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Show THE PAGE EIGHT i ! W A I Arrangements are being completed the annual N. H. 8. Alumni Association Banquet and Dance. The banquet will be held in the high school building Friday evening, May 22nd, under the direction of Miss Effle Jones and the help of the Domestic Science class. The dance will follow in the Nebona Gardens. President Burton announces that the following committees are workDecorations, ing on the banquet: Mrs. Albert Sells, chairman; tables, Albert Starr; silverware, linen, dishes. La Von Harris, Eva Pay; invitations, Vivian Tranter, Prlscllla menu. Louise Bowers; Wilson, Camille Cazier, Thelma Warner, Alice program, Blanche Sowby; Burton; tickets, Ralph Chase, Alma Maurice Chase, Claude Burton, Lomax. Ida Bean. Blanche Garrett; Wm. Pyper, Florence Chase, Vivian Tranter. Prlscllla Wilson. Sadie Howard; dance, James McCune. for MARVELOUS Shooting Exhibition by "AD" TOPPERWEIN World's Foremost Fancy Shot A THRILL WITH EVERY SHOT MAY 20th WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON AT SHEEP LANE EAST FIRST SOUTH OSTLER & ALLEN Nephi, Utah E. TANNER Nephi ICE DEALER. BEFORE YOU BUY ANY PAINT. Call me for prices I sell high grade paint (Standard Quality) my prices will suit your pocketbook also wall paper L. M. Pexton, Phone 70. mm uour DIETc NOTICE FOR BIDS The Board of Education of Juab School District will receive proposals for the laying of two floors at the SpecificaNephi Central School. Size of rooms, tions as follows: 26 ft. x 23 ft. 8 inches, and 37 ft. 8 inches x 23 ft. 8 inches. One upstairs room, and one on ground floor. Number 3 grade Electric Maple Flooring of usual proportions 13 16 inch in length of materials. thick, 2'4 in. face. Bids to be filed at the office of the Board not later than 11:00 a. m. Wednesday. June 3rd, 1931. Work to be completed on or before June 30th, 1931. The Board of Education reserves the right to reject any, or all proposals. Office of Board of Education It Nephi. Utah. Three Nephi men escaped serious Injury late Sunday afternoon when tlieir auto was allegedly struck by a driver and then overturned and completely burned ten miles south of Eureka. The men riding in the auto were Frank Harris, driver and owner of the Pontlac Coach, Alfred Madsen and George Hill. According to Mr. Harris, they were folng south when a truck, in passing them, hit the rear corner and started them rolling off the road. Mr. Harris was thrown through the top of the car, but suffered only a wrenched tack and slight bruises. Mr. Madsen and Mr. Hill were pulled from the car by passing motorists a few moments before flames swept the machine. The three men were taken to Eureka, where medical aid was given. They returned to Nephi late Sunday evening. Ruth Christlson and Maida Starr spent May 3rd visiting friends and relatives in Payson. REWARD WORK HORSES Sliayed or Stolen from Lehi, May 4 1 chunky dk. bay horse 9 yr. 1600 lbs. wt. spot in face. 1 med. bay horse, 6 yr. 1500 lbs. shod, Brand 1 It. "L" Rt. thigh. bay horse, leggy 6 yr. 1500 lbs. Brand "L" Rt. thigh; Wt. spot in face and hind foot; shod. Ph. Hy. 743; S. L. C. II. C. Holbrook. When you are planning- your daily menus for the coming1 week don't leave out Bread. It THREE NEPHI MEN IN AL'TO WRECK SUNDAY CLASSIFIED OUR BREAD IS THE MEDIUM is the medium of balance for your diet. And when you arc -- WANTED HORSES TO PASTURE Roy McPherson, Mills. 