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Show T PAGE FOUR THK Joel Taylor L, J. Wade County Assessor Mr. and Mis. Leo Hansen of Lehl spent Tuesday in Salt Lake City ness visitors spent Mothers' Day with relatives on business. here. Mr. and Mrs. I There are thieves which rob the busy man of health, of property, of money, of business success, of opportunity. Some of them can be warded off others are insidious in their methods, and the damage they do can be offset only by insurance. We have a policy exactly suited to your needs and would like an opportunity to explain it to you. A little consultation before writing a policy often saves trouble and Visit us, or let us visit you. First National Co. Insurance Bonds Loans Securities First National Bank Building Nephi, Utah SHERIFF'S SALE Case No. 2231 (3) In the Fifth Judicial District Court, in and for Juab County, State of Utah. D. E. Judd, Plaintiff, against B. & O. Development ComLouis N. pany, a corporation; Whealton and Mary A. Whealton his wife, and Utah Savings and Trust Company, a corporation, De fendants, to be sold at Sheriffs Sale at the East front door of the County Courthouse in the City of Nephi, County of Juab, State of Utah, on the 29th day of May, 1931, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day, that certain real property situate in Juab County, State of Utah, described as follows, to-w- it: The West half of Section 5, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, containing 320 acres, more or less; also. All of Section 17 6, Township South, Range 2 West, containing 640 acres, more or less; also The Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 1, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, containing 40 acres; containing in all 1000 acres, be the same more or less. Purchase price payable in lawful the United States. Dated at Nephi, Juab County, Utah, this 4th day of May, 1931. D. J. SULLIVAN, Sheriff of Juab County, Utah. By G. R. JUDD, Deputy. Thomas & Thomas, Attorneys for Plaintiff. First Publication, May 7, 1931 Last Publication, May 28, 1931. money of "He Builds Wisely Who Builds Well" TO BUILD WELL USE . Nephi Plaster HAS NO EQUAL The Largest and Purest Natural Deposit of Gypsum In the World NEPHI PLASTER and MFG. COMPANY Bffll!!!B!mil!!!!!!ninn!l!n'll!iri111lllll!lll!ll!li:i!!l!!!!H'n:nH!n!!!lll'wlfe. Ihber Shepherd of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Kldd, of Sunday with City six-n- t Riverton were guests of Mr. and relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Christensen Mrs. Lynn Olpin Tuesday. of Mount Pleasant visited over the Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Starr and week-en- d with relatives here. Mrs. Edna Turner of Farmington children of Provo spent Sunday is spending a few days with her with Mr. and Mrs. WUford Bailey. mother, Mrs. James Anderson. Mrs. C. W. Morgan enjoyed a busMr. and Mrs. Douglas Shepherd of Richfield spent Sunday with Mr. iness trip to Bait Lake City Friday. and Mrs. J. W. Shepherd and famMr. and Mrs. Enos Simons of ily. Maurine Powell, who is attend- Payson were the guests of Mr. and ing school at Provo spent Mother' Mrs. A. II. Latimer Monday. day with her mother, Mrs. T. Salt Lake THE Tfi EVES! expense. SHERIFFS SALE Case No. 2230 (1-2) In the Fifth Judicial District Court, in and for Juab County, State of Utah, D. E. Judd, Plaintiff, against B. & G. Development Com pany, a corporation, and Utah Savings and Trust Company, a cor poration, Defendants, to be sold at Sheriffs Sale at the East front door of the County Courthouse in the City of Nephi, County of Juab, State of Utah, on the 29th day of May, 1931, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day, that certain real property situate in Juab County, state : of Utah, described as follows, it PARCEL NO. 1. The East half of Section 32, Township 15 South, Range 2 West of S. L. B. M., containing 320 acres; also PARCEL NO. 2. The West half of the Northeast quarter; and the Southwest quarter; and the East half of the Northwest quarter; and