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Show THE Table Silver SO ML EFFORT CORNS JUNE 5 BOYD PARK MAKERS OF JEWELRY sruer salt lake . duties of tbe household In order thnt ! EASY! may keop to this common work HO LIMIT L YOUTHS TO ON OF AMERICANS they that au their hearts are eogagea in, beand In doing which their hearts come acquainted with each other. LIFT RIGHT OUT When you think of this, you real lzi SAYS WILSON III PLEA FOR RED CROSS how REGISTER the people of the United States are being drawn together Into a great family, whose heart Is . being used DOESN'T HURT AT ALL AND The secretary of war told ma au for the service of the soldiers, not COSTS ONLY FEW CENTS. As Many Soldier Will Go Interesting Incident the other day. He only, but for the service of civilians,a VOUNG .MEN' WHO ' ATTAINED In Italy a member where they suffer and uTe lost in was be said when TWENTY ONE SINCE JUNE 6 Overseas as Ships Can be of the Italian government was explain maze of distresses and distraction. Magic I Just drop a little Freezone LAST TO BE CALLED. on that touchy corn. Instantly It stops Found to Carry Them. ing to him the many reasons why Italy And you have then this noble picture He of justice and mercy as the twofelt near to the United States. aching, then you lift the corn off with said : 'If you want to try an Inter- servants of liberty. For only wherethe fingers. Truly! No humbug t s Million of a In Opening Red Cross Drive in Speech esting experiment go up to any one men are free do they think the Probably Men Will Be Added to the American of these troop trains and ask lu thoughts of comradeship; only where at New York, Preaident Wilton how uiuny of them have been lu they are free do they think the Army in the Making by the RegiDeclares That German Peace America and see what huppeus.' He thoughts of sympathy j only where stration, Estimates Gen. Crowder. Terme are Insincere. tried the experiment. He went up to Ihey are free are they 'mutually help; a troop train and said, 'How many of ful ; only where they are free do Wushliieton. Kstlmates by Major In America Y and they realize their dependence upon New York. Branding all German you boys have been he said It seemed to bitn as If half of one another nnd their comradeship General Crowder, provost marshal gen peace proposuls as "Insincere," Presi- them sprang up. 'Ma from San Fran- In a common Interest and common eral, Indicute tliut probably three-quadent Wilson, in an address here Sat cisco; me from New York, all over.' necessity. ters of a million men will be obtained urday night, opening the Red Cross Tells Story. Love America. for Die army by tbe registration on drive, called upon America to make "I heard a story told the other Juno 5 of nil youths who have attained "There was part of the heart of war to the utmost limit of her re- America In the Italian army, l'eople day that was ridiculous, but It Is 21' years of age since June & lust. sources aud manpower, and declared that had been knitted to us by asso- worth repenting because It contains Fully a million youths, according to that no limit would be pluced upon ciation, who knew us, who had lived the germ of' truth. Ah Indian was Geueral Crowder'a estimate, will be In He' . returned enlisted shoulder the array. the number of men to be sent overseas. amongst us. who hnd worked of At least registered. to He on the a reservation now frleuiis furlough.' " The president's speech In full fol- to shoulder with us, and was asked what he thought of It- - llieui, be thinks, will be exempted on natheir were for of Try Freezone I Your druggist sells fighting America, : lows He said : "No much good: too much various' grounds. a tiny bottle for a few cents, sufficient tive Italy. "Sir. Cliulrmnn and fellow country-meA statement by Secretary Haker, to rid Then lie "Frlendshln Is the only cement that salute, not much shoot. your feet of every hard corn, : will ever hold the world together. And was asked, 'Are you going back? giving the estimate and outlining soft corn, or corn between the toes, "I should be very sorry to think this Intimate contact of the great lied Yes.' 'Well, do you know what you for the draft, given out on May and callouses, without one particle of tlmt Mr. Davison 4n any degree cur- - Cross with the are fighting for?" 