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Show I ITEMS OF INTEREST Harvey Whitmore of Salt Lake pent Sundv in Nephi. For Sale Household Furniture See Carl Nelson. ha.s purchased Ualph a Ford Car this week. Peon Goldshrough was Provo visiting- her parents Sunday. Miss Venice Wright "of Salt Lake spe t Sunday with relatives and friends in Nephi. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Scott, retnrneu o Nephi the early part of this wuek. second hand For harness in first class condition for $2' at Nephi Mercantile Co. Miss Mabel Pit t and Miss Pearl Jones spent Saturday and Sunday in Eureka. The stork visited the home of Mr. and Vrs. Jack Wright Fri day, and a fine baby girl was left there. See "Alladin and his wonderful Lamp" 8 reels, Venice SaturMiss" down from H J hit - estate has bten sold for delinquent tax-es for the year 1918 and years prior thereto, and the said Juab County has received Auditor's Ieeds for said Monday we'll say is our "Heat- - just real estate; and the time provided by less Day," law for redeeming said real estate has One cinder, one flicker, one expired: coal. Notice in hereby Now. Therefore. "Meat2(l.r5 given, that in pursuance of Section Tuesdaywell this is our , as of the Compiled Laws of less Pay," by Chapter 114 of the Session One oyster, one herring, one amended Laws of Utah, 1911, the undersigned sole. the Board ot County Commissioners of Wednesday oh this is our Juab County, State of Utah, will offer for sale, at public auction to the high"Wheatless Day." cash bidder, for cash, at the front One corn cake, one dodger, est door of the County Court House at Ne one scone. phi City, Juab County, State of Utah, Thursday we must have a all the riif bt, title, interest and estate Sule--(iot)- d BUY A Columbia Grafonola or a lamous EdisonTaking Machine Pianos and Player Pianos niht A Conservation Calendar 1 l Money To L oan on Improved Farms . Utah,-1907- "Sweetless Pay," One pickle, one .lemon, one bone. Friday will make a good' "Eat-les- s Pay," One cheerful and glorious fast. Saturday call it a "Tieatless Pay," For all reciprocities past. But Sunday may Hoover forgive us, we pray, If we should all happen to feel A little more hungry than usual today, And once again eat a square meal. Kansas CityStar. 5c and 10c Reasonable Rates. We make a thoughtful study of your particular requirements, which enables u to give your business more than ordinary service. of the State of Utah, of the County of Juab, and each school, town, and other taxing district interested therein of in and to the real estate hereinafter mentioned and particularly described. Kuid sale will commence at 10 o'clock A. M. on Monday the 27th day of May, 191s, and will continue from day to day at the aforesaid time and place until the whole of said real estate has been olTered for sale. The property sold to Juab County for delinquent taxes and now offered for sale as aforesaid is particularly described us follows towit: Joe llowers Ext. No. 1, Joe Ilowers Ext, No. 2, Midnight, Joe Bowers Kxt' Mining Claims, lot No. UTtJO. Acres 6.1.915. Keep you loans at home! 8.9-lli- OFFICE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. ROBERT LOMAX About " Rheumatism Paints Rakes Oils Hoes Shovels Varnish Kalsomine .Forks Brushes Lawn Hose Electric Motors White Lead k Rent Our Electric Vacuum Cleaner $1.00 per Day 1 I.t Our Monuments NEPHI Sell maim. 1 vat, ; et-rl- y i re Co4 cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxccocooocoocxxxxxooa Lot 20t;8, Acres 2.55:t. Space Ide, Lot 'S21. Acres 6.727. