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Show 1 1WT. IWI tood mLiN M1TAL THE CM ri MO BHVAm WAIL The Time, Vol. 9. No. 33 c JUAB COUNTY IS NOW If! TRAINS IIGE The New., Vol. 2 No 41 Nephi, Juab County, Uu.h, Friday, May 24, 1918 EiTEGrriVE JUNE SEVENTH 2 ON THE LIST FAREWELL RECEPTION TO BE GIVEN TONIGHT IN HONOR OF JUAB'S DEPARTING SOLDIER BOYS FEDERAL BUILDING THE SILENT MAJORITY IS flOW ASSURED Present Schedule Is ReviseJ. Sale of Thrift Stamps Not The Arlington Theatre Will Be the Scene of Royal Send- - After Lingering Illness Mrs. Site Purchased, And The Off to Last Contingent of Selective Draft. A Free R. H. Evans Expires in New Time Card Will Be Moving as Fast as ComMoney Transferred to The Will Be Dance and Show Picture This City Monday. Enjoyable mittee Desires" Very Satisfactory to Owners of Property Special Features of vVell Arranged Program. In This City People Here After several months of patiThe Boys Will Leave Tomorrow. The sale of thrift stamps must On June the 2nd, a new time card will gtnto effect on the Salt Lake Route in accordance with plans that have been contemplated for some t'hne by the railroad oliicials, with the object in view of eliminating some of the trains from the present sched ule. It was intended to Like off . the load trains between Nephi and Salt Lak", but 'Mayor Garand other prominent citizens took u.) the matter with the railroad uMieial.s and showed them vh:ifc an injustice it would work on the citizens ')( this valley if this was done. As stated in our last issue, ihe Mayor went to Salt Lake and conferred with them relative to the change, and succeeded in getting a schi'dule put on that will be Very .satisfactory to the people. and business inb. rests of rett thirt valley. following is the change m Tie' given ber 2 North to l lie will Times-New- Num- s. Nephi going at 2:lt a. m. Number 71 will leave Nephi at 7 a. in. northbound. Number I vs il leave Salt Lake for Nephi and south at 11 a. in., arrh ing here at :J:."." p. m. and number 72 wid leave Salt Lake at i:i." p. in. for Nephi. '.:2"i p. in. This latter'train will runain Nephi returning to Salt Lake tiV net me i':T? fln fated altoVe. Tols change wTuT.'iukv'il ir.d reto ft Sa.t .: dav. without hav-- i turn the r, v" to conu'etw. nights in the effort. e j "" jpoS-sib- le - "NERVE" City t'oam ihivin Jos, ph Us tier of the f'pir.ioii that some people either have an owrah mdance of or r,r- ju.-- t plain crooks. nerve, " person ,t vvcpn s,i came t his residence ly an l rodent ay with his bicycle, tie have f ei'ed to renjid up t turn fame. Mr. Ht!er has been waiting p' ti"iiti;- for that pricke which is ing of t th e who haul take jo what, does Not beioi :g to them, and he lev ' thr;t t his little ar ticle will catch tho eve of the call rit a'' c.iu-- e him to return jd cease it, otherwise pate o be a virt u.- and h will take other meat..- to bring the guilty A hint loUe-one to ,io. should U sufficient. is - f ..-'- d e cn-vi'-tie- flip-po-- -- 1 1 n- -e - te. i.--e Mrs. Nephi Am' ryiH.(ifTiH'-l- " ij the vr le t f h r parents Mr. ll.i-and Mrs. Jo.. rh WC'k. on. JUSE SELECTS THE VICTOR LLOYD GECBGE !r tl selection In the cor.tf t of a name for t1, : Shetland Co't which Was S'Mo!!!K'e i i th"-columns a c..ipV f week a;ro, -- 0 t. a.d 1 Mr. M'i;i ; r d ' eV amo h .vh-ic- !e' ow n r for the " Monday, 1 Ab-e- ent H'tT in 1 im f le .r. ai i (b;a', i (i M'f i. is . cv for -- a!' ti e to the ti?rn a 1 f:s r;n In ;n a' ;'')! it II f ? . p (h the it 1.'-1. t'.e v- 'lorefice aho-i- i tl- is thefii":i' ti'-.- . the f; f sr. Aliied ' t ive thir tr i e t; by 1 n. A co' e I in M'f.t t r! ha' h" a5i , , i , of ?1 thirty r.ames after c?rcfidly i fonvideriet: !)' r !.!' teifor Uro.-jrh- r'v :T' r-- nearly ' it' d ii fi ill hnetV-t- . a "V.in.Wr- - "Thrift" "fh" "l'i ile Sam" ;e i "lai- - rty." ent suffering Mrs. R. H. Evans up. This was the Nephi is now assured a Federal from passed to her final reward Mon; Building. After several years of back Salt word brought (By Fred PMliips, of the day morning. Lake hv Chairman T. H. Burton, the Government Mrs. Evans was born in Nephi negotiations, who was called to attend the big be be will evenim..: an to has now made a definite start remembered th by Tonight long meet in jj of War Saving's chair- people of this picturesque little cay and the surrounding country. in the year 18(12, and has lived towards the erecting of a public here all her life, with the ex men held in Salt