'Yes, me know. pluns reads? peoples who are sufill, pa I a, soreness or Irritation. Freezone tulled his exceedingly world ifo whole make damn Interesting fering the terrors and deprivations of tight mll- a of r, of a noted Cincinnati "1'robably for was Democratic He fear be bad tlint speech party." evidently llou men .will be added to the Ameri la the discovery postponing this war is going to be one of the Adv. I sen because eure some genius. um listened misunderstood Innocent mine, you instrumentalities of friend- tence of can array In the making, by the with the snine intent nnd intimate In greatest , my own. ship that the world ever knew and the terest with which I listened to the ex- center Explanations Unnecessary. there is registration on June 5 next of boys of the heart of it all, If we no"Hut after all, although Beulah Weren't you In the consertraordinarily vivid account he gave of sustain it will be land tlmt we so party purpose In it, he got o it who have reached the iy;o ot 21 since the things which lie had realised. be- Jluue 5, 1917, or who will be 21 on vatory with Fred lust night. right as far as the word 'pnrtyV-tcnuse he had come In contact with dearly love. whole world democratic In or before Juue 5, l'JIS. This est I mu to muke Helle Yes, I was. the of a duty day grent "My friends, them on the other side of the water. Interest was inadtj "It was dark, wasn't it T" Murshul Provost has come, and duty finds a man's soul the sense of community of 'and today by .If and of Interest of purpose, Llttt Two Duties. "Yes, pitch dark." 1L Crowder, will us no kind of work can ever find it. "K. Geueral who you ladles and gentlemen could rend direct the "We compass them with our Imagi "lld he say anyihlngt" registration. Raps Profiteers. some of the touching dispatches nation he compassed them in his per "Of course." 10 that 21. Per Cent The this? I duty say limit "May which come through official sonal experience and I am not here toan"Wbutt" one serve to Is now was us 8 estimate faces all General Crowder night to review for you the work of other and no man can afford to make nels, for even through those channels based oil the fuct that almost ten "Oil, 1 couldn't bear what he said." come voices of humanity that there the Hed Cross ; I am not competent to a are war. "How do you kuow be said anyThere this of out fortune could are million men registered last year. do so. because I have not had the time pathetic; If you have forgotten catchInfinitely some of those voices that sneak This number included all between 21 thing?" or the opportunity to follow In Its de- men amougst us who "Hecause I felt his Hps move." the utter lonp',ig of oppressed and and 81. Statistics collected by Gen tail. I liuve come here simply to say that. If they ever saw It. Some of you to 'I low do you know his Hps moved!" over the world. eral crowder s officers show that a all u few words to you us to what It all are old enotigh I am old enough helpless peoples out to bear like Ihe name Utile more than 10 that's Just like you You seems to me to uiean, and It means a remember meu who made fortunes how "Now, something per cent of these of the Civil war and you know to hour the to find out everything I" of Hvmn the want Republic' great deal. men were 21, ycura old. fellow feet of the On tliut "There are two duties with which they were regarded by theirsave grent hosts, of liberty ' Is one offito a war was basis It estimated draft Tlmt citizens. by we are face to face. The first duty Is going to set theirt free, to set. their A Simple Arrangement. to win the wnr. And the second duty country this Is a war to save the minds free, set their, lives free, set cials workltlg under General Crow. Does your wife ever bothHardly to lieu lite relation And world. your their children free, ou would know der thut this year's registration will er you about her new bonnets? tlmt goes hand In hand with It, Is to which relations one the of Is Cross what comes Into the heart of those exceed 1,000.000. win It greatly and worthily, showing Kusy Not In the least. When she the real quality of our power not only, will relieve you of tothethestigma. You who are trying to contribute all the. "Of this number. General Crowder mints one she simply gets It and has government brains and power they have to tins estimates but the real quality of our purpose and can't give anything or about the bill sent In. It won't accept great enterprise of liberty. I &uminou ourselves, of course the first duty, of the Uniteda States j law of congress against you t othe romrndshlp ; ' 1 summon 750,000 men, will be available for mill the duty that we must keep In the It. There is without pay. vou In this next weelr to say how tury service. This makes proper al even services accepting Is our of until It foreground thought