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Show Thursday, Xune 3, 1948 1 I THE TIMES- - NEWS, NEPI1I. UTAH FICTION CORNER lipk Wy I I FOLLOW THROUGH By HAL I MARQUETTE SHOULD you encounter this man, exercise care. He' dangerous. Any further news that comes In will . . ." Jerry Anderson snapped off the radio. He'd heard the particulars of the brutal strangulation of Mrs. Prescott and the description of the suspect several times this evening. After that wordy, unlovely portrait of the man, he felt that even he would recognize him if he ever contacted him, but he hoped that he wouldn't Jerry was no coward, but . . . ((AND After Jerry's recent discharge from the hospital, he decided that he wanted to live out at the cottage while making his plans for the future. His family objected, not without cause, and it wasn't until old Doc Crowder, the family friend and physician, convinced them that it would be a good thins for Jerry to do under the circumstances, that they finally yielded to his wishes. Jerry had spent every summer of his life there, until his enlistment, and he loved the old place. So, when his mother and Lucy reluctantly left him this afternoon, he was glad. Not that he did not appreciate the things which they had been doing for him, but he wanted to be on his own. He had plans to make and this change and the quiet that he would have would be perfect He had tried, during his month at home, to apply his own He method, but to little avail. felt confident that it could be tested properly by facing his problems independently. undoubtedly thought that he was alone. Perhaps he had seen Lucy and her mother leave hours before and had waited for darkness to come. After what had seemed an hour, he heard the man get up from the table and walk toward the hall whiGh led into the living room. go. I ain't done nothing but eat some of your grub. Honest mister, I'll get out of here quick if you'll put that gun down.' This was the voice of a frightened man, but not the voice or true dialect of a hobo. Jerry relaxed slightly, and the man in the chair moved. This was the time to "follow through" U be was ever going to do it "Get up and do exactly as I tell you," he commanded. The man cringed but rose slowly, his eyes still on the gun. He hated guns; he was afraid of guns, and he knew now that this man knew it too. If he could only knock it to the floor . . . "Keep your hands high, get to knew dethat his safety Jerry pended upon what he would be that telephone beside the door, and Any monkey-businesable to do within the next few do as I tell you. . ." minutes. It wasn't a very pleasThe man advanced toward the ant spot to be in, but . . . door and the telephone without He thought of the broadcaster's looking from right to left. Jerry remark, that the killer had not moved to his side as he passed used a car, and that it was sushim. He could feel the man's pected that he was making a getbody tremble, as though he were away by the county back-road- s and woods. This could be the man. having a chill, when he touched him with the gun. For as long as he could remember, no ordinary tramp had ever stray"Now put your left hand on the ed so far away from the main receiver, lift it off the hook and its'- - ..... .J" QfaltiiMlla'ji VIA-.-- . rocL planted eJitneS on 2)cai Ifllce Smart aZ)1 ifImp i-- Jli L'.':.vc., J T,esCir Let Children Have Many Happy Returns! (See Recipes Below) Happy Birthday ," , light-switc- h, - ice-bo- hard-cooke- ice-bo- x hard-cooke- ManyMalMMeProofsI. P mmir 0 i J4ai junior s. FEW EVENTS WILL MATCH the pleasure that a real birthday party can give to your youngster. The gaiety imparted by a few favors, crepe paper decorations, a house full of little friends and a cake all his own, these are the things a child will remember so pleasantly for a long time. Birthday party menus depend mainly upon the age of the children. Very simple food is the order of the day for children of three or four; Jerry sat near the window for and for children of five or six, the j?i?v quite some time trying to make food is only slightly more elaborate. a start at some of that ... Children from 8 to 10 and older but his mind kept rehave things such as lamb chops may knew had that he his to broadcast the Jerry safety depended upon what he would be able verting or for the main dish, hamburgers to do the next within woman few minutes. only heard earlier. If the but it's still important to plan to had had a gun, he thought. She He must have come highway. put it to your ear. When the op- serve only familiar foods for little probably would have been afraid upon the house by accident. erator answers, tell her to con- guests. to use it, though; most women Ice cream and cake are essentials nect When movyou with the Helm road