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Show r LgiU blanks ot Kile at this ofi!c. U kiuu;iur Wa at tkii off Oarto VIM, VIGOR, VITALITY . are supplied and inerac! Ctlarn tm py Perfection lls lias Mrs. Minl through the u&e of oar resigned Floor sicks to tke offloe of the Foote'e t&0,000 to loan at 6 per cent, her position as clerk in Nepal Mill & U!g. Co. and get a fa a time store for nnd visiting T. Winn. C, latere!. aloe scfeftol bag. in Bait Lake 1ty. Mrs. Sell i in tbo near Cha. Andrews is down from will probably leave Sorenson's Spccla's. future for her old home in Eng ' Ine city on business. It U a Mif ct, product, mad juat h th- - in U(mI vv Peaches, 50 cents per bushel; land . feUV U Hl'ld brt llli'l".' It CWlH IlinW that! IM4 .V Tomatoes, 50c; Cantaloupos at ft know, wAt a olherit l"CJua lter U form A. hero J. Ilougaurd the samo old price; Plenty of i.d their win dinVmtOH in 'ry priH Oul House For Sale Gieap. Manti on a brief vhit. Parsnips, Onions and Carets at Hherrv gtwg liio our IWf, lrn nnd bent Four rooms, good collar, fihed, the usual price. All kinds of Win barn, coil shed, chicken coop. flowers. Look ov:t for my Celery For Carrots. Pickling and SSO..OO tcr Onions, call on I. C. Cadd. small orchard, city water and Crop it was never better. numerous other conveniences. A bran new hot blast beater Corner lot, 13 rods by 1G2 feet, Program. for salo at a barfruin. Apply at with water risht. The following program will be A Perfect Pa atom Pill. Mrs. (JKO. UAUBCHER. rendered Lorvttl'ou Notion at thin office. thi sfficc. by the Y. NL & . L i will 1 M. I. A. of the First Ward at the ttit thvs men to week We neglected last tliH livr i rrm v A thirty d lUr wood stove v.m. Ht Tabernacle next Sunday evening teni, League. Sporting; Nepht M'isk tion that . Hyde, Mayine atC:30 o'clock: pood as n w. for sale cheap. Ap :;.. i'...n.t xi i, iMir Last Mondav nitrht the twoi iliMOi).-has become to be as Current face whose tffiee. a ii d tat lo this at hh'I ply events, Leah McCune initial games of basket ball unfamiliar to tho customers of Souet, f.i'H ii liuln ,illg Alta Carter der the new league we o played; t jifn.li 'i, I v "''k y'fH.H.niib' and Richard Ilaynesimd family are Hyde & Whitm ore's store as the Reading, . Prof. B. F. Heaton one gentlemen's game and one .lle.iMDillv HfM .Vfin'H J.tf tlo here from Eureka to a tend the sin over the door, had resigned Interesting lectures will be ladies' game, and if we re to l !i of f funeral of Mr. Hiym's mother. her position to accept a similar given in each association. E.i'lv HiHHr, by th vay judge of the futi-r's one iu big store i I vr : Ul ilit . ,u All are respectfully invited to ere minaged and thegiuies Uht-nod lmv Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Voorhes at Salt Lake City. bo present. riuHen, wliil rij.. wo do not heit it in played, . Uiinr8 are evVm'rt Li tlri "were hern fro'n Manti the latter saying that there are lively H Wedreturned A. J. o week tho ild of tlie llyde.lr. 8 guest by all Dru. nily Mrs. Eliza Haynes. part times ahead for this winter. he where Eureka from D E nesday Mr. and Mrs orcuion. Tfre ladies' game between the lirs. Eliza Ilijnes, wife c was called' to tire bedside of his far! an sad Waites"and the "Blues" wusj ts wi:o has been suffering for