the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter, in Section 4, contain ing 360 acres; also the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter; and the South half of the Southeast quarter in Section 5, containing 120 acres; and also the West half of Section 9, containing 320 acres; and also the North half of the Northwest quarter of Section and also 16, containing 80 acres; the North half of the Northeast quarter of Section 17, containing 80 acres; and also the East half of Section 8, containing 320 acres; all being in Township 16 South, Range 2 West, S. L. B. & M. County of Juab, State of Utah, and being a total of 1600 acres, more or less, embracing both of said Parcels No. 1 and No. 2. Purchase price payable in lawful money of the United States. Dated at Nephi, Juab County, Utah, this 4th day of May, A. D. to-w- 1931. D. J. SULLIVAN, Sheriff of Juab County, Utah. By G. R. JUDD, Deputy. Thomas & Thomas, Attorneys for Plaintiff. First Publication, May 7, 1931. Last Publication, May 28, 1931. Powell. Mrs. Sophia Christensen returned home Saturday after spending some months in Los Angeles, California with relatives. Mrs. Evan Shepherd returned home from Salt Lake City last week feeling much improved after her operation. Cleone Wankler of Los Angeles, California Is spending his vacation here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wankler. Mrs. Carl Ballow left for Caliente Nevada Saturday nlyht, where she will meet her husband, who has employment there. Mr. and Mrs. LeCrande Mmpel-so- n of Salt Lake City spent Mothers Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Poulson. Mrs. J. A. Bosh returned home Monday from Salt Lake City where she spent the past few weeks following an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Johnson and family of Richfield are enjoying this week with Mrs. Johnson's mother, Mrs. T. J. McClure. Elgin Gardner of Provo and Grant Gardner of Nephi spent Mothers' Day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. Christian Christen- '.sen motored to Mantl Sunday to spend Mothers' Day with Mrs. Christensen's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Mangelson left last week for Los Angeles. California, where they will enjoy a short vacation sightseeing. Mr. and Mrs. Embro Bendlxon and children and Mr. and Mrs, Earhardt Bendlxon and family of Mills, visited Sunday with relatives here. Mrs. Wm. Shepherd and two children are enjoying an extended visit in Ogden with her sisters, Mrs. Helen Dankars and Mrs. Pearl Stan ford. Mr. and Mrs. Darral Childs and family of Centerfleld motored to Levan Sunday to spend Mothers Day with Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Chris tensen. Fine talks were delivered Sunday afternoon In the ward meeting by the assistant church historian of Salt Lake City and brother Ockey of Nephi. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Christensen and family and Mrs. Nora Ray or Los Angeles, California came Sunday to spend their vacation with relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Angell returned home Thursday after spending a few days in Moapo, Nevada. Mr. Angell reports crops are looking nice in that particular valley. Mrs. and Mrs. Mervin Bosh and family of Midvale spent a few days of last week with relatives and friends here. They were house guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Bosh. Mrs. Edna Sherwood was hostess Thursday afternoon to the members of the "H. O. A." club. The time was spent in quilting and social chatting. A dainty lunch was served. The Commencement Exercises of the Levan school will be given next Tuesday night in the Amusement Hall, after which a dance will be given. Everyone is invited to be present. enterMrs. Reuben Mangelson tained a number of the school mates of her daughter Lois, Monday afternoon. The occasion being Lois's eleventh birthday. A dainty lunch eon was served. Postmaster and Mrs. C. S. Wood spent a few days of this week in Salt Lake City with relatives. They were accompanied on their trip by