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Show THE Page Four 11 TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S, Thursday, June 3rd, BASEBALL... From Page One a position to cop the first half crown during the next week. The local team has three games left to play in the first half and they would have to lose all three games before they could be knocked out of first place. ' On Sunday afternoon the Nephi crew will travel to Payson to meet the always strong Payson team, and then on Wednesday afternoon the Levan crew will invade the local field to meet the Nephi boys in a game booked to be close. On Monday afternoon, Nephi played at Levan in an exhibition game and the Levan team came through with a d victory in a loosely played game. Levan will be out to do it again and the Nephi team has every intention of whipping the Levanites. This all adds up to another "arch rival" ball game with a large crowd expected Thats Wednesday, afternoon May 9th on the Nephi field. JOE MAHONEY Continued BALLERINA SKIRTS Delightful Strutter doth and Faille Skirts in the latest styles . . Just the thing for summer dancing . . You will be delighted with the many beautiful patterns that we have in stock . and Kvnf Tuesday - VENICE THEATRE BUILDING NEPHI, UTAH DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT AT THE CEDAR POINT REN DE VU PROVO ORCHESTRA 4m jobbl tout you PRINT INDIANAPOlIS MOTOR SPEEDWAY HAS BEEN BY CNLY THREE FOREIGN BORN S. J(j ITS GCW, A FRENCHMAN, IN 193; BENE THOWAS, ANOTHER FRENCHMAN, N 1914 i iu.ImN W?iO RESTA IN 1916. INLAID. RUGS Justices Court room Juab County Courthouse For Information call 417W, 89 J or 26 M CONTRACTORS QaqIoH TTnrkrcalc will Ha vppiv- ed by the State Road Commission of Utah, State Capital, salt LaKe City, Utah until 2:30 o'clock p. m. Thursday, June 17, 1948, andcon-at that time publicly opened for Road Mixed Bistruction of a tuminous Surfaced Road in Tooele and Juab Counties, the same being that section of S. R. No. 36 beNOTICE -- j w THE FIRST AMERICAN TO MMN THF RDI- "tlSH AMATUER Gals. Bituminous Material, 106,000 Tons Crushed Rock or Crushed Gravel Surface Pmirsp and 90.000 Cu. Yds. Un classified Excavation. The attention of bidders is tr the Snecial Provisions covering subletting or assigning lows: 278,000 the contract. The minimum wage paid tc an on this skilled labor employed contract shall be $1.60 per hour, The minimum wage paid ta all intermediate labor employed cn this contract shall be $1.25 per hour. The minimum wage paid to all unskilled labor employed on this contract shall be $1,125 per hour. The attention of bidders is directed; to the fact that this Commission has been advised by the U. S. KWage and Hour Division, that conDepartment of Labor, tractors engaged in highway construction work are required to meet the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, (52 Stat. 1060). Plans and specifications are on file in the office of the State Road it T.aki Cirv. wheie they may be reviewed by, pros pective bidders.and be plans will on proposal forms, furnished at Salt Lake City, rewill be depositing $2.00 which funded; providing bidder submits an acceptable bid and returns the the plans within seven days aftermust opening of bids. Each bidder submit a letter from an approvedo company guaranteeing surety coin hidrtpr with reauired f.nith bond. The right to reject any '.r all bids is reservea. Cash, certified check, cash.ers 'hock, or approved proposal guarless than five anty bond for of bid per cent of total amount made payable to the State P.od Commission must accompany each hid : s evidence of good faith ar.d a guaiantee that if awarded the execute contract, the bidder will contract the contract and furnish .. . 9 THEM COMING IN A ROW... 1907 THROUGH 1915. title, didn't take up golf un- m535. Miss Gertrude Duckworth reFOR SALE Pontiac Coupe-Ra- dio, turned home Monday from Portheater, Good Tires. Priced land. Oregon where she has Glade Sanders for Quick Sale the past ten 'days as a guest of Phone 414. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis. Mrs. Davis accompanied Miss Duckworth to Nephi where she will spend the summer with her ori ents, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Ockey. Mr. and Mrs Farrell Douglas were in Provo over the week end on business. Mrs. Paul E. Booth and daughter Sharee motored to Salt Lake City Tuesday where Sharee left by Union Pacific train for Grand Canyon where she will be em ployed during the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Bosh of Salt Lake City viisted with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oral Bosh and Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Foote. Mrs. Raymond C. Wankier is visiting in Garland with her sister and brother in law, Mr. and Mrs. Gail