disa heard hand the of Jerry He empty were. thought at a birthday party no matter what trict When for wall a the police. ing answer, they along wished groping that Luger in his bag and For the younger the tell to them come he to stood age group. and op immediately to get he could have tried again the Anderson cottage off Helm children, however, serve only plain pointed the gun toward the door. some ammunition for it He loved ice cream such as vanilla, and a road." it happened the living that gun, a gift from one of his Then The man lowered his arm slowly very simple, not too rich cake, so room light was snapped on. He buddies who had not come back. and took the receiver off the hook. there will be no digestive upsets. heard a hoarse cry of surprise. Jerry went into the bedroom and He his The man's breathing was heavy He'd stall, he thought; maybe the bag. took the gun from nut would give him an 'in.' But fondled it and then slipped it into as he stood motionless, facing the THE MENUS AND RECIPES I've his pocket He smiled when he gun. He had a fear that Jerry hearing the sound of regular planned will give you a clue as to and breathing feeling the pressure realized just how foolish that was. could sense was genuine. to plan these particular of the gun against his back, any the best way He came back to his chair and "Get 'em up! Who are you and illusions foods. party that he might have had then lit his pipe. what do you want?" Jerry was an Birthday Party Menu officer in the infantry again as he regarding an 'in,' were shattered. He had been sitting there for "Operator, gimme the Helm road (For Youngsters 3 to 4) made the demand. Just a few minutes when, sudCream of Tomato Soup The man was shaking when he police station." His voice quaverdenly, he heard the back door and his hand was shaking. He or click the spoke, "You're a cool one, brother. ed, being opened, and then couldn't keep the receiver close Goldenrod Eggs Put that gun down, please, before to of the light switch. He sat still, his ear. Carrot Sticks or Curls you hurt somebody." He took a wondering who it could be, a The man was conscious of the Sandwiches Peanut Butter-Jell- y step forward, and Jerry raised the dozen thoughts chasing through at his he in and gun back, spoke Vanilla Ice Cream Sponge Cake with gun and moved it slightly from a bis mind. He felt the useless to hoarse deep whisper, "Come Milk side to side. Looking toward the Orange Icing gun in his pocket and took It the Anderson cottage off Helm man, Jerry was not sure of what road Goldenrod eggs are a nutritious out, gripping it firmly. Now, if right away." he should do next Then all the ever, he could test himself on "What's up?" Jerry heard the dish whether the party is for lunch admonitions of his teachers came or dinner time. Eggs prepared this several of the things which he back to him: SHOW NO FEAR-THI- NK officer ask. are just a bit more partified had learned during his rehabiliway "Tell he at the him," snapped FAST SPEAK WITH CONthan creamed eggs. tation. man. FOLLOW REASON In less than a minute, it seemed, VICTION "I've got the man you've been Goldenrod Eggs x door being THROUGH . . . he heard the looking for." (Serves 6 to 8) in come that chuckle down "Sit chair," Jerry low a and opened, heard the quick break of S tablespoons bnttcr or substitute from the intruder. Then he heard roared, surprised at his loud voice. theJerry connection at the police sta5 tablespoons flour things being put on the table. He This gave him a bit of confidence. tion. "VISUALIZE CHANCE IT--DO move. next of 2 cups milk his he in Then was the thought knew that whoever FOLLOW THROUGH' . . . "A nut," the man ventured, half 12 teaspoon salt kitchen seemed sure of himself. He had the answer . . . d 6 eggs He must know, he thought that under his breath, and he obeyed. that receiver and "Drop get as Parsley even with the whole house lighted, He kept his eyes on the gun arm He left your up." hesitated, 6 toast wedges it was practically impossible to though hypnotized by it. then ordered his prisoner to ga "Shut up and sit still." ee in from any side. Melt the butter, blend in flour, to back same the chair and sit "You're a smart . . ." The man The minutes dragged while he then add milk slowly and stir in down. from the gun just listened to the mart eating and glanced away seasonings. Cook until thickened. The killer bad a dogged smirk there was Cut whites of eggs into tiny slivers drinking. From the noise he was long enough to seeheif could on his face as he turned and grab. the anything near that and add to the white sauce. Pour making, slamming moved toward the chair. lie creamed mixture over toast wedges "Wot you going to doT Let me door and moving his chair, the man felt positive that his