Lake a fe v days At the Arlington a building in Nephi. which will be large asstmblage will gather to bid farewell to of about 8 residence the future home of the post office, ception airo. Juab's stalwart sons, on the eve of their departure on an expedition in Manti. She isyears survived by and other officers who will be Juab County stands seventh that may eventually lead to "No toan's Land." In honor of these R. her husband Mr. If. Evans, located here in the government sale uii the list with a boys who have answered the call to the colors, a picture show, and five children these being. com the drive since of $2.40 and ether enjoyable features of a well arranged program L. W. Evans who is employed employ. menced. The record for the state speeches The site purchased is the will be concluded with a big dance, given under the auspices of the by the International Harvester Office corner, with a strip Tithing bemyr only 15 per cent since the Co as Blockman, with headquar on the High School Alumni and Soldiers Welfare Committee. north 6ide belonging to drive started. While the festivities are at their height, and enjoyment ters at Milford, Mr. L. II. Evans the Geo. C. Whitmore Company. A special effort is poing to be who is now a Sergeant in the U. The price paid was around $5,000 made to get at least half the reigns supreme, the smile of mother, wife or sweetheart may only S. Army, stationed at Camp Lee and is one of the best locations hide sorrow burden of within the the dwells Her heart. that great amount purchased by July 1st, Mrs. James Rean. and in the for such a building, which date will be halfway in hbrave son whom, it seemed but yesterday, was only a utile lad Virginia, Miss and Dora Evans, all being city Esther one old beneath soon will who oi the is tiuse situated, and of tree, playing centrally sale apple for the vears drive the in She this is also living city. loved ones scenes to ot and the ciinunood leave the business all with access of to tiie easy grappie the ;e securities. most insensate tyrannies that have destroyed human happine&s. survived by three sisters, Mrs, interests'. An awful dread of what the unknown luture may otter has entered T. J. Sehofielu of Provo, and Mrs Many citizens have been skepA farewell party was given her life and she stands upon the precipice mat overioohs the dark C. II. Sperry and Mrs. Alma tical that such a building wou.d Tuesday evening at the home of chasm of unfathomable depth. The nome w hich once resounded Hague of Nephi. be erected here, but such ever Mrs. Evans was in every sense Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Ord, in honor with boyish laughter is now silent. At the lamny taoie is a vacant can rest assured .that it people wtnch lingers sweet recollections, its very presence of the word a home woman,, al of their son Gerald who leaves chair, around be an accomplished fact. will yet to on embark the her upon memory's river, ways finding the greatest com It piiantoiii snip tomorrow for the training camps inspires be some considerable time may aiKt, as. she sails along, scenes oi the years that hau parsed into fort in attending to the needs of A ine supper was served, the before operations comare to building to the she sweel!. waives view; aim oblivion, presented boy her husband and children. She tables being decorated with roses on the ihore of reminiscence. mence, due to war conditions. and other delays, but that it will and carnations. Those present But, we are being utterly misled by sorrow, if we do not see has been a most patient sufferer al- be built is certain, now that the were Messrs and Mesdames L. that the service of the lad we love will ue very iiobie aim not usless. during her long illness and II. Craee. V. 1L Warner. Wm Millions of other mothers have bravely offered their sons to their wavs looked on the bright side of ground to erect the building has the mothersof Juab County wid not Lie found deficient life. been purchased. Stanley. M. Pitt. Dennis Wood, countrj'.and in that has made our race reat in every iic.d of human the Funeral services were held courage Alonzo Price. Earl Pitt. Mrs. C. We and are kn instinctive era of independence, yesterday afternoon from the conquest. II. Price. Mrs. Jas. Bowers. enterpriseand fair freedom, play. The German is a slave, shaped by gener Stake Tabernacle, Bishop Bailey NEPHI WILL HAVE A Mrs. Harrv Irons, Mrs. Wm Mor ations of harsh training to enslave others, and to glory in