White. I FOR SALE Lot with partly finished house (with basement) 2nd East between 8th and 9th North. Phone 335R. FOR SALE Used lumber and Mrs. T. W. Miller. wire jjf it ni n i a if1 ii iii Li nf n ii ii J.i.i m ' 50-wa- large lot, 7th North t i t n i Li . i i OVER A MILLION PEOPLE EVERY DAY, ENJOY SOFT WATER THE CULLIGAN tJ D-- 6 WAY 5 ft bathtup and FOR SALE wash basin in Al condition tf Telephone 63 CARD OF THANKS We sincerely appreciate our many relatives and friends who came to our assistance during our hour of need and bereavement. Your kindnesses will ever be remembered. Mrs. F. W. Bryan and family boat k bock from tha Ford Daalara' lUfionai ting in San Franciaco. Ha't $en tha '49 Fwd and wra you'ra going to love irl Wa can't wait to n on some of the feature yevK you the the '49 Ford The Car of the year! ut low-dow- pecui-auins- VOUR EDUCATION ''J DECISIONS are no t made FLIPOFACOIN L;iL It would be folly to let important steps in your life be determined by chance! Each one of those steps merits careful consideration and calls for years of plan? ning before fulfillment can be successful What gambling can't get you REGULAR SAVING WILL! Open your account with us at once! nt bond as required. Any additional information mnv bo secured at the office of th State Road Commission. Dated this 30th day of May. 194STATE P.OAD COMMISSION OF UTAH By Ray H. Ix?avitt, Chairman Date of publication: June 3, 19 1 Nephi Jub in The Times-New- Commercial Bank FOR THE OF i btel Crc Slt 0C Marsh s, County, Utah. Seats wide enough Plenty of room fe see out! CONVENIENCE THE PEOPLE OF EAST JUAB COUNTY WE NOW HAVE A PLENTIFUL SUPPLY OF 3 Bl&peopfe! flne? tot a for comfort and room 57' front, ond Plenty of hip and shoulder room for 3 BIG people, front and back! The '49 Ford'i a lining room on wheWif eayelepedie ku ported all Uie fnr eelect r roups. Un-Ue letter T U7 k.T: Teasperaaee . Truth . Tyranny. eaaie like a faaay combination. Aa4 U atOoaepaJae a little, ot Oat TraU la 1a tie mtir-- i. I Tyray lliefaroftdelr'! ir easler-to-oppl- frtt bait e Maaa ead Temperance. you hear folki attUlae temperate people who en Jey a 4mU glaaa of beer... vta talk about "two beera" reUin r eaae M lata toroablc, and claim: Wv sa4 tben on ve tfte rear win Hot pWy ef other feehjres, tool A 19 cubic fool Uiaaaam tent 57 largerl) . . . new "Hydra-CoFront Springs 1 1 i entro strong, extra long "Faro-FUii- " ar Springs . . . y stew, larger, 35 "Magic Action" KUg. tixe Brakes. wont be long before you eon see fee NtW Ford In your future in our showroom I Important Ideas whr WWW," . . . more 60' rear teatl Three Mighty Maybe yea read, We'l thow you real "fWe 20 square feet of aow m windshield bigl "see-abHH- They rival the Then Troth etepe in between, and pom La out that two beer never got anybody into troubleand that aomebody'a trying to distort the facta. No, there shouldn't be a law then thouti 'tfUae Dasfcr iwiR0vaac Youl travel From whara I ait, those kleaa AND WILL CONTINUE TO STOCK IT ALL SUMMER! croaches upon Temperance. NEBO GAS SERVICE TWeeut'Mtobealawr Brtwtrt FeuitdatUn krksM lb. ''S Um Uitr MterMRK yaer www T in the level centsr sec- OF! siriixH-EaRLUCRS- Mm For MM TkMWr. tar ftofton. Watch Our Sfcowroom Windows for Announcement tion of Ford's "lounge Cor" Interior. imployus I S I TVerA. ar arranged just right Temperance on one aide. Tyranny on the other and Troth in the middle eeing that Tyranny never en- Ceprrisht, 1948, United Sia( Yar HH trie nef'Mid I IHOTOR CO OII PHONE 312 1 jxaMaagMaeMMaMj Modern Home, One share water. 124 West FOR SALE Electric Arc Welder complete on Phone 335R. Caterpillar tractrailer; One FOR SALE tor with bulldozer. One sheeps-foo- t Coal Range tamper. All above equipment Telephone 339W in good condition. Contact Bureau office at of Land Management CARD OF THANKS Utah. Nephi, We sincerely wish to thank our friends and relatives for their kind words of condolence during our OVER A MILLION PEOPLE FATRRV DAY ENJOY recent bereavement, and for the floral offerings, etc., at the funeral SOFT WATER THE CULLIGAN of our beloved daughter and sisWAY ter. FOR RENT Modern sleeping Coal Range C. Mr. and Mrs. H. MortenFOR SALE room. 176 East 1 So. Phone 91J sen and family. Telephone 434R. FOR SALE 1 SELECT YOUR PATTERNS NOW AT TO tween Eureka and Dunbar identified as Federal Aid Secondary (3). Project No. The length of road to be constructed or improved is 18.717 miles, and the principal items of work are approximately as fol- I . . . THE GEORGIA PEACH, LEO THE AMERICAN LEAGUE IN BATTING 12 TIMES, OF GOlf TIL HE ... YARD GOODS fat, gfa-Va- I - 8 P. M. W r AT ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS MEETING Patio- Sltaiz A "I one-side- you'll be pleasantly surprised at' the moderate prices. 1948 NEPHI, UTAH Your Excited Fbrd Dealer |