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Show THE lllS HATCH The IRISH , PLOT IN AMERICA JO MARCH VICTORY matter of the Mood. Courage Is Without good red blood a man has a wean neart ana poor nerves. . In the spring la the beat time to t take stock of one'a condition. If the ' blood la thin and watery, face pale or pimply, generally weak, tired and listless, one should take a spring tonic. ; One that will do the spring house- herbal remcleaning, an edy that was used by everybody nearly 60 year ago Is sUll safe and sane be- cause It contains no alcohol or nn rootle. It Is made up of Blood root, Golden Seal root, Oregon Grape root, ; Queen's root. Stone root. Black Cherry bark extracted with glycerlue and - made Into or blood This tablets. liquid tonic was first put out by Dr. Pierce In ready-to-ns- e form and since then t has been sold by million bottles as Dr. . Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. If ; druggists do not keep this In tablet form, send 60 cents for a vial to Dr. Pierce's Iavallds' Hotel. Buffalo, N. Y. v Kidney disease carries away a large percentage of our people. What Is to be done! The answer Is easy. Eat leas meat, eat coarse, plain food, with plenty of vegetables, drink plenty of water . between meals, and take an uric add ' solvent after meals for a while, such as Anurlc strength), obtainable at ' almost (double any drug store. It was first discovered by Dr. Pierce, Most every one troubled with, uric add finds that Anurlc dissolves the uric add as hot water does sugar. You can obtain a trial package by sending ten cents to ' Doctor 1'lerre's Invalids' Hotel and , i Surgical Institute In Buffalo, N. Y. - : : v Mere Grub. we need," declared the first Itusslun, "Is, a man on horseback." e "Yes, assented the other one, "we Could umt a little horse meat "What t . .'. true." . State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County as. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he ta Senior partner of tha firm of F. J. Cheney Co., doing: buitneaa tn the City of Toand State aforesaid, and that ledo, County aid firm will pay tha Bum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for any eaae of Catarrh that oannnt t rured by tha UM of BALL'S CATARRH MKOICINE TKKfiK J. CHEN'ET. worn to before ma and subscribed la any preewnee, tbia lh day of December, a. r. im fteal) A. W. Olrason, Notary Public. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE la tak. n Intamally and acta tbroush tha Blood an (ha Mucous Burfacaa of tha Syatcra. Ita. Testimonials free. Drussa. r. J. Cbeoey A Co Toledo, Ohio. ' - t Would Show It. ner nose "Maude could never c In other people's bualnesa without being fonnd out." aoT ' "Why "She's got too much powder on It" ; "i Vou May Try Cutteura Free i Seed today for free samples of CurJ- -' eora Soap and Ointment and learn bow quickly they relieve Itching, skin ' and scalp troubles. For free samples. Dept. X, Boston." ' address, "Cotlcura, At druggists and by mall. Soap 23, Ointment 25 sad CO. Adv. i " The Anxious Pilot. , Noah sighted A rr rat. : "I hope to goodness that Is the peak of production," he cried. ' No, George, a divorce part of married life. ii Unt the funny - Small Ptlt ftoaaJI Doe CARTEL lflVER S to btolab bllioasnsss, Quick headache, todlgcaliaa sod to cieatt- - up a bad complexion. ' NMNraM a tack Washington. Evidence of plotting between German and Irish agents In thin country for an uprising In Ireland has been uncovered by United States government agents, and Is partly responsible for the recent arrest of Irish leaders by the Itritlsh government. This evidence, which may be mnile public soon, Is understood to show definitely that Irish lenders, nmiiily Sinn Fein sympathizers In the United States, have been In touch with Ger man representatives, who agreed to furnish money to finance a rebellion In Ireland and possibly to send arms and ammunition to Ireland by submarines or blockade runners. There was even some discussion of the chant-eof sending German soldiers to take part In warfare on Irish soil. The uprising wits set for about this time, when the Oermnris plunned to rench the channel ports after their great drive In France mid It was' be