it: and of gan. Miss Mabel Pitt, Miss Belle this war is a test as to which type of humanity shall predominate. being in charge. "Jesus Lover CARNEGIE LIBRARY and Alice Ord. Raymond Wood, The man who dies resisting the German attempt to cramp mankind My Soul" was sung by Mrs. Ed acL. and P. Merl Carter Anderson, Gerald Ord, Clarence Ord. within the narrow mould ot the German character dies as trulv as the cause of human freedom, the freedom which companied by Norma Bigler. Chase and the hostess Mr. and any martyr-heroi- n Nephi is in Pine for a public Mr- -. S. GOrd. . America, Lngland. r ranee, Italy and the Northern lands all know-bu- t Prayer was offered by I. H. Library, Miss Downey the State which the Germans have never known and have been trained Grace. The speakers were C. H. Organizer of Carnegie Libraries to suppress. Grace, Wm Bailey. T. II. G. was in Nephi yesterday, and Then, let us all gaze in reverence above, toward the celestial Parkes, and the closing remarks BONDS ARE EXCHANGED formed and the prewere plans stars festival the their realm where around the hjld midnight All the speakers liminary work done which will in ' throne, and apieal to the Supreme Ruler of our nation's destiny by Bishop Bailey. STAMPS FOBJHIIFT for the safe return of our brave lads. If not, let us rise to a far paid triliute to the deceased for sure Nephi this much needed higher level, to the plane of his own ii.ttincthe nobility, and realize her faithfulness as wife and improvement. There are only In the second Liberty Loan that the hero died not only for his lnends, but for his country and mother, and spoke words of com three towns in the State of Utah drive which took place last Oct all that it means to the world. fort to the family. the size of Nephi that does not Europe ha3 been plunged into choas. Not by mere mechaniOther musical numbers given have a public library, but there ober, the school students of Juab Sehool District purchased Liberty cal pressure will social and moral regeneration come. Only vital was a solo by Prof. Nelson "Not are many towns not nearly as force of the higher kind can restore and extend the order w hich Ashamed of Jesus" accompanied liomh in the sum of $400. The can large who have them. bind the clashing races into a real unity. For, w hen all is said, Vc Ima lc!liston, and a vocal by In order to get a Carnegie amount paid by each student soul must govern sense, pride and passion bow betore reality more varied from 5c to $5. Realizing and more, as humanity draws in sight of its goal. When reason is solo by Mrs. Mabel Lunt, "A Library, it is necessary for a what a dilTieu It matter it would identified with pure thought, love reveals itself as the sublimation Perfect Dav" accompanied by tow n to levy a small tax for main Cazier and the closing num- - tenance, this Nephi will do as b. to pay back to each student of human devotion to unselfish aims. The war was made with the the amount of his subscription, utmost deliberation by the War Lord and the high prices of war U-- ' Face to Face" bv Mrs. soonas the question is properly him, and if he and they go down in the Allie Belliston, accompanied by brought before the people ol this especially a3 every boy and girls he had gathered about will war godown, and the art of peace of kindly, Miss Lola Cazier. The closing city. strife, stupendous would have left school before the mutually-helpfu- l so. easy now under the reign of science, if prayer as given by P.P. Chris men, There are now 26 Public Lib Urn Is mature, it was deemed ad only men will think and feel aright, w ill flourish on the ruins of tian. in Utah, the majority of raries viseable by the Supt. and prin- discarded savagery. When that day comes the redeemers of the The floral offerings were beau them having been built by the to who be to seen these of ours, the deatl in grappled dispose world will cipals of the district mankind bv the me of tiful. Those who attended from Carnegie Fund, and the need of of the bonds, and return the with a tyranny that threatened to over-rubrute force, wielded by insolent pride and demanding bund out of town were: Robert Elliot, a library in Nephi where citizens money to the children in Thrift obedience. of Provo. Mrs. MattiePaxmanof can go and spend an hour for Stamps, so each one, could take Salt Iake and Mrs. T. J. Scho their intellectual and social betcare of his own account. A PROCLAMATION field of Provo. Lucy McLaughlin terment is now fuhy