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Show ae- -. nofence Contest to Select War WorQmeeiii Candidate to Compete for State Honors 3h Holy Start ayg t Sundown -- Hill Passes for fecial Held, Ogden, Utah All Through the Day fgaldiersof f Faith nsbrew Wednesday. Sept. 29, 1943 Urge Safety Ideas &uunuiwu lit 'Suggestion9 Boxes Lrfd personnel of Jewishpasses to obSfHlgH Holy days, which at sundown. Base announced. .r.i. throp.Hav neriod. 2S I1", 5g S ment, on Titles of Miss Ogden Air Service Command and Miss Utah War Queen plus an paid vacation trip to Hollywood, the nation's movie ty officer. and a screen test at Above ail, the Important thing capital, one of the larger cinema is to get it in the hands of someone who can do something about studios that may result in a it e motion picture con and of the : year the Jewish h orayer and calendar, opens worship, ending October 9. the nasses for the purpose of .fotoa tVmf T issued for a jyesrtandgreetings joyous year extended to all on Hill Field 'V rrhipUin Karl A. Tubesing, 0f QASO Chaplains section. Win services in the vicinity gait Lake City and Ogden only. '. facilitate departure and return, may be timed to extend t nasses nnnn Wednesday. Sept. 29, ja 8 am Saturday, Oct. 2, ana w o noon Friday, ucu e Oct. lo. Sunday, jt itimnorAments can also be made lodging and a "Erev to Tor meal by contacting laplain Karl A. Tubesing, OASC Wnimrters. Hill Field, or Victor Qmutter, USO, Jewish Welfare tod, 205' E. First soutn, salt Lnnl Approve Elephant Car Brake Funds 'f i-a- Tl. -- l T..;i.i: Located since August 1 in house just off the park brand - ing lot,newHill Field's Employment occupying the middle third branch, are i of what generally was known as Ortstdo-xthe clock house, now finds itself with of room to operate on Nine am. and brandplenty (September 30 new employes. Directing wen p.m. Robert O. Stafare Capt. things Nine a.m. and seven ford and genial Henry Schueller, (October 1 civilian supervisor. October 8 Seven p.m. After receiving authority from lOetober 9 Nine a.m. Civil Service Commission, an the JUt Lake City Congregation employe seeking work here reports 255 . Flore, South Third m o 'ike Citv. immediately. Scheduled services for CongregaBrith Snolom, xwenty-sevem- n as follows: Grant, Ogden, t . - , Grunert, Farnham Wed in Minnesota jOrtfcodMJ Eight a.m. and j October 1 Eight a m. and seven Recently married in Northfield, was Miss Katherine E. GruMinn., October six p.m 19 a.m. and tne Oelohsr 9 TT.itrVif nert, program director oi Reverend m was The groom in Ogden. 2HWm 24 Temple B'nai Israel, Darrel M Farnham. pastor of the imbw eui,, salt . . .Lake city. Congregational church of Ogden. ml. qwmocr .(w mignt p.m. The ceremony was periormea oepu at Northfield, Minn. 4, wtober us, and eight After a short honeymoon to Riv30 1. t-- Ten Wisconsin, and Minneapo lis, Minn., the couple returnea w Ogden, where they will make their home. er Falls, am. ight Couple Is al . Employment Branch Now Has Plenty of Room for Its Work over-nig- j October the registration desk, Employ- ment branch, where he states his job preference, signs out as part of the induction procedure, When the forms are properly prepared, special interviewers determine the job he can fill best and, depending on vacancies, sign him up on the spot, final accept ance depending on results of the medical examination. His papers are then coded and a clock num ber is assigned. Returning from the medical examination, the employe is given a fingerprint chart and reports to Identification unit, also located in the clock house, for prints and you know the kind. picture When this is done he reports back to Employment branch, receiving his time card and employment card. Mr. Schueller points out that his branch has some of the oldest employes on the post old in service, not years. Some of them came here over two years ago. Recalling humorous incidents, Mr. Schueller likes the one about the employe who called up asking for a Mr. OADCAC because he had received a wire a day or two previous signed BERMAN, OADCAC. Some advantages in the Employment branch, in case anyone is interested in a reassignment, are as follows: (1) One can beat it out at 4:02; (2) one can beat it In from parking lot in 15 seconds weather-beate- n flat; (3) one is not on arrival, thus eliminating Malor Earl A. Web ster of this station was appointed officer to exercise IV nitary wedding held reclamation of used PWGeiwr Field chapel, Spo- -. eontrol over shipments area. this in activities oil from Mill Beverlv - .. Bre.ulhn.Lr jj . Vm lulmnwnt Second Lieut Tom Y. Stephens, A. C, has been tne assigned to duty witn 482nd Base nisnrfvantaares: (1) One section of the was suss oriae WrLt nf .. . in a mile for a CameL walk Hq. and .4. B. 4 "Jite of Geiger Field was best O . 