lieved England would be thrown Into confusion by the German' victories. Ireland was to be fried entirely from llrltlsh control If possible and the Germaus counted strongly on the Irish trouble to divert (irent Kritaln's attention from the fighting front In France and at the channel ports at the very time when It would be most neces sary for the country to keep calm to prevent a German Invasion. Information concerning these plots lias been gathered by several Invent l gating agencies of the United States government and turned over to the state department, which forwarded It to" representatives of the llrltlsh gov ernment In many cases the Informu Hon provided leads by which British secret agents found evidence of plot ting In Ireland.. Negotiations were allowed to pro ceed for some time in the hope that more of the plotters would be rounded up finally, and the arrests are believed to have been ordered by British offl clala at this time because It became evident that an open outbreak was about to be precipitated. It was hinted also that a number of Sinn Fein sympathizers In the Unit ed States are under watch for further developments In the Irish plot Pills Iron Carter's eoaJWM .. WOlaaae Skat nimr rtirr r:rr I toe trirti pa lUUUAfll UII UUI UBitiiirii bet ys) ea ties them of prompt!? with tsnii ' ami tha BUM SUM time. Does sot bite tar or remove the mmA mm a, delivered, $x it per ram mare if v vmte. V,a A8SOKEIXI, flU Book R frv. Vir t.11 the amiarptK Inwmrat far irankmd, reduree Varieeae Vehat, Raptured aa v. at aiin.ia, Mate W. ay 9.79.. f,ttaah.Setal. MaaS, TYPHOID i.dJsT sVWl(FlalBl y V eetssfjtlsassa rm fm.t mil av airi o snyai'iaa, mu i Mii iw H a aw pmw . arr mr , r VBHa, ym Ha TrvM" am taamri a i tmm Ti ial Carrta. Tae arrrm isoeTtrv. ttwnn, tM. 9m tr- tilLMll m tyt I H Ti -- 1 -- II" T Lum uaaaa nn W. N. U, Salt Lake T Of I m.i'wN, mjk Cty, Ne. 21-1- I1S ill A : 1 vt v-- h J ic . He Will Be Ready to - Take Up Old Glory - Ai ' ,'5 '. When s Turn His Comes iwii .. ii - m .m-- n. - - I. ENEMIES MADE ONE x V A Romance o Our Civil War THE ( i death or Maj. cassius In Fhlladelphla r to the Record of that city l.n Interesting and rnmnntlc Incident la the life of his soldier father-in-la- the noted General Hamilton of Columbus, Ohio. In the Civil war General Hamilton commnnded a bilgade In Sherman's army, being at the time one of the youngest brigadiers In the serv ice. Ills command was a putt of the host which, under Sherman, made the famous march to the sea. After the army had passed through Georgia Its route wss deflected northward with the object of moving through the Carolines. In North Carotins during a halt at a certain point In that state. General Hamilton was sent for by a young southern lady, the' daughter of a former governor of the state, deceased, a strikingly handsome young woman and a belle. She received him with the dignity and ceremony befitting bis rank, and the general saw he was In the presence of a beautifnl brunette with an abundance . of fire and spirit In her make-up- . He expected to hear re proaches, but wss sgreeably surprised to find himself mlstsken. The conversation st once proceeded on her part on a line direct. "General." she said with a simple candor which at once enlisted his Interest snd sympathy, "all our young men, the flower of the South, have gone to the front snd been killed In UTAHNS WELCOME HEROES. Belgian and Italian Trench Veterans Guest of the State. Salt Lake City. All Utah united on Tuesday In acclaiming with royal tvet come over 300 Belgian and Itallun trench veteran and military refugee who arrived here to participate as guests of honor In the big Jted Croas The parade held tn the afternoon. parade was an hour and a ' half In passing a given point, and the crowd that witnessed It wildly cheered the heroes of many battles. Three large flasrs carried through the atreet were ahowered with silver, thousands of dot lars being thus raised for the Red Cross, . Male no fnUfale about th$ plact vhich ism Dforalion day of WIS trill hold in Iht hvtlory of the greatest republic of all time. It is one of the red-lettdayi in the most er ultia'wn" -- an V- n"" - " - - ' buttle with jour armies. None Is lefl to whom