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Show THE am 10 1 iwm MEMORIAL LOCAL EXTRAORDINARY A TT A TT T7 TV T ! Ladies' Spring Coats from 20 to 50 Per Cent Off Ladies' White Lawn Waists, $1.00 to $2.50, now 10 Per Cent Off offered at Silk Tub and Waists, this week 225 $2.50 Jap $3.75 Messaline, Taffeta and Crepe de Chine Silk Waists, regular $5 to $6 vaL, this week 3.45 Ladies' 75c. Knit Summer Union Suits at 60c. 15c Ladies' 20c. Knit Summer Vests Men's $1.25 Summer Weight Union Suits 93c. Shoes, up $6.50, 1 lot Women's Shoes, worth to $6, choice 2.75 up 44 i4 " " 1 " $5.50, at 239 1 44 Ladies, Misses and Children's Shoes and 139 Slippers, choice Don't Fail to See These. Good Money-Savin- g Opportunity. Get Our Grocery Prices SAVE 10 TO 20 PER CENT ... son. Miss Olive Ord came down from Salt Lake yesterday, and will spend a few weeks with her parents. Mrs. Edgar Park returned home yesterday after 'spending a few days with relatives in Payson. Mr. Enos Jones returned to Camp Lewis Friday, after spending a tew weeks with his family in hi. ' G. R. Judd. returned home yesterday from a trip to Eureka, where he gave a demonstration of the usefulness of a Case Trac tor. Mr. and Mrs. Clay and daugh ter Milllcent of Oirden returned home this week after a pleasant visit with Mrs. Samuel Kendall. Mrs. Clay was formerly Miss Millie McCune. a former resi dent of this city. ECONOMY BASEMENT Always lots of Underpriced Standard Merchandise in the Basement Store. A visit will save you money. One Price To AIL Never Undersold Social (Etrclcs SUMMONS HOIST IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THK FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THK STATE OF UTAH IS AND FOR THE COUNTY INJUAU Mere's to the Blue of the wind sweet North When they meet on the fields of r ranee. May the Spirit of Grant be 6ver all As the sons of the North advance Here's to the Gray of the sun kissed South When they meet ou the fields of France. May the spirit of Lee be over all As the sons of the south advance. Robert Jolloy, Plaintiff, va Viola Jolley, Defendant. The SUte of Utah to the said defendant You are hereby summoned to &ear within twenty days after service of this summons uMn you, if service within the county in which this action is brought; otherwise within thirty days after service, and defend the above entitled action; and in cae of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which within ten days after service of this summons upon you will be filed with the clerk of said court. And here's to the Blue and the This action is brought to recover a Gray, as one. judgment dissolving the bond of When they meet on the fields of matrimony heretofore exhinting i France. you and the plaintiff. Dated May 7, A. D ISH. God be us the of over May spirt W. A. C Bryan, FlaintifTa AtUiruey all P. O. Address, Nephi, Utah. First ub. May 24th. I act June 21. I!I8. As the son of the Flag advance! Stephen Allen, and Loran who leave tomorrow for the training camps. The evening was most enjoyable spent in music, games and other social activities at the close of which, delicious refreshments were served to Miss Wanda Christensen, Ada Carte, Lola Cazier, Earl Broad-heaJoe Willis, Jos. Carter, W. L. Hoy t, Herman Vickers. Irving Jensen, the guest of honor and the hostesses. Mr. R. C Stephenson entertained at a farewell party Fri day evening at his borne in honor of his son Warner Stephenson who leaves tomorrow for the training camps. The evening was enjoyably spent and dainty refreshments were served to the following; Messrs and Ms- dames, W. A. Warner, Clarence V arner, Lenord Linton. W. H. Warner, Wilford Bailey. Ivan Bills of Black foot Idaho, Alfred Warner, Frank Warner. Thos W. Stephenson. Joseph Worth-toHenry Howell, Mrs. Wm Warner, Mrs. Kate Worth ington FOR OUR ANNUAL 1 616 BARGAIN & i.i CARNIVAL J n, tl Golden Rule Store L, Frank, Manager Bcttrr Shoes for Lew Money & when you buy from us and select from j such well-know- c Crawford's, for Men i. Ferris, A. E. Brown and Educator Shoes and Scuf fers for Child- you gel Stylish Dependable Shoes lhat civc soivice and satisfaction at prices you can afford to :ay. Our New Spring Line "of Crawfords Just Received Eye "Eagles "The Lash of W. Destiny lOr. fd - fcj $3 w 3 & k You should see hem at th' I Nephi Mer. Co. t "Where Good Merchandise is Cheaper" t4 FOUNTAIN GKEEN NOT! 3 fart well dance will be Riven the Opera House Friday evening for Ed Hansen. Roy Christiansen, Leo Rasmus.M.'n. Gust in A in Our Prices and Work Are Just Right. RoberLson. and Melvin Johns.. u, who have been drfated for mi:i-ta- r' service. They yo to Manti Sunday and from there to Camp Lewis. , Mrs. Wallace Green was a Nephi visitor last w eek. Mrs. Millie Mathus is a Salt Lake visitor this week. A baby boy weijrhinjr te.i pounds arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Max Sandburg of Salt Lake, may 14. 