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Show Thursday. May 1931. 14. THE Local News Every TIMES-NEW- PAGE FIVE NEPIII. UTAH S. EHHOEnEltaEIHEffiHEEli Local News Local Happenings Miss Flora Parkea of Ogden was Mrs. E. Hamilton of Salt Lake Mr, and Mrs. B. J. Rbe of Mrs. T. H. O. Provo were Sunday guests of Mr. City spent Mothers' Day with her Parkes. Mr. and and Mrs. C. D. Keese. daughter and Mrs. V. M. Foote. Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Walker Mr. and Mrs. A. II. RelllMon visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. spent Wednesday and Thursday Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Davis and Mrs. Emma K. Olstn spent Mothers' in Richfield on business. Joseph Munk In Mantl. Day In Ephraim with Mr. Davis' Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Carver of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Brown spent mother. Salt Lake City were the guests of Mothers' Day with Mrs. J. L. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph BellUton left Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Vlckers recently. Brown. Tuesday for the Uinta Basin where Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Smith sent Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Kldd of River- - Mr. Belliston will look after his Friday In Provo visiting with Mr. ton visited Tuesday with Mr. and business interests there. Mrs. Lynn Olpin. and Mrs. James Madson. and Miss RoseMary Belliston Miss Ruby Painter of Salt Lake Allen Belliston spent Mothers' Day Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. 8perry Jr. visited at the University of Utah City spent Sunday with her parents, with their mother, Mrs. J. L. on the annual high school day last Mr, and Mrs. Henry Painter. Friday. Miss Marian McEvans of Spear-fisMr. and Mrs. Paul McCune and South Dakota, spent a few Miss Phyllis Reid. a student of daughter Jamlce of Salt Lake City the U. S. A. C. spent Mothers' Day spent Mothers' Day with Mrs. 8. days this week with Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Bigler. with tier parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McCune. Earl Reld. Dr. and Mrs. F. H. Beckstead are Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Stlmpson and on the Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Vlckers and small daughter were the guests of receiving congratulations Mrs. birth of a son. Tuesday in the L. D. mother. Jack Vlckers of Los Angeles, Cali Mrs. Stlmpson's fornia, visited with relatives and Hannah Bee In Provo a few days S. Hospital in Salt Lake City. friends In Nephi Sunday. the latter part of the week. the Sunday guest of son-in-la- repriced to sell at hiv;'.V Extra Specials! Beautiful Rubber Aprons h. ft $CT 90 Jo 25c Rubber Gloves, The Best We Have Ever Sold r entertained Mrs. W. H. at an attractively arranged dinner 25c Child's Rubber Bibs 15c Child's Rubber Pants 10c Wa.-ne- Adelbert Cazier and Mrs. Maydell Mrs. Weston Blake and daugh ter Betty Ruth of Evanston. Wyo- Palmer of Cardston, Canada, are ming, spent Saturday visiting with visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson enroute to Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Wade. their home after a visit In Mrs. Drew Jordon and daughter and son of Daytona. Florida, were Miss Helen Lyman, a member of Tuesday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Smith. the faculty of Provo High School and her mother and sister were the Mrs. R. R. Hull and small daugh dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ter Kate Evelyn of Salt Lake City A. Sperry, Jr. Mrs. Lyman was one are spending a two week's vacation of the Gold Star Mothers who took at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. the trip to Europe to visit the grave of her son. Bailey. Sports and Dees Type Fur and Self Trimmed Scarfs . . . Jabots . . . Revert Belted Silhouette Crepey Woolens Monotone and Flecked Tweeds ... Black Mlddj Bhie Green . . . Gray ... Tan party Tuesday evening In compliment to Mr. Warner, who was observing his birthday anniversary. Pansies furnished the centerpiece for the table. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Warner, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Howard, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Warner and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Warner and baby daughter of Petaluma, California, Mr and Mrs. Clarence Warner, and children. Mrs. Katie Worthington, Earl Warner, Miss Thelma Warner, and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Warner. (Highest Grade Rubber) Non-Breakab- Goggles, for wind and sun . .25c le "IT PLEASES US TO PLEASE YOU" BEHnsnEIHBliailEBEIEl Inc. .DEPARTMENT 29 North Main Street Nephi, Utah Mrs. A. G. Pyper of Salt Lake City is visiting at the home of Mr. adn Mrs. J. N. C. Pexton. Mr. and Mrs. Duke Page were business visitors in Salt Lake City during the week-en- the incon- finding that on Monday morning there is no soap. Saturday, our store will sell 10 bars of P. & G. Soap for the bargain price of 29c. Be sure to include 10 or 20 bars on your week-en- d list. Mr. and Mrs. of Ephraim and Salina were the Mr. and Mrs. T. Swift's Lard 55c J4T ) r This truly is a timely item right when warm is weather starting and all of the j home rendered iard is just about gone, along comes our offering of Swift's "Silver leaf" Pure Lard in 4 pound pails at the saving price of 55c. This and other bargains mentioned in this ad will be on sale in our O. P. Skaggs System Store, Pot Roast 15c Id. This is not only a bargain price, but is beef that is tender and full of the flavor that only choice beer has. It has been grain fed and fattened just to a degree to assure tenderness and flavor. Just th'r.k cf it, a 5 pound Beef Pot Roast for only 75c. Include a Beef Roast with your Saturday IP. SKAGGS "A Surety of Purity" Silas McCafferty Hazel Smith of dinner guests of L. Smith Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brooks and family and Mrs. Jane Brooks of Salt Lake City were the house euests of Mr. and Mrs. Melvln Reed Sunday. Mrs. T. C. Thompson is seriously ill as a result of a stroke which she has been suffering from since Fridav. Mont Madson returned this week from the German mission field, where he has labored the past 18 months. He had to return sooner than he had anticipated due to ill health. We are glad to welcome him home again. Greenona, our open air dance hall, is being remodeled and made The larger and also repainted. first dance of this season will be held on Friday evening, May 5th. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Allen of Santa Monica, California, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Allred and family of Centerfield, Utah and Mrs. Emma Nash and children of Salt Lake City visited for a couple of days this week at the home of Lyda Guvmon. A large number of parents and young people attended the Commencement Exercises of the graduates of the Moroni High School on .Friday evening, where a splendid 'program was rendered. There were enns two valedictorians Myrtle tensen of Moroni and McElroy Lund ;His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lund, feel very proud of this fact 'as they are the parents of eight 'children and four of them have been valedictorians, which is an ex ceptional record. Funeral services for Edna Jensen Johnson, age 34, wife of Dewey Johnson, were held Thursday after. Some noon at the ward chapel. "In the time We'll Understand," Upper Garden" and "Beyond" were rendered by the ward cnoir. 