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Show THE THE TIMES-NEW- S Published Every Friday by The Times-New- i A. B. Gibson 3 U I'.SCKI rTlON Manager. KATES. One Year in Advance, Six Months in Advance, Entered ns Second COFFEE! Publishing Co. Dhnnis Wooii Kuitok. The Soluble Barrington Hall J1.60 76 at the Tost Clasn Mail Matter Office at Nephb Utah Pure Extract of Advertising Rates Mad1 Known on Application. Prices .Reasonable her eggs in the tender stems of the alfalfa plant. Upon hatching the larvae work their way up the stems to the green growing tip on which they feed. .It is rather difficult, therefore to get a good first crop. After the weevil larvae are fully grown they seek shel- THs paper has enlisted ter, usually in the dead vegetawit: tb ; government in the tion at the alfalfa Crown. From cat i f America for the cocoon, the adult insect soon appears. pei ,c of the war The farmer should use very a- vai table means to bring the crop to an early maturity. Early ASSOCIATION UL;j S...ibjlT spring diskine and the best irrigation practise assist in this. STIMULATE INDUSTRY If the alfalfa is unable to reach maturity it should be left until of the eggs have hatched. cioiu.iJinii,IrrU1,nmost Tiw.TT.wt,i -J toe mi 1.1siiouiuMilmen oe cut anu ;ei, ii . ci i . . w -l wni iiiii.ii. j, , . , tUJ? lt is going- to he up to us from llo T. a tiv . i ' it. ivj niivuiu kiiv.ii fc; now on to iurnwi mot oi " jyone over carefully with a gprinir money anu men. tof)th harrow followed bv a brush Industries must produce as or wire drag. This breaks up the they have never 'done before and surface of the soil, stimulates those of us who remain at home growth of the second crop, tears must prepare to do double the jail green stems from the alfalfa work we ever thought we could crowns and starves the larvae. maks a fine dust mulch which do. We are emerging from the heats nnder hot sun and burns suffocates the larvae, and Do You Enjoy Ufa? first year of our activities with and or crushes out into the A man in good physical condition is good results and some lessons mulch rdl thedrags larvae hiding in almost certain to enjoy life, while ths well learned. the alfalfa crowns. The field do bilious and dyspeptic are One of the most important of must be dry to produce a fine not enjoy their meals and feel miserable is that in times of stress dust. A few days later the crop a (rood share of the time. This ill feel which of vital in- should be irrigated. ing is nearly always unnecessary. A few political management A free copy of this circular doses of Chamberlain's Tablet to tone dustries must give place to busiup the stomach, improve the digest ien ness management and organiza- which contains a chart showing and regulate the bowels is all that ia tion of the highest order. the life history of the alfalfa needed. Try it. Back of our entire military weevil and directions and illus i .i anu.i trations for making a brush drag program sianui.ime inousanu Good Mowing Machine and one industries ol the of the U. S. may be obtained from the Utah Station. Logan, Utah. Rake for sale. See Walter Pax The money fur financing our Experiment man. SHERIFF'S SALE vast activities muit come from these industries through bond Dr. J. A. BOOTH ubscription from their owners IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE and employes, ami through taxa FIFTH JUDICIAL MSTRICT OF DEN 1 1ST . Barrington Hall Coffee concentrated to minute crystals 1 Packed in Sanitary Glass Jars uuv..n.i.g . CI Cough Whooping Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to keep the cough loose and expectoration easy. It is excellent O Combined Harvester For Sale have for sale at a fair price and on reasonable terms a Deer-in- g I Combined Harvester 9 foot cut. This machine was purchased last fall from the International HaivesterCo. These machines have proved highly satisfactory in this part of the country. This one has only been used on about 250 acres and is in good condition It is offered for sale because the owner has gone to war. Apply 1 r NEPHI, UTAH. TIMES-NEW- Mills to VV. B. Jasro. Utah.