Rislrd IJaja" Apples For Sa!c tttlr ci ins cirj, r.s3trd fcnay ey nteresting, beifcfc so close Choice wiut-- apples for sale several .veeks with appendicitis. ilmiiiiiiin' ilell Wednesday evening at that it was called a draw, and us that she is suddenly informs Mr. Hyde bushel. a, 13 ana 50 11 jkjv o'clock. Mrs. ll.ivnes was will therefore be again in rapidly improving, but that it seized with an apoplectic strok the near future. played K. II. 1SUOWN. will be some time yet before she :X abont E o'clock Wedu sday af Next Monday night two more lelcplioiie llcmpauy. Lost A ladies brown co.it will be able to return homd. ternoon and never recovered games are scheduled. The Court Finder will please deliver to Mrs consciousness. She was born House team, now on top. tire to within .nt mil of cVutrjl orB'ja. William Littley, an early set in London in 1827 and A. P. Jacobseuorle ivo at Foote's the Waterloo in The meet their immigratctuiHnv i twotubiiui; tucv. shape tier and one of Nephi's well store and oblige. 1 to fSU'ini lilies W i, lUHtrul ed to this country in 803. She of the Big Five. T eCuurd ure Cwlur citizens, died at Saltj Lake has resided jn No City, tleorjfe, phi since 1SG4, also billed to meet the Guard Jrs. and iotertaediat Scipio, okw, Get your Ice Cream, Cakes City Wednesday night of Kidney The funeral ervices will be hTANDlNO OK 1KM polOlA Candies and everything kept in trouble. The deceased w: s tak- held Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'SIho cnntf mitUtH line to Levas confi.'renee en while ill an won Confectioner v, ( er nl attending And Junb cwfieytini? witb tbt Ward Relief Vm j)l)eJ the at clock, youth ltlOO U 1 and continued to grow Worse Hall. Friends of tho llii Butchclor liros. nt Nephi hor to jhU-ufamily are C'iirl OOJ I U 1 (Jan-until the end. The remain will invited. au imporlabl center. Toll rat& are for 4. miautea tiai The fain ly of Mr. sad Mrs.' b brought down today fory bur and 1 op Known to l this chespwt U Oscar Lunt has increased dur ial. School Report. I United States the ' A new son Tt.tr fi!.-of est ! Knr n .' Hke Clmai'rit'vit 'ngtbapait weeic. phytic me rnul9 T?rap:Q about Tteph arrived a their homo on Sunday What's til 3 ue of Salt Lake roe'u for :h net ?a4t ag C:t. fun'n Stoionch antl r.ircr IVilets. tovrfis o"the jati eveaj- IT I?rif. For sal county officers going to the ex(If. S.) fixina l iUke, 1'lcftH.int, in eJict Mn:l ar.) morning. atKKJ'j e.(ficieat where. jut m 0 tiV all DriiitfUt. pense and trouble of procuring CJ;i rite I. Bntwn' roroom C 91. Cat!iero HaileyN lieuila on ti for prufic Cards have been issued this blood hounds and forming large .M.il Holliday W mom Affair. A Swell Kt 3 3 Thor pe's roui yrek. by Mr. und Mrs. Chas. A. posses for the purpose of chasconsocial event of tho week Tke and escaped Hall announcing the marriage of ing fugitives Myrti Uiitr- roieu 7 7 was a party given on Wednesday their daughter Selena, to Rich- victs? Let the governor put up Oliver ChrlKtihriwn'- rtnmi Aiiti 17 ro.m SurcoouN the a little and farmers reward, evening by Miss Nina G rover in ard Sud weeks on the 22nd inst. fC A. ;'urif Sjwrry'fi rjitu will do the rest. Why wouldn't honor of the teachers of the pub W. VcUr' ij.,nV, Th.. a well to run for schools. bo farmer lie Liwrenre Hlacketl'. rmm