Mr. Wood's parents of Holden. Mr. Wood took his parents to Holden Wednesday. Merie Bosh and a girl friend who have been teaching school the past winter at Fillmore, came Saturday after finishing up their school work there. Merie Bosh will visit with her parents before going away to summer school. Boyd, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. George Nielsen met with a painful accident Tuesday while playing on the school grounds. He was accidentally hit in the eye with a rock. He was taken to Provo, where he received medical SHERIFF'S SALE Case No. 2232 (4) In the Fifth Judicial District Court, In and for Juab County, State of Utah, D. E. Judd, Plaintiff, vs. B. Se G. Development Company, a corporation; IRWIN S. BURGESS attention. and JANE DOE BURGESS, his Mrs. Wiltha Broadhead left Wed whose true name to plaintiff nesday night for Los Angeles where her husband Is working. THE YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE who are regular depositors in a savings bank are the people who tomorrow will stand high in both social and business circles. They are saving for the big opportunity. In the meanwhile they are secure in their knowledge of a growing account. 'Whatever You Earn, Spend Less Nephi National Bank NEPItt, UTAH S, is unknown, and UTAH SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY, a corporation, Defendants, to be sold at Sheriff's Sale at the East front door of the County Courthouse in the City of Nephi, County of Juab, State of Utah, on the 29th day of May, 1931, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day, that certain real property situate in Juab County, State of Utah, described as follows, The South half of the Southwest quarter of Section 5; the Northwest quarter of Section 8; and the East half of the Northeast quarter of Section 7; all in Township 16 South, Range 2 West, S. L. B. & M., con taining 320 acres, more or less. Purchase price payable in lawful money of the United States. Dated at Nephi, Juab County, Utah, this 4th day of May, 1931. D. J. SULLIVAN, Sheriff of Juab County, Utah. By G. H. JUDD, Deputy. Thomas & Thomas, Attorneys for Plaintiff. First Publication, May 7, 1931. Last Publication, May 28, 1931. to-w- it: Thursday, May 14, 1931. Local News Happenings Levan Happenings life great TIMES-NEW- Broadhead Miss Thelma was among the busiin Fillmore Sunday. GRADUATION Carl Wllkey of Salt Lake City spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wllkey. GIFT Glen Worthlngton of Magna was the Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Worthlngton. Mr. and Mrs. Merl Kay of Salt Lake City spent Mothers' Day with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson. Give something distinctive; something personal; something to remember, as exemplified by a SHEAFFER PEN AND PENCIL SET with their name engraved in 22 Karat Gold Leaf at no additional cost. Mrs. H. E. Larson of Lynndyl visited last week with her daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Warren. v son-in-la- spent Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson, Miss Mable Wilson and Clarence Wilson of Provo were house guests of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Park of and Mrs. Alex Wilson. Kanab are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cramer of relatives in Nephi. Hand Bags, Vanities, Purses, Toilet Sets were week-en- d Salt Lake City Mrs. A. C. Nelson of Salt Lake visitors of Mr. ' and Mrs. W. J. are appropriate, too. City spent Monday with Mr. and Patterson. Mrs. Wm. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Warner and LeRoy Bel listen of Beaver spent family of Fountain Green and Mr. Graduation Congratulation Cards Sunday with hla mother, Mrs. and Mrs. Orlando Taylor and family of Mothers' with Levan Belliston here. spent Day Joseph 15c and 25c Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Warner. Mrs. W. A. Wright .of Salt Lake Mrs. Chas. E. Stephenson, who City was a guest at the home of has been visiting with her daughMrs. J. R. McPherson Sunday. See Our Window Display For Suggestions ter. Miss Cella Briggs. who was Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Andrews very ill for the past three weeks visited Friday in Salt Lake City returned to her home Monday. with Mr. and Mrs. J. Will Andrews. