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Show READ ALL THE ADS READ ALL THE ADS Nephi, Juab County, Utah Thursday, June 3rd, 1948 lume 39 Funeral for Mrs. Cazier Kindergarten Scheduled for Six Weeks Saturday Well Known Nephi Lady Passed Away Tuesday Morning Funeral services will be conducted Saturday at 2 P. M. for Mrs. Lydia A. Schofield Cazier, 86, widow of Orson Cazier, and one of Juab Countys pioneer residents. Mrs. Cazier died Wednesday at 8 A. M. at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clarence II. Warner of Nephi of infirmities incident to her advanced age. Services will be held at the Second Ward chapel, with Bishop Lester H. Belliston of the Nephi First ward conducting. Burial will be directed by Anderson Funeral home. Friends may call at the family home Friday evening and Saturday until time of services. Born In Nephi January 26, 1862, she was a daughter of Thomas J. and Martha Whitworth Schofield. She was married to Orson Cazier December 27, 1883 in the Salt Lake Endowment house. They observed their 60th wedding anniversary prior to Mr .Cazier's death in 1944. Mrs. Cazier was a resident of Nephi all her life. In her early womanhood Mrs. Cazier attended the University of Deseret and became one of the first school teachers in Nephi. She was active in church and civic orhaving been stake ganizations president of the Relief Society and Y L M I A of Juab stake for many years. During World War I she was vice president of the Nephi chapter of the American Red Cross. Surviving are one son and five daughters: Gerald Cazier and Mrs Orsena C. Warner of Nephi; Mrs Lola C Jensen of Los Angeles; Mrs. Adrienne C. Bigler of California; Mrs. Camille C Bailey and Mrs. Mattie15 C. Eaggrander of Salt Lake City; children and 10 great grandchildren. One daughter and two infant sons proceeded her. in death. Club Names Standing Committees six! semi-month- DEADLINE Summer music classes in the t,,ok HicttHM- Efhrmls will beein on Classes will Monday, June 7th. be given at Nepni monaay, ium-h- v arirl Thnrsdav: at Levan on Wednesday and at Mona on Friday. , Registration will De at tne nign school on Monday, June 7th fromfor Nenhi stuqa M tn 1 P M June 9th at Le Wednesday dents; van for the Levan stuaems, anu at Mona on Friday June 11th. At Levan and Mona registration will be at the school buildings. The instruction is free of charge and is available to anyone interested. Classes will be given in in- Announced Wedding vows were recited in a ceremony performed June 1 by Bishop J. Ivan Tew in which Miss LeNora Jones became the bride of Clement Richardson, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson. The marriage took place in the presence of both immediate families at the home of the grooms a fire place parents in front of flowers. For banked with spring the occasion the bride chose an afternoon dress of beige crepe with a set in lace yoke and wore a corsage of tallisman roses. The new Mrs. Richardson, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George V. Jones, is a former student at the L D S business college and at rresent is employed by Bailey McCune Company. The groom, who is employed by Lumber Company, is a graduate of Snow College and served four years in the Navy. The newly weds plan to make their home in Nephi for the present. -- For safety's sake and keyboard band students will re hearse Tuesday June 8th at 8 p. m. Each Tuesday will be spent in rehearsal for a concert to be given on Thursday at 6:30 p. m. All members of the community ,,hn nan nbv hand instruments are urged to participate with the band students in tne summer concert e, i ion programs. "Is yours the one car out of three that has some dangerous condition7" asks P. L. Dow, Superintendent of the Patrol. ''Don't wait until a near accident t or real traffic tragedy results from your negligence. Have your car checked for safety regularly and keep it in safe operating condition." Results of vehicle inspections in this State i indicate that nearly 80 per cent of the cars are in neqd of repair when presented for in- Brough, Wm. Rudko. Bulletin Editor Frank Booth, Jack Brough. United Nations Committee: Fred Painter; Greeters Committee Grant Halverson, Fred Chapman; Agricultural committee: Earl Mc Fred Morgan, Arthur Pherson, Ostler. Warren, Earl Wrthington and J. R. Linton. Sight conservation and blind Elmer Broadhead, William Cooper, Dr. D. Stoddard Judd. i spection, "Your public officials can require that you put your car in safe operating condition at inspection time" Mr. "Bu We can't Dow said. nag at you every day. So for the sake of your family the most Important.. people drive" safely In the world- and keep your car in safe operating condition." Deadline for the official . -- is June 15th inspection and it appears that there will be no extension of time so do it today! Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Smith and David Mecham of Tooele visited in Nephi Monday with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Burton and sons Jimmy and Ross of Salt Saturday visitors at the home of program. Lake City were guests of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Bellistan were Mrs. Frank Brough Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Peglau of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brough and Salt Lake City. recattended the family wedding Guests Sunday and Monday of eption Tuesday at American Fork of William Sykes, a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Will Carter were Mr. Mrs. Brough. iand Mrs. Oscar Pyper and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Loveridge 'and Mrs. Fred Simmerman and of Salt Lake City were in Nephi daughter Thelma of Salt Lake 'City. Monday. Carter Lee W. Mrs. and Mr. and daughter returned to Nophi with them for a visit with friends and relatives. Mr and Mrs. John W. Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Lee and Social News Local and Social Items Tri-Sta- te vicit nr at thp home of: Mr. and Mrs. George E. Howard.! Mr. Adams is a rormor rcsiaoni or Nephi and a brother of Mrs. Howard. Also visiting at the Howard home were Mr. and Mrs. Loyal W. Adams and daughter Ann of Salt Lake City and Mr. and Mrs. Rex A nation-wid- e search for a Blackley and daughtprs JoAnn club girl, to be featured in the and Kathleen of Orem. Green Promise, forthcoming picture of a farm familys struggle for Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Park and success, was announced today by family spent Memorial Day in David Sharp Jr., Utah State Ex- Manti. tension H Club leader. Mrs. Norma G. Whit more of Any Utah girl under 13 years of and Dwane City, age may try for the 4--H feature Salt Lake were Decoration Day vispart in the new movie. All that is Brough Mrs. required to enter is a clear snap- itors at the home of Mr. and shot of the girl, properly identified Hyrum Brough. and accompanied by an entry Mrs. Mary Jane Winn was honblank, submitted to her local coun- ored Saturday on her 77th birthty or home demonstration agent. day anniversary with a dinner, The Green Promise will tell the given by her son in law and daughclub work helps story of how and Mrs. Walter Vogt. on a farm girl win independence and ter, Mr. 29th. Those who enjoyed May sense of personal achievement. were Mrs. Elmer Tol-le- y Four girls will be selected from the occasion children. Mr. and Mrs. over the nation for screen tests John and and children of Poca-tellTolley These four, with in Hollywood. Mrs. Ruth Houghton Idaho. chaperones, will enjoy an Mr. and Airs. and children, paid trip to Hollywood, dur- Var Grace and son and Gary Coing summer vacation. of Lchi, Mr. and Mrs. ClarDeadline for entry In the talent oper Gail ence Wilkoy, Niel. Marie, search Is June 30. Entry blanks Ann and Mack Wilkcy. and the may be obtained from the office host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. of the County Agricultural agent. Walter Vogt and family. Miss Vivian Hoyt ha returned Mr. and Mrs. Miles Anderson to from Cedar City where vlsted Monday in American Fork, she Nephi been a member of the factid also in Spanish Fork with ulty has of the Cedar City high school .At. and Mrs. Leo Anderson. for the past winter. Mts Hoyt has Mrs. Fred Kendall of Salt Lake been instructor of English and City Is In Nephi this week visit- speech. ing with her family. Mrs. Fcttcrman. a Guests at the home of Mr. and teacher Margaret of Home Economics at Mrs. Charles E. Stephenson over Cedar City high school is visiting the week end were Mr. and Mrs. G. for a few days at the home of of St. George. Judge and Mrs. Will L. Hoyt. Mrs. Carlyle Thompson in Irons Ltnd Is visiting Mary Fetterman Is enroute to meet her Provo with her brother and sister husband In Pittsburg. Pa. In law, Mr. and Mrs. Timothy IL uroal, onH . o, se Leonard Witt and Aileen Witt Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Irons and family of Provo were In Nephi left Saturday for Bryee Canyon Saturday visiting with Mr. and where they will tx employed for the summer. Mrs. Amos G. Irons. r Won 7 4 4 4 Lost 0 2 Helper 2 Payson 2 Spanish Fork 1 Levan 5 0 7 Eureka .... 