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Show THE NEP1II. UTAH. TIMES-NEW- S. ALLIES DEMAND MORECEREALS American Meat Restrictions laxed to Effect Greater Re- Wheat Savings. ARGENTIME V ARRIVALS SHORT. Meat Supply Here Conalderabty Food Administration, larged However, Warr.a Against Waste. En- The a lllo a Imvu miule further ami ilcMiuuuU fur tln-Keulurtjed ilonuuuN lii'Ins chumcJ to Borne degree by bhurtuge in itrrlvals fruiu the Argi'Htiuo. It la, llurcfoiv, uecessury.for the U. S. Food Ailinlnin tratiuu to urge a mill further mlm-iinin the coi)Huiiiitlou ot bread and hreud Ktuffs generally If we ure to meet our eiort ueoessltiea. The Fcnd Admin-Uiratlo- Makes Such I iciiubfj GOODRICH NEWS BUREAU fck ' ' "jf i , In J000 UNITED STITES MARINES ON LIVING EMBLEM , L : " , '-- u hua Indued MICKIE SAYS J Sarvt vita Mull er setwsea Maais i ItTtrtft tsat satisfies evarv Ik fatticieae el mml reaaireatat a aa! Uit Uaf aae yet fM flsver tkat appcsls t tk karat U jeer Jester Jess aet carry G. BECCO-er- ier frees L Becker, Mfgr. OCDLX. PTAS. JOB PRINTING NEATLY DONE , l1 GOES AROON' SfWiN' HE "OOhT BELIEVE N OVEttTXSm" V Tea OlONtkEVEtt NOTICE "THE 1 NNHO S ALWAYS AfcKtN SAE OTHER STONE AO e CBACW..5UCH " AUTOS AINT CONV6 TO ThE'B-STAN JE6T PAS SIN' FAO " ITT Kept for Jnn-ice- . Choico white Chester IV)ar, and Jersey All Registered. I'.y Thomas iston. I'.ulls. r'!I. 1' 3 s! Facing a Big Question 3 1 'A 4 price are being made to meet the growing out of the war. Tka telephone business is governed Vy the same economic principles and is subjeet to the same conditions that private business except that ha charges for service cannot be raised or lowered overnight, like the price of agar, to correspond with fluctuating aosu. So that, while the costs of Ubor and aMatarial aatcring into the operation and maintenance of our plant and bus!-aafcava ineraaesd tremendouslv, mar have tasiiaiiiad practically r i aa coo-Ytlo- e4. This condition has resulted in a deficit In our net Income of $UH(X202 at the end of 1917. The operation of oar plant in Utah alone contributed to tale deficit $244,071.10, which amount. If proportionate to the balance of our territory, should have been only The big question which we are facing is to wipe out this deficit in order to maintain the plant at a point of reasonable efficiency and at the same time maintain the financial integrity of the Company. The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Co. JL, IBM. ALSi-i- aiJrLaa.sl--LiJi- .'4 1 1 ,41 A I 4 ,i. J i ItJZ TlAA SM-'- '!t The transportation hhorine before the government took over the railroads, theliad weather In January and early In 'February, the lare iierccnt-ag- e of Immature com In the last harvest and the necessity of feeding this coru aa rapidly aa oiMe to save It from decay, hove not only resulted tn backing up the bogson the fsnns for a longer period of feeding, but lune resulted In a great Increase in their average weight and will result, with Improved trans portatlon condition, which sir. .lv In largor than normal arrivals at market for the next two or three months. Th weight of hok's coming to the market fur the past two week Indicate an Increase In welL'hl of from an average of ipci Hund last year to the almost utiprn bnii-iiii'!. or a net inaverage of 1T.2 crease In their men! tnlim of over 15 a listiucl addition per cent. This to the nation's meat ;pply. It therefore now acein c rialn that we have uch enlarged supplies for at least imni months to come, i !m t we inn not to the nllle only Increase nvr to the full extent of their trun. portatlon facilities, tut at the name time can properly lticrcne our domestic consumption. , Tt. r sKtie of the public to our for redifed coniiinpiiti of meat during the past few iivnilt hn teen most grtif it,, end this nervlce alone hns enalih-.- l the oveniment dur Ing this prlHl 'n provide mh sup pile a trarjBjsinatlon to the allie permitted. The AdtnlnlstraMon !' augeet that In tho" par's of the country where the old faihnie I home prrwr I f!Vton of pork Is nilmn, this practice should be extended nt the n Ik mil rd)ve the Imr pretwrit time, den t!i n f rafiporitinti to and from the pa I. Ine hotisc and Is eeonomlcal-lwound as ir.g tTie cost of parking opors'lon and at th antne tltne will provide fioirn. siipf!ii s of (s.rlf to last over the tie nflis f . -- nn-d oi(plle The f"n.d AiTmPil 'ration le re to reix-a- f Ihn! If (! not vnnt to give the lrTipreo'"n ttst these are time when a'mpHrlf y and modern thn of living are rot critiettjr recesry, but fht If o!e deulre i to cijre an ad j.,a,i;r.(.