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Show THE TIMES- - NEWS, NEPITI, UTAH PAGE SIX Thursday, June 3, 1948 SOME FIX mm ?EENRABfO 1GE-C$C- . By INEZ GERHARD Invasion of Insects By Mr Poses Threat ONLY musical instrument! Waring plays are the banjo and the musical sax, and his early ambition to be I singer fell through because his tenor voice just wasn't good enough. Bu1 his love of singing and his ability to train singing groups have made THE long-necke- Pesis, Plant Diseases Survive Shorter Trips "1 1 s5 i1 3 a jf VANEY AND I MOTHER-BU- T" 1 GET ALONG ALL RIGHT OUR DOLLS DON'Tf 1 ".COULD 60 ON HEARING HIAA THE REST OF THE NIGHT, COULDN'T YOU?" 1 1 Pfl 4itr4jfee. LlrAv, JzSh !ip y him an outstanding figure in Improving and promoting choral sing ing the country over. His methods and arrangements are used by more than 800 local glee clubs. Hundreds of conductors will gather at Shawnee, Pa., this summer to take his course. And, of course, his radio programs have been tops on the air for years. NANCY THAT'S NOT ( THAT STUFF IS V TOO EXPENSIVE F0R A HOW DARE VOU USE AW BUBBLE- BATH I'M BATHING MY DOG jfKp JroCHILD jUHJTI USE r i 33E1S v" on the Canadian "atom nearly two years ago, 20th Century-Fox'- s "The Iron Curtain" tells only the truth, according to Sol Siegel, its producer. It "factually tells the code clerk's story, backed by Canadian government documents as well as more than 100 Russian documents," he states. of LITTLE REGGIE ( If REGINALD, ARE YOU L WELL I HOPE VDUREj I fl f By Margarita irL--i CTXh D0NT WORRYMA-- ll feel that we want which "re-crea- te 2 Y WAITER, WHAT DO YOU CALL THE UN- A- Edgar Bergen plans to make a color travelogue recording his Scandinavian trip this summer. He's taking Charlie McCarthy and Mortimer Snerd on this trip can't do without them. Reviews of his performance as the shy Norwegian undertaker in "I Remember Mama" startled him. Critics said they forgot he was Bergen because his performance was so good. THE HEN rooster's wife? r tJL, CHICKEN 1 AND WHAT DO you WlCKEHS ) BUT WHAT DO I CALL THE CHILDREN I SIR! rVVoO CALL THE 0fY?JY?r IT. ,.7I I cgggK p CHICKENS ADC GOOD.' iDi'jERlNG ME TWO C R0AST t XI v WELL, Q A( OH, THIS IS MEATLESS ADULT J TUESDAY ANY WAV ' r Vff shorter air ride in good shape. Reaching new lands where conditions favor their development they soon may build up a strong colony that could become as costly as the Hessian fly, the European corn borer, the Japanese beetle, the codling moth or the cotton boll weevil. The department of agriculture is charged with this country's defenses against the entry of dangerous foreign insects and plant diseases. Even toys have been found to be grave." "Anyhow, you're the Stranger first preacher I've seen that carries samples." Stowaway Pays Farm Workers Good While the Swiss Jura horse, long recognized as the national breed in that country, has not been generally recognized in America, interest has Aji inspector boarding a streetcar was surprised to see the conductor sitting at ease smoking while a passenger was collecting fares "What does this mean?" he de manded "You sitting there and a passenger doing your work!" "That's all right," said the con"he's a stowductor, an away I found on board. He can't pay his fare, so I'm making him work his passage." r; 1 r !,".' . r ;.'; -- 4-.