government much and how sincerely and how lowances for physical defects, exempaccomplished is to win the war. I The only thing that the and duties per- unanimously you sustain ot dependents and other tbe heart of tions have heard gentlemen recently say will accept IsIt a loan a great deal better the world." bars to military service. that we must get 5.000.000 men ready. formed, but to islend and or pay. your to give than "Under President Wilson's procla Why limit It to fi.ooo.OOO? great channel for giving Is the AmeriAND RUSSIANS BATTLE. all male persons, citizens or TURKS Puts No Limit mation, hearts In Cross. Down your must "I have asked the congress of the can Ited aliens, register. The only icr May be Overcome by Lydia can't take very much satisfaction Two Thousand Killed and Three Thou sous United States to name no limit, be- you excepted are officers and en In lending money iu the last ' analysis. . Pinkham. Vegetable cause the congress Intends, I am sure, to the government of the United aand Wounded In Deadly Conflict. listeu men of the regular army, navy as we all Intend, that every ship that States because the Interest which you This Mussulmans and Bolshe Moscow. and marine, corps aud the nationu Compound can carry men or supplies shall go draw will burn is a vik forces are engaged In a deadly guurd and uaval militia while In fed It your pockets. Letter Proves laden upon every coyage with every commercial transaction, and some men on the Caspian sea. eral service, and officers of the offi ttinn and every supply she can carry. have even dared to cavil at the rate conflict at Iiaku. West Philadelphia, ra. "Darin z the to dispatches to the Moscow vers' reserve corps while lu active ser According And we. are not to be diverted from of Incidenthe not years I have been married, 1 Lave knowing Interest, thirty have been 2000 vice. persons the grim purpose of winning the war tal commentary that that constitutes newspapers, Deen in oaa nesuui ' Various killed and SOW wounded. "General Crowder plans to have tband had several atby any Insincere approaches upon tbe upon their attitude. tacks of nervoua Mihject of peace. I ran say with a parts of tbe town. Including entire local boards keep their offices open Giving a Pleasure. until it clear conscience that I have tested and the I'ersinn bazaar, are for registration purposes between streets prostration of "Rut when you give, something and have found seemed as If the those Intimation 5. on 0 a. aud Juue in. p. burning. in., of aoul, your thetn Insincere. I now recognize them your heart, something organs tn my whole tween those hours all young men for what they are, an opportunity to something of yourself goesIs with the body were worn Machines. Use Infernal Germane 1V.SJ, In were June born 3, who bctwevu It when given have a free hand, particularly in the gift, particularly never ojL I was tofinally tierback The In come can France. With the Army and June 7, ls:i, must register. These try east, to carry out the purposes of con- such form thnt it benefit to yourself. mans opposite the American sector men are subji-c- t to the provisions of by way of direct ydiaE.Hnkham's quest and exploitation. defold You know there Is the cynical northwest of Toul are resorting to In the selective service act under which Vegetable ComStand by Russia. inition of gratitude as "the lively ex- - fernal machines In an effort to check the first pound and it made was held." registration "Kvery proposal with regard to accome. Well, the s well woman of of favors to of American patrols, num commodation In the west Involves a ectntlon me. I can now do there Is no expectation of favors to bersactivity to REMOVED. RAIL reservation with regard to the east. come whicl PRESIDENTS out of every night go These all - mr housework of kind In this giving. InI Now, so far as am concerned, I roam No Man's land. women to try the In afl that order advts and bestowed are ailingthings as. tend to stand by Itussla as well McAdoo Will Name Federal Directors Lydia E. rinkham's Vegetable Comlive In. to a be fitter world place may France. will inm ta Eichinot Prisoners, t for Every Railroad. men may be succored ; that homes pound snd I will pa ran tee they Mrs. "The helpless and friendless are the that from it." benefit creet Aa Switzerland. derive may mnv that be restored: suffering Heme, agreeuien rn rood sucWashington. Kvery presl very ones that need friends and FRANK ITrzcitititLD, 25 N. 41st Street, thnt the face of the earth las been reached here between CUT dent In tbe Flitted States was relieved