- - jrenc. Notary Public. Mullein, la taken In ani-iR'- ta thrmiirh th Blood on ternally Uw Muooua Hnrfaraa of U System. Bo4 fr-laaiUmoniala. for O. 14.11 ratmarh Od'c R" tns No S an fluililiu. T ioair p No. tion. Venice ! r.'t-- j First Class Shoe Repairing J. A. CHRISTENSEN Nod door to Lojnai Barhrr Shop Maie Si. J J. ey .very and Feed Slab!: that tut Midi Trains. Rim, Dray a4 Csprass All i Oils and Varnishes I I I HARDWARE Cooper & Pyper Company e ASSISTS IN on Boynton'-t- electricity. S. -- it st - Wheel run by Expert Horsetboer. ALL KINDS OF- - Entire Satisfaction Guaranteed Why do people come mile, to get their hone thod here "Theres a to-w- it; et, he BLACKSMITHING 0 and F. M. Widner, Hill. S. N. " Defendants. T 1m; sold at Sheriff sale, on the 2T.ih. day of May A. D. 1913, 12 o'cKick at tiix.n of said day, at the front door in Nephi City, of th county rourt-hou.t- e Jua?i (unty. Slate of UUh, the follow real property situated in injj County, State of Utah, Th cant half of the south-wequarter of section two. Township thirteen south of Range one west of Salt Lake Meridian; the south-eas- t quarter and the east half of the north-ea- st quarter of section three. Township thirteen south of Range one west; the r,orth--as- t quarter of section ten. Town. hip thirteen south of Rang) one west, the nrth-wes- t quarter of section eleven. Also beginning feet south corner of the south-eas- t of nwth-w.'s- t quarter f ection two. Township thirteen south Itange one west; Salt Lake Meridian, thence running north 71 isst up the south side of the County Road 1075 feet, thence South GS thence south 71 degrees west 107 feet thence north C6 feet to place fwginninit. Alwt U'Einning a. the north-wecorner of the south-eas- t quarter of section two. Township thirteen south of Ranjfe one west of Salt Lake Meridian, ttienco running east M rods, themsouth 35 rods, 7 links, thence south tiH decrees west rods 22 links, thonc north M rods 20 links, to place of beginning. Excepting therefrom that certain parcel of land deeded to the Juab County Woolgrowers Association, a corporation, and described as follows. Beginning VI rods south of the tenter of section three. Township 13 sou! h, Range one west S. 1. M. and rutining tiience south 73 degrees 7 links, thence east 21 eaat iz degrees north 20rods, thence north 82 42 rods, tbnc 'ietrree east 32 li&t links, thence south 17 degrees rtfln. thence West, south 21 i rrees. .t ttwnce welt, south 21 ,iVl det'ree rxls, thence north SW rods to tjrmning. contining 6fi.M acre. Ii1hI Aerll 21. UU. lan Martin. Sheriff of Juab County, Htate of Utah. By I', p. Christn.n, I o,,uiy, Yirrt pub. My 3rd lat May 24th. 