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Worthlngton Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bailey motored had as their dinner guests Sunday . to Salt Lake City Tuesday where Clarence Ockey. Vay and Melba Jenson of Moroni. Mr. and Mrs. time. visit a short will for "An Independent Drug Store" they Clifford Mortenson of Spanish Fork, Mrs. M. H. McCune of Salt Lake Mrs. Katie Worthlngton, and Miss City is visiting this week with Mrs. Erma Worthlngton. W. A .Starr. 12 Iks. S. and 19 rds. Shi Iks. W. of 80 acres. Juab School District. Plat "A". Levan Town. Mrs. Earl Steele and Miss Alice Tax Sale No. 236 in the name of the N. E. cor. of the S. E. hi; th. MONA TOWN Sowby were among the business Tax Sale No. 133 in the name of W. 52 rds. 20 Iks. S. 8 rds. 13 Iks. George McCune. E.'i of N. E. visitors in Salt Lake City Satur- Isabella B. Evans. All lot 3, Block E. 68 rds. 13 Iks. N. 7 rds. 914 ft. W. S. W. Vi of N. E. hi W. M of S. E. 227 ft. N. 15 ft. to beg. Section 32, Vi ; Section 13, Twp. 15 S. Range 2 day. They also visited with friends. 2. Plat "C". Mona Town. Tax Sale No. 135 in the name of Twp. 12 S. Range 1 E. 3 acres. Juab W. 200 acres. Juab School District. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Douglas and A. M. Keeler and Horace Green. School District. son Spencer and daughter, Maud of Beg. 5 Tax Sale No. 237 in the name or Tax Sa'e No. 188 in the ru.mc of rds, W. of the N. E. cor. Axtell were Sunday guests of Mr. of sd. lot 4, th. S. 2 rds. W. 2 rds. Mark L. Sowby. Beg. at tne S. E. George McCune. N.hi of N. E. hi; N. 2 rds. E. 2 rds. to beg. Lot 4, cor. of the S. E. hi; th. W. 160 rds. N. E. hi of N. W. hi; Section 24, nad Mrs. J. F. Douglas. Block 8. Plat "C". Mona Town. N. 40 rds. E. 160 rds. S. 40 rds. to Twp. 15 S. Range 2 W. 120 acres. Mrs. Wm. Jackson and family, Tax Sale No. 136 in the name of beg. Section 25, Twp. 12 S. Range Juab School District. Mrs. F. V. Liddiard, and Harold Elizabeth Yates. Beg. at N. E. cor. 1 W. 40 acres. Juab SchoM DisTax Sale No. 242 in the name nf Gadd motored to Provo and spent lot 1, S. 20 ft. W. 222.5 ft. N. 29.9 trict. Charles C. Orgill. The S. E. hi of the day recently. ft. E. 222.5 ft. to beg. Lot 1, Block Tax Sale No. 192 in t'.e name of tne N. w. hi and the N. E. hi of 10. Plat "C". Mona Town. Lewis W. Pitt. Shi of S. W. the S. W. hi; 59 shs: water $355.00 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dell and Tax Sale No. 137 In the name of Section 13, Twp. 13 S. Pange 2 hi; W. Section 34. TWD. 15 S. Rancn 2 Wesr. cor. of Eureka W. Elizabeth Yates. N spent at Saturday Beg. family 80 acres. Juab School District. 80 acres. Juab School District. lot 2 S. 39.8 ft. E. 219.7. ft N. 29.9 here, the guests of Mrs. E. L. Tax Sale No. 211 in the name of Tax Sale No. 253 in the name of ft. W. 219.7 ft. to beg. Also: Beg. Fannie C. Mortensen. Beg. at the N. E. of N. E. at S. W. cor. lot 2. N. 217 ft. E. Old fence cor. 1033 ft. N. of the Preston Nibley. 7. Two. 16 S. Ranee 2 Mr. and Mrs. Wallace L. Martin 221.7 ft. S. 217. ft W. 223.7 ft to beg. S. E. cor. of the N. W. hi of the hi; Section 40 W. acres. Juab School District. Lot 2, Block 10, Plat "C": Mona N." E. and family spent the week-en- d of Sec. 32, Twp. 14 S. Range Tax Sale No. 269 in the name nf visiting in Salt Lake City and Town. 1 E. of the S. L. B. & M.; th. N. C. Alma Dalby. Lots Tax Sale 138 In the name of Pro- 39.5 ft. to a Murray. on the S. bank of Section 19. Twn. lfi s bate Judge. Beg. at N. W. cor. of the irrigation pt. N. bank Range 1 W. 292 acres. on ditch the Juab School . th. E. 11255 Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Mortenson S. W.4 of S. W. of Chicken Creek, th. N. 330 ft. th. ft. N. 10 deg. W. 94 ft. N. 88 deg. E. 16.5 ft. th. N. 300 ft. to the S. .District. spent Mothers' Day with