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Show 1 Wednesday 'QGXJG3 . . Sept. 22, 1943 Hill Field Bride .,, umimWW Ad&)hal f T Sports Fall, Winter Sport Sked f lHq. --- -- r f v v. r I guest of Phylls Holmes of Wlelrl and Hq. Squadron, OASC Rnnnlr. Mill ""S squadron .was saddened A marriage of much IrleresTIj learned that "Hell's Fri- that a T7. Tt.j. Sir n mascot. was its no longer and Pfc I James of bJ ( was due to the fact that he Material. Walterwere A y J They married t William with SSgt along weeks ago. . Series of Athletic P. Boyd, who was released from Pfc. Mary M, McDonald, the Army last week. However, this Reporter. Events Listed masanother secured squadron has cot, "Private Sparerlbs" by name, from the Hq. and Hq. Squadron For Sta. Hospital who was transferred Group flOTth Post WAC Headquarters - 81st Air Depot Sweeping eastward along w.i By Pfo. H. Salomon well houseIs he Trust company. canyon into the 31st Air Dei The Medical Detachment at tne broken gals! group bivouac area near Peten local Station hospital became the two officers and 10 enllji first unit on the field to omciauiy A visit that universally Utah, bv organize for winter sports with known personage, "Mr. Stork," was men oi tne aist tiq. and Hq. sqv the announcement this week of made at the Poulter household last ron ar.agea a mgm aicacn upon 93rd Supply, squadron and plans to form basketball, volleyweek yup, you guessed it . . . 2490th Truck company. Howevi ball, swimming, and bowling teams a robust and bouncing tnis simulated attack was far h to engage in open competition durbaby boy was the deiigntiui pacts being a surprise to the units ing the coming season. . . nsre hv 'Air. iort left said bivouac. Heavily manned out The Medics will compete unaer the were established on both highwi the Station hospital banner, and Cpl. William H. Poulter, althoueh no definite schedules of misses and haby are au aoing norm ana soutn oi the bivou contests have been drawn up, it nicely. . '. yeah man! area. In addition to the usual i is planned to take advantage of terior guard within the immedU CdI. Dale C. "Hunter has left this camp area itself the defenders hi the new gym racilities ior practice to sessions and matches, set up an elaborate communicatu squadron as of last weekofficertake in system Plavinar Coach over duties as warrant comprised or field phou In charge or tne program at tne Spokane, Wash. a mue oi wire. ana hospital will be Lit. L. K. Kimball, However, all their preparal the commanding otneer 01 tne Set. Keith E. Johnson and Sgt to no avail. In the confi detachment, and Sgt George Ver Claude McGraw have left for pre- - were caused by the swift Commando Hill Field well in known donckt, flizht training at Buckley Field, of the ovei sporting circles. The latter will Colo. Waiting to join these two tack, members act in the capacity or playing swell bovs is TSgt. Bernard A. outpost defenders actually each other in jeeps, coach of the basketball team. Rusche . , . Lots of luck boys and achasing small puppy frantically obi Candidates for the squads have "Keep 'Em Flying." its own tail. General assembly already been called, and in rewithin the camp ares sponse an enthusiastic group of Basketball sharpshooters, your sounded T avauaue men were mobl all about 30 men have signified their attention I This reporter to meet the 'invaders. Though intentions of participating. Play- would like please: to hear from all those 'T . ers will be drawn from the ranks tne many trucK and jeep of playing oil the ly ers turned on their lights of both enlisted men and officers, who are desirous will be team. There sauadron some of whom have , engaged in to the in formed on this field in tne ing their positions organized athletics before joining league smoke After and din of the not too distant future .and it is the armed forces. attacf had Commando cleared the man with each reauested that Until the facilities of the Hill ers had four prize priw Field gym are available and a basketball ability contact this re ers the captured commanding officer, t schedule for use of it can be porter in Barracks first and a staff sergea sergeant, planned, the respective squads of s: This squadron's of the 2490th Truck company, a athletes are planning to journey Bowling to Ogden where they will practice three- - teams got off to a swell one officer of the 93rd Sup in the Weber college gym. The start in the bowling ; league last squadron. The captives were quietly