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hitftfinson North liullion. East Bullion, Bullion, Kheumatism causes more pain and motored to Eureka Tuesday, for suffering than any other disease, for Bonta, Uit29G2, Imp. acres 75.320. Special Representative. Dayrces-Berb- e the reason that it is the most common Copper l'irite, t oper I'irite No. 2, a short visit. Music Company John, of all ills, and it is certainly gratifying ImI 'S(k, Acres 17. UU;- - Lu-k- y Umn'v Attorney Lryan, was to sufferers to know that there is a Lot 2977. acres 12.23S; Copper I'irite 1, Lot 2987. acres 4.118. in Eureka the part of the remedy that will afford relief, and make No.North End, Lot 2205, teres 3.613. u jji4 rest and sleeu possible. It is called wet-on official business. av j Apxdo, acres 15. Chamberlain's Linament. Victoria No. 2, Freemont, Parallel, "rs. Lucile Hawkins of Salt Lot 386S, Acre 41. IMS." Lake spent Sunday with rela Equator, Ix.t W; Cable. Lot 4303; tives and frie..ds in Nephi. EVERYBODDYSEES Jumbo, Lot 4301. acres 16.323 Mi. s AUielia Iiooth spent Sat ot PJ5' Acres 6 124; Antiaconda, Horn .Silver, in Nephi le- 203, acres G.8S, V. H. Sundae and urday '"" . rH.' '.- -'' acres 20.6ti. Uit 208, Whiton, in IN FATHER the Provo CHANGE turniiur to evening. Evening Star, January, Lot 3382, L. A. Whitmore Mr. and Mrs. acres 23 o:',9. Junction. Junction No. Lot3432, left'for Salt Lake Friday after- Years acres C.8.(Ui. Over Suffered Twenty a for visit short tothat city i:ooa 3204, acres 15.954. I'icnic, And Spent Thousands Of E-'Last Chance, Lot 54, ucres 7.35; for setting, S. C. White jts Dollars Trying To Get Emma, Lot 45. acres 19.10: Kemnant, Lejfhorn oOc per setting. Guar I Ail 50, acres 10.63; Red Iron. I.ot 44. Well-TroublOver Hansen N. See II. ant. rd fe tile. acres 20.66; Wedge, Ixit 49. acres 3.62. come Ij.t Hollar. Blue Bird Ext. An-- No. For Sale -- A second hand Ford 2 Uit 3904. acres 49.21 1, Silver llistrk-A in condition. class first Car onl-of best nrt le. are made ..arre. in.mnK cam. u MV father has Suffered from , of material the kitul lint iloe bargain. S e U. L. Batchelor chronic Stomach trouble for Over j.j int. n evening, Tempest. Boston C. H. Hilton of Salt Lake, is not Income faded and fS,bby. twenty years and has paid out No. 1, Boston No. 2, Temple, Lot 38, visiting at the home of Mr. and thousands of dollars on medicines acres 8s.94. mining claims. Int. in reahty. Mahogany No. 1. Mrs. Wirt. T Collision this week. and doctors, "said G. W. Slay- UdaH's Orchestra went over to ton. a well known Cxibbcountn, S()UlllrrM (Ws, Victor Hugo, u.t27. d ate the newest and bet, acres 113.08 Mammoth Friday evening to fur- - farmer, who lives near bmyrna, I finish U arti 'ic a id j ,vmt am ajI 54, acres 7.35. Black iriUH-ifor a dano in it short distance from OUt of At- - I Last Chance. nish th ... . . ; .). . Dragon, Ix-- t 47, acres 19.69 eveiy monument i piff-nthat city. '"' i, on a g'xxl cment (iii!lifin. nearly everything I ,,..;. t ,ft,-I!