-- ' "v .; ;": L- - j Business Before ; Ingrid Bergman again has won the Woman's Home Companion poll as the screen's most popular actress; Greer Garson was second again. Seems the older women like her better than the youngsters do and remember her good pictures, not "Desire Me." Claodette Colbert was third; Bette Davis, The men: Bing Crosby fourth. (third time), Gregory Peck, Spencer Tracy. Cary Grant. Louis Hayward and George had to rehearse three weeks for a difficult scene In "The Black Arrow," a movie based on the book by Robert Louis Stevenson. By Gene Byrnet REG'LAR FELLERS y Hooperatings for the last six months: Fibber McGee and Molly, Jack Benny, Bob Hope in comedy hows. Truth or Consequences, Take It or Leave It, Bob Hawk in quit hows. Our Gal Sunday, Ma Perkins, Big Sister, in daytime serials; Al Jolson of NBC's Music Hall, ABCs Bing Crosby, and Perry Como of NBC's Supper Club male singers. Odds and Ends . . . Eve Ardcn changed her blonde hair to strawberry blonde for "My Dream Is lours," since It's In technicolor, and Doris Day's hair la blonde. . . . Bette Davis celebrated her 15th rear as a motion picture star while making "Winter Meeting." , . . Sarah Russell, who Is a boy on "The Right to Happiness" knd a girl en "Road of Life," does her juvenile research for her friends. . . . by Lowell Thomas got a call for a copy of one of his scripts "rom a Massachusetts woman wba explained that she bad missed his brnadraot. He sent the script. I i A what JWWMid r it ? r irtABJ ... - BUT , THINtC itkiHT X UNCOFC.TAe. ace l A DIE0 ' 09. A V what?T POK- 60U3 FI&H f4 TO INSULT i Three Jura fillies typify the Swiss national breed. been centered in the breed in recent years because of the fact that the Stallions are suitable for all types of farm work. The breed has shown proper temperament, strength and resistance to disease, and while light in weight aas proven an excellent draft horse. It is exceptionally strong, tame and docile. MY HtH WtH lOOrtE TV tCC WEU A UlTlC DOG VOUlD VDU SITTING UP 10 WW COUNTte by CUk I ; i (V HEM WW.' WUAT CAN no fob vnn. wt r iYOUNki V FtlLtR f! I CUT J ii cjaau ) (T VOU1L V1, ,f? tmk. mac.' b' ll H" k WE'S nu ME 'l iil TWt CORNY AND TfcU WUICH WAY TO WE A i'tK A S. Haas J KXtONl BOSCO, MISTER BTT RUts AT Ti IS rWI wrsu Ny X (OP MkSN'T HAVE TO -AH. TlSJT ) NO? TUE uatvvAV it Is necessary to receive expert instruction and to have considerable practice and experience with thousands of chickens. Reliable authorities have stated 0 that a student must sex at least cockerels before the male genital eminence can be accurately recognized. The expert sexer appears to be endowed with a natural ability to recognize and classify the various types of genital eminence to be found in chickens, but accuracy is obtained only by regular practice, investigation of errors and a liking for the Job. Fertilizer Won't Solve Entire Farm Problem Many farmers are inclined to use fertilizer as crutch by attempting to make it substitute for good soil SILENT SAM r The young lawyer had been delong and tiresome dislivering sertation on the merits of his case when, noting an apparent lack of interest on the part of the iurige, he paused to ask, "Is it the pleasure of the court that I continue?" The Judge heaved a sigh and replied: "Pleasure, my dear sir, has long been out of the question, but you may proceed." Chick sexing is difficult to learn, and In order to become proficient it SUNNYSIDE Pli-asu- Sexing of Baby Chicks Proves Difficult Task management. Vital as fertilizer is, it cannot do the entire Job. It must be backed up by other practices that add organic matter, build soil structure and boost crop yields. New Insecticides Are to Bees Non-Poisono- us One serious eaure of bee poisoning has been that bees have taken dusts containing arsenic and have stored this poison in combination with pollen in the hives. Arsenic remains permanently poisonous but newer Insectlcldal dusts and sprays, such as DDT, DM and D.D.D., are less dangerous to beneficial Insects as the toxic effect mill break down gradually. i ...Hf-- 250.