'rHhfe Free! Everybody! Free and Shovels our new Emery Power Reason Best Equipped Shop South of Salt Lake City st - 1 SKRIFOBTIIS-ieJ- S OFJUAB Ostler. Plaintiff, vs Ernest II Jul hou;d lie assured tTtey will Ihj secure in going g X GROCERY CO. THK STATE OF UTAH IN AND FOR THE COUNTY The fact ha been clearly dem onstrated, mat any regulation which hamjiers an industry has curuii'e.l rroduc- invariably defeated the tion and very ends the regulation aimed at. , All lines of legislate industry should begiven to understand that they ill have the full of the and o. i. ENTERPRISE 7. ahead and making investments for development purisea which Good Ury Wat on s, will mean maximum production. Uncertainty Iue to too much CO., Toledo, F. J. CHKNKY AsoU for Coal. Pbana Us. No. 44 1 old by all drorarlata, 'be, tinkering causes a fcH-in' Stalls lliticl Family Mils for constipation. It D. GOLDS B ROVC It. Pi.ii.mm of uncas'imss n the part ol the man who foot the pa.yrol.fc. The nation- caru.ot afford to engender this fefi :ig. To raise' for this the billions i(eccH.-ar-y war every industry must expand and make good profiU and pay: For Spring House Cleaning good wages. It can then pay taxes to the limit, but a half starel 1 we carry a complete line of is n t or discouraged mildier, efficient. Therefore let our .lawmakers, 1 both fcfate and national, realize that any po icie.i which discourage and cripple industries, arc I Also Everything In simply monkty wrenches thrown in the cog wheel of our mapeachinery and whether it nut stand or minfng company which is affected, the financial resources of the nation are cut by just that much. fBMll 35c. & 65c. Jar X, J , Juab Co tat of Ohio. City o! Toledo. County, mm. ' Uku Frank J. Chrnair makn oath that h ta Mnior partner of th Arm of K. J. Chctiay 4k Co.. doing buaine.a in th City or Toledo. County an.l 8ll a(orall, and that it firm mill pay the sum of IHJIXaRS for ON PI HUNDRKI that ennnot h and tvry rut of Caiarrh T? r euTNl M the use 1.18 CATARRH FRANK 1. CHtNET. MEDICINE.- Swora to befnra ma ana aunrini in thla Clh day of Ixttmlxr. my v. , Boynton, the Blacksmith it 66 it 11 w il it Becco 66 The National Summer Beverage. t Ask for Cool and Invigorating. it at our Fountain. it it 31 ; t 4 I ii- - Lunt's Pharmacy I Prescription Druggists. to-wi- FIGHUhG ALFALFA WEEVIL 1 In order to asfirtt the farmed, in the fight against the alfalfa weevil, the Utah Epfiment Circinar Sfuti'.u l.n jut No. Hf, "The Alfaifo Weevil" in which Troscssor Harold 11, has snimmari-erthe ess-"- , tial information for mntroli-- g fWeHavejuflReceived I - the fines! line of 11a-ga- DAVENETTES that have ever come to Nephi j.- CALL AND SEE THEM a r BAILEY urniture Supply Co. -- r -- f , A 4, n i theprst.in The .taggeMiofis con-taine- t! the cirruinr have already been fried by farmers tec- titioK ard found ter" effective. Weevil injury u the alfalfa is. :m , crcp of the tVest j;ggrec;ae J enon'iOTi.t mm annually. This insect first iipjieami in Salt Luke in l':l. frm where if fk County hat fpread into adjoining jda'ep and i ffill hr iion.jf. i ndult i: Th overwintering t i wr-e-vi- apjf-arsi- aifa'fa f:e'd th in a U.e the rarly prrg i rfon ha.i cof.-n- ' p.f-- ' t'rowfh. Shortly after tl.e fen ale dcjt.-if- f i V r) et f!, Barber' Shop City covr.m f aw wt mT txtmy rt-aj- a a. :;ir.i3 :i. Duoi irt,titor H.j.h ol Luiiis' Pharmacy Dr. Charles Dunn DENTIST . r ( HiJs--. Nephi BuiMs to YOU WANT STEAK If THAT lUKt TO MKlt Wi ST sHETire reci. Gay HOf JTOS n wmcvTM(yyise mi&MT trt TociAVt TT WE WILL SELL YOU A STEAK whose flavor will lake your appetite and digfflion on the moA pleating gaftric pienk eref f4nned fof a man or woman's nounhment. Let ui asmfl you in planning your menu. Our complete assortment of meats wiS offer you tome pleating tug' gefiion in the matter. CITY MEAT MARKET George W, Garrett, Prop. Vir build USB Nephi xrat ' Plaster Has No Equal The Largest md Puresl natural deposit df Gyysvm in th World. 1 Rephi Plailct fi Mfj. tt, far t tfrmi Anklt At soon aa pomribt after the injury k reeie4 get ft br.tti f CHamWee- lain's Ijniment and follow lb (4ai wbkh fteeompftAjr th printed d.rectk bottle. |