t first of these workouts was held Wednesday night in Ogden by last Friday night. takinsr over their opponents quite with a calf rope and loaded in The basketball five will be com' handily. The OASC team captained a weapons carrier. With smiles Artise Shupe, of Ogden, emfwhich fell from the bodice waist pletely equipped with maroon and by our first sergeant ran rough satisfaction upon having si white which are the shod over the 482nd Air Base team. fully completing their mission, ployed in Purchasing and Contract- Her veil was of the halo style and Medicaluniforms, colors. Detachment Headed by SSgt John J. Koden, invaders sped home to Hill was trimmed in seed The ing branch of Supply, became the bridal bouquet was of pearls. Outside Competition the OASC clerks trimmed the team with units of the 93rd Sup; orchids. bride of SSgt Rodney Saunders, not It at is known how present representing the Station hospital squadron in .hot pursuit. The bride was attended by Mrs. the Sgt. Wiley Noble, also of Ogden, in a recent y Max vitally and, problem transportation topping this rather victorious matron of honor, Parker, Report our excellent teams, was night by performed in the L. D. S. Lawrence Johnson was best man. will Hamper plans for but com that is It contests, the Medical the in handed defeat hoped SupLake Salt Temple Mr. Saunders to. join her City. petition with outside teams will ply contingent by the OASC 880th Guard Squadron Of white slipper satin, the gown husband, who plans has returned to be possible. worn by the bride was fashioned Esler Field, Louisiana, in the near Buglers with SSgt. Warren L. Taking the place of Lt Herb In order to round out its sched Larsen' in command. Top individuwith 4 full skirt and long train future. as commanding officer) ule, the Medical Detachment al score for the night was turned Rappold C Sigmon. The Ralph Capt to from ready acept challenges in by SSgt. William O. Wank him si welcomes ganisation on field. other units These who splattered the pins for a gaudy the any officer. should be addressed to the com- 222 score. BUI also was high man commanding manding officer of the Medical for 3 games with a neat 694. Close, Congratulations are in order Detachment on his heels was the three-gam- e First Sgt. Schaerer and Tech. total of 574 rolled by CpL Charles Seaboch. who have annooad E. Kuehn. Nice going boys and their dates. We wistt wedding . . . We sure are in the up it keep and long Twenty-fourt- h happy marriages. Street USO groove! see you'se 448 Twenty-fourt- h That's all for now Street Lt Harold T. Vinson retu " all next week. this week after 8 weeks of CpL Sal Ferrari, inor in th Provost Marshal WEDNESDAY, SRfTBMBBB S 9:00 p.m. "Hwt the Oan" Program, Direct From Hill Field. Truth Reporter. inc Center. Fort Custer, Mich. or Cfeaaequencea for All Benrle Mm and War Workers in Thla Aran. Main Recreation Han. M7th WAC Post Hq. Company Thn SsOth bowlers show THURSDAY, KIT BUSSES 9 Several flmt-rt-e 1:00 f Air Baa "Keep 'Km Flrlnc" Orchestra From HiU bowling teams nromise in this season's bowU. Members will this of nave Oeneral Danclns, Main Recreation HalL legistered thus far In the be hostesses at thecompany 10:0S Orcbantra Broadcast Orer Station KU, Courtatr aC anacial USO dance, league. civilian league which win open Same Saetloa. HiU Ftekl. October 2, at the USO Tuesday Bight, October S, at the Saturday, FBUDAT, OOTOBEB 1 . :00 p.m. Bub Patty, Daaoa, Rsnorts from a party gives Mala Raeraatloa Han. Mapleway alleys in Ogden, while club in Ogden. Our previous par1:30 p.m. Mbvlaa at Lajrtoa and Taylor Camp, "History I Mad at ties have a been this and and Mrs. Fielding m success, more to SSgt are away expected parti Night," With Jan Arthur and Charln Boyar. one also to is be. time last The expected very in tne enjoyable aeries. clpate BATVBDAY, OOTOBEB S WACs will be there en masse. D,"e Protram Ptannad by WAC at HIU Field. !:22 night kearlers out those Among after :30 p.m. Mori at Waahlagton "Htetory la Mad at NichL the championship is the supply Willi Jan Arthur and Trrae, Chartea Boytr. Sgt. Marie Zannetti wants to Congratulations to Pfc I team neaaea oy snarp-shootDale two fellows to a game TVuU. mwA ifia Kline D t:30 a.m. Lara Club, Bervtc Mtn'a Lounge. challenge Soon Lewis. after registering; his 3:00 Concert Hour With Sergeant Woody Olaoo, Main Racrtatkw handball in the gym. Don't all tails are not known to this tft team' in the league, Lewis ofered of 4 :55 P "- - Social Hour. Mala Recreation HalL but a wedding is "being plsssc s challenge to any other civilian turn out at once, fellows. 