1918. Mrs. Sandburg was formerly Ju.f.ie Hutrjrins of this city. Mrs. Sornsen of Ephraim is a frueat at the home of G.o D. STORE SERVICE n,,-YV7ALK-OVE- store service is jj built around the prin- - yiS? Z ( Jackson. at the meeting Sunday evening. He has been president of the North San Pete Religon classes, and a teacher in the j"mi-nar- y at Mt Pleasant. His influence for itnndJtas leen felt tliru out the county. He have this week for Salt Iake havirtr acin cepted a position pi teacl-c-the L. D. S. Univeisity. A numlier of youn ladie:; their work s canvasin,;r the town for the amount this city must secure for the Red Crn.f. The jv)p!e here fo over subscribed for the third Liberty Loan, that it is expected they will be just as liberal in donating for the Red Cross. A very interesting Red Cn ss program is be prepared f.r the near future. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Christ- - n n and daughter A f ton have move d to Ephraim. U U LETUSDOYOURJOB PRINTiNG chase is chiefly valu-abl- q as to the bearing it has upon the future relations between the customerand the store. ! (i Wc take rvrry trcmUr, to n akr a friend for - ih-i- every t u.. Hart Schaffner & Marx, Stylep!us Clothes. Walk-Ov- er and 'Nap a Tan -- -- Slit.es. Stetson & MaJIoiy Mats; Wilson Bros Shirts, Sox, B. V. D. Underwear hU-rali- Second EpUode of The cv5 f no! m ' n Crv Ladies and Growing Girls A k an "Why W Are Al War With Germany' ki lines as n t, son. Miss Bessitf Candland, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew I,arM n, R. C. Stephenson. Samuel War ner and Mr. and Mrs. Warner were Fountain Green visitors Sunday. They in connection with Stephenson. . Bishop and Mrs. J. T. Oidrojd, CITE ILL TOO CM Mr. and Mrs. J. REB CECS3 KEEL I. Neilson. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Aaard, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Jensen enjoyed a picinic at the Rig Springs, after which they had dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Angara". Mr. Young was the t peak-er- . 7 REELS jr i 1 nHn!ianiH:i!iiiinuiinnsniiiiiiimitiiii!HiiHii:f niiiiiisnninnuiinii iS. FRIDAY IIIGHT Buy U. S. Thrift Stamps In Our Store J jj owksh shoes Mr. and Mrs. T. J. 01 Iroyd Unton. Mtss Jane and family have moved to Piovn. Stephenson, Mus Irene StephenMr. and Mrs. Newel K. You J. CXDR particulars ' and dates read our Large Bills. Be sure and read every line in the Bill. It is for our and your benefit. n for the proper observance of the day. The committee specially request that all owners of automobiles assemble their cars at. the Tabernacle and assist in conveying Indian War Veterans and parents of boys in the service, to the cemetaries. The following is the prop mm outlined by the committee. IS 9:45 Music by the Ladies Delia Band. 10:00 a. m." meeting at Tabernacle. Mayor James (!ar-retJr. presiding. Sinning Frank Russell directing is Prayer, Bishop C. II. Grace. Vocal Duet, Miss .Ruth Sperry, Mrs. Mabel Lunt. Five minute address, James W. Paxmnn, Special Memmorial Day Prayer, Patriarch T. II. U. Parkes, live minute address, PresT. D. Kt es, Five minute address, Mrs. David Broadhead, Five minute address, Bishon A. II. Belliston, Selection fcj Lincoln's by Udall'a Orchestra. A. & Iiostw Gettysburg Speech. Grover. Sinin, "The Star Banner" choir and Spangled congregation. Benediction, Bishop Thomas Bailey. 11:30 A.M. Maech to Cemeteries. Order of March: P. P. Christensen, Marshal of the Day. Dellu Band, Indian WarVeter.ns. Parents and Relatives of Soldiers, r v i Sailors and Marines, Mayor and City Council, State, Couutv and School Officials, I. O. O. Modern Woodmen of America, General public. n d, Mrs. I which wmios May 30th, will be appropriately observed in Nephi. The following program has been arranged by the Soldiorls Welfare Committee, who were appointed by the Mayor to arrange A farewell Bel-listo- VF AtJF DCAHV Decoration Day nextThunday Quite a number of vouinr peo party was riven ple went to Mills last niyrht to atWednesday eve by Miss Mattie tend a reception and dance giwn Cazier. Hattie Broadhead, Lillian to the toldier boys from that Condie, and Lucile Cowan, at the home of the latter, in honor of place. SOS H TO BE "A-meric- a" Flower for Decoration Day can be obtained from the Enter prise Grocery Co. Phone your Vl orders early. Mrs. Geo. Golden received word this week that her son John E. Sullivan had arrived safely in France. At the High School exercises held last night, the honor pin given by the Alumni Association, wasawarded to Miss Pearl Bailey. for 85c Sugar, 10 lbs. for 15c for 2 Soda, packages . 5c Matches for Limit of 2 2 cans 25c Tomatoes, cans, Large Size Milk 3 cans for 35c. small size 6c CHARLES FOOTE & N-p- DAY FITTINGLY 03SERVED for Rent Apply to George W. Foote. For Sale Good Log Granary. See Mrs. Samuel Kendall. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Bailey, Sr. left for Camp Lewis yesterday. where they will visit with their t- Shoes and Slippers choice 2.93 worth to lot Men's BREVITIES House BAKIjAJL15 THIS WEEK - 1 NEPHI. UTAH. TIMES-NEW- S. The TOGGERY 0 I r !ji .iir 1"V 1 y ,r lrd ( .. |