17J nMMiitlv 1 -tions ,e m. C.er Getting a lirL ..he ceremony. had been em-her present office since 1942. She is a naduats . (hrfA. i i ign scnooi. CJ in U t at 20 V rtn room fcwitxi. "a"n,n8toa Bin., ocdn, lob.. .Is Hard Work contact PDOinK r.M. cm. s ur" i ... of Major Bdwln KXFOBE Mquartrih ftuy n Cf.Wlk I! A! .. ft I LW. ripPfrtV AssignmenU "3 OASC were Second Rowley ... I I Section. MVlntMi.HA Man. 4. , .. Francis T. new employ linger, prospective door approaches jMmtlr Lt. Jay t BTamm' - - 7',-- w 41' tract! That's the prize, and ceri tainly one well worth compete ing for, being offered young women employes of the OASC in competition with beauties from 15 other government and private war industries throughout the state of Utah, it was announced today by; Col. John S. MacTaggart, chief, Personnel and Training division. The contest, being held In connection with the "Work and Win" week, starting Monday, Oct. 11, will be climaxed on the following day, when final contestants will be paraded down the streets of Salt Lake City to the employ ment service office where actual selection and crowning of the queen will be made. Idea behind the "Work and Win" theme is to focus public attention upon importance of individual effort in solving problems of industrial production vital to g. the war need and to civilian It is designed to spur pro duction of coal, copper and other products essential to the state and nation. Civilian personel officers of the Ogden Air Service Command and Hill Field army air base have been notified to give all interested the opportunity to compete for honors. Each unit of each section has been invited to enter a candidate for the contest. Basis of Selection All candidates will be chosen oA the following basis: physical charm, personality, talents, neatness in dress, personal appeal and good record in her work. All unit heads entering contestants must have the young hopeful's name submitted at once to the "nploye Relations section. branch, Civilian Persr-n- el From these candidates each section, such as Maintenance, Supply, Utilities, OASC headquarters. Base headquarters, Civilian personel, etc., will choose one to three finalists whose names must be submitted by tomorrow noon. Method of selecting section finalists will be left to the officer in charge. Final judging xr be held in the Base theatre with remaining candidates representing the various sec tions - the Ogden Air Service Command. Judges will be five members of the Hill Field Pioneer club. An appropriate float is now un der construction in which the queen of OASC will appear during the Salt Lake City festivities. well-bein- Enlisted Men Can Now Exit via West Gate " viY..g;.pnone NriMMi Vn U : ' rlMn. section. Bniidins Tr Tn;, ed tlm.tal -- of "rea- - about three n- - U- - Hou.mnn. G newly-organiz- Carn'r bjr Qrace V?Un "? ,apphJr C1". (w aS?l0," "Ct ( . Funds sufficient to cover the installation of complete braking systems in the elephant train cars being constructed in Post school shops were approved by members of the Welfare Council at their meeting last week, according to A. B. Asay, secretary of the group. Approval of the expenditure was given following receipt of a re quest from Lit. Col. Edward M, Lee, chief of Ordnance section, who heads the Transportation committee. Major Robert R. Renfro, Employe Relations officer and custodian of the funds, recommended approval of the allotment. One of the cars has already been completed by trainees of the welding shop. The balance of 19 cars is expected to be completed at the rate of two each week, Colonel Lee stated in his request. Cost of equipping each car with suitable brakes will amount to $100. Plans previously considered called for the outright purchase of either additional elephant trains or light buses, .after completion of the "trial" car last week, however, it was decided that the construction of necessary cars could be handled in the school shops as a training project. Work on the cars is being supervised by Gene Larson, of Post schools,' while the automotive material and technical assistance Is being received from the Ordnance First Lt Robert G. Assigned Carpenter, Signal Corps, reported to Hill Field Sept. 17, was as signed to the Signal Section, Head' quarters, OASC. New Daddy Employed in the Air Cargo Detachment, at Salt Lake City. J. Roger Fechser is the proud father of a baby boy must born last week. wmmm At Hill Field hilUHit. Expect to Build Two Per Week At Post Schools' LONG LINES . . . Formed at war bond booths placed at strategic locauuns around tne iieia. Saturday tne liuuielder photographer caught the above anxious bond buyers in the lobby of the Civilian mm .September all-expe- nse big-tim- ?L.TMt 7 Queen to Win Hollywood Test Any safety suggestion concerning either an individual job or a general activity on the base should be written in detail and dropped in one of the suggestion boxes located in convenient areas on the field, it was made known by Capt. Robert R. Afflick, safe- h Hash-Ona- m Bosh Miss Utah War Employment Section fer aaytw". ... mmm fcegged dew- He - I" to a oe dnt reckoned ea S".itiMn aM this ', ' 4 iMaggBMeii AFTER . . . The ordeal ef ob taining a Job and filling out paper forma has proved almost too nrach and Francis, ao longer prospective, looks rather frayed as we see him leaving. The Job is wa. Enlisted men will be permitted to use the west gate at Hill Field either on foot or when riding with commissioned officers, it was announced by First Lt. Harold Vinson, Base Provost Marshal. Since the opening of the new west road, access to the west gate has been restricted to mil tary pervehicles and sonnel, military trucks. On Leave The following leaves of absence have been granted: Second Lt. Jack B. Davis, this station, granted 13 days effective about the 24th of Sept, and Major Robert G. Killiam, this station, granted 18 days effective about the 27th of Sept. |