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Show THE Thursday, May 11, 1931 ninc on his shoulders, and when down they bopped aud scampered all over blm. JtL. Jk&W JBwWA V "What s the trouble, little glrlT" he asked, and hla voice was so very kind. By MARY GRAHAM BONNER "I've lost my sit wild strawberIn the world la the deed very wonderful If the squir- ries," MalialU answered. "Six wild straw berries." squealed asked a Mulrrel rels were so fond of hi in. "You needn't have And so she let them go off for the squirrels. with a bushy tall, who happened to cried over those we can get you be near a place In the wood where hi in. than six." In a few momenta they came more he suw a little girl waa crying. "But tbey were In a bosket of "My name I Muhulla." aald the sweet grass, said Mahal la, "and little girl, "and I've lost my oh, oh. such a dear friend gave me the oh, I've loet my " and then alie basket." aobbed aud sobbed and couldn't "Oh." said Mr. Giant, "we will ay another word. to find that." And he looked have I'retty soon one of them said :Mr. all around, and down behind a fern "Let's ask our old friend, was the mlsKing basket with the Giant, to suggest acme way of strawberries. topiilng Muhulla from crying." Then the Glunt and all the squir"Oh." aald Malialla between her set to work and gathered nuiny rels sobs, "be may eut me up and atop wild strawberries so that Muhalln's But I've my crying that way. basket was tilled when she left lost " and then alie burst out crythem. ing aguln. 8 lie loved wild strawberries al "Dear me. no," aald the squirrel, most better than any fruit and she who hud suggested the giant, "lie was very happy about having sm-la the kindest giant you can Ima lot of i hem. agine." The Glunt was happy because he All the other squirrels who had hud proved to one more little girl come around, too, to see what was that a glunt could be a dear, friend the trouble, said: ly soul, and the squirrels were "Hushy Squirrel Is perfectly that they bud beeu the ones rletit, What he saya la so. The Followed by an Enormous Giant happy to bring all this atmut. Is very kind." 8o see, although the story "Yes." continued the first squir- hopping and Jumping along fol heu'an you with tears, it ended very rel who had spoken to her, or lowed by an enormous giant. hupplly. liuHhy Squirrel, as he was culled, Some of the little squirrels were ui till. Weetern Netrecaper Union "he Is our best friend. lie lives In a cave Just a little way off, and whenever we go to call on him he B, NELLIE MAXWELL gives us nuts to eat and sends TVip J jLV-4-.S-- WHAT J.iHln for Story .1 t percht-- d he aut TIMES-NEW- Sally Sez VELVET WRAP INDISPENSABLE iPn i r mmfM PAGE THREE NEPHI. UTAH S. f . A at vrTf i ' rv-- fa- What These Brands Are Intermountain Made And Deserve Your Support Eat tO thers. without cutter. Bake In a hot oven ten "He tells us wonderful stories of WHEN making gravy flour, add the flour minutes. These are served with hla adventures. He's as big as the and marmalade. cave but he can curl up way Inside to the fat and stir until well blend- butter Lemon Tarts. Make a rich pas where none of the real people will ed, then add the liquid and a tins of caramel to give the try and bake In bother blm. about two Inches deep. Crimp the "He's afraid If he came forth gravy a little more brown color. fill of the crust and with the Biscuit. Mix and sift edges they'd put him In a circus and he twoMolasses following: Mix four tablespoonfuls f and cupfuls of pastry of does love the woods so much. cornsturch with f fancy-shape- flour with teaspoonful each of soda and salt, teaspoonful each of ginger and cinnamon, a grating of nutmeg, three tablespoonfuls of shortening are now added, and when well of a cupful mixed add three-eighof buttermilk and three of molasses. Pat half an inch thick and cut with a small one-hal- one-eigh- th ts table-spoonfu- PETTICOAT "EFFECT" IN ORDER r d one-hacupful of cold water and add to one and one-hal-f of boiling water, cupfuls stir and cook until thick. Beat the of four eggs, add two cupyolks fuls of sugar, one tableapnonful of butter, the Juice of three lemons and the groted rind of one. Cook over water until smooth and thick enough to stand up In points when stirred with a spoon. Fill the shells and cover with the eg white beaten BtifT with five tablespoonfuls of sugar added. Bake In a moderate oven until a delicate, crisp brown. Mock Duck. Take a steak two Inches thick and spilt to hold the dressing. Season well on the Inside with suit and pepper. For the dressing take two cupfuls of toasted crumbs, two slices of f diced cooked bacon, teaspoonful of salt and pepper to taste, add one egg slightly beaten. two chopped onions, a balf teaspoonful of sugar, a