- ., C Carer left for Slit Lake "We totried went he and cure him, 3:t24. Monterev. U,t ,rim ,,uk with trying for a short vi.-- it off to the springs, thinking may- - 344, ciuch. I .t 3:t-.- i. mining claims. Our price are conmi'iil wu'i ;!,r Monday hefon the with friends eavirg lsaln lla Victoria, Ixt 50. acres 8.47, he the water would help him, cUm 4 work pMdVetl. next draft. unit just looked like nothing mining claim. day s. Ask us how. The Geo. C. Whitmore 2s.11, Acres l.tAcres 1G.S03; Duber. Jennie Lode, Ex Rsy, Lot Satisfactory Termt KENDALL BROS. Phone No. "The Plumbers" es 1 le Our Designs II 2 c a)a Irar. Boswe'l, crime home havM"iujay :'rou Camp ing Imvii grauUMl a five weeks fiirltusrli. UVA i PROVO. A card rTeiv 'i t;ii week fnm Verfsil .laeoh-oconveyed ti e Cause ot HnJictii mnv di iu had iamhd infor:i.:ti'n that By knowing the roue. a wrti.-tarotum be avoided. Thin i afcly in 'Franc. tru tf headache. The mit r.nnin-- n Mr- -. motored in dionlr.-a Llyrni Foot caux of headath or cunntipation, wlit h may t fr ;tn Holden to Nephi Vondiy, J..ws f corrected by taking a w Mr. VVni I'H't.- acoinpanv ing it. Many Tablet. Trj Chamberlain to Salt L".Ke the .same day. her other ba obtained permanent .. Mr. an I Mr. Joshua Green- by taking tbce Tablet. The are .!' t. to Uk and mild and trentb? in t ftorl of Salt Iake visited their NOTICE OF AH! JCATHtN r.t; daughters Mrs. Ilyrum Hrough PATENT. SERIAL and Mrs. H. K. Whitmore in Nephi the early part of this week Si.lt Ijjkp United SUtealJi-iMr.and Mrs Iv;.o !'.;!. r !'in"Td Cit. Uuh. Atril IV VA to their home at l!iack('t I I.dio Notice U bwrcliy, Riven ti:.t J t hiiM lK.ct iffe aitr" fV.l.n Satordav after a "Jt to ru.V- - I heveral i:uj. Ms Nephi, ItUh in N't i i au Sitin the Tnio-and M Ireii t tah t UVe Salt at jiy. Ofnc, 2. f N U. C;iii'i!at il ncornjianied li eni United HUtea Tatont NE-Seti..n SI. T.w.shi;M hac! . i re t!.f SE-ill vi.-- it for Beesley Marble and Ix-wi- Granite Works v utt.ui-ach- d e - - 'r? a .'- -, el3- (S-a- I ub. May 3 la.t ub. May 24. .'Sell":: ac. The first we heard of this med icine was when my father saw an advertisement in the papers from parties he knew what they U-- 2 r ta '. - Vv, ph-asau- - d (- 1 (t -T 4 4 t l'.r rint. , j I i nrricUinif'? b-- r,r I r 4 ! Statute. ... i hereby dirnt that th; r ti ! In the Titv for 0 d "itr, atNepI-ublired newspaper Utah. Ihitod I nit'd h"!t- - Ii'.'l c-ty- . GtiUMl rm ph. R. April rth Hf.AK I'l.Y. h I! r 1 1 r;. rr ; , I - , V v- ! 'it :; U:'i bh ' ... i'',- 1 ' . v f Wi , , - :!' 1 . .fr.'r, nrti'Ai- t . f r - 1.'. t!- - V idf! r' lved lie. i i, K !. 'If jrr. ... ;if. 1 ( 1'. t Here arc hut a very few of 'the many features of the Case 0 Tractor. 10-2- 1. Alapirl to all fjrm woik plow, umail and hju!v I)ti ihrcihir, busker, blcr, i!u filler, ctr. harrow 2. TTiC engine Cae-md- e i fowr-cylinili- -r a Cae dcwfii f an4 jctial trattor moinr. 3. AH paMs are easily acceiMe. 4. Simple, cjy to opiratc. Very economical. I 'mil pinion fch. Ft an axle run on IfyaU Roller Hearinr. of hcr 5. WVich 1pm than equal capatitf. IJuilt Mronjj tiMMijfh trat-tor- to be durable. f1 Vi'- drt hrl can be lorked in bf leer lt upott of at f:..m driver' hard r"'- - A patented feature. 7. A'.l whrrU travel on unplowcd land whfi pi tug. W ide tirt prevent 6. fr fill 8. 