Mrs. 270 No. Tax Sale in the name of 28 min. W. 1115.3 ft; S. 119.8 ft. to side of mother, Mrs. Katie the public road. th. W. 667.3 nf beg. Section 32, Twp. 11 S. Range ft. th. S. 68.5 ft. to the old fence on Delia E. McCune Steed. Section 35, Twp. 14 S. Range 2 W. 1 E. Mona Town. th. am acres. Juab School District. the S. side of Chicken Mrs. F. V. Liddiard spent a few Tax Sale No. 139 In the name of following said fence N. Creek; 88 deg. 51 Tax Sale No. 271 in the name of days the latter part of the week in Probate Judge. Beg. at N. E. cor. min. E. 667.3 ft. to the place of beg. Leeta A. McCune Sauire. S. E. of S. E. ; th. N. 119.8 ft. 10 Provo visiting with relatives and S. E. acres. Juab School Dis- of N. W. Y ; S. W. ; of N. E. N. 88 deg. 28 min. W. 1325.5 ft. S. trict. Sec. 32, Twp. 14 S. friends. 1 E. Range or s. w. hi : W(4 of s. k v. a Sec155.1 ft. E. 1313.4 ft. to beg. 225 No. name Tax Sale of Section 24, Twp. 15 S. in the Range 2 W. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Whitehead tion 31, Twp. 11 S. Range 1 E. Mona James Metcalf. The N. hi of the 240 acres. Juab School District. motored to Gunnison Monday eve- Town. N. W. hi; Also S. E. hi of N. W. hi Tax Sale No. 272 in the name nf Tax Sale No. 140 In the name of and the N. E. ning. Mr. Whitehead delivered the of S. W. ; SecSquire. N. E. hi Commencement Address to the Isabell Evans. Beg. 30 rds. E. of tion 15, Twp. 15 S. Range 1 W. 160 Leeta A. McCune of N. W. Y.. : N. W. of N- - E u S. W. cor. S. E. hi of Sec. 31, Twp acres. Juab School District. Seminary graduates that evening. Section 25. Twd. 15 S. Range 2 W 11 S. Range 1 E th. N. 8 rds. th. Tax Sale No. 226 in the name of 80 acres. Juab School District. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Nason and E. 38 rds. th. 5 deg. W. of S. 8 rds. James Metcalf. S. W. Y of N. W. Tax Sale No. 273 in the name nf Mr. and Mrs. Emery Nason of W. 37 rds. 15 Iks. M. or L. to pt. of hi ; N. W. hi of S. W. ; Ehi of N. Soldier Summit spent part of last beg. Section 31, Twp. 11 S. Range E. hi. Also EH of N. W. Y ; S. E. Niels E. Lundsteen. Lots Section 19. Twn Ifi s week with Mr. and Mrs. Harry 1 E. Mona Town. hi of S. E. Section 22, Twp. 15 1 W. 320 acres. Juab School JUAB SCHOOL DISTRICT Schuler. S. Range 1 W. 280 acres. Juab Range .District;. Tax Sale No. 142 In the name of School District. Tax Sale No. 278 in the name or of S. E. Mrs. W. J. Ockey returned to her Joseph L. Senn. S. W. Tax Sale No. 227 in the name of Wm. ; section 21, Houghton. Beg. at a pt. home Saturday after spending the hi; S. E. V of S. W. James Metcalf, N hi of N. E. ; 75.358 F. rds. W. of S. E. cor. of S. W. past week in Salt Lake City where Twp. 10 S. Range 1 E. 80 acres. Also S. W. hi of S. W. Yl ; Also NYs ; N. 76 deg. 04 min. E. 159.1 ft. she received medical treatment. Mr. Juab School District. of N. W. hi; Section 23, Twp. 15 S. N. 56 deg. 06 min. W. 141.0 ft. th. Tax Sale No. 149 in the name of Range 1 W. and Mrs. Milton Ockey motored to 200 acres. Juab School N. 68 deg. 41 min. W. 122.3 ft. N. Vera Senn. EH of S. W. and N. District. Nephi with her. 429.5 ft. N. 47 deg. 54 min. E. 113.8 ; N. E. W. ; N. E. of N. W. Tax Sale No. 229 In the name of N. 20 deg. 44 min. E. 179.8 ft. N. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF hi; Section 28, Twp. 10 S. Range 1 James Metcalf. N. W. hi of N. W. ft. E. 160 acres. Juab School District. hi; Also com. 54 rds. E. of N. W. 48 deg. 33 min E. 455.0 ft.; N. 11 REAL ESTATE Tax Sale No. 158 in the name of cor. of S. E. hi. E. 40 rds. S. 80 rds. deg. 06 min. E. 196.7 ft. E. 540 ft. S. WHEREAS, Juab County has re SH of N. E. hi; E. 66 rds. S. 127 rds. W. 106 rds. N. 43 deg. 59 min. W. 413.6 ft. S. 40 ceived tax deeds for the real estate Roy Ellertson. 