cor, and If any man In (iernmny lie relieved; Wett destruction of Philadelphia, l a. the hnve In blight may commissioners Italian nuin and r' from active duty aa executive manager thinks we are going to sacrifice are thousands of women everyThere wherever and that from taken It, away k sl and for our own sake, I tell them now of his road on May 20 by I rector Jen-cin Mrs. KiUgerald'i condition, where ana gard to the' exchange of shall mercy force there go goes, critmled prisoners of war and tbe they are mistaken. For the glory of McAdoo. bo will aptsiiut a fed- sufTerina; from nervousness, backache, this war. my fellow citizen, so far-- as helpfulness. Until of prison camp. It. will eral director for each road, resHnslble headaches, and other symptoms of management Hurts. It we are concerned. Is that It Is perhnps It was S functional derangement. tbe ratification for be submitted by to In administration. railroad the abso only "And when you give, give ul spirit for health restored which for the first time In history an , , ; grstef two governments. cases don't and of the road can the many spare, president unselfish wai'. I could not be proud lutely all that you led her to write this letter so that other may be named federal director. women may benefit from her experience to fight for a selfish purpose, but I consider yourself liberal In the giving. Scored. Evader Draft As another step In. the reorganization and find health as she has done. ran be pr.,ud to flight for mankind. If If you give with aelf adultatlon, you M- ; you are giving to the all N. at not forare come prf For so nre Won In rp.rd to your conence thein Santa Fe, "Perhaps let giving of wih railroad the director management, they ward through accredited representa- your own vanity, but If you give until soners may be able to tesiii you pa general ordered the creatloii of two dition write I yd iaD. 1'inkham result of tbeif tives and lay their terms on the table. It hurls, then your heart blood goes trlotism," said Federal Judge 'Colin new operating districts the Allegheny Co., Lynn, Mass. Toe is at your service. 40 expetienc We have laid ours and they know Into It. years SinnS. Neblet In Iamey region consisting of the principal trunk "And think what we have here. nierbell to sentencing what they are. eight months in the state lines cast of Pittsburg, excludiiiic the "Hut behind all this grim purpose, We call it the American Tied Cross. for falsifjlng his dra! New York Central, managed by C. II. ' my friends, lies the opportunity to but it Is merely a branch of a great penitentiary , Markham, now regional director for j demonstrate not only force, which will international organization, which I questionnaire. fbe sou tli, and districts, be demonstrated to the utmost, but the not only recognized by the statutes '. a Used Fuel, Maize Being governments consist in,; of tbe est and wVt trunk npporfunlty lo demonstrate character of each of the civilized and It's the opiiortunity that we have of the world, but It Is recognized and Ituenos Aires. The highest qtinltt lines terminating at Hampton Iloads. of mercy of nm lie crown In Argentine for nmn completely In the work of the accented Instrumentality To safeguard the Interests of stock-hold21 esS SO. Sm OIfs find. TT lt4i Cross, not that our men do tmt and succor. And one of the deeicst venrs la bolus burtied and tnaintniri the Individuality the rests that our reputation for stains are character uim do, they represent sctirrtty of aliiwlii! prevents direcior. hrM nun ftnt a M. It and It Is a harncter which those who of the tJernian army Is that the) nt profitable Prices. Th crop Ifti of each railroad, .federal be SMoiii('-will possible, see anil realize, appreciate and nduilre; have not resiieeted the Ited Cross. mataw u u aa ftillf . flfl ar t it ....... t f frotn enxMig the operating officers of TliHt goes to the root of the but their duly Is the duty of force. . the property, the director general The duty of the lied Cross Is the duty ter. They have imt respected the Min'i Component , Parts, TVs "111 avoid disrupting y Instrumentality Ihey themselves parof mercy and Miccnr and friendship. ftef .U.S.Pet.Ufv 't Man Is the most ron-MmchlnlH nny road's working organization World-t- o ticipated In setting up as the thin? unbe Better. no toon was to touch because In lh cosmos. Thst'e pfeT, fnt b e "Have you formed a picture In your which of common constitution eighteen .or jm.ore sift't'e necessarily. If was the expression W-w-- l s TU imagination of what this war Is doing t fc ,w are We