bit of garlic and one-hacupful of water or any good broth. Stuff the steak and tie securely with a string Senr all over until brown. Cook In a dutch oven slowly until tender. . . cssas f lf two-poun- d one-hal- lf a. 1831. Western Nnrsctpei Union.) HaaaaaaBaaaal the HERE'S telling no more thut fascinating theme being discussed these (lays throughout the length and breadth of fashlondom than that of the novel little velvet wraps which will top milady's dainty frocks this coming summer. For maid or matron to "carry on" successfully in the rank and file of the this season, snns one or several of these adorable little velvet fantasies Impossible I One Is reminded again and again by these wraps thut the vogue of velvet Is In this day and age considered as Important for spring and Bummer as it is for fall and winter. It Is because of the chic and the charm expressed In models such as are shown In the illustration that the lure of the velvet wrap Is One of the proving Irresistible. fluttering things to be said In recoat on gard to the world style-minde- cape-sleeve- d C the seated figure Is that In every line and detail It breathes the very spirit of youth. The color of this winsome transparent velvet coat Is blue, "stained glass," blue, to quote from fashion's vocabulary, and It Is, In this Instance, worn over a blue, red and gray striped silk frock. The short enpe sleeve aud tie fasten Ing tell unmistakably a story of youth. In keeping with the general color scheme, a blue velvet rib bon decorates the pretty brimmed hat which is among the new rougli straws. The attractive little Jacket-lengt- h wrap to the right In the picture Is green, of course, for green is favored color this season. So vision lettuce green, if you please, for this modish little wrap. The fetching soft-tiebow of Is lined velvet. with Jonquil-yelloThe story of the quaint and novel velvet wrap which Is en livening both daytime and evening mode, is as versatile as creative genius can muke it. via Ingenious fabric manipulation and the use of delectable colors. self-velv- d Q. 1931. The Weekly Short Story C YLVIA ; V -- v' -- gazed with stormy eyes at the tiny slip of paper tha she had taken from the envelope. (or such a small slip of paper. I! contained enough to merit thp stormy expression, and also the fu rious rebellion In Sylvia's heart For with the brutal ability of most printed slips, this particular one informed the teacher of No. 4 dis trict school that school must be kept with full attendance all day on May 7. And May 7 was the day the greatest of all aviators was to spenk at a banquet and celebration at Wilson rec open-ai- r reation grounds; free tickets hod been Issued all the schools, but. due to prolonged loss of time owing to a stubborn epidemic of measles. the principal felt It wise for all the members of No. 4 to keep full attendance and grind away at mnke-u- It's true Petticoats are WELL, again. What's more, It Is I not their intention to remain under cover entirely. Rather are they going to peep out from under the hemline of the, frocks with which they are worn, Just enough to add fascinating trimming touch to the costume. 'fS - That this adorable fashion confirms earlier reports to the effect that styles for spring and summer will go prettily feminine, you will agree after glimpsing the Illustration herewith. As yon will observe, the skirt of this charming afternoon gown made of black crepe de chine has a scalloped edge from beneath which can be seen the petticoat with Its rows and rows of narrow val edging. The lower portion of the sleeves and the vestee repeat the same lace effect. If It Is not a lace petticoat which Is shown then It is apt to be a ruffle or pleating of print silk the very jj SUCH IS LIFE I ANOTHER, I'AA MEMBER TUE e as trims the rest of the dress. Often it Is not the actual petticoat which shows but a sim ilar effect is achieved In that the scalloped or flaring hemline of the monotone frock Is faced with the gay patterned silk. The Idea Is repeated In the lining of the short flaring sleeves with perhaps a scarf neckline to match. The revival of the petticoat Is also suggested In the popular redln gote costumes, their open-ln-thfront skirts and long coats being made to reveal an underskirt of self-sam- ((Si 1931. Western Newspaper Union.) g d l seen. enrnest scrutiny. "Why, I think you've done wonders. You've had no end of har3 luck, according to these reports. Do you mind If I stay and see how the kids get along? I won't disturb you." "I am delighted to have anyone so Interested In the school. Do please stay and make yourself comfortable," urged Sylvia, and as the afternoon progressed she forgot, quite, the unhappy cause of her woe earlier in the day. In fact. she was so Interested