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Show r. Section Two THE Page Four Local and Social Items TIMES-NEW- S, Thursday, Tune 3rd, 1948 NEPHI, UTAH SEP(DCTSC(DPIE Guests at the home of Mr. and RnVwt Winn durin? the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Mor gan Greenwood ana Tamny 01 Price; Dr. and Mrs. Byron Reese, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ockey and r. and Mrs. George Ault of Salt Lake City. Mr- - nnrl Mrs. Blaine Norton and four sons of Prov were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stanley over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Tame and family and Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Tame and family of Salt Lake City visited Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Witt, their brother in law and sister. After having spent the winter in Newell Mrs. Logan, Mr. and Bracken have returned to Nephi visit with for a short vacation toMrs. Rulon their parents, Mr. and Bracken and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howard. They will return to Lothe summer gan in time to attend session at the U S A C. and Mrs. Sunday guests of Mr. Kermit Mrs. were Irons J. Harry Ann, Cook and daughter Elsie Foun.! Pn Marv of tain Green, Mr. and Mrs. Harry JOE ORDINANCE ORDAINED that the MAHONEY BE IT sched-o- f water and sewer rates and of connection charges for connecting to the sewer system as recom mended by the Consulting Engineers is hereby established and shall become effective September x, as nerein provided: fwrd 3z il DAY FATHER'S JUNE 20th and we know Dad will be pleased as punch when you tell him his gift is a finepprtrait Make an appointment for Dad today . . . we'll have it ready for Father's Day. B. CHAPMAN STUDIO J- - -- at A - Walker ana aaugnier ku, Scho-fiel- d Alice and son Jimmy, Reid Mr. and Mrs. Arch Crapo, Mrs. Blanch Sorensen ana sun Bob Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wood Mr. and and daugter Kathleen, Mrs W. H. Warner all of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Ottis Horton A of Los T Angeles. California, lnvrl Hohhs Of PrO- I vo and Mrs. Dick Bradshaw of .' j urem mm M Jt'tC Jifi f WATER CONNECTION CHARGES: fjr (Ui V 7 room brick BEST BUY home. Oil water heater, floor coverings. Big lot and nice lawn $4600 3 rra home and coops. Big lot and brooder equipment $2600. or both for 7000. Phone AJ1J or see 3 Up at 604 South 1st West " than two connections are provided Z4.U0 for 34" service connection which provides for the ser- for each 100 feet of extension (ex- - Vl vice line to the meter and the eluding intersections). installation of a meter. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED. $43.00 for 1M service connection that where sewer service is availwnicn provides for the service able to a property owner, that no line from the main to the meter water service shall be separately and the installation of a meter. sold or billed. "Water and Sewer" service only, shall be available $69j55 for a service con- and the monthly charges for such nection which provides for the service shall be rendered as a service line from the main to single billing. the meter and the installation or a meter. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED. that service shall be discontinued a 2" servlce connect-io- n to any customer immediately upon provides for the ser- 90 da delinquency occuring in vice line from the .main to the payment of service charges and meter and the installation of service for such delinof a turn-of- f I T 1 1 " " 'ANNY UTWHILEC. quency is hereby ordered and orINURING THE 4 AA jf philadelphia philly dained, same to become effective WATER RATES: GAMES OF THE not make a 1928 WORLD SERIES. immediately upon 90 days delinSingle error while playBABE RUTH COLLECTED K HITS IN 16 Metered Water Service, quency. Service shall not be re TRIES, INing 151 GAMES IN 1942. per sumed until the delinquent a- CLUDING 3 HOME RUNS, FOR AN quarter. RECORD AVERAGE OF .625 ! mounts have been paid in full nts per 1000 gallons for and a turn on charge of $2.50 has f? first 20,000 gallone any been paid. one quarter. . BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED. that the duties ot the manager of SLr o? 10 gallons for gallons in any one the system shall be as provided in nn!C3 the initiated ordinance adoDted September 16, 1947 and approved Minimum quarterly' Dy tne quautiea voters at a specwater service - $3.00. charge for ial election October 17, 1947 and a 10 discount if paid on or in addition shall include: Mr. and Mrs. DeWayne Garrett or. the month Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wright of 1. To aggressively follow up iXu " "L me , and daughter have returned to Ne- Salt Lake City were in Nephi Sun and enforce the provisions of phi after spending the past nine day visiting with relatives. the ordinance making sewer months in Logan where Mr. GarGuests of Mr. and Mrs. Brigham SPECIAL connections mandatory when RATES: rett was a student at the U S A C. Garrett during the week end were sewer service becomes available. Mr. and Mrs. Deloss Bowers and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pitt and 2. To turn off service to a The rate schedule herein aaoPr-Victo- ? of Bountiful, Mr. and Mrs. I ed shall family of Grand Junction, Colorado property owner upon 90 day of Provo. .Miss Dahlen were in Nephi Saturday, Sunday exjng delinquency in service charges and Monday visiting with their Louise Garrett, a student of the Thermoid Western Omnanv iTn. occuring; said turn off to be Mrs. B. Y. U at Provo, ( and brother, Wallace Bowers, and their ion Pacific Railroad and the' Juab accomuplished in not less than Mona. of Vaughn Molyneaux sister, Marie Bowers. School District. 