captor was and top with yolks a 'nut,' and with that fan . . . I I I , WUI II I pressed through a sieve. Garnish ll,IJIU with parsley. Seconds passed as he continued to glare at Jerry. Then he thought The sandwiches may be omitted of an old trick that be would try when the eggs are served, but if In order to get Jerry off guard. He desired, they may be made into If and also served. wondered why ha had not tried It "fingers" the soup Is served, they may be when he first came into the room. himself and settling placed on the plate along with it Stiffening A cake that will do the job nicely back in the chair, he broke the for the younger generation is this silence with a tirade of oaths. "Keep it up and keep them up, one made with hot milk, eggs and only a little shortening. It may be too," Jerry ordered. This was not the reaction that frosted prettily with a confectioners' the killer had hoped for. He then icing, moistened with orange juice quieted and began to talk more and flavored wtih grated orange II coherently, and soon was telling rind. Flute it through a pastry rosette tube and don't forget to of the crime for which he was be.J HJ At-',"He spared none of write happy birthday across it and ing hunted. use candles. the details. ii Then Jerry heard the parr of not Milk Sponge Cake a motor and men' voices. A 4 egg yolks 1 12 cups sugar slight wave of relief swept over him. Almost immediately, there 12 cup boiling milk or watct was a sound of crackling shrub1 11 cups cake floor bery and running feet The front 14 teaspoon salt door opened and two officers, 1 teaspoon baking powder with guns drawn, rushed in. 1 teaspoon lemon extract They saw their man and covered 4 stiffly beaten rgg whiles R awn? then ara, bat in m twaft (Ion him. Beat egg yolVs until very thick; Then an thotmni ahiiurg proon thai "Good work, Mr. Anderson, good add sugar gradually and continue work." b IMrg fort todaf , fat I km knows When the officers yanked the LYNN BATS: Tht hm bifillibl om that kavt auffk4 man to his feet and they had startail doubt He k K ml To blot Leftovers Can Tie tnj ed for the door, one of them said Thai I am routh Hint nth mj mrhifig hand; Time and Money Savers I to the prisoner, "You're lucky to Ht la as daw to m thai on heal Do you have a few pieces rf pinehave had this extra living time, Hi tptak the ajmpl wordi I wndrttHnA. him spotting you and with every- apple? Broil them to garnish end glorify your meat dish for dinner. 'Many infallible proofc," Ha aSowtd lo Arm body in the county ready and willCombine them Leftover fruits' At thry valkrd and talked with Him millii earthly to on shoot you ing sight." waa; The prisoner did not comment Into a gelatin salad. Or make them Iha I hart often touched Hif but he scowled and was shaking into a sauce f ir a pudding. Da you have some leftover nota- And M flit healing fnwm aa wll at thry. and snorting with anger. Oh, ant aJonr to thera cam proof cm proof wss not loaded, of- toes that were boiled? Brush them "The gun and broil alnng H sham mtj loaf, Ht Ima bowaih my touft ficer, and I could recognize him with melted fit with chops or a slice aa l'H hamburgers, from his story only you see, of ham, I am blind," Jerry said softly. , PACE SEVEN . ... d LYNN CHAMBERS' MENU Chicken Chop Suey on Rice Chinese Noodles Molded Orange Salad IfKM Usl ! i7Gs '"'-- i iiJJrknr 8305 111 ... Mi.nima.an- i j Daytime Dress the smartest daytime dresses you'll see. The popular diagonal lines are finished in soft the high slit neckline is so scallops flattering. If you like, three quarter sleeves are also provided in the pattern. One of -- 0 Date Frock Three tiny buttoned tabs make a pretty finish for this youthful date frock. Juniors adore the brief sleeve, Bran Muffins the fitted waist, the full flared Jelly Rhubarb Pie skirt. It will be perfect in a gay Beverage candy striped fabric. beating. Add milk; mix well and Pattern No. 8305 comes m add sifted dry ingredients. Mix un- sizes 11, 12, 13, 14, 16 and 18. Size 12, til smooth and add extract. Fold 4 yards of in egg whites. Bake in an un- You'll like the smart and practical greased cake pan in a slow (32S de- sewing information contained in the oven one for hour. gree) Invert pan Spring and Summer FASHION. 