In the business of having No. 4 school shin" In the eyes of the new principal that It Is doubtful If she would have even understood the name Strombergh had It been spoken to her. From time to time Gene Henderson, the new principal, would make a low voiced remark or comment, and It amazed Sylvia that a mere man should have such a clear knowledge of school teaching and child psychology, as this strange, quiet man had. "It's easy to see," smiled the tall young man after school had been dismissed, "that the children Miss Randall. love you. One could not achieve such simply wonders unless the children were enthusiastic and made every effort to please!" "Do you think that Is a sign of Why, to Be Sure! -- ) I I il print Not only are daytime modes yielding to "petticoat rule" for the new gesture Is extending Into the realm of evening frocks. The Idea of transparent hemlines Is one ex plotted for formal dress. These call for costume slips or petticoats which are finished from below the knees down with net, chiffon or tulle. CHERIB NICHOLAS. p "If that s educntlon," muttered the lovely Miss Randall, "then I'm and going to grow me a pig-talenrn to write laundry In Chinese! As If any more book learning could make up for the few pearly words of wisdom Colonel Strombergh will speak I" And as the children were enjoyrecess out of ing their doors, Sylvia bowed her lovely head on her folded arms and frankly wept. Teaching was such a thankless Job at best, all kicks and few kisses. But to have to sacrifice this opportunity of a lifetime to see and hear the greatest historical character of our era was asking a good deal too much of the teaching profession! "I beg your pardon," Interrupted a fine masculine baritone, "but Is this No. 4 district school?" eyes Sylvia lifted to the concerned, worried gaze of a too thin, too tall young man of serious expression, and the reddest hair, bar none, that she had ever Y I r4Wg- - 0 ' I if affection a desire to plense?' asked Sylvia, in a muffled voice. "But certainly! Tlmts an ele mental step In psychology. We always try to please those whom we love! quickly answered Gene, eying with approval the creamy line of Sylvia's neck, where It merged with the dark fluff of her hair. And Sylvia was strangely silent as she walked slowly along besld the new principal as they made their way to her boarding house blue-blac- k after school closed. She was think- ing with a shy sort of panic that her first Instinct had been to please this tall, serious new principal and certainly she had outdone herself all day trying to make her school seem Its best ! "Are we going to go to the picnic for Colonel Stromberg, Miss Randall?" was the question asked her 25 times the following day, and each time Sylvia's heart went a bit lower as she explained the reason why they must stay and work. Her lunch of egg salad sand wiches, cookies and milk went down slowly as she thought about all the various angles of teaching . . . especially the business of enforcing commands Issued by others. And she was again rebellious as the drone of a big motor came wafting over the still air. It was, she decided, the squad of airplanes that were to be the feature of the day. Sylvia looked out and saw. not an airplane, but a huge vanlike truck bearing down upon the No. 4 school. Sylvia caught her breath as she noted the flaming thatch of hair of the grinning driver. It was Genel "Hop In, kids; we're going to the picnic before the Ice cream gets eaten !" and Sylvia knew at last why she had tried to please him no doubt of It ! ((El br UcClure Newspaper Syndicate.) ( WNIJ Service.) By Charles Sughroe 1? ' , By HELEN R. BARTOA' "Yes. this Is No. 4. Why?" stammered Sylvia, acutely conscious of her shiny nose, red eyes and tenr streaked face. "Why ah er, you see. I'm the 1 new principal of this district. was summoned hastily this morning, due to the Illness of Mr. Far reli " "We're so far behind In our schedule that we may have to keep a few weeks longer at the end of the year." began Sylvia, flushing slightly under the tall young man's This Week's Prize Story Get the "Intermountain" Habit. Say it if you need a dress; Say it when you order groceries; Banish every risk of "Guess". Say it when you buy equipment. Build a home, or fence the lands, There's always safety in the Habit Of saying "Intermountain" Brands. ELDA MORTENSON Ephraim, Utah. For 79 years Standard Use for Rabbit Skins Approximately 175,000,000 rabbit skins a year are imported into the United States. Of these, 87,000,000 are made into bat felt and the other half (roes to the fur trade. 