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Show 1 THE Thursday, June 3rd, 1948 TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S, MONA NEWS LEVAN NEWS Ik 4 ' Single ply garden hose will deliver as much water as ordinary - 8inch hose, yet is so light that a child can handle it Built only of rubber and strong cotton cords - no plastics. Will withstand eight times aver- age city water pressure. While It Lasts! fLQ 25 feet for only PRUNER HOSE COUPLINGS 49c 35c set HOSE NOZZLES HOSE MENDER 5- Small whirling LAWN SPRINKLERS GARDEN TROWELS and DIGGERS - . til " - -- Ml Ml i i AS YO J V sty FEET 11 V cushioned . Ul .Til J . IJ . A 777 .1 SWORDSMAN I op lined at Lad, lieei and arch, V steef arch support PRATT'S I SUMMER SERVICE A(T SAT.TT cated on 5th south 4th west Contact James H. Ellison. lo PIECE SLACK SUITS SKIRT SLACKS I BLOUSE AND JERKIN Kaffording many different changes . . Wear them sepor in combination arately & of two or three pieces. iThese Suits would regularly sell at $19.75. 9 SPECIAL PURCHASE PRICE 13.95 Sizes I 14-16.- 18 5 I Exclusive lAidies Shop aJOS9 eJS eTCJSPS ?CJOF$ fCQ9.7S o iFCwfl. N d Yes, once you consider that we, as a Ford dealer, have a reputation to maintain you realize that you can buy a used car here with complete factory-appointe- ' Eniov our complete car- - SMITH - HALVERSON MOTOR COMPANY conditioning service at our Phone 312 Nephi, Utah special low summer prices. Cars Trucks Ktj savings Wasted Bendfc on 0)?5 Parts Accessories Nov only Authorized Service NE60 FOR SALE New Home. Oil furnace. Metal kitchen cupboards and sinks Terms can be arranged Milton Shaw at Forrest Hotel. VTiTt 4 SPECIAL Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hansen were guests on Memorial day at the home of her sister, Mrs. N. G Taylor. Mr. and Mrs Raymond Brass of Salt Lake City were week-en- d visitors at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bowers Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Anderson of Cedar City were guests for a; few days at the home of Mr. andj Mrs. James Anderson. Mrs. Lucille Stephensen and children of Hinckley spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Stephensen. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Morten-se- n and family of Salt Lake City enjoyed the week end with Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Aagard. MV PF 5 SPECIAL PURCHASE 1 0 Levan. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wankier of Los Angeles are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eric r- v.s ankle hugging 1111111, day here with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Merl Jennings of Duchesne and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Detmers of Las Vegas, Nevada were guests over the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Winter. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Lunt and family of Salt Lake City spent Memorial day with relatives in 7.95 tor rw ARCH SHOES t rare good last V 11 Mr. and Mrs. Grant Gardner and family of Payson were Memorial day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. V. C Peterson of Salt Lake City enjoyed Memorial 0;.FrlD5 u Ll I Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bradshaw of Orem enjoyed Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Emma Jackman. Iff TOXFRMTIC 1 n. ' 7 't'"" Robert Fowden who is employed in Salt Lake City is spending his vacation at the home of his mothRICHARD ARLEN er, Mrs. Cora Fowden. In Mr. and Mrs. William Dunn and two grand daughters of Salt Lake City, Mrs. G. E. Speakman SPEED TO SPARE and son Gene of Provo Mrs. Marcel Allen of Riverside, California and Ephraim Ellertson of Provo were dinner guests Sunday of SUNDAY AND MONDAY Bishop and Mrs. E. Alton Ellertson. RICHARD CONTE Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Fowkes reLEE J. COBB turned home Saturday after atHELEN WALKER tending the Commencement exercises at the U S A C in Logan in and after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Max Cloward in Garfield and HQRTHSIDE witn Mr. and Mrs. Warren Chad- wick in salt