4tp. BOOK YOUR ORDER EARLY FOR shopping don't forget to call in this Bakery and purchase a few loaves. It is made fresh every day. And with a few white loaves, get some whole wheat bread from our store . it's good. A Trial Will Convince You! u old cockerels Phone D PER TON. Why Juab County Mill & Elevator Company. tf been poulble tint time It ha electric washer to fet a f of VOSS quality for only ull-alae- d $69.95- - The New VOSS has full-abe- d tub, Westinghoiue porcelain motor, Lovell wringer with large 2 inch rolla, fully enclosed mechanism, beauty of line nnd finish, and it is the only washer g that cleans by tha fnethod. hand-tcathln- You U'.ih In tlx Sud at the Top. INSIST ON OUR BREAD $16.25 SUMMONS IN THE FIFTH DISTRICT COURT OF UTAH IN AND FOR JUAB COUNTY. Rose M. Bench, Plaintiff. vs. Millin Orvil Bench, Defendant. THE STATE OF UTAH TO THE SAID .DEFENDANT: You are hereby summoned to ap pear within twenty days after ser this summons upon you, If within the county in which this action is brought; otherwise within thirty days after service, and defend the above entitled action; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. This action is brought to recover a judgment dissolving. the bonds of matrimony heretofore existing between you and the plaintiff. WILL L. HOYT, Plaintiffs Attorney. P. O. Address: Nephi, Utah. vice of served BAKERY ELGIN R. GARRETT 194. EXPERIENCED GIRL WHO CAN Suit particular people and good with children wishes work. Phone M7-2t312 for particulars. MILL RUN buy hay? gyi-Vott Agitv l tator Wuhas u Top. Dirt Always the Bottom. SELLS FURNITURE CO. M7-J4-- fifl w 2 niL Si that NEPHI. UTAH S. IMVI A Cttfhf 'I ATfnv DANCE TO BE BANQUET AM) HELD OX FRIDAY, MAY 22ND II V TIMES-NEW- wmr E lng, Bernice Evans; Sabbath, Aleta Harris; Parents, Mem Newton; Killing, Beth Lunt; Adultery, Afton Greenwood; Stealing, Maxlne Sperry; Gossip, La Von Harris; Coveting, Jewell Sorenson. 9. B. Y. U. Concert Chorus: "God la Our Refuge." SCENE TWO Love 10. B. Y. U. Concert Chorus: "Out of the Silence." 11. Down the Ages: Readers. 12. Vocal Solo: "O Holy Night." Evelyn Brough. Violin Obligato, Wanda Petty. 13. And They Led Them Upon a Mount: Readers. TWELVE APOSTLES Peter, Tom Belliston; James, Glade Sanders; John, Gean Worthington; Andrew, Floyd Andrews; Phillip, Wallace Bowers; Matthew, John Bowers; Bartholomew, Wendell Francom; Thomas. Farrln Mangelson; James, Leland Nielsen; Thaddeus, Max Norton; Simon, Lincoln Orme; Judas Iscariot, Merle Ord. JEWS Itha Tunbridge, Rhea Jackman, Bessie Benedict, 'Vanda Foote. Marjorie Gadd. Faye Pierce, Marie Stailey, Austin Mangelson, Ruth Jackson, Marion Bosh, Gerald Memmott, Monte Bailey, Maurice Barnett, Frank Parkin. El Ray Painter Fehr. Reva Chrlstensen, Wanda Jackman, Evelyn Mortensen, Lucille Anderson, Norma Taylor, Francis Nielsen, Faye Shepherd, Jewel Dalby, Naomi Mangelson, Mildred Bradfleld. 14. Vocal Solo: "Come Unto Me," Miss Margaret Summerhays. 15. The Beatitudes: Readers. Dependence, Aleta Harris; Mourning, Leola Parkin; Meelc-nes- s, Ruth Haynes; Hungering, Afton Kendall; Merciful, Blanche Andrews; Purity, Georgia Parkin; Peacemaker, Jewell Sorenson; Persecuted, Ada Jackson; Asking, Camilla Mangelson; Seeking, Lucy Salisbury; Knocking, Maxine Sperry; Love, Beth Lunt. 16. Quartet, Double Duet and Chorus: "Grant Us Peace." SCENE THREE 27. Graduation IT NEEDS REPLACING SILVER MAPLE SERVICE Ashton, Idaho $1.60 San Francisco. Cal. $2.35 Long Beach, Cal. $2.35 Care Will Save Your Car TELEPHONE $2.98 and $3.25 Men's Worse Hide Canvas Back