'Wednesday game unreported Sunday's Schedule Nephi at Payson, 3 P. M. Wednesday's Schedule Levan at Nephi, 5 P. M. The Nephi baseball nine came through with two league victories during the past week to keep their record clean, with seven wins and no losses in Central Utah league play. In the feature game of the first half, held on Sunday afternoon at the local field, the Newith a phi team came through thrilling and close 10-- 9 victory ov er a hard fighting Helper crew. The local team went to work in the early innings of this game and when the first of the 8th inning rolled around the Nephi boys were on the long end of a 2 score. Then Helper started to rally and with the help of a few g errors and about 6 hits the fighting bunch from Carbon county tied the score at 9 before Nephi put the fire out with some nice heads-u- p play. Nephi rallied in their half of the 8th, but failed to put over the winning tally. In the first half of the 9th Helper again threatened but some nice play and some of the breaks once again pulled the Nephi crew safe out of the hole. The local team again got a man on base in the last half of the ninth but failed to come thru with a run, and the game went into extra innings.. Helper went through their half or the 10th without scoring, and Nephi came up in the last of the 10th. Ray Lunt. hit a high double into right field, and went to third on a passed ball. Then Verl Sudweeks hit a hard bouncer to second baseman muffed who the it and Lunt scored with the game winning tally. On Wednesday afternoon, the Nephi team slugged their way to an 18-- 4 victory over Eureka on the local diamond. Glen Belliston n game up pitched a t, until two wore out in the eighth a allowed scratch he when inning infield ingle. Eureka gathered three more hits in the ninth and scored four runs. The Nephi boys went to work early and hit the ball all over the lot with 22 hits. These two victories put Nephi in Continued on Page Four 9-- heart-breakin- 9-- no-hi- "S i' i - no-ru- Mrs. Chloe N. Bailey, who for nine years was president of Juab Stake Relief Society will be honored at a testimonial on Tuesday at 2 P. M. at the Second ward, according to an announcement by Mrs. Lua Stephenson, president of the organization. In addition to Mrs. Bailey, the following ladies who served with her and who are now not members of the board will also be honored: Elena H. Stanley, Elsie Belliston, Floy Mortensen and Jennie Beck. An invitation has been extend ed for all ladies of the stake to at tend, and especially are members of the Relief Society urged to at tend. Social Security Representative To Be Here Next Week must "Minimum qualifications be met before a person is eligible for social security retirement payments," Sherman H. Ruesch, manager of the Provo social security office said today, adding "Mere possession of a social security card at the age of 65 is not enough. Whue ten full years work is enough to qualify anybody, older men and women can draw social security retirement payments ev en if they worked less than ten years, Mr. Reuch continued. The exact length of time depends on the workers age. It may be as little as one and one-ha- lf years if the worker was 65 before July 1, 1940. Ten years of work is required only for those who will not be 65 until 1957 or later. Work done after age 65 counts toward meeting these requirements. If you are interested in knowing what your minimum requirements are contact the social security representative at the post office in Nephi on June 11th at 1:00 p. m. Social News Local News Guesti of Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Warner over the week end were Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stimson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alec Cowan and family of Ogden, Mr. and Mrs Koed Hoover and family of Salt Lake City and Mr .and Mrs. Vern Lake of Pocatello, Idaho. P. B. Cowan and daughter Miss Betty Cowan of Los Angeles are visiting in Nephi at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Warner. L. Dee Mangelson left Tuesday of last week for Bryce Canyon where he will be employed for I. . Public Invited To Join In Tour of Plant During Wednesday Definite assurances that President George Albert Smith and President David O. McKay of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- aay baints will attend Thermoid Day open house program and banquet have been received by the general committee in charge. Acting Governor Heber Bennion Jr., Secretary of State, will also be in attendance. Governor