation, who is TTtfio111 nv share-the-ri- de -- under-capacit- f As the Hillfielder went to press last night it was .learned that President Roosevelt had submitted to Congress for confirmation the promotion of Colonel Morris Berman to Brigadier General. We can think of no one more deserving of this signal honor than the commanding officer of the Ogden Air Service Command. To the new general, sincerest congratulations. Let's Sacrifice Together: Buy Bonds! As Hill Field nears the end of its current war bond drive, participated in by both civilian war workers and soldiers, it is not amiss to point out that in this one respect, all can sacrifice and share the burden alike. In supporting the third war loan, the soldier's dollar is just as valuable as the civilian's. And usually it is just as hard to spare. This is the point made clear by the memorable . m . . Of . self-deni- al . ......... - . . : 4. large-scal- ) Fire at Hill Field Since Chief Jensen Arrived No Serious Fire Prevention Is First in Importance Of Duties Outlined to Department; Personnel Now Numbers Over 100 Men wniei wimam j. Jensen'i ft. fighters approach the annual w Contact Drivers Prevention Week, Oct. 9 witlj y cars All drivers of clear conscience. are contacted and asked for their reason for not hauling more d Since .Jensen passengers. In some cases, gooa of men bit nine staff original reasons can be presented, but in in June, 1941, when he camei most cases drivers have merely Hill Field as fire chief, the dc forgotten to make application for iuw nassene'ers UDOn losing some partment has grown to more tlx of their old ones, according to Mrs. 100, and up to date no seriom fir' Schiff. has broken put here. j "Many drivers who persist in loads "Fire prevention ranks fint driving with don't realize it, but their passenger importance among our daily acW driving records have a direct bear ties," Chief Jensen said in C ing upon whether or not tire and lining the work of gas rationing is allowed them, Coordinating closely with OAi the rationing and transportation safety engineers, the firemen u authority explained. "In fact, these on the alert for hazard constantly records become one of the largest like the safety division, cam and, drivwhich factors in determining on a year-roun- d educational pre, ers are taking advantage of the one aware gram every keeping coupons allotted to them." the lurking danger of carelessnes The transportation unit is pre All firemen take part in a daft St v " .1 pared to assist both drivers in training' program whichawarekeesr finding passengers and passengers them up to "snuff" and I, Chnef William Jensen C in locating rides. Files of employes their full responsibility. rides are seeking kept acording Chief Jensen is no novice at tt to shift and address, in order that game. He and Willie those residing in the same area chief at the Si' now fire Hulse, can be placed in the same car. Lake City Army Air Base, we Records of employes working the two captains in Logan, Utt odd shifts and those residing in They had been firemen togetk small communities or in isolated at Logan for 17 years when the" locations are also kept current. received their appointments in IK over-all By getting the picture fire chiefs at Hill Field at of where the are lo Salt Lake City, respectively, j cated, arrangements can be workThere are approximately 20 at ed out for the majority of cases. Daily at Station No. 1 at all noun Located in the Employe RelaHillcrest hostesses are proving to Station No. 2, in the soldier1! te tions branch of Civilian Personnel section, the transportation service be a group of live wires, building racks area, is another group I is available to employes on both on the alert to aunt; up the morale of the dormitory firemenLike all depart day and swing shift Telephone calls.. city' fire statist folks in a big way. Continually ments, firemen from all extension is 237. alert to what Hillcresters would rush their equipment to large firr station is at ft. The like in a religious, cultural and so northf cial way, they have completed a "crash house" at the corner of the Ooerations bant program for each afternoon and Here are 12 men, especially treat evening of every day of. the week. to cope with crash landing! In the northwest recreation hall, AtrnlAriA fires. The Hillfielder has moved Strain fn or .jj a new office, constituting ;t under the leadership of Lera B. Chief Jensen picked ni Mves crew with such care that twelfth move this. year. It is now Imo rirnnrion whO OS in Warehouse 17, behind the Ci- Friedemann, the following program tu is carried out Hill Field are ft. each over week: to vilian Personnel building. watch 10:00! on the force. They have au Sunday Catholic Mass. The first issue was made up last Christmas in a small office in the Latter-da- y Saints, 11:00: Bible advanced to responsible pasiW rear or the theatre building. Space class, 1:00: Protestant. 2:00. and Vernen Swanger, Albert C W being limited, the and . Orrian K. Rich, ivs v t iu Hymn Sing and VesDern at 7:30. Base Headquarters. At the base Monaay Mending is done for the chiefs; Ben Benton, MorriM it Chard baus, was eauea in six different offices maie residents or tne dormitory in Kunz and Eldon O. in iour months. the afternoon. A sociai time is ion chiefs, and Lewis J. H"" Next move wn tn man wnaw tr senior inspector. ilCaU' held in the even in e. quarters building in June. It W.An there was no in" Tuesday Town Hall meeUnsr at " IOr a couple of issues in .ow. inis program varies from dis- In Although of the departs stopped the personnel . room 111. later mnved mn since i cussions on - tn w m ailU timely topics to book until uecemDf, then to room 100. Next stop.vif, g on the reviews and lecture. the Ogden Air Service,Cj-itinerary was room 222. 