49 min. W. 332.0 ft. S. 22 deg. hereinafter described, which said Section 33, Twp. 11 S. Range 1 E. 207 rds. to beg. 10 acres waste rock. deg. estate has been heretofore sold to Range 1 E. 80 acres. Juab School Also S.W. of N. W. Y; Shi of S. 52 min. W. 478.6 ft. S. 60 deg. 27 said County for delinquent taxes, District. W. hi; Also com. at N. W. cor. of min. E. 532.8 ft. S. 58 deg. 26 min. 143.5 ft.; th. W. 39.358 rds. m. or and the time provided by law for Tax Sale No. 161 in the name of S. W. hi. E. 70 rds. S. 80 rds. W. 70 W. 1. to Whi of S. E. hi and rds. N. 80 rds. to place of beg. Section 5, Twp. waste 8 acres redeeming said estate from such tax W. H. Piatt. beg. 11 S. Range 1 E. 14 acres. Juab Shi of S. W. hi; Section 4, Twp. 12 wash. Section 26 Twp. 15 S. sales has expired: School District. Juab 1. W. 259 acres. Juab SchoolRange Now therefore, notice is hereby S. Range 1 E. 160 acres. District. given that in pursuance of Section School District. the right to 6056 of the Compiled Laws of Utah, Tax Sale No. 163 In the name of Tax Sale No. 230 in the name nf The Boardbidreserves in a sum less than reject any 1917, as amended by Chapter 140, Isabell Evans. Beg. 8 rds. N. of the James Metcalf. All of N. E. of the total amount of delinquent Session Laws of Utah, 1921, the S. E. cor. of the S. W. Y of Sec. 31, n. e. hi ; Also, all of the S. hi of the taxes, costs and interest, accrued on undersigned, the Board of County Twp. 11 S. Range 1 E. th. E. 30 rds. N. E. hi; All of the N. W. hi of the the property covered by such bid. Commissioners of Juab County, th. S. 8 rds. th. E. 5 rds. 5 Iks. th. S. E. hi; and all of the N. E. hi Dated April 20, 1931. State of Utah will offer for sale at S. 18 rds. 16 Iks. W. 195 rds. 5 Iks. of the S. W. hi, Section 27, Twp. Board, of County" Commissioners public auction to the highest bidder N. 26 rds. 16 Iks. E. 160 rds. to beg. 15 S. Range 1 W. 200 acres. Juab of Juab County, State of Utah. for cash, on Friday, the 15th day of Section 6, Twp. 12 S. Range 1 E. School District. By EARL F. DTTNN Chairman May, 1931, beginning at 11 o'clock 32 acres. Juab School District. Tax Sale No. 233 in the name nf Attest: J. H. VICKERS, Cleric A. M. at the front door of the Tax Sale No. 176 In the name of James Metcalf. N. hi of N. W. hi; First Publication Anril 93 1Q31 County Court House, at Nephi City, Elizabeth H. Sowby. Beg. 71 rds. bection 35, Twp. 15 S. Range 1 W. Last Publication May 14,' 1931. Juab County, State of Utah, the following described parcels of real estate situated in Juab County, State of Utah, NEPHI CITY Tax Sale No. 68 in the name of Edgar Winn. WH of Lot 1, Block 16, Plat "A". Nephi City. Tax Sale No. 80 in the name of Sidney Scott. Beg. at S. E. cor. of Lot 1; W. 146 ft. N 243 hi ft. E. 146 ft. S. 243 hi ft. to place of beg. Lot 1 and 4, Block 42, Plat "A." Nephi City. 86 No. name Sale of Tax in the John R. Sperry. Beg. at the N. E. cor. of lot 4, Blk. 57, Plat "A", Nephi Survey of Bldg. lots, th. S. 13 rds. W. 26 rds. 19 Iks. N. 13 rds. E. 26 rds. 19 Iks. to beg. Section 5, Twp. fY-T-J TIRES 13 S. Range 1 E. Nephi City. wear out 77. pactum, dtli 92 name of No. Sale in Tax the John S. Wright. All lot 3, Block 21, tban t&ey repairs eat Atplmc Plat "C". 1 sh. water. Nephi City. wunou atmoo CPNH m QQ MB& The QUALITY th-- e within th ranch of ALL Tax Sale No. 98 in the name of Goodveara at Our low 1931 Elizabeth H. Sowby. Beg. 80 rds. S. 440-2- 1 H'w 5.00.19 5.88 AH type. Your th 1$ hml Vi and 19 rds. 8V4 Iks. W. of the N. E. cor. of the S. E. (294.40) th. W. 52 rds. (29x5.00) possible only because 20 i Iks, S. 24 rds. 8 Iks. E. 66 rds. 4.50-2- 1 5.50-1- 9 J- buTy millions 'more tStvfhen 13 Iks. N. 24 rds. 8 Iks. W. 227 ft. (30 z 4.30) other cqmpny. U9il.50 to beg. Section 32, Twp. 12 S. 4.75-1- 9 6-60-21 0 E. Range Nephi City. GUARANTEED TIRB RBPAlRlfcO (28x4.75) 3Z6.O0) LEVAN TOWN Tax Sale No. 110 in the name of Niels Mortensen. Beg. at the N. E. car. of lot 4, th. S. 10 rds. W. 6H rds. S. 3 rds. W. 6 rds. N. 13 rds. E. 13 rds. to beg. Lot 4, Block 19, Plat "A". 1 sh. water. Levan Town. Tax Sale No. 118 In the name of Nephi, Utah E. Dean Dalby. All lot 3, Block 46, the week-en- d in Salt Lake City on a business trip. Nephi Drug Co. Mor-tenso- 35-1- 00 to-w- it: Enjoy " saeTy tire service ear . . . and save money 1 i ll PAGE MOTOR CO. -- |