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Show The Times-New- s Local News Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Davis spent Tuesday In Salt Lake City. Paken Broadhead of Salt Lake Mr, City visited with his parents, over and Mrs. Samuel Broadhead the week-enof Los Mrs. Ervin Christensen Angeles. Cali'ornia is spending her vacation with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Anderson in this city. d. Miss Florence Burton returned home Saturday from Salt Lake City and will visit in this city for several . weeks. Mrs. Sheldon Broadhead, who left for Los Angeles Wednesday evening to join her husband and make here future home, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Broadhead Monday. Jones and sons, Frank, nd Raymond Jones ana Douglas Burton of Murray spent Mothers' Day in Nepru wnere tney visited at the home of relatives. Tavlor of Salt Lake Mn Fmi visit with City, after a three weeks' her daughter, Mrs. Geo. O. Ostler George returned home Saturday. Taylor and Elinor Taylor motored down for her. Mrs. M. W. 4 The South Ward first year girls held their monthly ineeting at the home of Mrs. Frank Melba Lunt Saturday evening. Jenkins offered the opening prayer. Margaret Lunt was elected president and Nan Brough. reporter for the coming year. The time was spent in sewing Mothers' Day gifts nnd cooking. A delicious luncheon was served to the following: Enid Margaret Lunt, Alice Howarth, Belliston, Beth Carter, Ruth Burton, Afton Ellison, Melba Jenkins, Phyllis Claridge, Nan Brough and the hostess Mrs. Frank Lunt. The closing prayer was offered by Enid Howarth. Reporter, Nan Brough. KEITH WINN INJURED WHEN KICKED BY HORSE Keith Winn, 9, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dsan Winn of this city suffered a broken jaw bone and the loss of several teeth when kicked by a horse he was driving late Sunday Winn, with afternoon. Young neighborhood boys, had hitched the had pony to a small cart and hold-bac- k neglected to tighten the car to straps, which allowed the hit the heels of the animal with every step. After driving a block, the horse kicked through the front of the cart and knocked the boy to the ground. Although dazed, the boy attempted to pick up some of the teeth knocked from his mouth. Medical aid was summoned and it was found that the boy's lower jaw bone was broken in two places, one on either side of the mouth. Sergeant Coombs, Sergeant Instructor of the Regular Army, who has been stationed at Nephi, instructing the local battery for some time left Tuesday for duty with the regular army at Camp Lewis, Washington. Sergeant John Kendrick will report at the local battery on or before May 16. for duty in place of Sergeant Coombs. Librarian Mayme Riches issued a report Wednesday, May 6, comparing the number of books loaned from the library during the month of Aoril 1930 with books loaned In April 1931. During April 1930. 788 books for adults and 452 books for children were given out and in the same month of 1931, the figures were 750 and 739 respectively. Miss Riches also reports that so far during the year, 175 new books have been purchased. These include fiction, biography, and history books. Supplement Director Peterson Makes Water Survey In Utah LOGAN "Water coming from and pump wells in the state of Utah amounts at present to nearly 150,000 acre feet annually" said Director William Peterson of the Utah State Agricultural college extension service upon his mum from making a detailed study of in underground water resources some areas of the state. "This Is enough water to irrigate properly 75,000 acres of land. Each year new wells in new districts fire being developed and in the state where irrigation has only readied 2.6 per cent of the area, the consistent thin:? to do is to develop every foot of water which is available," said Director Peterson. "In some areas, especially in the northern part of the state where water is being pumped out in large quantities, the future economic development will be to open galleries at the mouth of the canyons to allow the streams which run to waste in the winter months, to flow directly in and fill up the ground water reservoirs. This is a practice in other areas and can be utilized economically in several areas In Utah. With water so scarce and land so plentiful it is fundamentally important that every effort be made to develop all water economtc-all- y artesian feasible." Studies of the underground water development and the possibilities of supplementing the streams with flow and pump-welsupplies, have been carried on by Director Peterson for ten years as a project fostered by the Utah Experiment station. Studies made this year furnished the needed data for the compilation of a bulletin which will be printed and made available to the public In a short time. Following is a brief report written by Director Peterson after his recent studies in Salt Lake, Juab, Millard, Beaver. Washington, Iron. Sevier, Sanpete. Garfield and Piute counties. "Cai'eful examination was made of all irrigation well districts south of Provo. This work is not new. For the past several years these districts have been visited at this time of the year to determine the effect of accumulated water of the winter on the underground supply. In general the well districts are in a more favorable condition than the areas rienendine: on streams. ls Local News Mrs. B. P. Howells of Burley, Idaho, visited last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Howells. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Jarrett were "Some time was spent in checking s of Mrs. Sylvia Chri.tensen In data available regarding underground water for irrigation west of Moroni Sunday. Miss Alberta Cowan of Provo spent h wells About 12 Nephi. have been drilled in this district. Mothers' Day with her purenU, Mr. Good water gravel is found from and Mrs. P. B. Cowan. Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Cowan were depths of 5 to 80 feet. It is recommended that this area be pumped among the business visitors in Salt Lake Tuesday. to determine its possibilities. Mrs. John S. Cowan visited with west of "The Flowell district Fillmore was again measured. When Mj and Mrs. Stellmun Cowan in the flowing wells of this district are Provo Tuesday.Mrs. H. B. Madsen of Bingham opened after being closed for five last week with her mother, months, more than 50 second feet spent Louis Garrett. of water flows from the wells which Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cleverly of are located on approximately four Woods Cross visited Sunday with wjnare miles. Several pumps have Mr. and Mrs. Milo Cazier. been installed in this district and Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Munk and more wells are b"ing drilled. In some of the wells of the section family spent Sunday, Mothers' Day relatives. that at one time showed a good in Nephi visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Brough spent water supply, water now stands from 15 to 20 feet below the sur- Wednesday in Suit Lake City on face. One promising pump well hus business. I. II. Grace is visiting a few days be"n developed in the south tract this week in Provo with his daughnear Delta. Mr. and Mrs. "Examinations were made for ter and new developments at Beaver, on the H. V. Hoyt. Miss Mabel Howard and Thelma Milford flats. The water table was found to be slightly higher than a Broadhead returned home from SM vesr ato. The mimnini lift here Is Lake City Monday, after a ten day from 25 to 40 feet. Approximately visit. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Christiansen 60 wells are fitted for operation on ui the flats. Measurements indicated and family spent the wecK-en- d that there were about 10,000 acre Salt Lane Cuy with Mr. and Mrs. feet of water taken out of this dis- J. M. Mikkelson. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Croslund trict last year. "Careful checkings were made on aiid lamily of Salt Luke City vere guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. the wells in the area near Farowan week-en- d and Cedar City where many wells Len Jones. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Judd and About were installed last year. 6000 acre feet of water was pumped family spent Mothers Day in Salt R. J. Huntington of out of the area last year and about Lake City. the same amount out of the flats Tooele motored back with them to below1 Cedar City. In the Beryl spend a lew days here. Mrs. Mercy Adams of Los Angeles, district the ground water condition remains about the same as it has California, and Mrs. Eliza Kugan been for several years. New wells were guests at the home of Mr. and have been put down south of Beryl Mrs. Chas. Haynes Friday evening. but so far the ground water has The ladies are sisters of Mrs. maintained and the area will per- - Haynes. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Park, Mr. and mit of much larger development. The pump lift at present is from Mrs. Loris Park, Mr. and Mrs. Orval 15 to 80 feet. Sperry of Tooele were Sunday din"New wells have been developed ner guests of Mr. and Mis. Milo at Enterprise and conditions indi- Cazier. cate that the water supply might be Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cazier speni, in Salt Lake City on by pumping the week-en- d greatly augmented The fields business. from ground water. They also visited in south and east of Santa Clara are Sandy with Mrs. Cazier's mother, underlain with a reservoir in deep Mrs. W. W. Wilson. coarse gravel which promises of InMrs. Geo. D. Haymond, who has creased water supply that might be been visiting her son and daughter pumped out and refilled each year. George and Dorothy in Focatellc Idaho, last week returned home Wednesday evening. Miss Mae Greenhalgh and G. O. Wolberg of Salt Lake City spent Mothers' Day with Miss Green-halgh- 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Taylor were in Greenhalgh. Salt Lake City Tuesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. James McPherson Mr. and Mrs. Chas. R. Jenkins entertained at a family dinner in honor of Mothers' Day. The followspent Wednesday in Manti. Mrs. A. V. Hague, Mrs. O. E. ing were present on the occasion: Mr. and Mrs. Seth McPherson, Mr. Sparks, Mrs. R. R. Hyde and Mrs. Frank Rees spent Saturday with and Mrs. Earl McPherson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McPherMrs. Mary Eleanor Burton. son and of Milld, Dr. and Mrs. Rose Hill of Los Angeles, Mrs. I. R. family Munk and of California, returned to her home Manti, Mr. and Mrs. Floydfamily McPherWednesday evening after visiting a son and daughter, Bonnie Jean of few days with Mrs. Roy T. Cowan. Mills, James Cox, Merle McPherson, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hobbs and Mrs. Sylvia Peters, Delia McPherfamily motored to Salt Lake City son, and the host and hostess, Mr. Sunday to see the demonstration of and Mrs. James McPherson the sixty government aeroplanes. Mrs. Charles Ray from Glendale, California stopped in to visit with Miss Ivy Christensen Thursday. She is also visiting at Levan. NEPHI WARD M. I. A. J. A. Christensen. Rex and Ivy Christensen, Mrs. Eva Hoyt and ENTERTAINMENT Mrs. Julia Rasmussen motored to Levan last Sunday where they spent Tuesday, May 19th the day visiting with Mr. and Mrs. gtw-st- six-inc- son-in-la- I Local News Happenings Dr. and Mrs. O. D. Hansen of Provo were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Haynes Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Allen of American Fork spent the week-en- d with Mrs. Louis Garrett and other relatives and friends. Mrs. H. B. Perry and Mr. and Mrs. John Holley and family of Mapleton were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Crapo. Mrs. A. G. Curtis, Mrs. Belle Crandall of Springville, Hi Thomas of St. George, manager of the J. C. Pennev store there visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Curtis Tuesday. Each mother and father of the North Ward is cordially invited to attend the program being arranged for Tuesday evening. May 19 in their honor by a committee composed of mothers and sons and fathers and daughters for that M. I. A. meeting. The committee is as follows: Chairman. Alton Gadd and his mother, Mrs. Walter Gadd; Mrs. Jennie Beck and son. Gene; Mrs. Elijah Salisbury and daughter, Mar-jori- e; A. J. Kendall and daughter, Afton. D. Bosh. Mrs. M. A. Tanner entertained at diner Sunday. Her guests included Mr. and Mrs.. S. M. Young of Salt Lake City. Mrs. J. R. Goldsbrough of Springville. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gprrett, Mr. and Mrs. James Ellison and family. ARMORY 5c Per Head Be There! |