Work Gloves Men's Overland Special Overalls Sport Cords with Fancy Belt 49c $1.10 $2.98 Men's Fancy Dress Hose, pair New Shipment of 2 piece Fancy Underwear Suit Phone In conclusion, Mr. Ware stated CITY BUYS LARGE QUANTITIES UTAH PRODUCE that through contacts and investigation he was of the opinion the depression had rounded the U and (Continued From Page One) was on the up grade, but in order Angeles. Valuation by Agricultural to hasten the climb, business men department, Los Angeles cnamoer must show the way by not crying of Commerce: so much about hard times, but by "Squash, 1 carload; apples, 102 going to work, and establishing a 3 carloads; carloads; cabbage, for others to follow. cherries, 2 carloads; lettuce, 1 car- leadership The meeting was in charge of load; onions, (dry) 83 carloads; Spencer E. Forrest. peas, 2 carloads; peaches, J.3 carKiwanis Publicity Committee. loads; potatoes, 180 carloads; a total of 387 carloads of a total monetary value of $372,160. "In dairy and poultry products, 4,509,057 pounds of butter, 878,410 pounds of cheese, 380,003 pounds of dressed poultry and 51,765 cases of LOST A SECTION OF A FORD Truck Body, near James Ellison eggs, at a total monetary value of were shipped to Los field, Wednesday. Return to Samuel $2,523,835 Linton. Angeles, by Utah producers. "Livestock purchases amounted to t FOR RENT FURNISHED $8,088,188. Hotel Annex. "The above figures were compiled for 1930, showing an Increase of SHEEP IF YOU HAVE SHEEP $4,484,960 over 1929. To buy or sell, call or write to "If the proper cooperation and beG. W. Daybell, Provo, Utah. A30-understanding can be reached Los tween Utah producers and Angeles purchasers there is no rea- MILL RUN $16.25 PER TON. Why son why the above shipments could Mill & buy hay? Juab not be materially increased. Elevator Company. County tf COAST CLASSIFIED APTS.-Forres- Harris, LaVon Harris, Ada Jackson, Afton Kendall, Beth Lunt, Camilla Mangelson, Farrin Mangelson, Mem Newton, Leland Nielsen, Max Norton, Merle Ord, Lincoln Orme, Kathryn Phillips, Georgia Parkin, Leola Parkin, Geneva Rosequlst, Maxlne Sperry, Glade Sanders, Lucy Salisbury, Jewell Sorenson, Gean Worthington. OTHER CHARACTERS Lady Reader: Mrs. Grace Nixon Stewart. Man Reader: Will L. Hoyt. Pianists: Wallace L. Martin. B. Y. U. Concert Chorus, consisting of thirty-fiv- e voices, under direction of Professor Franklin Madsen. 8 mm) ALSO Colortone Review "The General" NEWS R. RUTH CHATTERTON "UNFAITHFUL" with PAUL LUKAS Charley Chase Dollar Dizzy CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all those who assisted in any way during the illness and death of our husband and father, also for the cars furnished at the funeral and the beautiful floral offerings. Mrs. Joseph Broadhead and family. 3 17-1- NEWS SOON "Kick In" "Never The Twain "Ladies Man" "Sklppy" "Girls Together" 98c Nephi, Utah 18 SENIOR SEMINARY GRADUATES May 19c Nephi Merc. Co. Floyd Andrews, Blanche Andrews, Wallace Bowers, John Bowers, Virginia Bowles, Tom Belliston, Bernice Evans, Wendell Francom, Afton Greenwood, Ruth Haynes, Aleta May from Nephi to: SHOES SPECIAL Work Shoes Williams. ASK US ABOUT THE ON YOUR CAR . SENIOR SEMINARY Graduation Exercises 28. Report and Presentation of Graduates, Principal LeRoy Whitehead. 29. Presentation of Certificates, President A. H. Belliston. 30. Class Appreciation, LaVon Harris. 