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Show Section Two 1948 Thursday, June 3rd, AiKKDLrbtoma tun aUTHMOit hbyic home economics FARM andHOMEfc (90) Sf5PKs Z, Local and Social News Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Cox left this week for Miles City, Montana where they will make their home. Mr. Cox has been employed by the Bureau of Land sj jjiT1"' fwHntlnl Mrs. Cox has been Management. unTwo visiting in Nephi as euests of Mr. club girls entered their 4 Cull out poor producing and Mrs. Ed. P. Cox for the past fat baby beef in the Millard Coun- its. ty Junior Livestock show recently 5 Pasture crops, the yield from! month. not Voneal held at Delta. pay harvesting Ingram of which will Edward was in Logan Friday Mills entered a baby beef and won where he received his diploma a choice ribbon, and Phyllis Inb Kaise leea, wnere practical, from the Utah State. Aericultural gram's project calf graded good. instead of purchasing it. Dean Howard of Mills is the H 7 Reduce trips to town tor sup College. Agricultural Club leader. plies. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Wright and 8 Substitute machines for hand three children were Fountain Before long the average flock labor where practical. Green visitors Monday. owner will be bothered more or 9 Buv necessary supplies in Mr. and Mrs. less by broody or setting hens. In advance of need, and in quantity were in Moroni Neldon Cloward Sunday visiting the old days, when most chicks lots, possibly by pooling needs with relatives. were hatched and brooded by hens with ether farmers. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Shaw had this condition was appreciated. But 10 Reduce depreciation by as guests over the week-en- d now that chicks are hatched in keeping buildings and equipment Mr.their and Mrs. Mack Dow and three incubators and raised with brood- in good repair. 9-10- 1112 sons ot Tooele, Mr. and Mrs. Hal 11 Eliminate unnecessary cul- McCune, and Mr. and Mrs. Maurers, the hens responsibilities have been changed to laying eggs, Dr. tural operations and practices. ice Sales of Salt Lake City, Mr. Lawrence Morris, Utah State Ex12 Seek ways of reducing in- and Mrs. William Starr and famtension Poultryman points out. surance premiums and taxes. of Hiawatha. Broodiness is an inherited char13 To avoid wasteful methods ilyMrs. Delbert Bench and children acteristic and is passed from par- give more attention to livestock of Salt Lake City visited for the ents to offspring. A hen is out of feeding. week with Mrs. J. N. C. Pex-to14 To prevent spoilage provide past production from two to several weeks at each broody period. Un- proper storage facilities for Mrs. E. F. Baldwin. Mr. and der present condition of high feed Mrs. John Christison of Salt Lake costs and moderate egg prices, Mrs. Phyllis Martell and son Howard City HORSE FOR SALE broody hens are not considered Bill and ' Miss Jessie Stephenson money makers, so should be culled Taylor, Levan, Utah phone 367R1 of Helper were guests of Mrs. P. from the laying flock. P. Christison on Monday. Records show that When hens New 12 ' hardwoood Iruck beds After the oast six go broody once, they cease to be with hardwood side racks, $130.00. months in spending Provo at the home of profitable as egg producers. If a Bows and tarpolian $30.00 extra. his daughter and son in law, Mr. producer doesn't want to sell his Contact J. B. Jenkins or phone M ,rol rf hens at the first broody period ( he 147J. Grace to has returned Nephl and on their leg should place a band M. is visiting with his daughter and or clip their tails, to mark them son in law, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy as first offenders. If a first ofOstler. fender again goes broody she is Mr. and Mrs. Earl Robinson of definitely a cull and should be Payson were guests of Mr. and disposed of. Mrs. Farrell Dogulas on Monday. The extension poultryman gives Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ellertson and On Thursday afternoon, teachers the following suggestions on the family Mrs. Lauren and school members of Juab school of Provo, care of broody hens: Onnwnn n4 DaKai Hllnn" f Colt 1 Remove them from the X' Y 1 i district and their partners enand either cull or lock them in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Alton joyed a steak dinner in Salt Creek canyon. Eighty people enjoyed the broody coop at first signs of Ellertson. WEDNESDAY 10 A M AND the event. broodiness. Mr. and Mrs. Brent D. Hall and 2 If they are kept, give them Miss Elizabeth Stanley is visiting Mrs. Carter of Salt Lake City visof mash and fresh M as the FRIDAY plenty in Lovell, Wyoming P laying guest in Nephi Friday. water. of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and ited Miss Joy Paxman is enjoying a 3 Place a band on a leg, clip Mrs. Nylen Allphin. y vacation in Salt Lake City their tail or mark them in some SATURDAY distinctive manner before they are Wayne Nielsen of Provo