100th day of delinquency. the and visitors Mrs. Carter Salt Lake City were Nephi Raymond turn off has not been new contracts or extensions Where No Mrs. Sunday. daughter Aneta and Mr. and of existing contracts shall be made completed by the 100th day of dehome E. Winn R. the Guests at Leonard Haack of Salt Lake City rates are charged of less linquency, it is hereby provided were recent visitors in Nephi. Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Paul where um that any service rendered thereiuc per 1,000 gallons Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rolf of Francim and family of Salt Lake (less me after shall become the respon10 discount for prompt visited Salt Lake City Saturday City. sibility of said manager and payment). to T H. returned Mrs. Burton wun ivjt. ana Mrs. r ran iuiu. that he and his surety shall be of Clty shall to Nephi of V. A. from pay home Mrs. her Mr. and Logan the Water and Hague Saturday obligated to the city for all Sewer in week. She visit Department weeks she a the where three After spent amounts of service so rendered resonable rates for son and home Mr. was her Levan with by accompanied tK "J Nephi and after said 100th day of delinMrs Harry J. Irons and Mr. and and daughter in law, Mr. and Mrs. quency. Mrs. C. J. Winter respectively, Mr. Alma P. Burton and family who SEWER CONNECTION 3. The manager shall give apand Mrs. Dennis C. Winter and aie spending this week in Nephi. CHARGES: propriate public notice immedwas of Price Mrs. Satur Kellar to Fred Manti family returned iately upon the declaration of a brother of and her sister day. guest Residence Units. the consulting engineers that in law. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. P. Cox Mrs. Mark L. Sowby of the sewer system is ready to On Sunday, Connection charge for CPWar Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Sowby over the weekend. receive connections and he is to and family of Salt Lake City, Mrs. Mrs Cox and Mrs. Keller motored service snail be $130.00 for each render written notice to each Laverne S. Nilsson of Provo, Mrs. to Manti to spend the day. wnich provides a 4' owner to whom sewer property D. and Mac T. Davis Mrs. Mrs. Mr. and and Mr. rrom service th main lateral Ruby Bigler, service has been made availand er were in son Gordon Wales Mrs. line Mr. and to and the Tommy Bigler individual's property able, which written notice shall Bell ot Eureka were guests Mon- Ephraim Sunday, ucicrauncu Dy me City call attention to the law and Vickers Mr. Mrs. and Herman home. McPherson the at Engineer. Sewer day connection penalties thereof which law proMr. and Mrs. A. B. Gibson and and daughter Ardyth and Mr. and U1,uw suDject to a $20.00 dis vides that connection with the Mr. and Mrs. Max Radmall and Mrs. Rex D. .Schill of Salt Lake count if standard sewer must be made within 90 son of Pleasant Grove were visit City visited at the home of Mr. tion card is signed, and payment days of its being made avail-abl- e. I and Mrs. James Vickers Sunday. ors in NeDhi Sunday v. Illr io juiy except The manager shall again Mr. and Mrs. Allen Golden of for units Mr. and Mrs. Wesley R. Dicker-- l do not that hauo m serve notice 21 months later to son and family motored to Pleas-- 1 San Diego, California visited over ern.P1iunbing- A discount of $20.00 each of those property owners ant Lirove ana rrovo on ivionuay me ween enu ai me noiiie in mr. shall be made for thrcn to which is service available and Mrs. G. O. Golden. to visit relatives. .wia wnere a standard sewer apand on which property there explication card is signed and payists an inhabitable structure or ment made prior to July 1 X50 building which did not at the Connection charges shall increase time of completion of the Initto $153.00 after .Tnlv 1 iqxa- . ial sewer system have therein f JfS22 alter Ju,v ! 1958, and to any toilet or toilets. oa.uu arcer July 1, 1963. BE IT FURTHE RORDAINED, Business Units that said manager is authorized i 'Jor o E Local a nd Social News of Nephi and Vicinity BM -- TOWELS Plains, Plaids! 39 1T n.W ii TEAM OF PEMM STATE OlDNT LOSE A GAME FGOM 1933 TO 40.HEY WN 60 AND ADVERTISING Thirsty terry to uk wim-u-d m work, to repleinlA - . 