9. prti l j. Suirrs'ui'f btirm kerosene. Will ) operate tifxl.r full load conunuou! i:i',t irt rr-S- sr i'lnj. til ti!e draft under maxiit piitw inj with either three mum pu l cr two mnum gang. T hi new catalog tei' all about Come in and get one. C"ae Urtti.irv. Cif G. R. JUDD V. NOTICE OF SALE OF HEAL l..Wra Ihiti't all ..ji !';:'. Tt'-- tb . r .? 1. THE THINGS TO REMEMBER ABOUT THE CASE 10-2- 0 TRACTOR n ferman-Thompso- I SaitUhe i - lh, te lke I 1 t b-- n - v ) al-ou- 1 r ' y yf. thtg rnimr.2 prodd. Uw-of. are hereby ntifi"d that w,U "i ' e dverwe claim are filo i )' r w biw and regulation th'To-' 1st i ..f 1f"n (SOI day nitty liraUon nt thi ti'itire with tte riI O of the United ilcn i t,; in" I My Salt City, ji. r ,rrot hv virtue of aatd Ik-3-K- ! ! . an! all i.--s - S;,H South Kanee 2 Kj.-t- . Meridian, nurvevfl lanl f ti i w-- n the Mountain Ln'e SUte known Salt'tlorVa. f.Uver cb m e.!air,inr 'tirn 70 acre embracing a min.-rt' al .! f whi' h a from the water commercia.1 fcrticle of Sit rri ia txinf tnaridfactureJ. The aaid mining rlaim i n tf ".r i ir. V r nt the OfTVee of th 0.ur,fy at Nejhi. L'tah or I f t Juab, '. 11. and thf tA()i ii and Field N"tc f lh in:fe L mirrtf are or w-r- in .'alt La KUtea Land OfTire Utah. 12 Any fr 1 I . .r,r- "a tl.ftt Mr. ,' ! u (V., W.reft F.STAT B FOR DELIN QUENT TAXES Jub (Vninly had f eivc-- CVrtifirate'n of ml artfl Tat IfpHt for the ral Atjli'r' bprpir.aftf r defrilx(l, which mid rfftl Trpft-mro- eite - NEPHI NATIONAL BANK Att-Ht- dont srues.s there ever was a ease as stublntrn as his, and if First there ever was a confirmed dys- nentic he was one of them, and I CI iruess he would have been one vet if hadn't been for this Tan- - Donated Have You y would reach his trouble. Then ,8 U UH, Alllft IIV liHff he tried dietine. and lived on HOARD OK COUNTY COMMISSION liiiuid foMl until he almost star ERSOF JUAB CO. ved, but even that faifed to do Hy .1. W. Whitmore, Chairman : anv eood. and he just keep jro- Will L. lloyt, in trom bad to worse. uniy Clerk. said alxnlt it was the irutn, m he pot it right away and began taking it. "Well, sir it acted just like iit magic, and everybody notices the change in father now, w hy he is just like a different man, and sits down to the table and eats like a farm hand. Only yes t'm". terday, he ate pork and turnips 'v,p for his dinner, and ate so much we were actually afraid he was the thing, but he WEAK overdoing SPOT OiiE laughed and said nothing hurts him now, and that he was hun Weak gry and exiit'Cted to eat and make Bfk up for lost lime. "Now when a medicine wil; do things things like that, I think 1. i l; a n T t , it, ought to know xojle ti-t- . ., r rvrr I want to now that and right nd tay '' i. niglil S ii;t, if I would not give one .bottle of i'. r f ' for all the other medicines a Tan'ac h ff.eo )n t' and health resorts in the coun V il:ore try put together." Tanlac is sold in Nephi by 11. is-iiU. ' " irinarr r (ti F. Tornlinson, Nephi Drug, and ' , 'd ir.'.fi't tit" fin K'ireka by Schram-Johnsnr iir d ff mcr, N"J df, it, !. V;n Co., in Silver City by Ik f- ' Drug V i !. I' Ks;p !.?'n Mercantile C. ind in Mammoth by Mammoth Adv. tig ihvk am Supply Cxj. it ir "i a nt. und Of!i.-e- Tlr 'i... 15 RED CROSS WEEK tKi 'HB |