( ,ptwen otir dlferent food 'ipi ii' and toe(t ef.qngtng conditions front tiiw to Mrie u to keep fhe ptib lie ft:j f t ffif i !v dil-of It. l e f j' v f f.nflilenre and ! i v. ' t rf It become tiec f-n- tr ! ' i' for sating will ?.) met I,. ioini r. fiiie aa to tba animal--particular- rrt J i $201,000. in order to adjust itself to the constantly rising costs of life's necessities. So adjustments and readjustments of for us nncftf light, tender biscuits hrftwn find an DUiieu UP For mother is sure nowaer vuiuhici lir She never disappoints us because with goodness! r t link-inr- CALUMET BAKING POWDER mm 1 her. never ... J adisappoints I LI. T)Ao..Ua aways the same thesfcr. Vf M Try tt. . -- Calumet conUini only such Ingre- - IVV dienU as have been approved officially by the U.S.Food Authorities. You Save When You Bay IL You Save When You Use It United States Tires arc Good Tires lea. 1 ee Since the beginning of the war decided economic changes have taken place. Prices of commodities have increased to meet the increased cost of their production. Labor has been forced to charge more for its services I treat that can't be beat in store ly The Real Meaning g of Economy Tire-buyin- d as M Any returns less than this wilt impair the usefulness of the enterprise from the standpoint of its relation to the public, destroy its credit and finally the end must be 6nancial disaster. Breakfast a ' A of any butinen rntcr private or .public, U depeadent upon two prime (actor: Firtt, It mutt fully serve the pur pot e for which It was established. Second, it snttst produce adequate revenues. To be sufficient, the revenues must cover all the necessary expenses attendant upon tae conduct of the business; they must cover the cost of upkeep of the property and must provide a reasonable return upon the capital the ttltuutlun In particularly the re sons which lend It, for the purpose of ceuterlug effort for the time being upon the cereal tmuutlou to relax teuiporurlly the rentrlcilona ou meat con8uuiptlon. Experience bliuus, this atatement aaya, that the coUMiiniption of bread-stuff- s Is Intimately associated with the consumption of meat, for various reasons our supplies of meat for the next two or three mouths are considerably enlarged, and we can supply the allies with all of the meat products which transportation facilities render possible and at the Kume time some-whIncrease our own consumption. In these circumstances the Food Administration considers It wise to relax the voluntary restrictions on meal consumption to some exieut with a view to further decreasing bread consumption. Conservation of fond must be to meet necessities from time to time, for neither production, iior allied demands are constant factors, nor can any of these factors be anticipated for long periods In advance In the disturbed conditions In which we at present live. While the world situation Is Dot one that warrunts any relaxation In the efforts to eliminate waste or to relax economy In food, the "Adcj'jils-tin- t Ion desires to Kecure better adjustment In food balances So long as the present conditions continue tho only special restriction we ask are the beelless and porkles Tuesday. Tim meatless meal and the porLleas Saturday are no longer The fanner nf the I 'tilted States are responding to the national cull to Increase hog production. Their Increase, to all appearance. Is being attained more rapidly. Of more Immediate importance, however, are seeral complex factors which have effected an Immediate Increase In meat sup-p- i for Ve're sure there s a . d fa THE Meccti either Ktuteuient Just let mother call, "Biscuits .a 11 . There are 2000 United States Marines in this photograph. Standing shoulder slioiilderjthey fonn the great living emblem of the Marines, whose slogan is "First to Fight." The photograph was taken on parade grounds of the Marines at Paris Island. S. C. It required mi hour and a half to perfect the formation. In the lower right hand corner may be seen tents of some of the Marino. I It 1 1 light,Tasty Biscuits si ,i 9 1 . ! '!' pat ! Your car must give greater service this yeir than ever before. It speeds up your work increases your working power. The highest car economy lies in utmost service. The most economical tires are those which will give you greatest use of your car. That's just what United States Tires will do for you. You can depend on them for continuous service, most mileage at lowest mileage cost. Equip with United States Tires. Our nearest Sales and Service Depot dealer will be glad to assist you in selection. United States Tubes and Tin Accessories w All ikt Strrlmf Wirth. mnd Wtar that Afsh United States Tires Sprtm. w eii' SCI1 V. t ..rs ' . |