lill Huntington & lUgley, tho well it The evening was spent" imong 11 1 II. Prtrsoo'rf rotui Ul known phoUigraphers of Spring-viUe- . sheriff caxt trip? . ChrihtUoM-iTsr room the authors." ia which there I'rof. Hin will be here today and will Train Service. .1 , Hotch-kissreivM ihe star. Unt Mr. At New Kffeet Dr. ergon, were contests and prizes Ira Morris, of remain only one week. Be sure 1PO0. Nov. lo 8ih, n nn. aa.l "lv the cose 0f u,e s.cond contest Pn.f, .If Colo., has purchased the MiMSrri((on ttao m FoU LU!!y and fee their work; it is tho best HuaAa; rn ccpt l. .7 pr c it iMfhliKi tun ittAif. A. in to the Dr. of escorted Booth were J. tho practice guests ever displayed in tho city. k Nnmlr urullE:ij Hi cl'W-- f 3rd this city and vill locate here II F. IIKATOS, dining room where an elemt Ooirc Nrna een of next month the first about ma DKitktEaf.t. spreid Chas. E. Stong, our local phoprepira. rn.il. In. frrBi c.n when the Latter takes his deparanother gue-iathe table wife returned and tographer, .tlntl I.ovA for the mission Held, Dr. letter. Ar. L. jtest took plicc and was k.rpt up I 3 rr lsteyenicg from Bingliarn. Mr. ture Morecl etatu WomM was was man from if not the inner Morris alit;ed. graduated iju yon'rp until the Strong informs us that he will 4X.0 t I3t Ar. Urtl L remain at Lome for some tiino rental department of the Unt- lo(kiu for h na run teed 8:ilvo lorj It was an unusually Uto hoar is arf rhrM the for rMTe of crowd California r Hums Otto tho rhiCorifMioy in lSOt, Sor, depaitel Til. now end that ho will have hU j versity IKld,jwhcn IT at pleawra. out to of Ponder, Mo, rite "I mftVred their respective places of abode rallery o;n and reviyfor jJUsi. when l,o immediately net no nas with an uly for a yar, but aland it was unanimously docidi I pracnco nis proiessicn. I'm. (lo'I Mcs-2rin the morning. had six yearn of good Lard prac- box of DucklVti'- - Arnic-- i ffulv , that Miss Orover's party was a ft. K. HHnnf.f curd me. Ii'm th b.t ?al oh swell affair. -FftrU CVrtffoat of nl) Idol t iht tice, and comes well I. P. A P. l ni o. Wnflf A PARTICIPANT. tfijoc, at Hjlt Lake I'r.c'-- . early. 25o hi til Dni?gi-tn- . Beef, Iron and Wine, Concentrated Beef Extract, Etc. i. tfo-nf- c 'n. Per Bottlo. Prioo, Sparks Bros., Leading Pharmacists th-o- nfl r. X e Kvith-Obrien- . d -- kkv r to-d- o i'aro-wii- up-to-dat- e 1 j . oiftk.-Neb- l - or V-- Ui-- - SAN PFri5 - VALLEY RAILWAY : rt . ? I w.-- f I I I M-- ol iritj-rn-- . i - tltne-car- d j , Don't Forget oooo That we have tho finest lino of Stylish Dress Goods in town. Also a splendid lino of Ladies' and Misse3 Jackets and Ladies Skirts. In fact, our lines are all exceptionally strong this season and prices are rfoht. Our Motto Up-to-d- ate is, strictly enc price to all, without czecptions. When yen pay u3 for a bill c? you have the satisfaction of knowing that the price is the lowest &at reliable merchandise am fcc bought at, and rsds that every one is paying the same as you are. This impartial d method ot dealing deseres the indorsement ct ail they have had the unpleasant experience of being diserirrwutcJ aa'mst. Gic us a cill. We fair-mind- persons, crprcially if can save you money (i i 3 "is, hr?5 i TT5 cTA ry i ooteam & Sons KOYA1, BI.UIC RU3;ii:US the boHt. Ash lor 1 If Miom. Q I |