52 to cool, then frost. pages of style, color, easy to make frocks - free pattern printed inside the book. 25 cents. Birthday Party Menu (For Children 5 to 6) SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. Creamed Chicken in Toast Cops 530 Soutb WeUs St. Chicago 7, IU. Green Peas Carrot Slices Enclose 25 cents in coins for eacb Ice Cream and Birthday Cake pattern desired. Beverage Size Pattern No You may use the recipe for creamed eggs, and use chicken. The green peas may be mixed with the chicken or served separately. The carrot slices may be raw or cooked and served with the peas. Use the Battle of Coral Sea Termed same cake as suggested for the first First Big Defeat for Japan menu. d In the battle of that island-studocean known as the Coral sea, which Birthday Party Menu is near the Solomon islands and (For Children over 7) about 1,000 miles northeast of AuLamb Chops on Toast or stralia, America's first real victory Hamburgers on Broiled of the war with Japan was scored. Tomato Slices The action occurred on May 4, 1942, Potatoes An Gratin Green Beans and called for deeds of valor as Ice Cream with Sauce or thrilling as any in all American Crushed Fresh Berries history. Birthday Cake The Coral sea battle was the first Milk If you serve lamb chops. It's a great naval defeat ever dealt the And yet good idea to have them boned when imperial Japanese fleets. in you give them to the younger chil- this battle was fought entirely dren. They're more healthful, too, the air, by the planes of opposing aircraft carriers. if they're broiled. The ships engaged in this battle Here's a tasty recipe for hamnever got sight of each other. They decide on them for burgers, if you slugged It out without firing a tingle the party: gun at another ship the first enBroiled Hamburgers gagement of its kind in history. In this first great victory for the U. S. (Serves 6) this global war the Japs lost more 1 pound ground round or chuck than 15 ships sunk and at least 20 2 tablespoons chill sauce others severely damaged. The action 1 12 teaspoons prepared mustard 1 teaspoon minced onion perhaps saved Australia from invasion. 14 cup fine bread crumbs However, America paid a high 1 12 teaspoons Worcestershire price for her victory in the sultry sauce Coral sea. In this engagement the 14 teaspoon pepper aircraft carrier, Lexington, famed 8 slices bread ship that laid the foundation of our 8 slices fresh tomato modern navy's aircraft carrier opCombine all ingredients except went to the bottom. This sliced bread and tomatoes. Spread erations, on May 7. on slices of bread. Broil for eight happened minutes at moderate heat then top with tomatoes which have been broiled at the same time. Serve at Pattern No. 1765 is for sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20; 40 and 42. Size 14, cap sleeve, 4 yards of jO BIG -- as .aSTtt.';i3'" d 1 In NR (Nature's Remedy) Tablet! there are no chemicals, no minerals, no phenol derivatives. NR Tablets art different act different Purely vtgi-tab- le a combination of 10 vegetablt ingredients formulated over 50 yar ago. Uncoated or candy coated, their action is dependable, thorough, ycf gentle, as millions of NR's have proved. Get a 25 ( box. Uie as directed, lift QUICK RELIEF FOR ACID IN3IGESTI0I Sk!nwon fire' from itching of DRY ECZEMA Don't delay apply soothing, skilfully medicated Resinol to the irritated akin I Note how this famous ointment relieves itching and burning. It helps so many skin sufferers, it must be good. Costs little at your druggist's. 1 You Can Be a Partner Buy U. S. Savings Bonds! CrispeTf a once. BIRTHDAY CAKE, select a yellow, white or chocolate one depending upon the youngsters' preference. Then frost It with chocolate frosting, as given below. The FOR YOUR Because Kellogg's Corn Flakes are so popular, they come to you fresher. cake may be put together with marjhmnllow cream, spread with the frosting. A procession of animal crackers around the sides will delight the children. If animal candle holders are available, use them on top. Magio Chocolate Frosting squares unsweetened chocolate 11 cups (1 can) sweetened con densed milk 1 tablespoon water Melt chocolate In top of double boiler. Add sweetened, condensed milk, then stir over boiling water five minutes until the mixture thick ens. Add water. Cool. Spread on This recipe makes cold cake. enouRh frosting for the top and sides of two (nine inch) layers. 2 1 lUlaaawd br WN'U Faaturaa What can you do with those sliced tomatoes? Use them in meat loaf or meat ratties or as a sauce base for flavoring other meats. Or stew snd sieve them and use for soup. In Is there a d:ib of the refriRerat'.r7 Coo It Into the vounestrr?" morning fnrina or use it in an srplesauce cake. Never toss away those delicious n t J. lie from ranne l fruit. Thicken with cornstarch and use ss sauce or ss liquid for gela I tin desserts and salads. SZSyJi TO-NIG- Crispy-deliciou- r"rfs' f I 1 l).n.i) ,l rfA i,,y,j., i.i1.m;ii i i 'ah ftw t 'Le-wr- W s! stf my '"WES Change to SAfiO Vie Szfcr Cigarette with US Not MubrtltiH - Not mMtod Sano's scientific procen cuts nicotine content to half that of ordinary cigarettes. Yet skillful blending every puff a pleasure. 11 t!0-- TOVt A I.L Trn A OCX) OO, 00O0I AIOUT INO. 140 W. riAIN OR CORK TP ratn T. Clt AKlTTlt 4 |