7:30 " At Wednesday a course in installations at Fortunately, the staff has man- Interior Decomtinm ant tArnt grown so rapidly that Chief JjJ -. aged to meet --nil- 1oli:M'inc3, move Furniture is being conducted by N. has had his hands full and still get out a paper of sorts. urner. additional firemen, "'"'.W Thursday Bridg Club at 10:00 and losing some a. m., and a Communitv ainir mt services and war "d" 7:30 p. m. The Hillcrest Council keeps a standing wquisttj and the Colorado Cluh aIba hM more recruits, as "1.120, their meetings on Thursday in this build his force to include As decided in their meeting Fri Friday at 7:30 n. m day evening, mpmhf.ro SchedtM tcrtammcnt. 2 recently organized in Saturdav SKVinct.?rmit05y area win "old both Every afternoon r- m..w Saturday ev.enin meetings to ion of Red will memDers, Sunday, Croas of regardless sewing v.i; tg on wun icia Dolen in charge. in Two weddings unuy 10 attend. u..e, 4 chapel t. Base the c Supervisor of Hillcrest Welfare VanK Hopkins P"1- 6:30 2. will be in charge of At Oct u recreation Unit No. 1 the is Edithe. Vogler will be married meetings and Charles E. Whiting u Graham, unit cl:. Will rlirpnt tK. .... Hancock oi OmaJ " inn suiters. Do,en. Ha Fleming, Lera Vivian Chosen at their last V Frances Miss winnie Hall, Ella Field employe formerly t Various eommittoo. -meeting were vMc.unn, " Langsdale, 1 "IZ. Erma Simpson and mel, Calif, will cursion In ' Memh.hT. ...- lIie uopner "yn. W. H. Harrison M. First state club h7--f ;fu.hn-2, with Sgt H--. lis tPB.lilv Inn....!Mrs. ,a . iLucille nii military wedding. nnu ntw mem' -oh and Mrs. Beulah Schaffer as . bers are invito Chaplain Jospn 3-- near-emot- t hand-picke- ; public statement issued by Charles Evan Hughes, former chief justice of the United States Supreme Court, who self-indulge- lire fighters directing the campaign. "Even though we're planning 10 v sponsor official campaigns period-lfnllwe're not going to ease up on these drivers between cam paigns," declared Mrs. Scruff, 'it demands constant checking and contacting and we can't stop unui every car has a full load." Spot checks of all cars carrying loads are being taken daily in connection with the campaign. License numoers or these cars and the type of gas ration being used are then filed with each driver's record. under-capaci- went one step further and urged civilians to emulate the practiced by our men at the fighting fronts in order "not only to win but to win speedily!" In one of the finest worded appeals of the war bond campaign, Mr. Hughes said: "Fellow Americans, despite the restrictions and sacrifices, these are thrilling days for the American people. We are thrilled by the successes of the war fronts; by the skill of our military leaders; by the stamina, fortitude and heroism of our fighting men in the air, on the land, and on the sea. from "Our heroes come from every walk of life from cities, villages farm, from factory, from offices and hamlets throughout our land north, south, east and west. Contrary to dismal predictions of past years, we have been breeding heroes. Young America once more has met the supreme test of valor and is vindicating and glorifying the American name. "We are thrilled by our achievements on the home front; by our amazing production and the countless helpful services of men and women. But we cannot afford to let our patriotic ardor evaporate in mere admiration and praise or in satisfaction with what has been done. "We must redouble our efforts as our armies, our air and naval forces, redouble theirs. We are now on the offensive on every front. We wish not only to win but to win speedily. We must provide a constant and increas-- . ing flow of the munitions, equipment, and supplies of all sorts that our fighting forces must have as they attack, as they invade, as they make the final push to complete success. "The cost is terrific. It inevitably increases as the intensity of the fighting increases. That cost must be met. It must be met by our dollars. No American whose heart is in our cause can permit himself to be at the expense of our brothers, our sons and grandsons, who are putting all they have at risk in our behalf. "We must save; we must invest. We must save and invest in war bonds. That is the best investment any American can make. It is the safest investment. It is an investment in the lives of our fighting men. II is an investment in the institutions we intend to preserve. It is an investment not only to speed our own essential war effort, but that of our intrepid allies. It is an investment in victory, and in the opportunities which peace will bring to a free people. Invest in war bonds.' Soldiers and civilians: It is our duty. We can do no ..fcss! ... .. : : modern the iignrang engines possessed by Bin tv with T)pnilf v Chint Uauii . Ram .. " nhnvA urnHuireii. la chnuin fire n j feldt and Elvas Brady, driver. Fortunately, the skill of Hill fw e has staved off any fire. fire ONE - Congratulations - A' -J nt ty am-"- t Dorm Schedule Is Now Complete fire-fighti- ng Varied Activities For Residents Provided ride-seeke- rs third 'Hillfielder' Moves Again . .. ... ) r L J j - Minnesotans Will ij Double Meetings Weddings rr For This - Tii. . i -- U'. J 9' ' " 1 If..) fficiate at both wedding ;. |