Herbert B. Maw has expressed his reerets and will ht nut of tv, eo . during next week. The activities of iha Aw begin at 10 A. M. when the doors in me nuge mermoid Company plant will swing open to the general DUblic from all nf tVio citato It is anticipated that several thous and people will be in attendance during the day, to make a tour of the Dlant and tn machinery which is used to make vawuus ruuuer proaucts, in particular rubber conveyor belting, fan belts, and Vfrinu tvrina Af tiirrh pressure hose. During the entire day, the will be open for inspection, plant with the tour endinf at a rAfrochmont table where a cold drink and other light refreshments will be served. At 3 p. m. a program will be started, with the Juab high school band under the direction of Lyn-de- n J. Leatham will entertain in addition to top radio and stage talent from Salt Tjk rstv At 4 P. M. the official program will De siartea at specially constructed stands in the buliding. At this time talks Will hA iHvsn hw ctato church and Thermoid Company leauL-rs-, be given. ana otner numoers win Broadcast over KSL from Thermoid Company plant will be a por tion ot me prgram. l ne Droaa-cais scheduled to begin at 4:00 p. M. promptly and will continue for one half hour, and those who are unable to attend are invited to listen in. During the evening, President Fred E. Schluter of Thermoid Company will be honored at a testimonial banquet at the Second "I 'ho hnnnliot io K.i i n rr WnrH hall sponsored by the civic clubs of iNtpni iviwanis, Lions ana Chamber of Commerce and will jr. be a strictly invitational affair, because of space limitations. In attendance at he banquet as well as the other activities of the day will be also S. H. Lyons, of the General Sales Department of Thermoid Company, Trenton. N. J. and J. W. West Sr., a member of the Board of Directors. In addition, several salesmen, district managers and prominent jobbers of Thermoid Company products will be in attendance at all of the day's activities. st Local and Social News Mr. anud Mrs. Ora Lunt, Mr. and Mrs. George D. Haymond Jr. and daughter Georgia attended the U S A C graduation exercises where their son and brother. JosBodell was graduated and reeph ceived his BS degree in science and agriculture. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Morgan and family motored to the canyons of .cu(tiern utan where they 6pent Sunday and Monday. Charles Foote of Salt Lakr City was in Nephi Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wallace L. Carter wnn nis sister, Mrs. T. W. Miller. returned - m i mem home Saturday from LoMiss Lrla May Scott is visiting gan after attending the graduation this week in Orem as a guest of exercises of their son Ix-- W. Carter from the U S A C where he Colleen Rice. received his degree in Civil Engin Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Scott vis- eering. ited in Provo Sunday. POCATELLO John Robert Miss Virginia Cox of San Fran- Davis is among the 260 students at cisco California spent the week Idaho State Colloee who will re end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ceive 1 degrees or certificates at Ed. P. Cox. the first commoncempnt since the t Gnosis over the week end of Mr. school became a four ypar institu f ond Mrs. Walter Vogt were Mrs. tion. The graduation exercises are held June 3rd. Elmer Tolley and two children being ? Mr. Davis is a son of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. John Tolley and daughter Lynda and son Michael Mrs. T. D. Davis of Nephi. of Pocatello, Idaho, Mrs. Ruth Mr. and Mrs. Allan Tolley anHoughton and daughter Marian nounce the birth of a daughter on and son Stephen, Mr and Mrs. "53 LaVar Grace and son Dennis and May 17th at the Payson hospital. Gary Cooper of Lehi. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Mrs. Mary Jane Winn left for Belliston Sunday were Mr. and Pocatello, Idaho Tuesday where Mrs. J. F. Heath and family. Mr. she will visit with her daughter, and Mrs. Harold Belliston of Salt Mrs. Elmer Tolley for a month. t.ake City; Mr. and Mrs. Gene Thn Park lamily reunion was Worthington and family of Pay-soMr. and Mrs. Gerald Belliston held last Friday, May 28th at Orom. Those attending from Ne- and family of Pleasant Grove. phi were Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Park and family, Mr. and Mrs. Precipitation in the storm WedEdgar Park. Stan Park, Mrs. Ella nesday totaled 0.27 Inch. During Cowan, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wednesday night, additional mois Park. Mrs