31. Class Graduation Song. 32. Congregational Singing, "Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow." 33. Benediction. Bishop P. B. Cowan. JUNIOR SEMINARY GRADUATES 1930 Nephi Ruth Anderson, Isabell Bodell, Wllmer Barnett, Josephine Bailey, Keith Broadhead, Blanche Broadhead, Merllne Chrlstensen, Oris Christensen, Paul Downs, Afton Garrett. Ida Greenhalgh, Blanche Harris, Levere Haynes, Bessie Irons, Melva Jarrett, Dorothy Johnson, Myrth Kendall, Mildred McPherson, Marion Pexton, Thelma Reld, Eva Sanders, Enid Starr, Elmo Starr, Deon Winn. 1931 Levan Wanda Jackman, Evelyn Mortensen, Lucille Anderson, Norma Taylor, Francis Nielsen, Faye Shepherd, Jewel Dalby, Naomi Mangelson, Mildred Bradfleld, Reva Christensen, Itha Tunbridge, Rhea Jackman, Bessie Benedict, Austin Mangelson, Marion Bosh, Faye Pierce, Fay Jackman. 1931 Nephi Dona Belliston, Enid Brough, Mildred Bowles, Fern Broadhead, Fay Broadhead, Wilma Allen, Nelda Cowan, Vanda Foote, Claudia Fairbourn, Lillian Goble, Marjory Gadd, Nina Greenhalgh, Beth Hobbs, Jennie Howard, Erma Ingram, Arta Jenkins, Ruth Jackson, Delia Kendall, Donna Klrgan, Ruby Page, Mabel Sowby, Dora Stanley, Marie Stanley, Florence Tolley, Melda Vickers, La Rue Worthington, June Whipple, Maurice Barnett, Monte Bailey", Harold Bailey, Grover Brough, Don Christensen, Joel Christensen, Jack Cowan, Mervin Bowers, Richard Garbett, Frank Higginson, Gerald Memmott, John Ord, Dean Powell, Roscoe Park, El Ray Painter, Frank Parkins, Clarence Reed, Jack Starr, Norman Warren, LaMar TOBY'S CIRCUS TIME FINGER PRINTS No. 9 strange how quickly you can settle things by And service is telephone. faster than ever, costs are lower. For example, station to station day rates Men's Work Shirts 55c, 75c, 90c and $1.00 Men's and Young Men's Dress Shirts . .98c up Song. "JUNE MOON" It's SHIRTS Faith JACK OAKIE The Question 1931. Shirts - Shirts Triple Trio and Concert Chorus: "Ye Simple Souls Who Stray Far From the Paths of Peace." 18. The Apostasy: Readers. 19. The Restoration: Readers. 20. Triple Trio and Concert Chorus: "An Angel From on High" 21. The Exodus. 22. Congregational Singing: "Come, Come Ye Saints." CHARACTERS Brigham Young, Tom Belliston; Jim Bridger, Glaae Sanders; Wives, Aleta Harris and Kathryn Phillips. PIONEERS Claudia Fairbourn, Beth Hobbs, Nelda Cowan, Enid Brough, Don Christiansen, Isabell Bodell, Wllmer Barnett, Josephine Bailey, Blanche Broadhead, Afton Garrett, Ida Greenhalgfn, Blanche Harris, Bessie Irons, Melva Jarrett, Mildred McPherson, Thelma Reid, Eva Sanders, Enid Starr, Deon Winn, Merlene Chrlstensen, Marlon Pexton, June Whipple, Grover Brough, Richard Garbett, Dean Powell. ARTICLES OF FAITH Godhead, Geneva Rosequlst; Sin, Virginia Bowles; Atonement, Camilla Mangelson; Requirements. Ada Jackson; Authority, Bernice Evans; Organization, Afton Greenwood; Gifts of Spirit, Mem Newton; Scripture, Leola Parkin; Revelation, Lucy Salisbury; Last Days, Ruth Haynes; Worship, Afton Kendall; Obedience, Blanche Andrews; Godliness, Georgia Parkin. 23. Double Quartet and Chorus, "Let the Mountains Shout For Joy." JUNIOR SEMINARY Graduation Exercises 24. Presentation of Graduates, Supt. LeRoy Whitehead. 25. Presentation of Certificates, President A. H. Belliston. 26. Class Appreciation, Don Christensen. SUNDAY-MONDA- OIL FILTER 14. 17. TONITE and SATURDAY Li May SEMINARY PAGEANT UBt TO) Thursday. 111 HI Everybody Should Drink Give Your Feet and Your Pocketbook a SQUARE DEAL A Comfort Shoe Within Reach FRIENDLY FIVE SHOES MILK It is one food that is good for you whether you are 6 or 60 years of age. MEADQWBROOK DAIRY dt of All WW r |