is visit- visiting with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. George Ingram returned to the laying flock. ing for a short time at the home 4 Cull immediately, all sec- of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. and family of Lehi, Mr. and Mrs. Dillon Frazier and family of ond offenders that go broody. David Nielsen. Snrinrville and Mrs Frnetinr V Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Hoyt and Vest of Salt Lake City were guests Especially in these days of high Isaac Grace of Provo, and Mr. and of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Foote over cost, it is just as important to Mrs. Max Cloward of Garfield vis- - the week end. watch operatine exDenses of the ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mockli and farm as it is to give attention to J. L. Fowkes. family visited with relatives in G. Alvin production Preston, Idaho Sunday and Mon- practices, Nielsen, Kent Ellertson day. Carpenter, Utah State Extension andGrant Neldon been who have Stanley Miss Mildred Jones and Miss Marketing specialist, cautioned toattending the U S A C for the past Barbara Jones returned home on day. Each item of expense should school home. have returned year, be carefully scanned and no unSaturday from Logan where they were students at the Utah State necessary expenditures authorized or assumed ( he advised." Agricultural college in Logan for OVER A MILLION PEOPLE the past winter. Reduction of operating expenses EVERY DAY. ENJOY can be accomplished in a number SOFT WATER THE CULLIGAN Mrs. Mary A. Park of Murray is visiting in Nephi with relatives of ways, local conditions being a WAY ror two weeks. contributing factor. Mrs. Ruth White of Salt T aln The extension specialist gives Mrs. Josephine N. Bates, Adthe following suggestions:, City was a guest at the home of Mr. PROBATE and GUARDIANSHIP ministratrix of the Estate of Hor1 Plan programs so that laband Mrs. Victor Jones. NOTICES. Consult County Clerk ace Lyman Bates, Deceased. Mrs. Fred Wessel was in Nenhi or, work animals, tractors and imor Respective Signers for Addit- David A. West, 405 Dooly me ween ena.. plements are employed to the best ional Information. Bldg, Salt Lake City advantage. 2 Put equipment in good work Attorney for Administratrix NOTICE TO CREDITORS Dates of publication: May 13, 20, ing order in advance of its use, and then operate properly to reEstate of Horace Lyman Bates, 27 and June 3, 1948. duce repairs and service outlays. deceased. Creditors will present 3 Select fertilizers of a kind GARBETTS are exclusive disclaims with voucheras to the unBeauty that will provide required ingreddersigned at Callao, Utah on or tributors of ients at a minimum cost per unit before the 14 day of Juy, A. D. Products for East Juab County. of required plant food value. 1948. UTAH Page One jaar 4-- H TRAWBERRY PAYS Whenever you need 4-- PAINT PLEASANT GROVE JUNE FOUR BIG NIGHT CO. BAILEY-M'CUN- E raj CAW. S-u- ,!!! m fig n. 8:30 P. MONA NEWS FOUR PARADES nestsi;".. ""J7" 6PM n.. M Exact Matches Correlated Contrasts in Every Interior Paint Finish MARTIN -- SEHOUR COMPANION j COLOR SYSTEM aT ,-T- m shows you how lo use color In paint lor modern interior, and exterior home decoration. . 6 6PM 10-da- FIVE MAJOR RODEO EVENTS FIVE FEATURE ACTS EACH NIGHT I 6 "r 1 1 TELLS HOW TO PAINT F ASTIR, EASIER, BETTER? Chock full of painting hints end tricks . . . The easy way to paint Decorating hints ." . How to select colors! PAINTING HINTS BOOKLET COME IN FOR YOUR COPY! Susie Co. NEPHI MT. PLEASANT MANTI .SHOP AND SAVE IN NEPHI Improved BoDsSeirvke r to Salt L cscie City and rovo a .a r t k . r. x- a ,t . . - ar - mw . GOING RETURNING (Read Down) 11:45 A. M. o Whatever iti birth date . . . your car will live a longer life if you regularly drain out old oil and Oil Plate with Conoco N'. And here' the reaaoo why. The moment N Motor Oil (Patented) enters your engine, a special added ingredient fastens an extra him of lubricant so closely to metal that cylinder wails and all working I d parts are literally Oil-Plate- Ctrr1". t ) C'eetlenrMl (Ml ( ompenr This protective Oil-Piatin- o stays right up there . . . won't all drain down to the crankcave, even with your engine idle over night! ts That's why N' Motor Oil extra-protec- starts combustion from metal-eatinacids . . . from sludge and carbon due to wear! So, for full-timprotection . . . for more miles per quart, make a date now . . . from . . . "dry-friction- " g e .. to OIL-PLA-TE ... airy iwtf as a breeze-swep- t garden touched with delicate detail, Nannette's Summertime Babe and Toddler frocks. Pretty as can be in fabrics cool as a frosted float! NANNETTB Start at Babes and Tcxtdlrrs from 9 mot to Sire 3 1.98 CHRISTENSEN'S INC. NEPHI 8:50 A. M. 10:10 A. M. Never too late . . (Read Up) Ar. Ar. PROVO SALT LAKE CITY Ar. 7:25 P. M. Lv. 6:05 P. M. Lv. 4:30 P. M. CALL YOUR LOCAL AGENT FOR OTHER SCHEDULES PHONE 264 BUS DEPOT CARTER'S CAFE 57 North Main St. |