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Show Dig, Dig, Dig er Here; O.D.'sAre Order of Day Wed Sept. 29, 1943 Ceremonies Honor Hill Field Soldiers . Class A's Only Issue Worn Off the Field t V "tf f .A? a : i 11 CITED FOR HEROISM . . . 1 Above, at impressive ceremonies, Hill Field Monday evening honored Sgt. Hessenflow, Staff Sgt. Capel and Tech. Sgt. Capel, brothers, for their heroism. The men are shown above, left to right, in order as named, together with Colonel Fator, commanding officer of the Army Air Base at Hill Field, and Lieut Colonel Martin, base executive officer. 7 s )i m Field's Heroes Earn Medals (Continued from Page One) truck into the wind away from the other aircraft The explosion had blown open the seam in the gasoline truck trailer; the front truck was loaded with gasoline. The two Capel brothers, mem bers of the refueling crew who had been assisting, quickly donned asbestos suits and ran after the burning truck. While the gasoline flamed and periodically exploded, the Capel brothers jumped onto the moving vehicle and managed, after several attempts, to uncouple the gas truck from the burning trailer. All three emerged from the fire without injury. In a letter of commendation for the soldier's bravery Col. F. D. Lynch, commanding officer of the Air Base at the time of the heroic action, wrote in part: Letter of Commendation "Your heroic act coupled with your strict devotion to duty and outstanding good judgment, saved several aircraft and buildings within the vicinity from probable destruction, and saved several thousands of gallons of aviation gasoline." A complete description of the men's actions was sent the commanding general of the Air Serv ice Command with recommenda tions that the Soldier's Medal be ' RECEIVE SOLDIERS MEDAL . . Colonel Fator is shown pinning the Soldier's Medal on the breast of Sgt. Hessenflow, standing with the two Capel brothers, who received the Soldier's Medal. t'rofifram Slated for Friday Night AJSU C7 Songs and Dance Acts Feature Who Goes There' "Who Goes There," a USO camp how including singing, dancing, and comedy, will be presented to Hill Field soldiers free of charge at the Little Theatre this Friday, awarded. The Capel brothers, Robert and Thomas, are at present hangar chief of the transient hangar and chief supply sergeant, respectively. Their home is at Council Bluffs, Winter came unofficially to Hill order from Field yesterday with the CommandCol. Lilburn D. Fator, Base, that ing Officer, Airmy Airhereafter. O.D.'s must be worn While on post either Class A, Clas B, or Class C uniforms may be worn, but Class A is mandatory when leaving the post. Under the orders an olive drab wool muffler may be worn with either the overcoat, raincoat, or field jacket; sweaters may be worn under the service coat or field visible, and jacket but will notbebeworn as an at no time will outer garment; and no civilian decorations or jewelry, watch apchairs, handkerchiefs, etc., will nor pear exposed on the uniform on will pencils or pens be exposed the Class A uniform. By Class A uniform is meant olive drab issue, blouse, and either olive drab or khaki shirt. Low-ccommercial pattern shoes may be worn when not in formation, and overcoat, raincoat, and overshoes may be worn during inclement weather. The Class B uniform is approxithe Class A mately the same as expect that the O. D. shirt and G. I. shoes must be worn. Raincoat field jacket and overshoes are authorized. The Classs C uniform is the fatigue uniform, either one or two pieces. The field jacket, and fatigue hat or mechanic cap may be worn. Maintenance Tops Nation iv urn asm in "jjw J FROM A COFFEE CAN . . . Comes Mrs. Alice Stockman", A Warehouse One worker, Mrs. SbJSj d. new coins, .., n new COing mJ .s also operates a umvuw, bond-boun- through the cash register end up in the homey IBM f two-poun- 2 d 1 " 7 1 1 S: (Continued j FROM WAY BACK . . . Opal Swsnson, typist in Branch I, fori mwrA mil nunnloi miiI diniM fthsi rjimn her wmv. Tut the thea time to . return war. loan drive, came during the third 1 CJ.Ll.J mm w. .1 I t vuuu xi uiii Hr inu oca Circulation. ADOVe, BUB purouwiuB cmei OI israncn iwo, snroperty Accoumuig. ... . V V I I 4? B-2- ed ue Dorms Planning 2 Movies Weekly WW 1 U '1 from Page One) for this condition. One is a temporary slump in a department while new streamlined system of pro duction is being set up. Another is a lack of available equipment needing overhaul and repair. A third is a shortage of available workers. These represent physical deficiencies temporarily out of the immediate control of the Ogden Air Service Command. A fourth factor that at present limits production here at Hill Field as compared to the other control depots is the limited development of some of our installations. Plans for the enlargement of certain de partments are approved, and con' struction work is already in prog ress on some of them. The total production picture is already extremely pleasing. The present goal, says Col. Hil- lery, is a bomber a day in the 4 line. An engine every 40 minutes in engine repair. Instrument Repair has tipped Its turnout 700 per cent in the oast 14-d- ay til"" ' " 1 rs aircraft ' well-kno- Commercial Pilot Courses Continue out-arg- j ut Iowa. Sgt Hessenfiow's home is Oct 1, at 8 p.m. in Kansas City, Ma He. is now so days. In the USO cast will be Peggy foreman of the alert crew. The record in electrical items. Stewart, "Senator" Murphy, Marian tarter, and generators over hauled and repaired, is superlative. Oliver, and Bob Easton & Co. The records set by the reoair Peggy Stewart, singer, has been In show business five years, after oepartment for parachutes and flying