members, by be- - bodies, namely hydrogen, oxygen, nitrw France-NeBritish for us and for the world? In my own humanity. of Matter Air in of the Ameiicau Hod gsn. carbon, .sulphur, fiuorln, ehlofin, tulnd I am convinced that not a hun- Inir ineinlters York. A evidence that lb t 4 of a great fraternity and com bromine. Iodine. iJiospbortia, arsnl, lm1W44- N iV dred years' of jwace. could have knitted Cross, IlritKh have obtained mastery of tli which extends all over the W1 tort calcium. sodium, this nation tocetber. as this single radesbln. mgne5nn. silicon, WM, world, and this cross which these Iron and manganese,, aluminum enl air In France, the P.rltih pUtorUl year f sr lins knitted It together, ladies of an emblem Is t bore a today bns luad4 public service cnbietmm and Iwtter even than that, if possible. boroa aud vanadium. Itself.' from Iho P.ritish ministry of InformaIt Is knitting the world together. Iok Christianity ' I I1 ttmM m f .! Praised. Workers tion saying that tfl per cent of comat the picture. In the center of the I "' J '" t Arthur Protests, l' J 'I ,' "It fills my Imagination, ladies and . etie, f.nir nation In bats I'.rttish engaged neiilnst hlib are airplane wtthV a was Arthur all women day of the swraa atst lt the world, and at every point of van- gentlemen, to think who new cnepgr-d- . take pface entirely 9ver aunt. "I am rnlof to do soiaefblni t ore busy country : tage showing that they are seeking over this f ! TTcn German the lines. fc on a vy mis your birthday," and are buy every nltht and plesse yon selfish acernn.Iizcincnt anil SKainst Ik-I said to tbe little boy, "bet first tlieoi (sent) three governments repre- every day doing the work of the Sedition Bill Signed. sunt' r busy with a great eagerness to ask lie teacher bow you behave ht senting the greater part of the pop- Cross; want to do Washington. President Wilson on school." "If 'ytrf' ulation of the world, drawn together to find ont the most serviceable thing 4 UKI of eometMnrf' to iks of community In- to do; busy with a forget fulne a lien- sen !ni plets tne. auntie." fid Mey 21 signed tbe sedition bill givsocial of their old frivolities the all of the wide a nvcRAHS to teacher." government twtise power community ing the boy, "don't ak the terest, t. m sin,, mttu relationship: ready to turtall the Llpplncott's.' . ' ' punish disloralty acts and utterances. furpoe. A HEW SUIT Funeral of Noted Aviator Held. FREE Wade Sets War Record. IT TW.T Prt New York. Army officers repre HAS GEN. WASHINGTON'S FLAG having been won by her father, Thoro-a- s Newport, O. Wade post office, Iooiey. an old New Torker. In a "raf- sentlng tbe t'nlted States and eah of ifvi jTo.tM fcca neur here. Is only a cross-roaspot New York Woman Owns Bsnner Pre- fle at fair held In 1T79 to raise fond aa pallbearers at the allies the for the Pa;ie-- t chore at Columbus a with one store and a post office and Is UVI tTtACSS C0.,i I funern sented te Volunteer Company by Tuesday tn fct. Patrick's Mir m "r-- - v-n- . and Sixtieth street, then fa course cathe'ttal of CjiptRin Antonio Pilrto not distinguishable; on any map, yet the Oeneral. of erection. The flag was gtf. n to the Ilevnatl, tbe famous Italian avM , It ha Invested t5.6dS in War Ravings DAISY FI T KTM FR p. mi tamps. In proportion to Its size the of the oldest flags manngers of the fair to be sold for tbe New Tork.-On- e U. Tank Steamer Reported Lett little place Is said to be leedlcg tbe In this city snd which Is Interesting benefit of the church. Washington. Tbe loss of the Amerfoantry in sale. from the fact that It was presented by ican tank steamer William l:w kef . baa to been added the Oeorgs Washington to tbe second comlist Pharmacy A ton of sapphire will be nsed this pany of Washington volunteers Is own-e- d of ncciipmtlons for wtroen whfr-- wd ler ws repnrtd to tbe ftsty dctfirt-nieTuesday. Nothing was sail of by Mrs. Marearet V. Early of the be considered by rntverslf? of Wisconyeer In an American factory where the jxreied ben fines of electric me- Hotel Walton. It has been In posses- - sin women students at their annual the nmriner of the ship's destruction or whether there wa loss of life. vocational conference this year. ters are made. j slon of her family nearly forty years, SET What delight It I to alt at a r. tabla fully set with Boyd Park Fimoui for quality and long wear. Become mora valuable with ago, and la finally a priceless heir, loom. For June Weddinga. too main NEPIII. UTAH.. TIMES-NEW- S. cm Three-Quarter- tun-gU- BARGAINS IN USED CARS H mit4lt m4 taivBolctn. OldasakllM. Hfc