-00- lone-distan- land-carved- v kouN 1 g The day June Haver began "Sil-re- r Lining" she received a little , rose quarts elephant from her mother for good luck. It want straight back with a note saying, "Mother! Never, never send me in elephant with Its trunk hanging town. It's the worst tusk In the world for an actress." Do v TH'Nt ld Barbara Brltton, currently starred la Colombia's "The WrangfUi ler," la the favoriU pin-o-p f Clnecolor lab technicians. S$ 30 in CBS' baby-sittin- V EGGS fea- Mac-read- ' tl.SO Joan Lazer, "Young Dr. Malone" and the Broadway hit, "Me and Molly," has been placed under contract by Columbia pictures. She will appear as an Italian girl her own age in her first film. tured 4 circuit rider, encountering many a meal that needed seasoning, carried with him a tiny bottle of tabasco sauce, and put it on the table before him at eating houses. A stranger, eyeing it with curiosity, asked permission to try it; and put a liberal quantity on a piece of beef, which he then bolted. There was pause. ' The stranger (gulping down a glass of water) "Say, parson, you preach hell, don't you?" The circuit rider "1 feel it my duty to remind the wicked that there Is retribution beyond the ura Stallions Prove By Bud Fisher MUTT AND JEFF does of the Old West. d tvt Brimstone carriers. Farmers must be sure that all mail and express from foreign countries have been inspected and passed free of any insects or diseases before being permitted on their land. 1 American history legendary figures personalities lent further excitement to the stirring times in which they live." In simpler words, "'Fort Apache" has been making money, so they're rushing "Return of the Bad Men," a film about despera- Eleven-year-ol- - Even toys from Mexico have been known to be carriers of insects, costing large agricultural losses. Based At RKO they to see pictures vital phases of featuring the whose colorful "- OJ) one-wee- k trial" A bSfM TVCCX ) aAJ.'T ME Little Susie, age tour, said- to her mother, "When I grow up, will I have a husband like daddy?" "Yes," replied her, mother. "And," continued Susie, "If I don't get married, will I be an old maid like Aunt Louise?" "Yes," replied her mother again. WeU," sighed Susie. "I surely am in a Ox." No By Ernie Bushmiller NANCY FRED WARING Danger of inrasion by undesirable alien insects grows apace in every agricultural country of the world aa air transport, which is accounting for an ever increasing share of traffic, cuts the time of travel between them, from days to hours, and as airplanes take over a larger share of traffic. Pests that might not withstand a long sea voyage may survive the WANTED TO BUY Wl BUT AND SELL Ofrtra Pamitur. Fika. TnvwrlUra, Machine, Sfa. Ck Kcttiftora. Add-t- S SALT LAKE DESK EXCHANGK st tit famt, su ELECTRICAL . ciir. Utk L EQITPMPNT Electric Motors Repaired AuVwiWjtU Oftvrafnra and rHartarfl, Repaired ar Kxchaaared Orders SpaeiaJ AtUaUoa to THE ARJIATUItE SHOP Established Sa. fcaat 4I 120 ','h ..f1 HE LP WA KTED MEH, WOMEN and women hmU. Part or full time. E3e-tranme and bee Ma arfiiianra. Vertr high grade pradnei with muy deea and i"d ia V km. Kaan aale ! another. Attractive enanm. Gmt denl for arew maaajrer. HoHrwww! teqnefier. In.. Reck UfmL. Loa Aaaxlea 1. Oilifra-aia- Ma ei 4tt al rBM TnhHATUm Eatlle HH. pom SALE m fene eetuemej Ioth.ii erteMl er'""''. C r. Canedua fattfe BeUee. VanwvtW. 1C TRAILER HOMES FOR CONSTRUCTION WORKERS W for trailer homes neadijiiarw a larve etork af new and ad kaee weed trailer komea. EtMelps BOT4L WBIBU.BOLT COLL Fa rear snroLT MF1I A traltar swkets aweaieM imafad la JESSE M. CHASE, WltO-- |