Wallace Park, Connie ture fell, totaling U.1S Jncn, and Rose Marie Park participated Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Cox on the program. Wallace Park week for Miles City, Miss Rheda Rhan, center, who Friday evening was chosen to be queen of the 1948 was elected a vice president of the left this 300 attended the Montana where they will make Over group. Ute Stampede, July 8, 9 and 10. With the Queen are her attendants: Miss Audrey i reunion. Mr. Cox has been their home. Whittington and Miss Joyce Gowers, The Queen Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1 Singing Mothers of Juab Stake employed by the Bureau of Land will hold regular practice at Management. Mrs. cox nas nwn Howard Fabian. Attendants are daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Whittington and I the Third thir Ward Chanel Friday at visiting in Ncphl as gwt of Mr. I 8 P. M. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gowert, respectively. All members of this or and Mrs. Ed. P. Cox for the past Chapman Photo month. ganization are urged to attend ?- 4-- 4-- H t Central Utah League Southern Division Standings Mrs. Bailey To Be Honored at Meeting Tuesday Afternoon the summer. 4-- H Irons. motor- w Boys and Girls: Boyd Patten, May Ion Bowers; Citienship and; Patriotism, James K. Kelson, Vern Civic Davis; Improvement: J. E. Johnson Jr., Lynn Carter, Rulon Broadhead, Clarence Cowan. Community Betterment: Wesley R. Dickerson, Leland Belliston, Wallace Garrett, Dean Winn. Education: Theron Snyder, George Health and Welfare; Dr. Johnson; "Instrumental instruction (band S. Johnson, Marvin Gordon struments, class piano for beginJ. Gayle Yorgason. ners only, all ages) and vocal inSafety: Farrell Carter, Kenneth harmony. Senior Wednesday Here Nephi the nation ists throughout are being urged to check lights, brakes, tires, windshield wipers, steering and wheel alignment, exhaust systems and mufflers, rear-viemirrors and horns. One out of three cars with one or more parts in need of repair was the average, nation-widrevealed by a police check of nearly three million vehicles in 1946. The percentage runs as high as two out of three in some states, according to reports from official vehicle inspect- CHURCH AND STATE LEADERS TO ATTEND THERMOID OPEN HOUSE Levan To Meet Local Team Next So says the Utah Highway Patrol, CHECK YOUR CAR . . . CHECK ACCIDENTS. Summer Music struction Nephi Couple The most important people in the world are your family, your friends and you the people who ride in your automobile! ly An-ders- n, Carriage of GETTING CLOSER by-law- s, Classes Are Scheduled Nephi Team Continues Winning INSPECTION Summer kindergarten will begin June 14th and continue for weeks, until July 23rd. Half of the Lions Club Holds group of boys and girls will go from 9:00 o'clock until 12 noon' Regular Meeting; and the other half will go from Is Speaker i 1 to 4 p. m. Jensen Only boys and girls who are, meeteligible to enter school in 1948, The regular will be able to register ior sum- ing of the Lions club was held in mer kindergarten work. Pupils the Forrest Hotel on Thursday, Guest speaker was may be registered by their par- May 27th. ents on Friday, June 11th, begin- Udell R. Jensen, local attorney, and his remarks on Lionism were ning at 9 a. m. Miss Mildred Jones, with one and especially timely due to his wide a half years of teaching exper- knowledge of current affairs and ience and 166 quarter hours work his previous affiliation with Lions will be the instructor. international. It is hoped that the boys and The business portion of the be will Levan Mona and girls from meeting concerned the coming opfor to en house to be held at Thermoid Nephi transported daily kindergarten work. In this way Company plant, and which is to be 30 to have be able would sponsored, in part by the Nephi they rather school of Lions club. experience days than six days at Mona and six The following list of general Levan. at committees has been approved by days the for no will be There charge the president and directors for the kindergarten work, the program coining year: school Juab Attendance: Homer K. Lunt and being sponsored by Gordon Ray Kelson; Constitution district. and Allen Christensen and Ray Fowkes; convention: Ellis Mendenhall and Milton Shaw. Finance: D. P. Bartschi and Henry Worthington; Lions educa- -' tion: C. Ray Evans and Lester1 Neff; Membership: Paul M. Chris-tiso- n and Gean Gadd; Program: Theo Westring, John Robertson Russ Stuart; Publicity: Lawrence Number 23 f n. STAMPEDE ROYALTY CHOSEN v |