3 Roses Everbloomingr rach Pink, Red. and Coral 1 Hardy 2 year field grown This "Ad" and tha abova to Will brine tha $1.00 yon Postpaid PORTER WALTON CO. In tha Iloaia Sperry Drifted Snow Flour Salt Laka Seed A Nursery Specialists, Youi Addraaa. City ,, Value of Knowledge It's dependable Knowledge is that which, next to virtue, truly and essentially Wise Father raises one man above the other. A prosperous farmer, replying to Addison. a comment on the amount of Joseph his to was he put spending money son through college, said: "Yes, it Bronze Memorial Tablets does take a lot of money; but I'd TO PERMANENTLY MARK THE LAST RE8TTNG PLACE OP rather leave my money in my boy AND FRIENDS RELATIVES than to him!" Exchange. OS COMMEMORATE HISTORIC EVENTS CALL OR WRITE SALT LAKE STAMP Western Newspaper Union.) Fair Exchange for Sylvia Randall I n i one-hal- "Why, he says," continued the squirrel, "that when the circus comes to the town nearby, the only thing he misses about It Is thesopeawe nuts, and he wishes for them can have them. "That Is how kind he is. lie's always thinking of others." Mahalla had stopped crying and bad decided the giant must be In ' Get in the swim and keep your locality out in front by doing your bit for home industry. (Clant home nuts to our mothers and Jrjhei CO. S097 43 W. Broadway Salt Lake City. Utah Phone Was. SLEEP ON Eberhardt's Moorest Inner Spring Mattresses WANTED: Namea at A rents ta sell Christ' anas Cards in 1931 through yoor local printer. Plana for 1931 beinc anads now. Send in yonr name for details which will make your selllnc eaaier without the troubles, mistakes and delaya you hsd la Write representlnc eastern factories. W. N. U. P. O. Box 1545. Salt Laks City. SALT LAKE MATTRESS AND MFG. CO. fj A A 1? per week will be paid for the best article on "Why you should use Intermountain Similar to made Goods" above. Send your story in prose or verse to Intermountain Products Column P. O. Box 1545, Salt Lake City. If your story appears in this column you will QS. VV receive check for ... C? BLUE SEAL CLEANSER Wonderful Sanitary Household Cleanser and Water Softener SOLE DISTRIBUTORS 'Taie&i..latie Hardware Co. ASK YOUR DEALER Interesting Trees North Carolina has more than a dozen living trees that have witnessed or taken part in historical Thomas Electric Co. events. WATER WHEELS PUMPS MOTORS BOUGHT SOLD REPAIRED 543-- 9 WEST 2nd SOUTH SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH ''Better Sugar Beet Culture for Utah" is the title of Circular No. 93, just issued by the Utah agricultural experiment station at Logan. George Stewart and D. W. Pittman of the pamphlet are which may be obtained by writing the Logan station. Are you going; to Build a HAY DERRICK? We can save you money Write us for Circular Builders Steel & Iron Co. 475 West 6th So. Ask Your Druggist For Salt Lake City Ut. APEX OLIVE OIL AN INTERMOUNTAIN PRODUCT Lofty Tree Forest Date Potato Chips The world's tallest tree is said No Eqnal For Crispness and Quality to be a redwood in California, Factory 47 Kensington Are. which has reached a height of 368 Salt Lake City Tel. Hy 1741 feet. Mercy's Great Quality AUTO TENTS AUTO BEDS Mercy more becomes a magisLAMBING TENTS trate than the vindictive wrath THE SPERE TENT & which men call justice. Longfellow. AWNING MFG. CO. ALL THE LATEST CLAUDE NEON LIGHTS AWNING STRIPE PATTERNS Was. 6365 7 8. W. Temple Salt Lake Cttw Electrical Products Corforation 1048 So. Main Salt Lake City Narrative's Power Lessons of wisdom have never such power over us as when they are drought into the heart through, the groundwork of a story.- - Sterne. GASOLINE Packed With Power ASK GROCER frjj 1 Happiness Above All Lanolin Long in Use People's goods are comparable not in figures but in satisfaction; Lanolin, made from the wool of the happy man, whatever his pos- sheep, was the favorite ointment sessions, is the wealthiest and most of the ancient Greeks more than fortunate. 2,000 years ago. II LSf I I Y(M- Rodin's Famous Statue Rodin's statue, the "Thinker," was exhibited at the Georges Petit gallery in 1889. It was one of 38 pieces of sculpture placed on view. It was designed to be placed over the Porte de l'Enfer. The idea of fashioning was largely due to Rodin's visit to Italy in 1875. The sculptor was commissioned by M. Turquet, who told Rodin that he wished to have a door for the palace of decorative arts. The "Thinker" is part of Rodin's "Magnum Ous." At the salon of pro-por- ed $1 1904 the figure was on exhibition. was planned to be placed on the upper crossbeam of the gate of hell, where the "Thinker could look down on the scenes of human passion and woe extended below him. By public subscription the It statue was ultimately purchased and presented to the city of Paris. Triumph Over Scurvy Even in desperate cases of scurvy it is said that recovery is hopefully anticipated when the deficient vitamin C is supplied. |