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Show Thursday. May H, 1931 FINNEY OF THE NEPIII. UTAH TIMES-NEW- PAGE SEVEN THE FORCE VuaE -- 7vVAU-HAW..- V NOUJ-HW- -) rt 7 -.- BY.-T--CT Pi " jg I V AKl X ETT4AT GONTA BUSTAJMEC0t6MTHECE tWIKJDUH.AGO MAKE SNOOP MAD OQj ' The Decoy 'J -- rf ffj f I THEN Ot LL RDM HOME, SWITCH TU& LO'.CWT ON BACK OF TUlS PLASTUEQ. IMAGE SO SHE'LL TUtNK ITS M AM' WUlM SHE STUARTS PEGGN rr- - Bjjjswjss at - am& & 1Va$ V . "Aid . A? t fr?J liru ) vLUjg HANFOnD'S D yBOACtD PARKER'S J I1AIK BALSAM " ' " rillhiJ t I Imports uoior M I Beauty to Ikrav aad r.dxl HaiH 'J. f T, r LOKi lUi'i fe ijj THE FEATHERHEADS PtoTptCKOUMWET 'APPtEST LOOKING VhE WHILE i'KElt Rip Van Winkle, Jr. MM WMM IHU NOfclLET Mfi SEE THAT GBEEM M VONS I GET 1 yjZL -t SHAMfUO ""lir-"-ff,- - l.W for uaw i la fjoniMctioo with Parker's Hair Baiaam. slakes UbS) balr soft and fluffy. 60 rents by mail or at droit Br Osborne) SB m 1"-t- J p!a LAV 'M I "EM CpfV 1PICK 'EM POWM UP PDOM JS 'EM sjMlSTEI2 MVEAR. VSOUJN ' S3r MEX f - WHAT YP IS "MS ? 'toXME HEOC AS A feKj-SHC vSmJTEDTO 00T IM ) A I 1 PICK 1 1 FEU I i J j Progress in Health During the (niHt few months new low mortality rates bave been set for diphtheria, tuberculous, typhoid fever, measles, whooping cough and scarlet fever. Woman's Home Stomach Troubles Headache and Dizziness " f V" rtots. lliaoux Chsmical Works, i'stebavus,N.Z. If your stomach Is sick, you are sick all over. If you can't digest your food you lose strength, get nervous and fee as tired when you get up as when yoi went to bed. For 10 years Tanlae has restored to health and activity many thousands who suffered just as you do. Mr. Daniel Vinciguerra, of 6200 Stiles St., Philadelphia, Pa., says: "1 have not bad a dizzy spell or a headache since taking Tanlae. My nerves are in better shape and I can enjoy a good night's sleep." Let Tanlae help you too. It corrects the most obstinate digestive troubles relieves gas, pains in the stomach and bowels, restores appetite, vigor and sound sleep. Tanlae is made of roots, barks and herbs. Costs less than 2 cents a dose. Get a bottle from your druggist today. Your money back if it doesn't help you. Committee) TAe Home Censor "Shall we have a committee of five or fifteen?" "Makes no difference." "Hen?" "Just so you pick out one member to do the work." oAlong the Concrete mil Hats Without Poison fl Weiv Exterminator that Wont Kill Uvtmtock, Poultry, Cogs, Cats, or even Baby Chicka or can be nsed about y the home, barn pool-trso yard with absolute safety as it contains is made of Squill, as recomd mended by U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, under the Connable process which insures maximum strength. Used by County Agents in most k deadly poison. oven-drie- t HAD PETTHR. TEAFi. rui fr mm ?er?e 31 IT g Insist upon REAP THAT 60RELV i . etTA NEW 1 campaigns. Guarantee. Money-Bac- original SquiUextermin-ator.A-ll druggist s, 75c. $1.25, $2.00. Direct If dealer cannot supply you. Co, Springfield, Ohio CAK. KILLS-RATS-ON- 3 l A MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL tfmitWU. . A TONIC AND NERVINE Golden, Colo. "Some time ago I Pierce's Favorite took Dr. .V Presc r i pt ion VOhAT MEM Don't undertake to be your brother's keeper if your only Idea Is to keep him In jail. Cousin Billy's Turn to Be Host By Charles Sughroe Nonfat fan Caught Cold Likely Henry Your engine Is coughing badly again. Ford Shouldn't wonder. I had Its muffler oft last night. ....... - LY Trtfc m FOLK'S ri I 1 whenever I would feel the need of a tonic and nerv1 ine to build me up in health and 4 it always gave me enure satisfaction. I am glad to recommend the 'Prescription to women who need a reliable medicine of this kind." Mrs. O. L. Hall, 506 E. 9th St. Druggists. FJuid or tablets. Medical advice Is free to users of Dr. TMeree's medicines, tftist write to Dr. Pierce's CUnio In Buffnlo, N. Y, using the symptom bhtnk wht-- h Is found in every package of Pr. l'ieree's Family medicines. Knclnse loe if you want a trial package ot any ot Ur. i'iorce's Kerned ie. Salt Lake City's THE CLANCY KIDS-T- he INAPPr MeN? Tanks Were Finally Driven From Hill TTlf -- ItwSnV NtveRMw Tiewest 23 COMN' cuei?, (. J 1931. UcCIur Newspaper Syndicate, l (WNU Service.) men. oiocf Hotel By PERCY L. CROSB Kj JL, ' HOTEL TEMPLE SQUARE 200 Rooms 200 TUe Baths Radio connection in every room. RATES FROM 1.50 Just oppottt Mormon Tabtrutch ERNEST C. ROSSITER, Mgr. W. N. U, Salt Lake City, No. 20-19- 31. |