Lake City. Mrs. Lillian Nielsen of Provo visited at the home of Mr. and TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY Mrs. David Nielsen the past week end. THURSDAY Mrs. Patra Warner and daught-es- r LARRY' PARKS of Tooele visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Gibson ELLEN DREW on Memorial Day. In Misses Elma Carter, Eleanor Young, Marjorie Keyte and Ruth THE of Salt Lake City spent Sperry Memorial dav week end as tnipsts of their respective parents. miss Madge Ellertson received her B S deeree in thf finlrl nf ivrl. ucation at the Commencement Exercises at the B Y U in Provo on She will teach in Provo 3 Tuesday. SATURDAY AND FRIDAY next school year. Attending the exercises were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elgy Ellertson and her KILLER McCOY brother and sister, Kent and Gaye. Mrs. Cora Fowden and sons Bob ATr with and Reeve and hpr narpnts and Mrs. Isaac Kay visited in Mt. on Sunday. MICKEY ROONEY DONLEVY BRIAN ANN BLYTHE Miss Olive Taylor returned to her home last week from Los Angeles where she spent the winter with her brother in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Dalby. Mr. and Mrs. Dalby spent Memor ial day here. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Zauee and family of Clearfield spent Monday and Tuesday here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mangelson. Mrs. Naomi Walker of Pleasant Grove spent Memorial Day here with her father, Lorenzo Mangel-so- L ?&r'MS"-3- also Christensen. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Earley and family of Springville were guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Winter. Their daughter, Shanna, remained here with friends. 15c VARIETY STORE BILL AND GOO i 65c FORSEY'S KEN MURRAY'S Romain Mangelson, respectively. Mr. and Mrs. Darral Childs and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peterson and Mrs. Caroline Gunderson of Salt1 Lake City spent the week end inl 49c 15c TWO BIS HITS Mr. and Mrs. Evan Shepherd and daughter Lois of Alpin spent Memorial day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bosh. Mrs. Ruby Winters entertained a group of ladies at her home last Thursday afternoon. The ccasion was her birthday anniversary. A delicious lunch was served. Farrell Winter and Monte Shepherd enjoyed last Thursday and Friday in Salt Lake City. Lyman Wankier and son Ferris of Long Beach, California are enjoying a vacation in Levan. They are guests at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Wankier and Acces sones Mr. and Mrs. James R. Stanley and daughter Elizabeth attended the commencement exercises at the U S A C in Logan on May 28 when Daryl Stanley received his Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial education. Daryl has accepted a position to teach Industrial Arts in the Provo city schools next year. SATURDAY FRIDAY Mrs. James P. Chriatensen Correspondent - Phone 368R12 -- Page Five m upi CHEVROLET CO. ' 75 Brand ntw prlcs ... Brand new modsls...So far ahead, they can evon put In their own soap I South Main - Phone 433 n d finest washer stsx made The new Beodlx Ojronutic, apeciaiij balanced o It doaa't hy to b fattened down! Com THE NEW Th a 'olmtit human automatic soap lntor . not available on any othor make of waahor I Coma buy aBaodix automatic Washer for just afnrdoUara soon than an b d, washer! Uaa just off the production line will be on operation is a success will you tell my wife to get my suit from the "i" Atf dry cleaners?" operation isn't a tucccst our dry cleaning will Patau ipeculisu do the job here, with the most modern, frinK cleansing methods and cleaning agents. Even the mot ailing clothing (and home accessories) enjoy a cjukk racovary here. vm if d kt fttorff'Anntcr omul nephi Main lldl all damp-dry- 12-4- 45 u baa, rioias rba clothaa easy payment plan. S Atom ra- od aatoaatlcallj. LOW DOWN PAYMENT! SHALL INSTALLMENTS! SOUTH CENTRAL MOTOR SALES PHONE ! w 119 mvm k S-1- 01 ks fatnoos Bodix bmaum tals ad. It for Public inspection Tuesday June 8th P. M 5 to SALINA, UTAH 1 street BINDIX MODIL oar ard-wor- COME TO |