clothing is another bright studying music at Boston universpot. sity and the American Academy at New York. She has sung at the The first section of the course Engine Repair branch stood first in the Air Service Command in Hotel Weylln in New York, taught been enthusiastically re production dancing in an Arthur Murray stu having officials last week an tion of man-hou-and efficient utilizaavailable. It is dio, was a Harry Conover cover ceived, for the continuation understood nounced are- verv" that rejects girl, and has appeared in "I Mar- of the plans . . commercial-pilo- t ground jow aue to gooa ried An Angel" and "Knickerbock course workmanship and offered of free charge being er Holiday." all officer and civilian person inspection. "Senator" Murphy is a comedy to Production line methods and en. net. Orator and expert on Class work for the second half thusiasm of the personnel account for these everything in general and nothing was and underway immediately follow' every eiiortaccomplishments, in particular. He calls himself "the is to made being with meet announcement the man who can set anybody." ing reach the for oroducttan goals both held Mon Thursday and Marian Oliver, classified as a ings in each branch deDartment nt day evenings in room 109, Post me Maintenanceand tap dancer, varies her original schools. division. tyle and does not depend on techStreamlined and consolidated to nical dance steps alone. Four years stu In show business, she has appeared fit the needs of part-tim- e at Chicago's Chez Paree, in Dave dents, the course is being spon Apollon's Review, and toured with sored by officials of Weber col Benny Meroffs "Funzafire" for lege, CAA, and Hill Field. Comand 10 months. plete lessons in Bob Easton A Co. consists of a engine maintenance, So successful has been the week' theory of with boy and girl dynamics and civil aeronautical ly showing of movies in the monologuist He has played with regulations are Included. dummy. tory area that plans are now beAccording to Capt Thaddeus B ing formulated to sponsor the Vaughn Monroe, Charlie Spivak Glenn Gray, the Andrew Sisters, Bruno, chief, Training and Oper showing of movies twice each ations section, those officers and week, according to Edithe H. Graand Jimmy Dorsey, civilians who were unable to at ham director of the dormitory tend lessons during the first half Welfare and Recreation ntn CHURCH SERVICES may register and attend the Another more than - capacity now being held. Semi crowd filled the East At the Protestant church services classes instruction is given each ation hall last Sunday Wing recreweekly evening for t Post Chapel on Sunday, Oct, Monday and Thursday evening be the third of the weeklv hnu,in.. tween and with six the will cele be Communion m., 3, Holy eight p "ZJL1 0pd that P,ans the ferated in conjunction with the course taking about six weeks to showings can be comfor complete. this pleted world-wid- e coming week, Miss communion service, ob Graham stated. erved by all Protestant churches Home After Furlough Films and equipment used are Captain W. O. Earl of the labor pool. Waren the first Sunday in October. "nu operated by Victor "Z:. Catholic services will be held at house has returned from Mlllward, dormitory 19, 5 leave spent in h home 8 and 12 a.m, by Chaplain Philbin a U P ii?n the town, Detroit, Mich. Mi Oct 3. VliH WUIIVJj, self-admitt- - FROM A SOCK "1 ... The t wy 0 f. brought ew 5B third war loan drive out Here Virginia Marchese, typist in Engine Inspection, ance, digs into an old sock for enough wampum to buy anotl to beat the axis. Closing the deal is Staff Sergeam rrco who is very happy to do so. A Bond Drive Shifts EmpW Accent Pay Deduction Plans (Continued from Pago One) , .a change in temporary bonds are of vital importance. In Thus, no one may this way it is possible to estimate dormitories as the w Bonds may oe the future revenue from hnnd nur- nanraiM' . " are chases so. that an integrated fin ancial program may be workea out. rather than denend unon han. hazard cash purchases. Major Renfro reported that a ten per cent oav reservation for bonds together with other deduc tion would, in the case of mosl employes, still leave more than the base pay. In other words, all deductions would be paid out of me overtime pay and not toucn the base nav at which nrnrken hired. Minute Men at Work Minute Men hnva In that mmm. sion two forms for the pay reserva tion campaign. One is for those who are making a pay reservation for bonds for the first time. me other is for those who wish to increase the amount of their deduction. , In all cases the forms must be d or typewritten. In addition to other pertinent informa- in hand-printe- tion, employes must their clock number. All paygivereservations Or- inrrnn.o. v. V BV ClUW" live at least one pay period in advance of the date on which the forms are made out. Addresses used for the pay reser vation plan must be permanent ones, in order that bonds may be properly delivered in the event of ... VW . or w neither. Married wow their own given "am.. si -- co-own- er, I n mt : - - ample, Mrs. Mary o Robert Brown. As of septemoer is 42.7, . 4.8 while only Ji Pr the purcnase oi reach the minimum nu tSTJ.i ' above percentages m putting th",lout,d- Many currently employ 1 pay tags of their via the into bonds, tion plan. Three field are . James,1 r. .-- m- - mm pelf JT higbe B. re Tun 4 Ml V , , a ffS Alst ... .irPost So J mpven meeov" g from JJrosWj were r instructors Weber college Post Schools to ing program here, f1",-- ) .jsr main for about Composing the JRicr McCormac, Weber. wBg t BJ Vandenberg. astWJ i U.S.A.C.; ierr r bVa, A.C; Garth Fred Chriatensen, a Marwood Layton, W'0" m |