4:00 p.m. Sllhooette By Charlotte MeOrath, Serrlc Men's crew Loong. for the first game on opening TVS Beatrice 7 :oo p. m. Morla Travers is spendMONDAY, OOTOBEB 4TH night. ' B.30 p.m. Bingo Game, Service Men's Lounge: Qrand Prix, a Long- His challenge was accepted by ing her furlough in Boston, Mass. ft Ql U This For Med. Det. when day" This went it ... . ' f E-1- 5. Hi-lite- cere-mon- off-fie- ld Civilians Will Topple Pins At Mapleway I ... P-- . er p-- - 9:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. B OO p.m. Dletanc Call Home. Whlat and Pinochle Oamea. TIJEMDAY, OCTOBEB DTK swimming Party, Weber College Pool, for All Serrlc Mea and Hoeleeses; Oet Your Ticket at UBO Reception Deslu; Bring Your Own Suit If You Hare On. Race and Prise Will Highllxht the Krenlng WKDNr.MD.tY, OCTOBEB OTH OPA 8PKCIAL, Dance Are Rationed But Not Um Fun! Main Recreation Hall. Wall Avenue USO 8:30 10:00 8:30 9:30 7.30 8:3f 10:00 7:30 9:30 10:00 10:00 ll:0O 1:00 2:00 3:00 8:00 S:0O ll:0O M :00 9:30 10:00 10:4 :30 2660 Wall Avenue Operated for Nrgra Service Mea and War Production Markers Telephone) WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 29 p.m. Movie, "History Is Made at Night." p.m. Informal Singing. THI RSDAY, 8EPTEMBEB 30 p m. USO Clef Club Rehearsal. p.m. Games and Informal Dancing, Recorded Music. FRIDAY, KTIIER 1 p.m. Hobby Lobby, Please Check Hobby in Whlcu You'r Inter. ested at Information Desk. p.m. Bingo. g and Dance. Recorded Music. SATl'BDAY, OCTOBER p.m. Fireside Chat, Get Acquainted. p.m. Social Oamea. p.m. Washboard Gang. SI'NIIAY, OCTOBEB 3 a.m. Coffee Hour. a m. Leave for I he Church of Your Choice. p.m. Homes Hospitality. p.m. Don't Forget to Write Home. p.m. Gems From the Operss, Recorded Music pm. Tea, Senior Hostesses In Charge. p.m. Informal Singing and Games. p.m. Retreat. MONDAY, OCTOBER 4TH p.m. Social Games . p.m. Dane Music by Plser'a Hepcata TUESDAY OCTOBER STM p.m. 'Lesrn-- s New Game." p.m. "Bing-- a Whlie." WRDNEMOAY, OCTOBER WTH p.m. 'mstory I Mad at Nlgnt- ,- MK. ' p.m.-Sin- t ' rea uaae - in Denau or the ma- T Maude F, Mackey spent three in Salt Lake City as the chine services team which he heads. Budde reports that his men aays are in good condition and stand ready to accept all challenges. Leading the first maintenance team that entered, the Planning live, is ranK uninger whose high average nas long made him a triple-threWork will start this week on kegler. The boys will start 'em rolling six regulation slse tennis courts. at seven p. m.,' the alleys having to be built in the area south of been reserved from then until new gynuiasium, for the use y the or all Ogden Air Service Com each Tuesday night Teams interested In mand military personnel, it w should do so immediately entering at the disclosed early today by the Spe recreation unit, Employee Rela- cial services section. tions branch, extension 8315 and In addition to the tennis courts 8316. contracts have been let to cover the entire recreation grounds with a fine coating of asphalt Not only will this eliminate the heavy dust, Hillcresters Plan but it will provide for better foot Hard Time ing on the outdoor basketball, Overalls and aorons will ha volleyball, badminton and Softball donned by Hillcrest residents for areas. the "hard times" dance befn anon. sored by the Colorado club y WAC UNIT REDESIGNATED evenling, Oct. 1 in the east The WAC unit stationed at Hill wins; recreation hall. Field is now known as the tOTth Funds raised bv the affair will Women's Army Corps Poet Head be used to purchase small conquarters company. Army Air veniences for the Hillcrest dlsnen- - Forces. It was formerly the tSTth rsnsary, according tto recreation Women's Army Auxiliary Corps, WItCMUs, rest Headquarters eompaay Work Starts on Tennis' Courts at nine-thirt- Party Fri-da- . Post Movies WEDNESDAY-THURSDA- Y SEPTEMBER 0 "Best Foot Forward Lucille Ball Virginia Weidler and Orchestrs Harry JamesOCTOBEB 1 FRIDAY, Coo a for Kingdom "My Charles Coburn Isabel Elson Chapman Marguerite OCTOBER SATURDAY, "The Fallen Sparrow-MaureO'Hara John Garfield Walter Slezak 29-3- en SUNDAY-MONDA- Y OCTOBEB t-- 4 . A Lady Takes a Chancr . Jean Arthur John Wayne Charles Wlnnlngcr TUESDAY, OCTOBEB "Fired Wife" Robert Paige Diana Barrymore Louise Albritton TyCDNECTAY-TiniRS- O' UtlVui'a "Wlnteftun" Henie gonja Oekls Jack Cesar Romero |