7plnK s2rt ao&da. - A LAUCE BATHTOWE3LS Matter tnnection charge tor sewer service shall be $165.00 for a 4 of Mixes .... '. . moo. nan rea, .til' .nW- -' : cist fill your doctor's prescriptions with "nth degree accuracy and precision! Our drugs are THE BEST We give prompt service. CLOTHS 10' Rely on us - Your doctor does! NEPHI DRUG CO. LUGGAGE FOR YOUR VACATION 'A ,, s Make An Ensemble! v! nrrnnvc iViatCIling 1 CM I m For Your Short Trip A Summer Vacation Need WEEKEND CASE PULLMAN CASE 9.90 13.75 smart travelling piece accents your outfit. Fabric bound in top covered prain leather. Rayon lined. Plenty of room for vacation clothes! A -- . Thick, dawn, 1 terry towels in rose azure, butter-cu- rwickets. p, green, peach. Match them! 79c 22" x 44 Hath Size 21" size is right for your overnight or weekend needs 16" x 27 Hath Size Fabric covered. Hound in 12 x 12 Wash Cloth top grain leather. Smooth full, roomy rayon lining in ,t ohr How you can have soft water on a service basis! No expensive equipment to buy . no messy maintenance 'work. You simply turn yomr faucets ior all the filtered soft water you need with . . . I inch lateral and $175.00 for a 6' service lateral from the main sew er line to the individuals property une as aetermined by the City Sewer connection Engineer. oharge subject to a $25.00 discount ir standard application card is signed and payment made prior to July 1, 1948, except for units that do not have modern plumbing a discount of $25.00 shall be made where a for these connections standard sewer application card is signed and payment made prior to July 1, 1950. Connection charge shall increase to $181.50 after July 1. 1954- to $198.00 after July lull 1. 1958; and to $216.50 after July 1. 1963 for 4" service pipe and For purpose of this or$10.00 more than the amounts giv- dinance the and the initiated ordinen for a 6" service pipe ance of September J6. 1 7, the firm of Caldwri'l, Richards a.id Sorenoen is named the Consul'iiu; , SEWER RATES: of the city, and T. D. Single dwelling residence, $1.75 Engineers Davis is named the manager fcr per month. the (Em- his system,of to become effective t n Individual buslnessesses filing appeved surety bond facilof toilet set One ployees) In the amount of S.OOO. ities, $2 625 per month: Two sets BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, toilet facilities $3:50 per month. Individual businesses (Employ- that the proper citv officials are fac set toilet One ees and Public) authorized to sum and seal 'he ilities. $4,375 per month: Two sets $285,000 issue of Water and Sewer 5. montn Revenue Bonds and deliver same toilet facilities, per Cafes. With two sets toilet fac to the purchasers upon receipt of $5.25 ilities for the public. per teh purchase price thereof as per month plus $0.10 per chair. agreement heretofore made by toilet of sets two Hotels. With said City. $5.25 facilities for the public. pnr BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, room with month, plus $0.25 per that if any section, paragraph. toilet and bath. Sewer connection charges for all ciau seor provision or this ordin commercial service will be ance shall be held as invalid or deternined by the City In propor- unforceable for any reason, the tion to the service rendered. unvalidity or unenforceability of Turn-of- f of service shall be said section, paragraph, clause or y made upon delinquency in provision shall not effect any of the remaining provisions of thla payment of service charges or any ordinance and that all ordinances. part thereof. and orders or parts IJ&srge ror turning on service resolutions shall be $2.50 payable in advance. thereof in conflict with the provisWater and sewer services shall ions of this ordinance are to the be considered a single service and extent of such conflict hereby rehilled under a single billing pealed, except as may be effect Whtr sewer service Is not avail any provisions in said initiated able water service will be render- ordinance adopted September 16. ed by the City at rates outlined 1947. shove. The adoption of the foregoing Sewer and Water rates outlined above shall brome effective on ordinance was seconded by Councilman Irons and passed unanimSeptember 1, 1948. , becomes a sacred us when you to duty have our skilled pharma 49c 90-da- 1 "jjih.v nr. 19c tnat 22 284 NORTH MAIN PHONE 128W it FtmnrER ordained. no extension to the sewer ously. Adopted and approved thla 6th day of May, 1948. P. L. JONES. P. I Jones, Mayor ATTEST: John L. Kendall, City Recorder to be Initially constructed shall be made after the construction of the Initial system has been completed unless connection chare es are first paid, sufficient in num ber and amount so that no lots (Seal) line NEPHI and directed to forward promptly to the Commercial Bank of Nephi the payments and moneys as provided in said initiated ordinance of September 16, 1947. The .1 hove rimvislnna nt k:. dinance shall constitute a contract between Nephi and the holder or holders City of the water and sewer Revenue Bonds and after issuance of any such bonds, no change, variation or alteration in me provisions or this ordinance shall be made in any manner except as hereto fore been provided in the initiated ordinance adopted Septembr 16. 1947. until such time as an saia Ke venue Bonds and interest thereon have been paid in |