we enn turn, and I huve sent for you to ask you what you Intend to do for us women who have been left without the hoH.' of finding tnntes among our own people. There are none left whom I, speaking for myself, would care to marry. Now, what are you going to do for us?" She looked at the general, her dark eyes seeming, as he afterward said, to be seeking to rend his soul. After s short silence she came to the point direct by proposing that be should mar ry her. General Hamilton, somewhat taken aback by a proposal he had not reckoned upon, rose to the necessity of the occasion, however, and with all the gallantry and sympathy Inherent In an honorable man, explained to her that there was a little woman left behind In Ohio to whom his heart was pledged and that he expected the wedding bells to ring for them when the cruel war was over, which he felt sure would le very soon. But he had an Idea he could be of service to her. nevertheless. He Informed her that there was a young colonel In his command, handsome, brsvc nnd the soul of honor, who. so far as he knew, had no ties, and If she were agreeable he would take pleasure In bringing him to her house and Introducing him. The young lady signified her willingness. The general went back to headquarters, sent for the young officer and after a with him they set private out for the young lady's residence. There they ere received with prover-bls- l Southern courtesy snd dignity, snd e sfter the Introduction snd the of compliments the general withdrew. "And. do you know." ssld Genersl Hamilton In sfter years, "that In the closing days of the wsr those two 'enemies' were happily married and sfter the colonel was mustered out he settled there In the home of his bride snd the tast I beard of them they had sev en children snd everybody seemed to be merry snd Joyous on the old plan tation.' Inter-chsng- A tremendous chapter of the world life of the American TEN DIE IN TORNADO. la aba Blood f Ira l!lfVi J fr FACES PALE CmmSv X. athers Teutona Counted on the Irish Trouble to Divert Great Britain's Attention from the Fighting Front in Franca and at the Channel Ports. . have Mood tha test of time. Pwrvly Vegetable, Wonderfully 4 s Many Matters of Importance Discussed ' at tha Session. Boise, Maho. Idaho's first stste war conference adjourned In this city Tues day night, sfter discussing at length the pool, billiard and card room proclamation of Governor Alexander, which rtoaea them In the daytime. The con ferenre approved a motion that the governor suapnd the proclamation when county councils of defense recommend such srtlon. War drivr and the manner In which they a re' conduct- ed. the Inbor situation, storage crops and numerous Other wsr prob " ,!-lems were dlacujsaed. CONSTIPATION ' of His INVASION AT FAVORABLE TIME WAS TO FOLLOW UPRISING FINANCED BY GERMANS, WAR CONFERENCE IN IDAHO. FOR NEPHI. UTAH. S. Spirit i ! TIMES-NEW- iwmt !, I $24.09 a 1 for From Meat S 68.97 ; I 1 tw lull live miles. so me Uiittg Considering Requests for Aid. Wsshlngton. iMrectors of the war Blsck and White Costume. finance corporatlrwi, meeting May 30, There Is nothing startling In a dress for the first tlm, began the Immense black foulard with white organdie fssk of considering applications for of striking a financial aid to activities essential to collar snd cuffs, yet how woman can look, clad In such a frock the conduct of the wsr. If the otiieT accessories of her costume ere In keeping. A wide brimmed model Establishes Record. Sesplsne white organdie Washington. A navy seaplane re of blsck foulsrd withIs the s large Jet pin. spproprlste cently completed st the naval aircraft with while clocked stockings snd blsck hat, has made factory, Philadelphia, leather pumps complete the Tight from Philadelphia to Hampton patent of good style to be found In equipment Rosds. Vs.. In three hours snd fiftesmart example of the this extremely minutes, carrying all peopli. black snd white costume. New Foulards. We are to hsve s spring snd summer of silk. If present Indications mesn snythlng. The manufacturers hsve been trulek to tske sdvsntsge of the scarcity of wool snd hsve put em the msrket silks of very Interesting designs. Many of the new foulsrds show a dark ground very well covered with a light design. Sometimes dots of Irregular Ijs sre fairly powdered over the dark surface. At other times a threadlike tracer Is spread over tha dark ground. - l Total $93.0 Total 1 1 nj.oa 1 ThU net profit of $1.29 per head averages Vs cent a pound live weight. And out of this small net profit dividends must be paid to shareholders. Year Book of interesting and instructive (acts sent on request. Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chics eo, Illinois Swift & Company, U.S. A, Next to a new dress a worn so like Net en the Face ef It. Are electric wires tnsde of well- - nothing better than to buy new furnl-tar- a. tempered metsIT "llsrdly. since It Is so dangerous to cross them. FARMERS ARE WORMS. HARDER To keep clesn and healthy take Dr. Aad titlaf tbetr fort saore thas ever bafora. e rero-IstPellets. Pierce's Pleasant They Tat all Uaae workers the freqpsst awe of liver, bowels and stomscb. Adv. Alias's Foot-Eathe aaUapUs aowAar ie be akalias Itto taa skoae aa4 spriakM la the no on foot-l- a In reflections the sbsent, go la, laemaaas tbetr effldeecy a4 seated pbyaWI eweifork, Htakaatbe further thsn yon would If they were rnctlna frna taa Bboa, trait na taa fact, present. Tteverldge, aa4 prwaau Urvd. aeliiag sad bllsiei a4 fast. W cm s ererrataara sre soattaat a sees of I Ki not try to reform othrs unless Allaa't Foo- t- Paae, Doa't fat foot Sore, rat you sre at least attempting to reform A lies' riFaae. aVuid by austere evasy- "" yourself. Iters, S&s. A4. aa, Those who work for the wsgi-- a of If a msn would live In absolute peace he should beb llnd, desf snd sin try to postpone the dste of reckV dumb. cmlng. I onoor people. Twister Which Strikes Kansss Deala Death and Destruction. Rest and a Heaven, "There is a rest snd a heaven, Hays, Kansas. Ten persons were killed, two probably fatally Injured ahlch souls weary of this esrth may and dosens of others less seriously In- ppd, but It Is discovered best In the jured, In a tornado which swept across srorld's midst, seeking Its good and northern Ellis And southern Rooks doing his will who lived snd died to counties Tuesday night The little save It." town of Codelt, in ltooks county, was practically wiped out. All the churrhea, schools, buildings and larger business Our remembrance for one day Received Him With Dignity. houses and residences were detool the service of the dead is valbl Uhed. When bear wsa declared the mint uable only if it im pires in us. the The tornado started fifteen mlte of troojis engaged had mounted t ber northwest of llnys snd swept a strl their spmt of devotion 2.TT2.4, of which the North furuiatiet a mile wide for a distance of thirty living, It . over Live Cattle $84 45 74 :;! - Paid Mj qqIs Take "Eatonic" and Laugh At Stomach Troubles II. L. Krsmer, the msn who originated Case rets, bas discovered a sure, relief for bed stomssfe, ouick-eetlnachs. He nsmed It EATONIC for your stomseh'S sake. Too can cat anything yon like now snd digest It In comfort, for stomach -- se? is positively assured If yoa eat sn EATONIC tsblet regulsrly after each meal. EATONIC acts directly with tha food the moment It enters the stonv sch. It Immedlstely checks sny tendency towsrd to much scld and enables the fod to pass from the stomscb inte the bowel la a sweetened condition, and thns prevents the formation ef sour dlslreswlng gases thst Upset digestion snd cstie a bloated, dull, feeling that makes yemr Itrmpv rrxih uptteat. KA TONIC roablea yo fill and laugh at Indigestion, dyspen sla, heartburn, "soor stomsrh" and e'l the ttber bugaboos of afr.; "the-ms- -f Krsmer says: "EATONIC should bain every borne ready for use sfter evlll ery mest An EATONIC tsblet aid ya sal orally to essily digest and susi mils te your f4od can be thoroughly enjoyed without the slightest danger of misery from add stomach. 1 strongly sdtlae every one to tske EATONIC sfter meals. To correct bad stomach snd keep thrrn la perfect condition. It Is a most wonderful dis- covery." If EATOMO fslls to give yon prompt stomsrh relief, your money Will be refunded : fV buys s 1srE b at any dmg stor. Or write to Refonle Itemeoy Cn 101 S 8. Wsbssh Ave, Cb to eat your cago, U. 8. A. |