MOO. Iknl-f- 3 CamutH tint cUa mnatM cv4itlo-aH- V wtm It wtt4 w lllhl ratlin. Well tef 41,114 U u4 4MCtlf HOB, Randall-Dod- d Aato Co, (all Uki air SENSITIVENESS HURTS A MAN one-fourt- In an article called "How I Cured Myself of Being Sensitive." a writer In the American Magazine: aye -Wmtrnar nin'ii m nt " ji tie ' .l.lllf,' xled, 'but you'll never fet anywhere In this world until you quit teartug yourself to piece I I've watched you for the last three year ; twice I've had It In mind to push you up a notch In tbe office, and every time Ive passed you and picked some one else, because I knew you aren't fit to handle other, men. No man ( Ot to handle other men until he has learned to control himself. Tou can't, you're too blamed sensitive. "Little setbacks break your heart A letter of complaint comet In from loma customer and you take It at a personal criticism, and lose a dny'e work brooding over It. You tee roe In conference with tome of the other men and you stub yourself wondering why you weren't Invited and Imagine that I have turned against you. You bear about some one who la making more money than you, and Immediately all far fields look greener. You're a fairly useful cog In your present Job, and It might put me to tome annoyance to lote you. But you'll never hold a big Job until yon can forget your own petty aelf and learn to laugh when the world takes a crack at you. Hanged If I don't think sometimes It might be better If you were to get out and try your hand somewhere elms.' " BOTHERSOME three-quarter- 1 i NERVOUS PROSTRATION It' Aberlglnee Continue to Be an Annoyance to Farmers Now Tilling the Soli. When Samuel Chsmplaln earned the by keeping a Journal aa ha aalled along the coast from tbe mouth of the St. Lawrence to Cspe Ann he recorded, among other things, the appearanca of the fields which the Indian women cultivated not far from the alte of the present town of Gloucester. Mass. Ha described, relates a writer, the .hoes esed by them, mede from the thellt of the horseshoe crth, a creature) which Interested him greatly, and he also told of the weeda which these women op with their primitive hoes, thus saving their corn, beans and quashes. Among the weeds he mentioned the purslane of which he saw enough and. If he could come back today and Inspect the rardena along the Maarhnctta shore he would find the a me weeds flourishing In the same old way and holding their own against tha most modern of farm Implements, More than that It would not be surprising If he found fields In which the weeds had gained the upper hand and ,had amothered the planted crop, whether of beans, squash or corn, and be could well he pardoned If he wondered that agriculture, after more than ISOO years, was still helpless sgalnt the weeds which he had fought In his sy. Hindoo Prince awd Missionaries. Never shall I forget a frank conversation which I had In hit palace with bis highness the gaekwar of tlsrods, relates a correspondent, tie told me of some of the measure which he bss already Introduced for the betterment of his subject and of the difficulties he had encountered. Ills for thing American Is so as to he almost naive, hut I think I was most of all Impressed when h ss'd: "I am thinking of calling together the missionaries and sk-In- g them to tell tn their views on how we can the quality of the native pri'hood. Then I want to call the prints together and say to them. "Look at the mttonarte. See the sacrifice they are making to help our Temple. Yon ohkM to go ont and do the same kind of work.'" Ill hielms bas already eBblihed a profeer-hiof comparative religions In the purBarods college for the epre pose of introducing the native relito other religions with a gions slew of trr, proving the quality of their p f Iwayt Around. "Rome say that Opportunity knock at everv man'a door. I o you agree to thatr "No do'iht ahont If. Knocks at your door, mall yon attractive literature, call yon on the telephone, and Mali ee op f h tune ditnr-o'- Compulsion. mnls- drlverf I m f.ecfcly a driver. Pat acmebody to tend an' feed 1m. He goes along an I J natcfny goiter ke'p cp wlX 'Ub or lose my Job.' tnnle eee-l- s ys three-quarter- Pests to the "Are yoii a s . WEEDS gratitude of succeeding generations TTJf 6 Often Result lit Absoluts Ruin of Pereont Who Are Inclined to Be Ambitious. Affliction SAME A r UHd Clf DtM., . 1 any-lwnl- y M 1 tne Skin Tortured Babies Sleep After Cuticura mt 2. s-- wlH-tievr- r d r OVERALLS' Keep Kids Kleen el. f w s-- - 1 ri s-- st - p''tt i, M tsry - t d HU.Lli" ed vo-nu- e i,ss. - nt |