'ine speakers were Fred D. Smyth, H P. Olson and Biship J. R. Chris tiansen. Solo. "O Dry Those Tears .was rendered by Lena Johnson and a duet. "Come Unto Me" was rendered by Clara Larson. of Moroni and Francel Hanson. Opening prayer was offered by John C. ;Aagard of Provo and the closing prayer by Mont Madson. There was an unusually large crowd as (well as many relatives and friends from other communities who were in attendance a tthe funeral services. She is survived by her husband and five small children. There were many beautiful floral offerings. ' ' Dff TT x R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company takes pleasure in announcing that the decisions of Judges CHARLES DANA GIBSON, ROY W. HOWARD and RAY LONG in the $50,000 Camel Prize Contest have been reached and that prizes accordingly have been awarded as follows: Mrs. I. M. Petty, Cleo, Maxine, and Elaine Pettv spent Mothers' Day visiting in Deseret with Mrs. Petty's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bennett. Ft. Green News Wimmevs (D (E) M TT IS Mr. and Mrs. Orval Sperry and family of Tooele were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Park a few days this week. Lettuce 5c Head 4 Pound Pail t Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Paxman and family motored to Salt Lake City Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Paxman. of This Spring weather everyone craves fresh, green tonicvegetables. is seldom, Spring necessary for those who eat freely of garden foods. Saturday our store will sell large heads of fresh, crisp lettuce at only 5c a head. You'll want three or four heads at this price. IPmiaU d. Soap is used by every household. Guard venience 9 Local Happenings lO Bars P. & G. Soap 29c against STORE First trize3 $259000 JAMES THOMAS SHARKEY, 101 Train Street, Dorchester, Mass. Second Prize, Third Prize, 109OOG MRS. WALTER SWEET, Navy Yard, Brooklyn, N. Y. S Prizes of SI.OOO each A. B. FRANKLIN, III, 52 Kirkland St Cambridge, Mass. JOHN R. McCARTHY, 721 Main St., Willimantic, Conn. FREDERICK E. ROBINSON, Coronado Beach, Calif. A. SCHRADER, Brent Apt., New Albany, Ind. W DR. D. II. SOPER, 523 E. Brown, Iowa City, Iowa. 5 Prises of $500 each F. CARTWRIGHT, Transp't'n BIdg., Washington, D. C EDITH COCHRANE, Glenvale Ave., Darien, Conn. BARBARA LAWLESS, Ardmore, Pa. JANE PARSONS, 325 E. 79th St New York, N. Y. RICHARD W. VOGT, Green Bay Road, Waukegan, I1L JULIUS M. NOLTE, Glen Avon, Duluth, Minn, 25 Prizes of $100 each ELIZABETH JARRARD, Porter Apt., Lansing, Mich. J. W. KEATING, 523 Prospect Ave., Cleveland, Ohio J. IL KENNEDY, 2627 W. State St Milwaukee, Wise. JOHN KILPELAINEN, West Paris, Maine DR. CLIFTON B. LEECH, 211 Angell St., Providence, R. L EDWARD MARTIN, 121 Liddell St., Buffalo, N. Y. MRS. L. C MILLARD, 609 Stockley Gardens, Norfolk, Va. EUGENE SARTIM, 745 Chapel St., Ottawa, 111. GREGORY LUCE STONE, 755 Texas St Mobile, Ala. DR. C L. THOMAS, Mount Airy, N. C LEE R. WOMACK, 448 Tenney Ave., Amherst, Ohio J. ARTHUR WOOD, 21 Burke St., Mechanicville, N.Y. EMERY HERBERT YOUNG, Painted Post, N.Y. MARIE ALBERTS, 6252 So. Spaulding Ave., Chicago N .C W. B. BARKER, JR 420 N. Spruce, Winston-Salem- , EUGENE BARTON, 3625 La Luz St., El Paso, Texas MRS. EDW. F. DALY, 1133 Louisville St., St. Louis, Mo. WM. G. ERBAOIER, 308 N. Front St., Conway, Ark. LEROY FAIRMAN, 69 Dartmouth St., Forest Hills, N. Y. KATHRYN R. FRANCIS, 448 E. 22d St., Baltimore, Md. MRS. ALEXIS GODILLOT, 191 Waverly PL, New York C W. GRANGE, 2316 Central St., Evanston, 111. C S. CRAYBILL, Paxtonville, Pa. JOHN I. GRIFFIN, 1208 Jackson, Pueblo, Colorado DAVID C HILL, Peyton and Arlington Rda., York, Pa. IN $59OOG congratulating the winners in the Camel contest wc want at the same time to thank most cordially the approximately million men and women who displayed their friendly interest by sending in an entry. We wish also to thank the millions of smokers throughout the country for the appreciation they are showing for our new Humidor Pack as is evidenced by the notable increase in the sale of Camel cigarettes. germ-prooBy means of this dust-proof, f, f Cellophane wrapping the rich aroma and full flavor of choice Turkish and mellow Domestic tobaccos have been in Camels for your enjoyment. If you have not tried Camels in the Humidor Pack all we ask is that you switch over to this brand for one day. After you have learned how much milder, how much cooler, how much more enjoyable it is to smoke a perfectly conditioned fresh cigarette, go back to the harsh hotness of stale cigarettes if you can. moisture-proo- air-seal- ed & 1931, . J. B.jiuldi Tobtm C,u;, fWM, M. C. |