recognized. The school authorities investi gated the ossibility of disposing 1ST REGISTER J0NE5TH PRESENT FLAG TO of the bonds, with' the result that and Council The of Nephi City have WHEREAS. Mayor City the Firht National Bank offered decided FOR MIUTART SERVICE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. to beautify our city cemeteries in the way of removing to take the bonds at their par the sage brush, rocK ana tn?sh, and to I ill up the low places and value. The bonds were therefore to turn-pik- e all of the roads running thru and around the cemetery All young men living in East sold and the children paid the end. A vcrv interesting ceremony amount of their subscription in WHLRLAS, The City Sexton is at (he present time engaged took place last evening at the Juab County who have attained witn a lorce oi men carrying oui me oruera oi the vaty t.oucil in Ilivh Srhrxil commencement ex the age of 21 on June 5th, 1918, thrift stamps. respect to the above matter, and, the Domestic Art will be required to register for W IILRhAS, decoration days comes on May .loth, and the ercises when of local High School military service on that day in Mayor and City Council are vey desirous that all of the lots in the Departmenta service flag to the Nephi. This information was cemeteries be thoroughly cleaned up and the old dehpidatod fences presented now are in who the given out by the local board this school from removed the cemeteries, and. high be torn down and Owing to an outbreak of measThe President of the United States has set apart Army, Navy and Air service of week. WHEREAS, les in Nephi, the schools were Decoration Day as a day of fasting and prayer for the success of th" United States. Thin will apply to those who c.o I last Friday evening, and the Allied Armies in the war. Therefore I would recomm rd and The flag is a beautiful piece of eligible to register from the ate the Sunday schools were not held urge that the peopieof Nephi City comply with the request of the work and a ur is woriaaon me of Nephi, Levan, Mont towns of member the The present quar President, and that appropriate exercises be held in commemora- flair for very is in the service, and Mills. All those who live on who Alumni dav. th of tion antine effects all children under as fol- the West side of the countv in I James Garrett, Jr. Mayor of Nephi City which ruimLr i.i 2o listed sixteen from attending any do NOW THEREFORE, will the towns of Silver City, Mamwho those and set set ITJib. a including in May lows, as apart i:l apart hereby 2:h, day PiMic gathering. This action was which last the with and lots tomorrow our in leave to clean up th Citv Cemetersurroundings moth, Knightsville and Eureka, taken by the iViard of Health in ies and I urge upon one. of citizen the imjrtarce nnd the contingent every sity order to prevent the spread of of attending to this matter as far a possible. I hereby ai i.int a f "!a of Pi7 Stephen Allen, will register at the latter city. will The disease. the quarantine a committee to look after th1 proper observance of the day. The Y.n'O John Latimer and Warner tr Alii raised as worn as it appears Soldiers Welfare Committe- of Nephi City. Stephenson, 191i Hyde Miner, entertained Bplliitondelitrhtfullv a number of her lady 1013 flowers. L'Oth Egbert to the authorities that all danger Dated at Nephi City, Utah, this day of May A. D. Kl. and Ray friends Wednesday evening at R' bert Winn. Reairley. Ernest Bowers, of an epidemic is past. time was pleasanthome.Th" her Cleveland and Hall, Wm Ilovt, Forrest, refreshments How-fand Vernon dainty ly spent VAX Leslie Wth, T. II. I'.irton, to the following Mr. A. Frank of Salt served were Andrew ni Shaw. Ronald FttaSidwell, Mesdame.Clara Chapelle Fpent Wednesday with his broth Vir kers. I,atimer. 1315 Krnk Osltler.Cleon trusts: Gadd. Joseph Mattie Belliston. Clvd Haynes. and Ethel rr L. Frank of the Golden Rule Mrs. .1. E. Ingram. Memmott. Fthel Irons., Rhe Reed Lloyd 1!16 Hall. jlobb. Bailey. of this city. J. M. ChrMenson. Delia Belliston, James Garred. Jr. Mayor of Nephi City. I,', ran IVswell, and Seymour Bragley, Paul McCune, came home from Attest: Howell, Frark Broueh. Milton Harry Irons. Mattie Vickers, a'Kl C!as of 1317 Ralph Annie Stout, and hostess Mrs. Recorder H. W. OeVev, he Warner, Iake City where Sa't Saturday, Bellisk-n-. Barne?. Gera'd Ord. (Seal) has been working for some time. be i peeded Times-News- per-capit- ) a r I Ila r n . c - ! Ike ). V |